Hey Yea Forums, check out my sweet 3x3, i'm totally not claiming to like these because they are Yea Forums approved games like a mindless NPC
Hey Yea Forums, check out my sweet 3x3...
hol up
so you be sayin
that games that a large group of people have overall determined to be good
are going to be liked by lots of people within that group
shit that's crazy
I fucking hate ironic 3x3 posts and genuine ones. Why can't we just play fucking games. What's the point of showing everyone our favorite games, or in fabricating a list of obscure cult classics? Is it for clout? Social grandeur? Validation from a putrid swath of faceless, depressed incels? Is this what video game discussion looks like? Fuck off.
3x3s really only make sense on Yea Forums where they're generated based on what you listened to on last.fm over the last week. they're constantly changing and they can be useful for finding new albums you might like
Yea Forums and Yea Forums are the only other boards I've browsed that have 3x3 threads and they end up being a bit shit because your favorites don't change from thread to thread. combine that with the fact that the same people tend to post in them and you end up with threads full of the same people posting the same images and giving out the same ratings. it's probably worth posting in 1 or 2 3x3 threads a year because you might get recommended some games you wouldn't have otherwise played, but other than that it seems like it's mostly just for the epeen
What's the anime equivelent of the sterotypical Yea Forums 3x3
People started doing the meme Yea Forums 3x3 to copy the Yea Forums one, it has logh, mushishi, tamami galaxy and some other shit I can't remember
serial experiments lain, legend of the galactic heroes, texhnolyze, flcl, berserk, mushishi, tatami galaxy, evangelion, nhk
noticeably absent is k-on because iirc the meme came from some e-celeb who thinks k-on is the greatest anime ever created
Needs Haibane Renmei & Madoka Magica
I realize this is a troll thread, but I'm posting a serious list anyway just incase this turns into an actual 3x3 thread.
looked it up and digibro did a video in 2016 about it with a slightly different list
tatami galaxy/kaiba/ping pong, anne of green gables/rose of versailles/oniisama e/ashita no joe, legend of the galactic heroes, mushishi, aria, yokohama kaidashi kikou, ghost in the shell movie/akira, bebop/lain, spirited away/princess mononoke/porco rosso/whisper of the heart
he also linked to this image that's tatami, mushishi, utena, porco rosso, ashita no joe, gits movie, logh, anne, and ykk. so pretty similar
Reminder that if you have any of the folowing games in your 3x3
>any game from the GTA series
>any TES game other than Daggerfall or Morrowind
>any Persona past 2
>any MGS past 3
>any Halo game
>any Smash Bros game
>any Mass Effect game other than the first one
>any Bioshock game
>any MonHun game
>any Pokemon game
>any Animal Crossing game
>any Fire Emblem game past
>any Deus Ex other than the first one
>any visual novel
>any generic racing game (NFS series etc)
>any generic sport game (FIFA series, NBA series etc)
>any generic shooter (CoD series etc)
>any Uncharted game
>any roguelite (Nuclear Throne, FTL, The Binding of Isaac etc)
>any retard special snowflake tier choice (Link's Awakening, Castlevania 2, Dracula X, SMB2 USA etc)
>any overly simplistic game (Tetris, Pacman etc)
>any Fallout past 2
>any game that's exclusively multiplayer (Team Fortress 2, WoW etc)
>any Final Fantasy past 9
>any Spyro and Crash game that's not part of its respective PS1 trilogy
>any multiplayer oriented ARPG
>any Saints Row game
>any Borderlands game
>any Far Cry that's not Blood Dragon
>any 3D Sonic save for Generations or Unleashed Project
>any Witcher game
>any Doom past 64
>any Infamous game
>any stupidly cryptic point'n'click game (that's most of them)
>any MOBA
>any God of War game
>any overly weabooish JRPG like Neptunia and Disgaea
>any inFAMOUS game
>Super Meat Boy
>Super Mario Maker
you should refrain from posting on Yea Forums.
Literally all i heard about Anne of the Green Gables is that it has lesbians in it, is it actually good or just a meme?
>life is strange
Nice b8.
this is the worst copypasta on Yea Forums and that's saying something
seeth more, pleb
>tfw 3 of the sweet 3x3 are on mine
Feels bad man. If I could put a 10th on here it'd be Max Payne 1.
This one is probably worse...
> Reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep
LiS is actually cool though, no troll.
No it isn't. It's a pile of shit.
You can still have fun with shitty games.
+deus ex
"I like these games, what are some other games I might enjoy?"
Fucking love Lisa
>Dark souls not listed
yep found the Yea Forumstard
9/9 nice
7/9 didn't like life is strange and dmc
very nice taste.
8/9 not into botw, love redneck rampage
do you know its supposed to be a chart about your personal favorites?
9/9 vanquish is underrated
8/9 not into pokemon, you should post the names.
9/9 very nice
9/9 i love sanitarium
man this threads have more games i want to play than games i actually have played, this sucks
Rate this.
define retard special snowflake games, and weeabooish JRPGs.
8/8 never played top right, is it good?
I loved TWEWY even before I started posting on Yea Forums, though.
Also, 6/6
You are supposed to rate other peoples shit, jesus we've done this for 50 years.
Oh and I forgot to rate everyone else my bad. Sorry, here's my rating for everyone else:
16/16 absolutely fucking based.
It's actually pretty good, get ready to get spooked though. It's an unexpected horror game because of the creepy shit you can find deep underwater.
Eh, I’d put at least 3 of those on my 3x3 if I made one, maybe 4. They’re all great games. Maybe it’s you who needs to stop trying so hard to be a contrarian special snowflake faggot, OP.
1/3, -terraria -earthbound, I should really find time to play all the DK games
>All stars
10/10 solely for including LISA
first full vote i ever had. i think i'll try aquanaut's holiday
pic related
9/9 very nice.
I think you linked the wrong first post, or second. I can’t tell.
Why waste time even trying games I know I won't like ? I buy like 1 game every 5 years nowaday, in these threads I haven't played more than 1 game from people's lists on average, and that's mostly games I played when I didn't know what I liked
I made a mess. I'm gonna leave the mess here and wait for someone to fix it.
I don't know.
Why can't people unironically like those games? They are good, except mayby shadow of the colossus.
>you should post the names.
>Mother 3
>Super Paper Mario
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>The Binding of Isaac
>Pokemon Crystal
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
>Team Fortress 2
9/9 all of them are good games
5/8 - life is strange, DmC, dishonered
nice meme
5/6 - rdr
4/7 -mgs5, minecraft, ds2
3/3 +Isaac, DQ8, MM
6/7 -rdr
7/7 +Thief, SMT2
5/5 +M3, Isaac, DR, Terraria, TF2
how can a man have such based taste and then fuck it up with LISA
Some people just want this trash board to be filled with people posting exotic games and not games that they genuinely liked, in fear of being judged by strangers online.
Good job.
9/9 very nice
8/8 didn't play type 0
3/3, metal slug and aoe nice
6/6 nice taste
dis nigga played every game ever
>other people like these games so i can't like them
suck my dick, six of those games are awesome
Most of these are pretty popular, so it's no surprise that someone would be able to play most of them in their lifetime.
>Pathologic 2
>Knight of Honor
>Hunter the Reckoning
Based taste.
trying way too hard sempai. umihara kawase gives it away everytiem, and you're gonna put 2 of em
mein neger you know whats good
Fuck man that Bioshock pic...I remember the hype I had for that game, pored over every released screenshot...2007 was a damn good year for vidya.
>your favorites don't change from thread to thread
I could show you a grid from about a year ago since I first constructed one and only 2 games have remained since then. Making a 3x3 helped build a foundation in my interests, just have to be willing to let some recency bias to keep them in weigh. Seeing static grids is pretty boring though, I just want to see anons grow.
Minus Dark Souls Yea Forums has pretty good taste.
based rayne poster
3/3 SotN a best.
5/5 Nemesis is 10/10
3/4 Bout to play Vagrant story, just bought a copy.
7/7 based action vidya guy.
>Hunter: The Reckoning
Is the Gamecube version worth playing? I don't have any of the Xboxes.
even though i havent played some of those games (majora-darksouls-twewy) i know for a fact they are good because of the amount of love they get from fans everywhere on the internet, especially twewy since its like 13 years old at this point and there are still constant threads about it on Yea Forums, just stop with this fucking retarded "YOU ONLY LIKE GAEM CUZ IT POPULAR " bullshit.
Good games are good.
People will always like good games.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking a well regarded game.
I highly recommend that you try TWEWY out if you ever get the chance. It’s one of the most unique games out there and there’s nothing quite like it gameplay-wise.
just looked it up and found out there is an android version with great reviews, is it legit?
It’s simplified compared to the DS version but it can still be fun. I recommend going for the original if you ever get the chance but the port is a decent alternative.
Yeah it's basically the same thing, the graphics are slightly downgraded but it's not that noticeable
this is not Yea Forums or Yea Forums no one here’s trying to be pretentious i just love those games
I'll actually look into picking it up then. Thanks for the info.
Hopefully it's cheap?
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> Anonymous 08/28/19(Wed)06:54:05 No.475806851▶
>File: mosiac2.jpg (648 KB, 1225x1225)
>3/3, metal slug and aoe nice
>6/6 nice taste
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I understand Half-Life getting a minus point but why would Mount and Blade Warband be a minus?
No problem, personally I just play it on Dolphin but I doubt a physical copy should be expensive.
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If you like Ghost Trick, TWEWY's a pretty easy recommendation.
Also, read Umineko.
I just didn't find it very fun. I don't care for Chivalry or Mordhau either, but Kingdom Come was very fun.
putting in my two cents here because twewy is also one of my favorite games. tldr my opinion is that the android and switch versions are cheap bastardizations of the original game's vision, and arent worth buying except to vote for the series with a dollar.
so, in the port, half of the combat system is chopped off by not having a second screen, and they did ZERO to rebalance the game to compensate. as a result, the game is pitifully easy instead of delightfully challenging. the organic, customizable difficulty of the DS game (one of its most interesting elements) is turned into a dumb micromanagement chore because the port's just so fucking easy regardless. in addition, combat options which were fairly overpowered in the original game become absolutely gamebreaking, allowing you to steamroll the postgame secret bosses with zero effort. conversely, some niche combat options from the original are made completely useless. lowdamage pins that deal high stun were intended to give new players time to focus on the partner screen. if there is no partner screen, this serves no purpose. all of those pins are just lowdamage pins.
even the plot of the game is written with the dual-screen in mind. there are a few dialogue sequences (which weren't even edited in the lazyass port) which barely make sense in a video game that doesn't have a second screen,
alright, end rant. for the record i've 100%'d both versions, and the bonus content in final remix isn't worth half a damn, either
Fair enough. To be fair it does kinda start off slow and boring, but it gets fun later, although I agree with you on the rest. Especially with Mordhau since I don't see why it's gotten so popular when it's just a Chivalry clone.
>any game from the GTA series after 4
4 is trash. 5 is fine as long as you stick to online multiplayer with friends.
You see someone with several squares that match yours, along with some games you've never played, so you try them out, knowing this person shares similar tastes to yours
One of these days I'm gonna whip up a "ATF agent of dog-killing" macro to foil all your shitty immunity pets
4 had a pretty good story and atmosphere. It's not as great as the 3D universe ones, but I feel it did things better than 5.
5 is pretty bad. It starts out decently and admittedly the world, heists and physics are pretty good, but the ending of the game shat the bed. The Online would be decent if it weren't for shitty servers, terrible rules, constant grinding and the fact that most of the weapons, vehicles, etc are multiplayer only and can't be accessed in single-player. The problem is that 4's content at least ends, 5's content is locked behind a shitty multiplayer mode that is gonna be shut down in several years. Also 5's story has so much tonal and thematic dissonance that it is genuinely painful to watch, and most of the characters except Michael have absolutely shit character development.
I have way more immunity animals than just dogs, buddy. You cannot kill what is unstoppable.
>Hitman Contracts
Thank god there's still some people on here that aren't nu-Hitman/BMfags.
What are top mid and bottom left?