Billion dollar company

>billion dollar company
>can't handle traffic for shit

Attached: 1542627470814.png (1106x540, 633K)

Blizz devs are just bad.
Look at how much you are getting paid while living in one of the most expensive city in CA.

Why would they use money on good product when it's bought anyways? Gamers are the most sheeple group of consumer that has ever walked this Earth and they always will be.

It's not that they can't; it's that the drones will happily line up to eat shit so they don't need to.

This is obviously a ploy to make you play bfa

>implying they aren't capping that artificially
Classic is just cartmanland

>hype up release of game
>get all twitchfaggots to stream your game
>game understandably gets a ton of hype
>servers can't handle it
>wooooooooooooooow dude nothing I could do how was I supposed to know people would play it so much???

fuck WoW btw, OSRS every day baby.

Do they kick you for being afk? Imagine coming home in the evening and realizing you're half an hour late.

Yes but people use scripts to nudge themselves so they don't get kicked.

Tell me about these scripts, user.

Attached: PSX_20190828_014433.jpg (720x793, 86K)

Ive never played wow until today and it was terrible.
>5 hour queue
>no direction for quests
>cant equip items im a paladin but i cant use a sword or an axe?
>fuck huge spread on everything for no fucking reason
>every base and vendor is in nonsensical places and absurdly spread apart
>no markers to tell you where anything else
>finish a quest
>no quests
>takes fucking 12 minutes to walk to a quest area
>have to fucking walk 12 minutes back to turn it in
>if you die you have to walk 12 minutes back to your body
>turned in a quest when i was lvl 6 and i fought lvl 9 monsters
>got a +15 gauntlet when mine was +45

I had high hopes seeing as everyone supposedly loved this game and I never played it because I was poor.
I did play Phantasy Star Online which I loved and thought was awesome and I was expecting a similar experience, but man was I fucking disappointed.
I lost a lot of respect for my friends today who wouldnt shut up about this shit as if it was some great thing, but it was some korean dogshit perfect world reskinned with warcraft characters.

They dont give a shit, blizzdrones are going to swallow every quantity of shit they are going to give them. So why even care? They think high queue times its "just like the old days" so why even bother.

>actually paying a monthly subscription to blizzard for a decade old game
>expecting to be treated with quality service like a valued customer


>no direction for quests
stopped reading here, you tried to hard

I find it funny how eve online has been around about the same amount of time yet has been very consistent
Not massively popular, but at a respectable steady low-key pooularity

>cant equip items
In a game where you start with two skills of the dozens you will ultimately have, you expect to be able to just use all weapons immediately?
>no markers to tell you where anything [else]
Most zones have signposts at junctions.
Pretty much every town has a quest to send you to the next town for more quests. There are breadcrumbs and back and forth all over the damn place to ensure you find shit. God forbid you explore a little to reach the transition to another zone and have to run away from level ?? rapemonsters as in the ancient bulwark bears meme.

>got a +15 gauntlet when mine was +45

>implying they're not purposely leaving the queues long despite having the resources to deal with them so that you go around bitching about the queues while providing free marketing

>everyone freaking the fuck out about layers splitting the playerbase and causing buggy bullshit
>it hardly even gets applied so there's hugeass lines everywhere

Did you ever think maybe they're a billion dollar company because they don't put extra money on more servers because their consumers are absolute cucks who'll take any abuse like subscription fees and microtransactions anyway?

Why should they?Retards will pay to get treated like that I'm glad Blizzard is milking these idiots.

>Have servers clogged for a week or so on release
>Make a bunch of new servers that will be empty once the initial hype dies down

>posting facebook memes

Attached: 729a1e4d.png (201x249, 59K)

From the fact that they did make more servers during reservations, it's clear that they have an estimate for retention and could easily pre-plan multiple branches of the same 'server' that are announced to merge in the future after players leave. This is especially true given the availability of cloud computing and the fact that they are already splitting players into layers anyway. Just give players the option to queue for a specific sub-server or autojoin the shortest queue.

Not him but Method is having one fat dude walking around the pc pressing jump while they're sleeping.

maybe he'll lose some weight from walking around that much

You retards don't have to roll on a server with a 20 hour queue. They literally warned you multiple times

all the servers were full on launch, what they should do is give people free realm transfers to make people move to the servers they put up after launch

You can't expect zoomers to think about the consequences of their actions.

if you've gotten to that screen, they already have your money. they couldn't care less about how many hours you have to wait to be able to play your generic meta following human/troll rogue or human/orc warrior

Attached: 154805696.gif (240x240, 1.63M)

Oceanic region had literally ONE fucking pvp server at launch, they only added more post-launch after everyone had already invested into the only server

Blizzard fucked up, stop being a boot licker

Isn't it free up until lvl 20?

But I must be in the realm of my favorite streamer to be seen in his streams!

Really wish we could link professions in chat.
I know it's not 'vanilla', but it really should be.

Honestly I wouldn't play without the fee, it filters too many poorfags and kids.

>baaaaaaw queues are bad!
It's just like vanilla. Go back to retail if you can't handle it.

There's a reason retail doesn't have queue's user

For retail, not classic.


Attached: classic 5 am.png (3360x1080, 1.25M)

why do you US fags get so many servers reee

you might want to look up how public companies work. The "billion dollars" are usually soaked up by shareholders.

Are you a fellow Arugal cuck like me

people like this is why WoW turned to absolutely shit. have you ever worked for anything in your life zoomie?

Why would they put in more than minimum effort when people will buy the games regardless? Same shit that's happening to Pokemon right now.

Attached: 1retail5am.png (3360x1080, 1.26M)

>im a paladin

They use modern technology that has no place in vanilla.
Fuck, I hate retailfags


Attached: 1563954994527.gif (444x250, 3.04M)

>MFW Blaumeux chad
>Enough people to where I can go on have fun and interact, longest queue ive seen was no more than an hour for it

>paying for WoW when City of Heroes is completely free


>Get home from work
>Try to log in
>Bed time will pass before i even get in
Are people cheesing this by hanging around in stockades, pretty sure they did that during one of the releases. Kinda hope they'd ramp up the kick for afk's (like PoE does) but what're you gonna do.

>expect huge number of players
>"well guys we're opening new servs, we strongly recommend people to go to them if they don't want to queue"
>still go to main serv
>get queue

Attached: pZ5199q.jpg (500x500, 109K)

They do kick for afk. Developing an algorithm to detect afk that won't generate false positives is nontrivial.

>Have what is obviously not enough servers for such a hyped launch in the first place
>People get invested in their servers, create guilds, have friends, level up etc
>Only add new servers are this fact
>Retard anime posters like you don't understand why people don't want to re-roll on new servers

We're you expecting a animefag gamer to understand the concept of friendship and investment?


>we're opening new servs, we strongly recommend people to go to them if they don't want to queue
You absolute fucking mongoloid, realms are not servers. It's not as if every realm is on its own separate physical server. The entire thing is run on datacenters with virtual machines they can expand and contract as they want. If a single realm is fucked, the entire thing is fucked. They don't literally install a new computer when they open a new realm, it's all still running on the same hardware. You ignorant motherfuckers.

Attached: 1536255068506.png (487x410, 211K)

>actiblizz add a shitton of server
>game is dead after a week

So what other option? You want servs with 100k limit pop? Are you fucking dumb?

>hurr durr anime
fuck off this site trash

is there a way to check the population of servers?
i'm woried i've rolled on a dead one

Not him but
>playing a fucking video game to work
It's a toy, it's for leisure and relaxation. I work in real life and I'm not some fat dweeb who needs to have electronic toy cheevos to cope with the fact that I don't get shit done irl. Basically you're just a faggot and also retarded.

Holy fuck how do you have these many servers and how are they all fucking full?

but... you just summed the whole "Classic" experience

are you not entertained?

>Are you fucking dumb?
Are you, you fucking weeb knuckle dragger?

Either have more servers at launch (this was the obvious choice), or since it's too late for that now - add new realms and offer free transfers to lighten the loads. If population drops in the future and population becomes too thin, do merges. Do you expect guilds who have been planning months in advance to re-roll on another server because Blizzard asked "pretty please" you dumb cunt?

Just Blizzard that can't accept that players are right so they intentionally sabotage the release so they can say "See! We told you you didn't want to!"

>add new realms and offer free transfers to lighten the loads
that's exactly what they did and what they're planning to do, and that's why your complaining is fucking stupid

>is a dumbass
>chose alliance
every time

Tried the game. Dropped it in a matter of hours when it became clear to me how heavily distorted people's opinions of it were. The pacing is way to slow, the gameplay is repetitive, and it is filled with archaic design elements that have been phased out of modern mmos for good reasons. The only refreshing part of it is the lack of handholding, as you basically have to figure shit out on your own. So the feeling of exploring the world and learning is nice, or at least it would be if the world wasn't so empty. As a result I just realized that this wasnt a world worth exploring and dropped it. Oh and the class system is trash.
If you are an old classic player I get it, nostalgia is fun, but this game offers nothing to a modern mmo player looking for something new.

Blizzard built enough servers to accommodate the amount of people who will be playing the game a month from now.

Wow, after reading your post, my queue just jumped to the front! I don't know what we were all so annoyed about! After all, they're only a multi-billion dollar company we all pay money too, we can't expect too much :)

Maybe all those who had plans months in advance to play with their guilds & friends who have spent money will see it in the heart to forgive them for their wonderful launch

Touched a nerve, didn't he?

>offers nothing to a modern mmo player looking for something new

Attached: 1420398185691.jpg (443x376, 44K)

What I'm saying is that you can't blame blizzard, they did what had to be done, blame the fucking tourists who will stop playing in a week but still take up 50% of the slots

>medium server
>queue of only 2000 or so during peak hours
>comfy no queue during early morning, afternoon and late evening
>meanwhile, stream chasers sitting in 20000 queues because they just have to be on the biggest, bestest server
no sympathy. also, this shit won't last more than a week or two, so stop your crying and just wait.

Attached: 1550177841557.png (666x463, 275K)

Company is literally ran by fresh hires and interns who don't know the inner workings, and everyone who was worth a damn left already. Dig deep and look it up, Blizz is literally in damage control mode.

>What I'm saying is that you can't blame blizzard
Tell that the Oceanic folk. They had a single pvp server at launch (this is intended to cover the entirety of Australia and NZ), anyone with a room temperature IQ could see that was going to end badly. Now they have massive queue's because they waited well into post-launch before adding more. Blizzard is absolutely to blame.

Its a few days of high traffic. Would be stupid to waste money spinning up more servers for the high costs.

Reward without working towards it has no meaning and isn't satisfying. Only apes are satisfied by it (the kind that play gacha or mobage)

You're all wrong.

They want the game to fail. They hated the unofficial classic servers. They hate that people cling to the older version of the game. They want people to want to play the current version. So they intentionally make the experience of the classic server bad so people can see just how supposedly better current WoW is.

WoW was a 0/10 game the day it came out. People like you are the reason why mmos aren't mmos any more.

A grinding game designed to keep you playing as long possible for that sub money makes it even longer with queues. Imagine my surprise. Blizzdrones, not even once.

>"we're adding layers to help with the queue issue and massive amounts of players sitting in one area at launch"
>blizzard still adds some layers

I know, they did the same with french servs and that's where I'm playing. Except again, when the tourist wave dies off the newly opened realms will be empty. And merging isn't so simple, you have the name problem

>months before release
>always ask my friends on Discord who wants to play Classic with me
>"Sorry user nobody cares about Classic, remember when you had to WALK to your destination... dead game..."
>Ok nevermind
>game launch
>roll on medium sized server to avoid cancerous mega server, everything is fine
>join friend discord
>"hey guys what are you do..."
>"Perhaps you guys should join my medium sized serv...."

Guess I'll make new friends in game.

Welcome to every MMO ever. Every last one is like this the first couple days at least.
Not a single company wants to shell out for enough resources to exceed projected demand. They just let the customer get fucked and ramp up as it goes.

This. They employed a similar strategy with Overwatch

>Have name reservations as an option
>Tell everyone to go to another server when they fuck up their own launch

Make sure to thank them for the meal next time they shit down your throat, user!

This happens with every heavily anticipated game/release because the loss of revenue due to angry customers is neglible compared to the costs of server capacity that could handle the initial burst.

It is what it is.

Attached: 1494149624489.png (594x598, 497K)

It offers a community and social interaction.

its a worthwhile point when you consider that there are people out there swearing up and down that this is 'peak mmo design' and genuinely saying its the best mmo available right now.
They aren't out there saying 'yea its just a fun ride through nostalgia lane'.
If I went to the classic general (I'm assuming there is one) and asked whether this game is worth playing as a new player with no wow experience, what do you think they would tell me?

>install game
>intro cinematic doesn't play

lol remember when this company used to be good? Fucking rejects

Attached: 1566186880909.jpg (700x368, 56K)

Social interaction with one of the worst communities that has ever existed in gaming?

Names are (apparently) reserved network-wide, it's not per server, but that's just what I read.

its like when the wii was new

being unable to buy it / play it makes people want it more

I like to think this is b8, but I know the eternal blizzdrone is actually mentally ill.

To add, perhaps its just within a particular region.

Literall subhuman IQ which cant function at his own, look at this shit.

>muh name
keep queue sitting, nigger

>Blizzard adds layers instead of new servers
>It doesn't solve anything

>"Why does full servers have long queue times?"
>"No I don't wanna switch realms. I joined a pro-left LGBTQ guild on this realm."

Attached: 1566234644666.png (484x505, 96K)

>>It doesn't solve anything
that's funny because my experience was very smooth and no issues with overcrowding, d/c or long queues.

maybe take asmongold's dick out of your mouth and move to another realm.


>why does every server have long queue times
>why did Blizzard only start with 10 servers
shit devs, cant even release their own 15 year old game that could run on a pentium 4

>paying money to sit in 5 hour long queue and not actually play the game
yes, you continue to slurp it down

>works on my machine :^)

I want to play on firemaw too

>"It's completely excusable to have this multi-billion dollar company fail a launch of a 15 year old game because I don't have friends and "I" re-rolled!"

Keep packing it in user, maybe have some pepto-bismol if the brown goodness starts to repeat on you! Imagine being this much of a blizzcuck.

blame the players, there are enough servers up now to play without queues but everyone refuses to leave their initial server.
But everyone seems to forget how small vanilla servers were, you can't all the top EU guilds and their fanboys to play in the same server


>But everyone seems to forget how small vanilla servers were
But the server caps are higher now than original vanilla.

why would they "fix" this ?
it's advertisement, it will last for a few days in order to get the word out: "servers are overloaded = it means the game is OVERpopulated when the game had a 12 millions peak = it has EVEN MORE players wow ! better sub otherwise I'll miss out!"
then every server will handle connexion just fine

>the game is SO GOOD people are literally virtually lining up to play it!
Yeah tell the marketing team you wanna fix it and see what they say goober

>blame the players
This is your brain on bean milk


Attached: 13b.gif (931x682, 426K)

People dont want that bfa tier shit.

>guildmates start talking about wives

Attached: 1549204776408.jpg (570x479, 21K)

>lmao nice layering fags, "just like you remember it"
1 release later
>lmao fags why dont you just add more layering

yeah thanks to layering they can double the population cap, now imagine how bad the queues would get once they remove layering and each server ends.
Top EU servers currently reach 18k-20k queues, that's enough people to fill 5 servers, and that's just on the queue, only blizzard knows how many people are actually in.
Even if the queues get better once they remove the layering you'll be stuck again with 5k queues or whatever number of players layering added

Blizzard fucked up at release with so few servers and by not announcing new servers a day or 2 before they go online so guilds and communities can actually organize themselves and make the move.
Most of this mess is their own fault but blamming blizzard is a nonstarter, you're still stuck on your 20k queue posting angry rants on their forums.

I hate to admit it, but right now the layering seems pretty solid. However they still dropped the ball with the amount of realms they started out with.

That second pvp server (Yojamba) has an hour que right now, fuck

The people who made the foundation of everything blizzard runs left the company years ago and everything has been on maintainence mode by overpaid interns.

Fuck you talking about Overwatch didn't have any queues at launch?

Been in Arugal queue for 5 hours, still at spot 1400~

Oceanic launch was beyond a joke

>you expect to be able to just use all weapons immediately?
why not?

>hihi bought myself a new skin in this fps where i dont even see it
>worth it
>>But...but... my micro transactions are bad
Gamers are spineless cucks and man children

But eve online is shit

>make a ton of servers so there are no queues
>people stop playing en masse after a month like it always happens
>now you're left with half empty servers, half servers with middling populations and you have to fix that mess by merging
>make servers forecasting the average population the game will have after stabilizing
>suffer through some days with excessive queues

If you're still undecided, you should know that each server costs money.

See and then kys

The gameplay is far more in-depth that WoW Classic and community is an even bigger part of it. That however is also a downside, as everyone flocks to one or two major groups and nothing ever happens in nulsec. At least that was how it was when I quit.

Why are you playing an MMO when you clearly want to be playing a linear single player RPG?

Blizzard has never, and will never, launch any online game smoothly
WoW's original launch was a fucking mess too when they had 100k+ players in under a month when they only expected to have that much after a year

You fucking imbecile, even if they're not literal servers they have to expand the capabilities of a machine to add new realms, and that increases the cost.

Why do fucks talk about shit they know nothing about?

I stopped playing because of queues. Fuck them. I even made a new character on a less populated server and now that's full in primetime too.
I'm not waiting 1 to 3 hours every time I want to play.

wagie wagie
get in cagie

jUsT rOlL oN lOw PoPuLaTiOn SeRvErs GuYzZz!!
>roll on a low pop server
>they let every other chucklefuck do the same thing
>becomes a high pop server overnight

Geniuses over there at Blizzard.

If they don't already have an infrastructure that can manage this kind of traffic, then they're completely incompetent. The amount of realms are completely and utterly inconsequential.

Do you guys just not know anything about startup demand?

There will be a fraction of players online at one time within a couple of weeks (or even days) so investing in the capability to handle maximum traffic is a waste of money with no return.

These are all retards playing a game on launch in 2019, what do you expect?

Eve is shit because its not even a game (anymore?)

>If they don't already have an infrastructure that can manage this kind of traffic, then they're completely incompetent.
Read my post again retard There's literally no point in oversizing your infrastructure for a puntual bottleneck. People are going to leave en masse for the following weeks.
People that are going to keep playing Classic will not stop playing because of this. People that can't stand this but like Classic will stop playing and get back in some months. And people that will abandon Classic for good would've done that regardless of the queues.

they're all full, you idiot

I was in the queue on Herod for 6 hours last night and still only made it to 3800th in line before I went to bed. Played some other shit while I waited but yeah. My friend doesn't work tuesdays or wednesdays and he's blown way past me now, we did both get to Lv12 Monday night but I haven't been able to get online since
Basicly wagies like me aren't gonna get to play until this calms down.

Like it has been said countless times in this thread, they don't have to fly out and physically plop down a fucking server to meet demands. If Blizzard weren't incompetent (pro tip, they are), the VM's allow dynamic sizing so that they can increase or decrease caps and realm count as needed, and even offer free transfers for the completely-fucked realms. All the boot lickers in this thread are acting like Blizzard hasn't been doing this for over a decade and it was just an inevitable consequence of the influx of players at launch. It was completely avoidable, and anyone who has actually worked in IT would know that instead of faggots just spamming shit they know nothing about.

You're just a retard misreading what people are saying.

Of course this is avoidable, no one said so. From a business perspective it's not worth to avoid, which is why Blizzard has been having this issue with every expansion launch.

I know that you think that you, the 30yo NEET that lives in his mom basement and is exciting to play the same 15 yo game he played when he still thought he had a future, is smarter than the tech team at Blizzard, that has been having the same problem for decades now but they can't seem to figure out the solution you so elegantly put together, but you are not.

They know very well why this happens, they know very well how could they fix it, and they knew it beforehand, but they still didn't do it because it wasn't worth it.

I work in system administrations. There is literally zero reason outside of pure greed for a company the size of Activision Blizzard to have 5 hour queues to log into this 15 year old game. The amount of data you can manage, and the options you have when it comes to server management today is fucking titanic.

>rake in 15 dollars a month from millions of players over 20 years for muh servers
>servers still shit

WoW isn't a game either, it's a queue simulator.

There was a 6k queue on my server and it wasn’t busy at all when I got in

>Not just using an auto clicker and staying logged in.

You must be a terrible planner if you plan your infrastructure for a one-in-a-time bottleneck.

Do you think mobile data infrastructure planners are also incompetent because on New's Year in big cities phone lines get constantly overwhelmed?

>m-muh greed
They're a business you commie, you don't like it don't pay.

you realize they don't have infinite servers right? They can only scale up their virtual machines until the hardware is saturated.

To surpass that they need to either buy more hardware or rent virtual machine time from someone else (e.g. Amazon) which costs money, with little chance of return on investment.

>7:30pm get into the Queue

Jesus Christ this is crap. Need more aussie servers.

Attached: 1566377975758.png (544x546, 368K)

>just set up some script to move you around bro
>[SERVER] Shutdown in 15:00
what now you fucks

How do you not get banned?

you kill yourself for giving blizzard money

that changes nothing, vanilla realms held about 3k players online max you can't just increase that tenfold without layering because then nobody can get anything done, outside of instances, and layering is disappearing in a couple months hopefully
What do you think is going to happen on full servers with 20k queues when the realm goes from lets say 12k players with layering down to 3-5k without it?

Even if most of the queue problems will disappear after half the population fucks off back to retail or drops the game you're still facing +15k queues
One way or another the playerbase needs to spread more among the servers.
I think if blizzard was more direct and told everyone they're going to merge all the servers bellow a certain amount of players everyone would jump server to avoid the queues and not end up afraid his character is going to end up in a dead server

>$15 per month for a game thats over a decade old
>Can't even get the servers right
Why is nobody pointing out how utterly greedy Blizzard is? Charging this much money for a game this old is fucking ridiculous. What's their fucking excuse for not just making it $60 like every other game without needing a subscription?

They knew they would have this many players. The fact that they chose not to accomodate proves either incompetence of self-sabotage on their part.

They should've had far more realms for people to reserve their names on.

>doing clunky ass Ragefire Chasm runs with randies
>first time we literally wiped FOUR fucking times
>every other group was much better
>a few runs ago the healer fell into lava and died, and we had to wait for them to spirit run back
>i offer to make the guys some linen bags if they have the materials in case they don't have all four slots full
>make some fuckin linen bags like a production machine
>we're just chatting shit at this point
>some guy gives me a boe green belt with int on it, nice
>we go on to run RFC like 4 more times together
>end up joining their guild
>made more friends in a night than I have in years playing FFXIV and retail wow
all because we were forced into a tedious moment by the clunky old game design

Like talking to a fucking wall.

Yes it is. You are incredibly dense.

I'm actually level 18 on HEROD, if you are so fucking stupid that you don't know how to avoid queues it's your own fault.
And I even work 10 hours a day, so you dumb neets have no excuse.

Attached: howcute.jpg (687x1006, 59K)

Competent planners acknowledge coming peaks and rent more servers accordingly

>tfw not made any proper friends yet but always surprise people that party to help me with quests by giving them some health and armour pots I've been making for alchemy
Feels great every time they get shocked someone's actually interacting with them instead of just running through the theme park.

>everyone supposedly loved this game
If you really bothered to ask anyone who actually played classic on release they would have told you it was a massive pain in the ass.

Cause when the pc master race talks about all their exclusives, this is the game they're talking about

>Blizzard BTFOing the stinky neets who wakeup at 1pm by requiring you to wakeup at a reasonable time in order to play the game

lol what
I have 3 friends who play since launch and they all love vanilla.

tfw Blizzdrones are back in full force

Attached: blizzarddefenseforce.jpg (1909x1590, 428K)

they know people will drop in 2-3 weeks so no reason to upscale a system that will be empty soon

The face of Wrath babies

Too bad most of this board isn’t old enough to remember how abysmal the ffxiv arr launch was

Attached: 07C5BA6D-4C41-4F40-BC17-074D439F9B03.jpg (640x482, 108K)


They've done it every single expansion as well as Overwatch. It's a business strategy.

What do you mean?


>It's a business strategy
Explain. How is it good business for people to not be able to play and then lose interest?

That's what they told you, but they lied.

Blizzard doesn't want people playing vanilla.

Why make 100 servers and waste all that money when they're only going to need 3 servers in about 2 months? That's bad business. Get back in line, hamster. The wheel will be available in 488 minutes.

>have to pay a subscription fee for game
>literally having your money stolen from you by blizzard as your subscription ticks down while you queue every day

have a good day man

Yes and no.
They just want people to pay for it.
Wow is just a microtransaction machine with an rpg underneath it.

"the retail cuck meltdown"

Just use one that randomly right clicks every 2-7 minutes?

They actually shut down character creation for people who were paying monthly subs to curb the rate of logins. I knew people that weren’t allowed to make a character for 3 weeks. If you got in, you had chances of getting kicked for new players every hour

Because they know people will stop playing in 2 months

They know the game will be dead in 2 weeks, just like every single person with a triple digit iq.

Attached: 149995678994.jpg (650x494, 48K)

Do triple digit IQ people masturbate to anime girls too?

Waited 4 hours now, 11 more to go.
Best game.

Attached: Namnlös.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)

Wow, didn't know people were this hyped up for ARR.
Sounds worse than what happened with Shadowbringers, but probably only because servers/server load were shittier then than today

Well everyone said it was all just nostalgia and would be dead in a week why would blizzard bother spending money on it?

They should've just made a number of servers at least equal to the current number of online private serverd desu

>He rolled elsewhere to dodge herod queue
Enjoy ur dead server in a month. 0 Herod queue right now.

Attached: dead servers.png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

All. Of. The. Servers. Are. Full.

I really hope this is bait

Those medium pops were confirmed to be bugged and still had queues.

>0 Herod queue right now.
Because it's only 8AM EST right now. Also did you not reading blizzards post about the population measurements? Faerlina and Herod are so overpopulated that it skews the algorithm and makes the other servers look like they are low pop despite even some low and medium pop servers having queues. Stupid nigger enjoy your overcrowded meme realm.

>Those medium pops were confirmed to be bugged and still had queues.
They aren't bugged per se it's just that Herod/Faerlina are so ridiculously overcrowded it's fucking with the algorithm because it calculates relative to other server populations.

most of them are liars just jumping on hypetrain

Just play on a PvE server

>just play on a server that nullifies all the strengths of Vanilla WoW

it wouldnt be a vanilla experience if you had servers withj thousands of players.

at the same time blizz doesnt want to open up new servers because they would inevitable become ghost servers when people leave classic again in 2-3 months.

the issue is blizz not wanting to admit that some servers are ghost servers and being extremely afraid of merging them with other servers when player counts decrease.

just like in retail.

No don't do this, don't you want to enjoy a server-wide PvP event every 5 months and get ganked for an hour on average each day in between?

>Faerlina and Herod are so overpopulated that it skews the algorithm and makes the other servers look like they are low pop
you are a fucking retard believing this

Half the realms in that listing were only added after launch when Blizz realized they fucked it up, again.

because they kept the player numbers limited to the 2004 player limit/ server to keep the experience vanilla. they publicly said that.

>you want it but you don't really want it
wrong add more servers

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-28 Medium pop still has login queue.png (968x452, 309K)

le old clasic barren world the experience i'm right boomerbro?

1,2,3,4, 5 - reroll on another not full server
6,7,8, 9, 0 - suck it up and better prepare for the next day or change sleeping schedule

No, this is GOOD. If anything I want them to remove that pussy ass layering, but it can't be helped.

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>playing MMORPGs
>playing WoW
>playing a 20 year old build of WoW
Imagine falling for the Blizzard meme this hard
Really disappointed to see how many people of Yea Forums are into this trash, really shows how the taste on this board has deteriorated

they masturbate to anime girls (male)

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>triple digit IQ surely is high

nigger they upped it from that

Paying £120 a year for a game they bought 15 years ago but don't actually own

the lack of hand holding and dumb markers made the game much better and i never played vanilla/bc/wotlk so this ain't some nostalgia trip, if you can't follow the directions from the text you're literally braindead

No actually I'm a NEET with standards.
I'd rather actually be playing a game than constantly having to check some fucking queue. Enjoy the $15 bucks bliz. That's all you're getting from me.

Ill play this trash in 1 month when the servers are stable and people here are shitposting which server is objectively best. Ill join then, I played 3 private server launches and have multiple 60s. Im not missing much skipping out on this shit.

Literally wrong. They've said multiple times the "medium" size of now is far more than the original "full" cap


>playing in a dead server

blizzdrones being blizzdrones

There are servers for everyone that are actually empty enough.

Kirtonos is a PvP EST with like only 500 queue at most.

but in 1 month when the hype dies they'll be the first to reach ghosttown status!

They'll start merging realms when they become too lowly populated, as was their plan from the start.

No it is a marketing move, dumbfucks

but that'll happen too late, just like it did on retail
and it won't fix shit, only make it worse

If I had to guess, I'd imagine that it makes it seem more popular than it is. If Classic was the first time they didn't do it, people might've said that it was unsuccessful.
It also takes less of a toll on servers. Better than overshooting and having too many servers.

BASED and nostalgia fags btfo

I put my first talents into cruelty and booming voice did I already fuck up?

Either Blizzard is too retarded to understand how mant people wanted this or they did this intentionally to make Classic WoW look like it has much more traffic than it already does.

Why not be able to use all abilities straight away?

You should take Unbridled Wrath instead of Booming Voice

It's part of the old-school experience, you dofus.

They're monitoring it closely this time, because they're expecting to have to merge realms from the start.

I put my first talent points into Improved Corruption, how did I do

I don't work just to later come home and do more work in a fucking video game.
This is why so many guilds are shit, they want you to farm gold for repairs and attend weekly raids or you get kicked, like what the fuck, do i look like i don't have better things to do with my life?

>my friend had to wait three hours to join Mograine

Are you for fucking real, Blizzard

Sounds to me like you hate COMMUNITY and SOCIALIZING.

what level you at, bros?
15 here, taking it slow and exploring the world

12, still wagecucking for an hour, then gotta commute home for an hour and half and THEN I GET TO BE IN THE QUEUE FOR 7 HOURS AGAIN, YEEEHAW

They thought they could but they couldn't.

Ok honestly, I kinda miss the quest markers

There's only a handful of quests with really cryptic/incorrect directions.


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how did you know

what's the queue like on ZT?
I was thinking of moving there

>Only three
Nigga I have been waiting 5 hours.

I think he means quests appearing on the minimap
I kinda missed them too, but it's nice that you have to explore the world to find where the quests are

I've been in queue on Gehnnas for 3 hours and I only just passed the 10k mark.

I'm level 11. My friend had to log out for work and wont be back before tonight. I'll stay the same level as him and focus on levling herbalism/alchemy.

Oh, yeah that. I haven't had too many issues stumbling into the important ones.

I just woke up to a 20-25 minute queue. It gets to around 2-3 hours graudally between 4-6pm GMT.

I thought I had fucked up big time when I had walked from durotar to the undead question area and couldn't find any quests. Thought they were race spesific until an undead shared his quest with me and I realized where the questgivers were.

>2-3 hours
I don't know what to do anymore, Mograine queue is getting absolutely ridiculous in the afternoon

>If a single realm is fucked, the entire thing is fucked
>They don't install new computer when they open new realm, it's the same hardware
What the fuck are you on about?

Except they are not. Play rppvp on deviate delight, no ques, great server

time to git gud user

I've basically made a combination of most races and classes and I didn't feel any of them.

>Cant use sword or axe as paladin
Even if bait, holy fuck the state of zoomers.

Did everyone just forget that this exists?
Blizzard cant do anything right

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EVE is still going strong with it's fanbase, and it's arguably more of a game now than WoW based on the mechanics they've added over the past couple years. WoW is basically "Sit in city, wait for queue" now.

reminder that all stats are important in vanilla and spirit in a rogue piece is not as bad as you'd think it is


>doing ragefire chasm
for what fucking purpose

Do you have any friends playing?
How far did you play?

is comf


Nostalrius was WoW classic all along
Its no wonder Shitzard took it down

enjoy grinding for months just to get to some decent corp


There is some nice gear in there that's better than quest greens are for a while, and like 3-4 quests for a big exp boost
But dungeons aren't super worth doing until Wailing Caverns/Deadmines and onwards

How is the faction balance on Zandalar Tribe?

it's not called world of walkraft for nothing

70% on horde side so they can play with based nixxiom

They are NOT using vanilla servers you retard, they’re running on their current shit. And EVERY server is full after Noon, not just the boogeymen blizzard was warning people about

It'll be like this for a while until the hype settles down, any new or non-full servers will just get flooded by people tired of waiting in 6-7+ queues.

It's actually quite impressive how Blizzard management, likely to try to save a few shekels on servers, managed to fuck up the unfuckable which is to literally re-release the exact same fucking game they have already made
at least the developers themselves are mostly innocent

2/3 OCE servers were full and the other was on medium today at 7pm, we only had ONE server before yesterday, theres so many fucking people playing, i wish they'd release numbers

classic is subscription based?!?!? jesus fuck

there was nothing they could have done, if they released enough servers for everyone then half the servers would be dead in a week from the tourists dropping off.

Considering how many people are paying to sit in a queue, I'm not sure they fucked up at all.

There's a good 5 quests there that all give decent gear

Even medium servers still have queues

If you have a WoW sub at all you can log onto classic even without the latest expac
With is honestly less jewish than I expected

What's AWS?

Blizzdrones on suicide watch. Imagine paying fucking $80 + Tax to play a game that's older than half this board. You're all niggers.

So how exactly was launched fucked? Yes there were retarded que times but blizzard warned people and even made new servers. And if you logged on early about noon you could log on just fine and enter world just fine when it launched

Wow why is it so popular?

because its actually good

Amazon web services. Auto scales etc.

Marketing, nostalgia, zoomers falling for the “classic” is magical narrative when it was a generic themepark mmo that killed the genre

its generally perfect they just underestimated the interest so not enough servers.
Now people are stuck on over crowded servers with their friends.

PSO is vastly better than WoW, you did yourself a disservice.

>retard with no friends who never played wow gives his opinion
Have you tried having sex?

>picking a common name everyone uses instead of coming up with a unique one yourself
you did it to yourself user

Because even the shit that was Vanilla is better than WoW from MoP onwards. People are blinded by rose-tinted nostalgiagoggles, Vanilla had a lot of problems that BC and Cata solved.
It's also brand new and will die down like every other "new" release.
Also, can't free players log into it too?

>there was nothing they could have done
They could have started with more than 2 servers. Even just 10 would have made a huge difference two weeks before release. Trickle releasing them is a horrible idea.

What if he just wanted to reserve his unique name

>i have to actually read the quest to find out where it is
theres so much of this stupid shit in the general chat.
>where do i get crab eyes from?!
>um the crabs?

Where do you keep getting 80 from?

It sucks because it's not really "do I want to play WoW now?" and more of a philosophical question of "Will I want to play WoW in 7 hours and maybe get disconnected and kicked anyway?"

and how it there no safety net for that shit? If I disconnect I get sent to back of the line on a server that has retarded queues. Thank god there's a bunch of other games out this week.

Blameux had a 3 hour queue last night @ 5:30pm cst

people wanted the vanilla experience
they got the vanilla experience

How can Yea Forums be so much worse than Yea Forums, how do you guys do it? Only here to read your console-nigger opinions on vanilla wow.

>Also, can't free players log into it too?
Don't think so. A guy with a 14 trial couldn't find the game.

>honestly having a blast
>have to beg my boss to give me a day off
>can't get on Stallag all day, we all decide to reroll on a low-pop server
>get to have fun for 2h
>all my friends have the week off
>be stuck at work while everybody's having fun
why is life so cruel

the wagie poem is real user, accept it

This is way fucking worse than what anyone expected. Not even the most hard of hardcore Blizzdrones thought there would be 8 hours queues and the launch would crash both the Blizzard store and Paypal.

You mean, it wasn't like this when the game originally launched?

To be fair, instead of having long ques the servers were just down a bunch. So, no.

Anyone else got a sudden urge to try out Retail, but know it's a very retarded $40 investment with even worse immersion and payout? I just feel a weird sense of dread whenever I keep trying out Classic.

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Hah, no. Queues were nowhere near this size, but that's because Servers weren't squished down on maxplayercount to keep costs down back then, shit was still going good and growing, and run by the guys who actually made Blizzard a good name, not the Activision-led Inclusive Patrol that runs things into the ground now.

I know but vanilla isn't meant to hold 10k players in just one realm. Most of the content is not instanced and that would mean farming ores, plants or whatever would be hell

Imagine Tyr's hand or whatever farming spot with 3 or 4 times more players fucking around

>>billion dollar company
>>can't handle traffic for shit

you bought and paid for it anyways lol

queuing is ok when you're a kid playing wow, but holy fuck I only have a small window where I can play, I can't be stuck in a queue the whole time.

>why not
Where would a mage learn to use a warhammer?

Nope, in fact playing Classic has made me quite glad I didn't waste time on BfA.

are you retarded?

Just use teamviewer or steamlink anywhere from your phone or something and start the queue while you're still at work.


Because everybody already knows that Blizzard will milk nostolgic paypigs?

I'm not even that crazy about WoW, I just wanted to try it out and see if it was comfy like Ragnarok, Runescape or even Toontown. I keep trying to see what's so good about the game in general, but all I'm feeling is dread and emptiness playing it because of how slow it feels.

That's a shame, I appreciate how slow it is because the levels feel like they mean something

>what is movie industry

Authentic vanilla experience.

the zones are pretty, that's basically all retail has going for it
it's a totally different and arguably worse game in all other aspects IMO

bfa looks really terrible user, I'm not even a fanboy, didn't even play retail until mop

Enjoy your dead servers.

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Servers cost money. Tourists, easily 80% of the current player base, will be gone in 2-3 weeks. All those servers will be empty. Blizzard does not, under any circumstances, merge realms. Never. They rather have a billion players in queues for hours than waste money.

>go back to realm selection screen, select a realm with no queue, get in, then select your desired realm
can't believe this shit worked
enjoy the queue braindead boomers

Bros if im leveling a warrior and intend to tank along the way if necessary what spec is best?

Thanks for the tip

Server overcrowding will be fixed by TBC and WOTLK legacy servers.

>Play on a med pop server at launch
>Server dies in less than a month
>No one around to do anything
>Pay money to transfer to a populated server
Nah, I'll just be patient and wait for the hype to die down so I can play on a server with people on it.

>no directions for quests, no guidance
Im playing it for the first time myself and I really like that you actually have to read through the quest to know what to do

Sad how dependant some people have become on babby-mechanics

he said while playing the original babby mmo designed for babbys

I wish we would get the time back, we had to wait in the fucking queue, because of there incompetents

Yup, you sound like a faggot dumb enough to play this at launch and not expect this.

how many hours /played, lads?
20 here

so you just stare at the screen while waiting for the queue? fucking retard lol

>4 wipes
congratulations you just joined the special needs guild

>working 8 hours a day to pay my bills
>get home
>working another 8 hours to get muh vidya respect

Those people will get banned by Warden within the next few weeks.

Does Blizzard allow buying lvl 50 or 60 yet?

Orc rogue is the PvE DPS meta not troll lol...

So when the chaos finally settles down which are the servers that'll keep a healthy population? US btw

Wait a month, noone will be able to answer this honestly now. Herod has a good chance at being the go to though.

All of them, eventually blizz plans on merging the less populated servers if it's needed.

used less servers than they could have because it makes it look more popular. news of queues and popularity could pull more players in

artificial demand.

nightclubs hold up a line to make it seem busier. Blizzard is doing the same thing.

Holding up a line so long that people decide to just go to bed is a bit much

I just installed an addon and I don't read any quests anymore lol

probably all the high pop right now, like herod, faerlina and stalagg

hes a stream watcher zoomer who drank the koolaid thinking ppl are actually reading quests instead of using the addons that existed since forever.

I have a friend on Golemagg EU that has been in queue since 11 AM, it's now 16:50 PM in EU

also while people wait they might buy BFA.

>subscription based game
>make the actual playing of the game take as long as possible so they pay more subscription
its not rocket science

the people paying for classic are funding future shit xpacs. blizz could care less about bfa sales

This meme format is trash. I thought facebook would never find a meme below dog-shaming, but here it is.

same but shazzrah, spot 2360 now....

I got in the Herod queue at 5 PM EST last night and it still wasn't done by the time I gave up and went to sleep at midnight
If I wanna actually play on days I work I'm gonna have to set up a remote login and get in the queue 2-3 hours before I'm out of work or something, shit is ridiculously slow.

Shit, I'm glad me and a few mates moved to Nethergarde, the queues were still only 5-30 mins last night after 5PM EU.

Sounds like your friends were drones who hopped on the hype train. They were right about classic originally. When that shit came out 15 years ago, I had a blast. Modern wow isn't perfect but it's overall better since it keeps getting new updates.

People don't think anything through. Who the fuck wants to run MC every week again and spend dkp on shitty loot? What a boring raid.

new stuff isn't necessarily better. sure, retail has a lot of QoL changes but gameplay is more boring than it has ever been.

Making lots of money doesn't mean making a good product, it means convincing lots of people to buy your bad product.
They don't have millions despite releasing nothing but garbage, they have millions BECAUSE all they need to release is garbage.
Capitalism doesn't stand on it's own very well, you need to support it where there is no internal mechanism for telling companies like Activision Blizzard to fuck off.

You wanted the Classic experience, you're getting the classic experience.

Honestly the most bizzare thing is that you can't subscribe to just classic for a lower price.
Why the FUCK would i want a retail subscription if i am only going to be paying classic?
And why the fuck is anyone okay with paying 15-20 bucks a month to play a literal 15-20 year old game? I just don't get it. I was poor as a lad and missed the glory days of wow that all my friends had and wanted to give it a try, but fuck man it just seems criminal.
And the drones just lap that shit up

The same reason why you have to pay 10.99 or however much a runescape sub is to play an even older game, this model is the future

What are you poor?

>MFW get off of work at 2pm est

Classic blizzdrone response. Eating shit with a grin on their faces. They can't justify a £10 sub apart from the drones lapping it up.

I’m more excited to absolute shrekt noobs with my t1 & t2 gear because gear is actually hard to get.

I mean you could literally one shot clothies as a rogue if you had something like Perditions Blade and CHT ready to fuck them up. Pvp will be a lot more rewarding for those that actually play rather than everyone having the same gear because they logged on and did dailies for a week

>he doesn't have the locations of all quests burned in his memory

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I'd be okay with subscription models for MMOs, free to play and buy to play games are usually full of microtransactions.
Really is a shame that these companies are so greedy they'll throw microtransactions into a game you have to have a subscription for.

I started queing for shazz an 13 PM, still in the queue. wow made me do the laundry, clean the apartament, and do some reading

I feel like that is one of the better things Runescape had going on, F2P stuff, while small, had enough going on with the occasional, and then P2P had a huge amount of stuff that kept getting updates, but regardless you were still able to play the game and give it a really good shakedown before having to sub, you weren't even level gated on skills

If the choice was between playing rp or never playing vanilla WoW again for the rest of my life I would pick the latter. The only great thing about rp servers is that they function as containment realms for you cornballs.

>They can't justify a £10 sub
What about how the game is fantastic?
>No that doesn't count! Playing the game doesn't count!!!
Fair enough.

retail wow has a free trial until lvl 20, maybe they'll do the same with classic once the queues die down a bit

Yes. YES! We will squeeze the free money from these 23-29 year old NEETS from their parents aka citizens that actually can afford to house them. We need THEIR MONEY! CAPITAL IDEAS CHAPS. -Craptivizion

they were hoping classic would fail.
Also blizzard is generally incompetant.


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>queues die down a bit
>clog them up again with poorfag f2p loving scumbags from the worst corners of the world
I'll kill them.

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Blizzdrone. Paying £120 a year to pay a 15 year old game you already supposedly own. Cash shop for things like name change. But "muh fun game". It is the principle. What a cuck.

>Refuses to have fun on principle
>Thinks you can own an mmo

Will there be server transfers for classic at some point? Don’t want to be stuck on a dead server once the hype dies down

Servers today are run through virtualization on singular massive infrastructures, faggot. When they add a new realm, they don't install a new physical server. They just start new virtual machine on the same hardware they run everything else on. It's amazing how ignorant you people are about the simplest IT shit.

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thats what I'm afraid of, thats why I'm cucking it up on shazzrah instead of movind to a lower pop server

>Joining guilds that use DKP

The can handle it, they just don't care. They are a mobile gaming company now, they realized games with micro transactions and lootboxes make way more money than MMOs ever could and without such a massive investment and maintenance.

You misunderstand why there is a problem. It's not that Blizzard fucked up, this was intention. They predicted how many people would actually stick around and play forever. Their sunk cost fallacy addicted turbo fans who would gladly suck their dick until the end of time. Those hyper autistic retards are guaranteed money, they know they are going to put up with the queues and everything else.

They basically predicted how many servers they'd need for those social rejects and everyone else be damned.

most people on Yea Forums that purchase blizzard games are actual drones. Basically worker wagies that make cattle money and spend what little free time they have to lap up anything Activision gives them. Interesting enough, Activision's CEO is a regular on Epsteins little pedo island. Human cattle giving their masters money to diddle small ones. Sad state of affairs isn't it?

>Paying £120 a year
Adding up months to make the number bigger won't make anyone that's not a retard think that's a huge amount of money, poorfag.

I'll send a lengthy email falseflagging as a blizzard fanboy for them to jack up the price to 25 dollars a month. Ill larp and make threads as well to pretend its a good idea. More $$$ for blizzard, better servers will be my argument. You play by my rules, goyim.

I'd like to apologize on behalf of all the gamers that are complaining about this right now. I know you are doing your best, multi-godzillion dollar company

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>Fun is just a buzzword

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> Monthly fee for the game
> microtransactions / p2w

I'll take a monthly fee any day of the week.

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you're dead inside my man, seek some professional help, depression is no joke.

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Even Blizz can't believe so many people are willing to pay to downgrade their shitty game

I think you're just a retard who throws money at shit games my man.

>know players will drop from Classic like flies when they realize/remember what a pain vanilla was
>committing enough resources for the entire Week 1 crowd when three fourths will drop the game within a month

Play it KNOWING it will be a single player game experience. You have no need to talk to a single player while questing and doing dungeons. Only do it if the story really interests you. That's all it has going for it.

If you don't like world pvp then classic isn't for you. That's really all the game has to offer.

>method is aiming for world first level 60
>they're actually behind fucking streamers
what the fuck happened

I'm kinda feeling a little left out right now, I haven't subbed or tried to get into Classic yet (also why bother with those queues) but majority of people seem to be having a great time and i'ts making my jelly.
I'm picturing my hunter solo leveling with his trusty pet on a comfy play session while doing things slowly and actually read the quests/stories I never, ever got to do before.
Fuck I'm losing my mind

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World PVP was absolutely based. I’m legit excited for STV and BRM shenanigans. Hopefully they remove dishonorable kills like they did last time in Vanilla though.

Also 40 mans were pretty dope. I liked the sheer clusterfuck that many people in one group can be

You first. Please, tell the world the way to create a new broadband network that can support this traffic. The infrastructure we have right now is not designed for 20+ million people going through one fucking location. These queue's exist because the technology to handle everyone at once does not exist. Our technology may have been progressing, but internet technology has been stagnant for the last 50 years.

>Sitting at 690 in queue and estimated time of 21 minutes for over an hour now

>Queues are finally starting to chill out
>Let's just flood them again
That's a fucking terrible idea, user.


Give me something to fap to while I wait Yea Forums

According to this man, Google and Facebook do not exist.

They removed nullsec instant local, it's like wormholes now
The absolute fucking madmen

This hilariously ended up with losses of mostly big multiboxers and nobody who actually plays the game

They still didn't think it would be popular and probably dont want to acknowledge it to this very minute. Theres probably some cunt in an office somewhere thinking how hell explain it away at a meeting so he doesnt seem like a retard.

>losing their mind over WoW
How did Yea Forums get so shit? PLease fucking neck yourselves Blizzardfags. For the good of Yea Forums

Even with this bullshit my friend and I are level 13. It's bullshit that blizz is making us deal with this shit, but at least it is playable when it is.

A quick information pull versus connecting and puling information through a company with a complicated application like WoW which processes renders and information, needs to send them back and forth in real time is a completely different thing you retard.

You are playing Horde, aren’t you user?

and yet you eat it up anyway. Wake the fuck up you fucking sheep!

t.some gatcha anime nigger

It's called a real rpg faggot

>can't use a weapon
Learn how to use one from a trainer. Game is an actual fucking rpg.

>new servers released
>retards still queue up for Herod/Whitemane and Golemagg/Shazz eventhough they have been full since 20 August




>every single EU server is full
hahaha holy shit are you kidding me

Server has population cap, you chose a full server. No fucking shit you have to wait. Software isn't magic, faggot.

>playing on dead servers
may aswell play retail

> reeeee spoonfeed me

People like you are why expansions progressively got more shit. Your kind has been voted out. We’ve seen the end result and it’s awful.

I got in Herod no problem the first night when I only queued up an hour before servers opened. It's been a shitshow since then.

That queue is them handling it. Learn how servers work.

What's the EU meme server for calling people faggots my fellow 4chanellers?

>SEETHING over the popularity of a 15 year old MMO to this day. Still.


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>Have a blast playing with my friend
>Skip the "Gather x crates" quests their respawn time isn't dynamic
>Group up with players when the mob can be shared, have fun talking, competing against the second or third groups on tagging the mob
>Come to Yea Forums
>What a boring game! I soloed the first quest to kill boars and it took 20 mins. I quit!
So this is the power of retail Yea Forums players...

>all these ass mad third worlders that can't afford a 15 buck sub

My max queue is 30 minutes. I'm not some zoomer faggot that needs to be on a streamer server.

Shut the fuck up faggot. You know what OP means.

Why do you care retard? Go back to your archived threads because nobody gives a fuck about your shit games.

no one cares if you want to waste 15% in a dildo to stick it up your ass
even that would last longer than this anyway

IT fag here, I run a lot more servers than you know. They aren't handling shit. Just because they use a brocade switch from their janitor closet doesn't mean that you should excuse their behavior. I doubt they even use CISCO switches for their routing. I can be money they run a cheap poweredge server from 2012 that is leftover from some dedicated server that they ran for another game long ago. Cheap kike fucks

>every single EU server is full
>hahaha holy shit are you kidding me

Even all of the fucking German servers are full.
3 1/2h in queue still at least 1h to go

You gave me a (you). You clearly care third world shitter.

>Russians can't even afford to play the game anymore unless they subbed for life 2 years ago

Third world shitters are so funny

No it isn't. A game like WoW takes very little resources to run server side.

yea i care
you are other of those retards that think
>you will buy it and will like it
when people mention why X game is shit

>for game servers

Guess how I know you don't work for IT and you are just talking out of your ass not knowing a fucking thing on how the new servers work?


>>no direction for quests
Quest text literally tells you what to do and where, unless it's intentionally being mysterious.
I know, zoomies like you just skip the text cause in modern everything has retard markers for retards.

I'm not going to dignify your post by reading any more of it.

Attached: dumb.jpg (312x321, 84K)

I specifically said CISCO is a routing switch you dumbfuck sandnigger

Try to learn English and forming a coherent sentence third worlder. I'm so sorry your monopoly money isn't enough.

To add, cisco switches are used all the time. A switch does not care what the hell is connected to it as long as your config is setup properly. Ive seen personally cisco switches used for routing in game company studios. What do you think they are using BROCADE? Fuck you faggot.

And I bet everyone at blizzard is scratching their heads, unable to understand why everyone wants to play the games pre-2006-Blizzard created and why nobody wants to play the casualized power fantasy shit that is retail.

Blizzdrone. It doesn't need to be p2w, it can just be cosmetics. Fuck they already have a cashshop where they make more money than they ever have.

Also are we pretending you can't buy gold now and get advantages that way?

Paying sub, paying for expansions, paying for micro transactions, paying for cosmetic items, paying for gold, p2w embedded in that.

You want fries with blizz cock in your arse?








lmfao classic is fucking MASSIVE lads. If we had chink servers we would instantly surpass WOTLK numbers
retailfag were right to be afraid

Just like FF14 with a huge cosmetic cash shop and a sub fee?

I have no idea how a fan base can eat so much shit square shits out to their fan base. People say blozzdrones but FF14 has the most loyal, mentally ill drones of any online game. They treat it like a cult.

I get jealous when I see a group of friends questing through an entire zone while I get a pity party once or twice for a bounty drop.

Classic doesn’t have any of that cuckstain that’s literally the point.

Well, gold buying is still a thing but that’s not condoned

stop posting this, obvious bait

I prefer going solo because you can take shit at your own pace

>Europe has the highest level character so far
What is it about yuropoors that they can shitsock WoW so hard? Is it the 8 months of vacation time mandated by their governments?

Congratulation on your contribution to the world!

Blizzard massively underestimated the popularity. The Devs for retail must honestly be depressed as fucking shit with this realization.

That their fans prefer a product that they have never fucking touched.

At least it is rent free. How much you paying to rent the game from blizzjews? £300 per expansion all in during its life cycle?

You are the sort of cunt that buys a $600 space ship from star citizen. At least you get to keep that.

Massive welfare population and majority of them grew up playing PC rather than consoles (USA), so a bigger pool of tryhards.

Prepare your anus now for that shriveled pasty corporate lawyer dick in a week

Attached: 1552589994346.png (1206x325, 38K)

same wish I had a buddy to level with especially single my class sucks at soloing

Europoors don't work and actually get great welfare. If I wasn't working I c an collect unemployment and only loose 20% Income. Americans don't get this luxury.

Zoomers have short attention spans what else is new

Attached: GiantFantasticHornedviper-max-1mb.gif (260x146, 813K)

Is there an official list of QoL changes that Vanilla could benefit from? I remember a few from back in the day

> server transfers so you aren’t stuck on dead servers after the hype
> dual talent spec (or at least non-scaling costs for respecs so healcucks arent fucked during non-raid hours
> no party wide dishonorable kills
> Coordinates? (Not absolutely necessary but helpful)
> fucking blind powder farming

Any others? Just a few QoL changes that I think have actually been useful and not detrimental to the overall spirit

Once the hype dies and the core remains Blizz will probably do transfers
I’m comfy on rattlegore but am concerned long term

>reward without work
thats why games are shite. why can't effort be fun?

>Blizzard gives grand total of 2 pvp servers to non German/French/Russian Europe
>Oh shit they are too filled uhhh here's 2 more
>2 new servers gets even more filled than original 2
>don't get any more servers until launch day when they release them a few hours before launch
>well after everyone has already organized their guilds and friends on one server

do they have any idea how hard it is to drag a large group of friends out somewhere else, especially after they've gotten the names they want? Now its next to impossible when people have actually gotten levels in.

Attached: 1524841304777.gif (360x360, 900K)

they are not wrong. There will be a huge drop off in about a month. What they also didnt expect is how much demand for classic there is so even after drop off we will have population far surpassing retail

>Just roll on a bandaid server, it totally won't be dead in 3 months :^)

One of the first things they need to do in a month or so is consolidate servers and offer transfers.

Can’t let Blizzard pull a Blizzard and let shit stagnate for 6 months

Not even BfA has a pathetically low number of players like 180k

This. I’ve got a group like 15 that is playing again for the first time in like 8 years. Sure, Some might quit. But even one of us staying is more of us than would be playing retail

They need to offer transfers this weekend to less populated server, spread the population out more.

thanks for the money suckers

it is on NA.
retail EU + NA is about 300k concurrent players. Probably even less now

I think a good solution for talents if they bothered would be save multiple specs but you can only change it in a major city.

Haha it has already started. People realising what a ball ache vanilla was and how TBC fixed a lot of stupid stuff. You asked for classic. You got it. And good luck convincing the autistic classic puritans that get a perverse pleasure in grinding shit.

They thought we didn't want it, but we did.

Just get your roommate or girlfriend to log into the game for you early

>everyone wants to use the same server
>confused when there's a line

While everyone is giving their money to Blizzard, I'm still playing for free on Kronos.

>its been 5 hours and the queue is only half way done

Attached: 7d5.png (480x261, 274K)

> perverse pleasure in grinding shit
> mmorpg

Pick fucking 2. If you want power trip fantasy go play GTA and turn on your cheat codes.

go check yourself with a doctor u had ADD

also, everything you listed is WHY WoW classic is the best game ever, also its an RPG not an action game like retail

Also guidance? direction? markers? fucking learn to READ idiot

I remember this shit cuz I played, some of it the fixed in the middle of Vanilla (dishonorable kills)

Also reminds me, mount prices v. Learning epic mount riding skill. They had them flipped at launch so it was cheap to learn epic riding but each mount was expensive as fuck, but they fixed that before tbc

>he doesn't just log out to the character create screen and use autohotkey to cycle between clicking create character and cancel so he never logs out
I've been logged in ever since launch. Get on my level. I can easily take breaks whenever I want and play at my own pace without having to worry about a queue.

true but Im finding myself frustrated with quests because they are not descriptive enough sometimes
>go collect raptor butts you dumbfuck adventurer
>kill raptors for 30 min no butts
>apparently you were killing raptors but with a wrong name so they dont have butts

I'd just download a quest addon
By the way telling people that over general made people sperg the fuck out.

>Just get banned bro


the quests always say which enemies you need to kill at the least.

And if that happens I'll gladly level another character on one of those higher ones

Found the addicted blizzdrone working hard for those good boy blizzbucks. Massive difference between power trip and playing fun content. Enjoy the grind drone.

Based Zoomer. WoW needs to die.

This is coming from someone ho played 17 hours yesterday because I woke up at 6:30 AM (Whitemane)
They should time gameplay while queues are active.
every time someone logs into WoW, they should be given a number. when a queue is waiting, the people with the lowest numbers have their gametime limited to one hour. After they get kicked, everyone's number goes down by one.
What's better? 10k people playing for 20 hours, or 30k people playing for 6-7

Content is fun when it’s actually difficult to get there. Found the spoonfed zoomer.

You’ll never know what it’s like to finally kill a boss after weeks of trying. Fucking forming a PUG to down the seminal boss of the expansion, get the fuck out of here

>playing the game is ban worthy
You jealous cuck?

>the people with the lowest numbers have their gametime limited to one hour.
Oh boy, I can do 1 quest and 20 minutes of that is running to and from town. Classic doesn't feel good in short bursts. Its a game thats meant to be played in large intervals.

So I found out that you only need to buy a sub to have access to classic and access to retail WoW up to but not including BfA. So I may end up grabbing a month of time to try classic out.
I am going to dab on line cucks

cool post

I do. Because unlike you I played Vanilla and TBC. And I am old to realise it is bullshit. The grind is bullshit. Sure a raid is fun and challenging. But grinding rep just to get access to dungeons is not. Learn the difference blizzdrone. Keep sucking their teat.

>dual talent spec
That's all I want, simply because I'm playing priest and juggling holy and shadow is just not going to happen unless I buy chinese gold as just a respec stash.

>dabs on u with wild sexual abandon and a long swinging pendulous peepee

>MC difficult
>grinding rep, mats and resistance gear "difficult"

Oh I'm laffing. Pure blizzcuck. I hope wow gives you that sense of accomplishment you clearly don't get in life.