>still no AA7
Still no AA7
where any of them even good after the edgeworth investigations. even 2 i thought was just ok
God, she's so perfect. I want her to step on me and whip my sorry ass.
this but unironically
Nobody cares
We need DGS3
I don't think anything in any video game has ever sucked away my enthusiasm as much as Turnabout Big Top did
>wanting another game where the aa team demonstrates yet again they still have no idea where they want to take the series
I'd rather have a spin off, Investigations 3 or nothing at all.
It will be revealed at the same time as Phoenix Wright's announcement in Smash
>6 games
>10 years
>Phoenix and Maya still aren't together
What's the point?
turnabout big top is the definition of a pleb filter
takumi the madman even said it was his favorite case
>AA7 will take place 10 years after T&T
>30 year old MILF Franziska
it took me two whole months to finish that case
every time I thought about getting back to it I'd remember than fucking circus music and the constant animations wasting time between dialogue boxes and lose all motivation
But it's also one of the best written cases.
She's only a year older than Maya, and timeskip Maya is basically just OG Maya with a longer dress.
TGS is around the corner, so it'll be announced before you know it.
My man.
>prosecution firmly believes in the account of the defendant flying away from the scene
>never bothers explaining how, the judge simply takes it for granted until you explain how things actually went
The writing was shit. That point was so bad that the anime fixed it by introducing the rope that Max would've used to pull himself up and having Gumshoe simulate the escape in court, even though the anime fucked up almost every other case.
I dunno, I think older Maya has traded some of her genki for ara ara energy.
UNMISSABLE panel part 2 incoming.
>prosecution firmly believes in the account of the defendant flying away from the scene
Er, what? This is the one account Franziska didn't want Moe to give because she thought it made no sense.
At the start of the second day of trial they handwave it by saying Franziska had Gumshoe work on a recreation of the flying escape trick the whole night even though you don't get to disprove it.
DGS2 fan translation when? I really enjoyed the 1st one
>play the translation of the first one
>they threw in a thousand "british slang terms", half of which aren't even real
quality translation boys, really living up to the capcom translation spirit
I dunno man, she looks the same in-game, just slightly taller.
AA fighting game when?
Thw final villain of DGS was so fucking underwhelming and forgettable holy shit.
>watch the animu subbed
>Nahurodos everywhere
>watch the animu dubbed
>they didn't go full 4Kids and edit the ramen into burgers
No matter what I was going to be disappointed