Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Why aren't you playing a JRPG right now?

Attached: kiseki jrpg.webm (596x718, 1.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I prefer action jrpg

Not a fan of the combat desu.

Recommend me one

You can almost see her thing...

when did Japan start doing decent size asses?

japanese "games" suck dick

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What game is this?

im at work shitposting during lunch

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what do i play

because i'm playing settlers of catan with my best friends while on vacation

when they realized what they were missing. no one likes a flat ass, and the only reason japs liked them for so long is because their dicks are too small to get past any decent sized ass cheeks

Dropped this game after 30 hours or so. Maybe i should play it a little more.

I'm too busy playing persona 5, just got past the interrogation twist

Because I've only ever liked one JRPG ever out of like 15 that I've tried.

Will it ever come to PC instead of being stuck on Switch?


I have 6 more days until FF8 Remaster.


Game is xenoblade chronicles 2 for for those asking for the source


Which one?
Give me a Front Mission tactical strategy/rpg and I'll play it.
Ass alone doesn't make a good game.

If you want me to play this you should tell me the name you cunt.

Not an argument

I’m playing Xenoblade 2 trona the golden country for the first time its really fun. Might have to repay 2 on new game plus after I finish

Which one?

Am i thinking of another game then? What is this from then?

It looks like shit.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 163K)

Is this true?

Front Mission is fucking dead bro. Just replay 5.

Attached: tfw front mission is dead.jpg (490x390, 67K)

It looks better than the shitty PC mods, so whatever

Jap games are for cumbrians

Both of the models in that shitty clickbait image are from fan mods. At least post actual images of the Remaster if you're going to make shit up.

Isn't it Cold Steel 3?


Because JRPGs are for trannies and ledditors

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High res textures work bad on low poly models, the original would look more stylish and classy than that cashgrab.
The only good thing though is pre-rendered backgrounds for huge TV screens.

I'll buy two copies of it just to make you really mad

is that a good game for somebody who doesnt play many JRPGs?

ayyyy, dunkey, baybee.
aaaaaaayyyyy, dunkeeeey, baybee. how ya doin man i haven't seen you in years, my man.

Good goy, keep the industry flowing so I could have new stuff to pirate.

Fuck off faggot.


you can see her thing...


It's Cold Steel 4

No because it's the 9th game in a series with a serial storyline


Damn that's hot. I'm playing Yakuza 0 and while it's not a JRPG its a fucking great game so far.

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isn't this the nun that farts in the anime?
that shit got me diamonds

but I am

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Fell Seal

It's not even a proper JRPG.

What will the backlash be when this inevitably censored for it's western release?


but it's tactical/strategy

based and redpilled

nigger sized asses are disgusting

What are some good recent jrpgs that I can play on the PC?

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Low test men are pathetic.

Cold Steel 3?


>muh low test
There's a middle ground between absolutely flat asses and nigger sized ones as a result of botox or surgery.

Nigger-sized yes, those things are disgusting. Well sculpted ass & hips along with a nicely tapered waist and well-rounded breasts? Heaven.


Haha i want to hold that back!

Meh, not coming out of Japan for 2+ years if ever.


Might as well say Shenmue is a JRPG retard

You wot, mate?

Have you ever been to Germany?
Seen German sized asses? Or Dutch ones?
Even Anglo girls sometimes have that size.

Well, why wouldn't it be?

Playing Three Houses, almost done with the BE route. Really liked the game and want to play the other routes, but there's too many games coming out in the next few months so I don't know when I'll have a chance.

Finished Wild Arms 2, somehow find it weaker compared to the first one.

her th-thing!

Because jrpgs are tedious grindathons with cringey stories and characters.

2 main reasons
first of all most of them have turn based combat, which i don't like
second, jrpgs are usually very lengthy, and since i have a backlog i don't want to pour a lot of time into one game when i could be playing other, shorter games before getting to the longer titles. not to mention having to put so much time into a video game with a shit combat system that you have to deal with every 5 seconds is a nightmare

I just finished Megaman Battle Network 2, is that an RPG?

Watching Yu Yu Hakusho right now.

How can one girl be so fertile?

I tried playing atelier sophie but the control scheme for PC just wasn't bearable. Also I guess I didn't care too much about the crafting, never used the stuff I made and the timer seemed to matter very little (Though I assume it comes more into play later).
It is rough out there for one who plays pc and wants jrpgs. Maybe I could go a little bit autismo and emulate PS2 titles and some switch ones but I wouldn't know where to start and I hear it can be a bit of a hazzle.

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>Watching Yu Yu Hakusho right now.
And drop it after the dark tournament arc.

just use a controller?

I could but I would have to buy one


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did this got a western release already, especially on pc?

This year maybe sorta no

That's Sen 4. Sen 3 is getting released here in October and so far it's PS4 only. PC port next year, I guess.

i already came today


JRPG take too much time.


This just came out today on steam, looks interesting.

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Finished Sky FC a few days ago and I'm gonna start SC soon.

Also uncensored.

What's funny is Souls games are JRPGs.

wow it looks really bad

>and the only reason japs liked them for so long is because their dicks are too small to get past any decent sized ass cheeks
Holy shit that makes sense

Rude, you look really bad.

Looks interesting enough, I might give it a try

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There aren't that many good ones on PC and I'm still too lazy to take the Vitapill

cumskull thread

God this looks so edgy.
Reminds me of Death End RE;Quest.
Might not be bad but the gameplay doesn't strike me as interesting.

>the Vitapill
Most of Vitagames got ported though.

op is 4 and wester will get 3 this year?
what the fukc japan?

The Vita was really relegated to a Dungeon Crawler machine.
Get Ray Gigant, Stranger of Sword City and Tokyo Babel.

is this fanart?

Shit, PS4 then?

>Stranger of Sword City
I'm playing the pc version, but heard that there is an improved Vita one?
How big are the differences?

I can't find one that interests me

>is this fanart?
Is literally part of the transformation sequence in one of the official trailers

Falcom are really slow at bringing their games to the west. They also auction off the publishing rights in the west like once a year, so it takes a long ass time before some company gets their hands on the game. Also if you haven't played Trails in the Sky trilogy and Crossbell duology then you'll be a bit lost in Cold Steel 3 and 4.

>PS4 then?
If you wanna censored games, sure.


>you will be lost
thats why i cant play it
even tho i love the models

That single frame is censored on PS4 though, I hope you're planning on playing it on PC

I mean, if you want but I struggle to think of a JRPG on PS4 that isn't already on PC or that is worth playing.
I'm a consolefag but if you have a decent enough computer to play vidya I don't see why you wouldn't.

The improved Vita version was Japan only if I remember right.
Much like other games that got improved versions.
Keep playing it on PC, its a fun game and the half-way point is where things start to get really interesting.

why fucking yes
fuck ps4 and fuck california brother
does the game has more hot stuff like this?

How is it censored?
Skipped or beam of light'd?

Well, you could play them since they're all translated. All of them are on PC and a toaster can run them all. Some people have also ported over the translations to the Vita versions as well.

the atmosphere reminds me of black rock shooter

>Keep playing it on PC, its a fun game and the half-way point is where things start to get really interesting.
I'm enjoying it, but some of the mechanics are baffling, how the fucking heart recovery shit is too expensive or you have to wait forever to get your members healed.

Reviewers gave it bad scores.

At the start of the game, its honestly more beneficial to change out members and kill the old ones.
Level growth can be insane and RNG can fuck you over no matter where in the game you are. But you can fight most hunt targets again and they go down easier each time.

I don't trust gaming "journalists" and other reviewers when it comes to JRPGs and other Jap games so that doesn't mean much to me.

my backlog on jrpgs is getting bigger and bigger
today you added crystart...
each take 30-100 hours...
i just fucking can add 3 games more to play the latest entry

>3 games
Umm, sweetie, make that 7 games
>Trails in the Sky FC
>Trails in the Sky SC
>Trails in the Sky the 3rd
>Zero no Kiseki
>Ao no Kiseki
>Trails of Cold Steel 1
>Trails of Cold Steel 2
And then you'll finally be ready for Cold Steel 3 and 4. Kiseki is honestly great but it's not for everyone since it is pretty slow and Cold Steel triggers a lot of people by having more modern anime cliches and being more anime styled overall or however you want to call it. The fanbase is also pretty autistic.

>tfw have a fuckhuge backlog and started a shitload of games that I just stopped playing because I moved to other games
>tfw just started Grandia the other day
>tfw 3 games coming out this week that I'm interested in and even more in the next few months

it's because i haven't found any interesting ones lately. i have been seriously a big weeb for like 2 years now. i finally picked up all the western exclusives for PS4 and i am having a blast with them. playing spider man right now and fuck this game is good. i'm interested in trails of cold steel, but it is too damn expensive. that low budget shit ain't getting 60 from me. played atelier sophie a month back. it was my first atelier game, and i was very disappointed. i can tolerate jap shit, but this was cringy beyond belief with all the obvious tropes. the character doesnt feel good to move either. i didn't even get to the battle system. returned the game after 15 minutes.

Torrent is out in the usual places.

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That's her sister. She just talks about poop, never does anything else.

I recently started playing Tales of the Abyss. And it’s really good.

>have a huge backlog already
>want to do the third playthrough of Atelier Meruru for the plat
>not even done yet with the first route of Three Houses
>Astral Chain this week
>Ys IX (haven't played Celceta Kai yet), Atelier Ryza, and DQ XI S in September
>Alliance Alive and P5R in October
>Shin Sakura Taisen in December
>also thinking of getting Daemon x Machina, 13 Sentinels and MHW
I have no idea where to find time to play all this.

>there is more then trails of cold steel
fucking dropped.

>the original would look more stylish and classy than that cashgrab
God shut the fuck up

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The ones prior to Cold Steel are better, actually.

Because JRPGs don't look like that

>>tfw have a fuckhuge backlog and started a shitload of games that I just stopped playing because I moved to other games
are you me ?
i wanted to play a bit dq builders 2
i am already 60 hours in and want to finish it every day so i can fucking move on but after beating the boss it just got another boss
how the fuck did they make a 80 hour story out of a minecraft game

But that's literally from the game.

that upskirt even looks good
can you upskirt causally or do you need to glitch out the camera?

Top idiot. Forget those other games and finish at least one more route then wait for infernal difficulty and play the third route.

I played (read) through the 1 hour intro last night and was already getting legit mad at the generic writing. I'll keep playing it though because I like edgy and depressing anime.

now add 38 hours work a week
fuck me
but they dont have the ass as in OP

Prove it

That’s a good thing, bad reviews usually means good game/etc when it comes to anime shit.

It’s from Trails of Cold Steel 4. Literally in the game.

It's not hard, just need to find the right objects around like stairs.

Attached: CRYSTAR_2019_08_28_07_05_11_350.jpg (1920x1080, 850K)

Drop CS, and some will say its fine since its where the series starts dropping its quality in terms of story. Have you seen the memes surrounding it? Whats sad on it is its not even wrong in most case.

he/you said prior to Cold Steel are better

>lovely butt
ufff thx man
feel free to post more
also is the game actually good?

Story aside, is the gameplay serviceable at least or just plain bad?

No good game left, waiting for Astral Chain

I have class

I just started like half an hour ago, I can't answer that yet.

Same naked girl. Either way, read
since you don't seem familiar with Trails.

that's not even remotely true, and a 7/10 score is more than what 90% of modern jrpgs deserve anyway.

sub-Tales sub-Nights of Azure action, with worse maps. It's not going to piss you off, but you'll never say that it was something worth mentioning either. Which is kind of bad for an action jrpg.

Is this yuri?

>no good game
>but astral chain
weak bait.


why cant adol games have nice girls like this?

If you want to shitpost there's alot of thread for that so fuck off.

OP video is a glitch. You can’t normally walk with this outfit.

seems cool but
literally who?

whys it funny though? thats just a technicality. it's not full of cringe dialogue and pedo bait and moe shit and all the other waifu faggot stuff and japanese ''''humour''''

based as fuck

>supressing shitposting by say others shitpost
begone retard

I still don't understand why most people like to pretend that isn't the case

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I am going to enjoy it for FREE

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Did you get the controller to work because I tried
Dualshock 4
Dualshock 4 pretending to be a 360 controller
an actual 360 controller
Arcade stick
and it wouldn't recognize any of them. I hate playing stuff like this with a keyboard and mouse.

Don't you have a normal wired Xbone controller?

>and it wouldn't recognize any of them.
Did you try to config them in steam big picture mode?

NOOOOO SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

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Coz Exhentai is still open

This is the same as saying guns cause murders.

Absolutely based. I play games to...play games, not to watch shonen anime cinematic experience. Even shit like FIFA and Cowadoody have more gameplay than watching cutscenes .

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It's too god damn hot to play at my PC, holy shit.

>but they dont have the ass as in OP
They're better games with better stories. Don't act like a walking prolactin factory.

RB3 was shit

no just old 360 ones. It's a fucking PS4 port so you would think that a PS4 controller would work.

I have, but I'm not running this through Steam. I'm in no hurry so I'll just go play something else and see if anyone comes up with a fix.

>good story
>not ending with beating a dogshit endboss, who self proclaimed as divine being
name 3
heck name even 1

I am currently going through Mages of Mystralia first. Then I will see about getting to Bravely Default on my 3DS.

i want to cuddle with that cat

>I've played Final Fantasy once

Half the Trails series, actually.

I was playing FFXV but got bored

>i dont play jrpgs

>Which is kind of bad for an action jrpg.
I mean, mentioning Nights of Azure is really all anyone would need to know.

>those final AO bonding events
Why were people saying Crossbell doesn't have romance?
Ellie's was extremely sweet.

I have sex occasionally.

Some people say Crossbell was the start of harem stuff in Trails since Lloyd gets a lot of attention from the girls and there's bonding events. Crossbellfags get really triggered when they hear this so some of them pretend that there's no romance in the game or that it's totally different from Rean and his harem.
tldr autism

What do you think about Alliance Alive, anons?
Worth a try?

I hurt myself today....

Yeah. Played it when it came out, it's great and not that long.

To see if i sill feel UwU....

its a furyu game, good concept shitty execution

I don’t play “jrpgs” with shit art so that’s irrelevant, western reviewers score the good niche nip games 7/10 or below anyways just because they’re triggered by attractive characters and if you’re talking about those then you can kill yourself you normalfag.

What game is responsible for the degeneracy of JRPG? What is ground zero?
What game cause the chain of events which created moe, pedo baits, harem, gacha games?

don wanna


Attractive people like attractive characters and subhuman western dogs like you don’t, go figure.

>What game is responsible for the degeneracy of JRPG? What is ground zero?
>What game cause the chain of events which created moe, pedo baits, harem, gacha games?
Dragon and Princess (1982)

It's only attractive to pedophiles.

Gust and Compile Hearts trash was poisoning the industry for years now.

>t. pedophile

Modern anime.
People that grew up on the classic stuff made classic masterpiece games that will live forever. Newfag devs make forgettable fastfood trash. It's all connected.

have sex

new bad, old good

>degeneracy of JRPG?

What's a good turn based rpg for ps4. Please help

It's a good game, especially if you like SaGa, on the other hand it's also a bit too easy if you like SaGa and it doesn't have nearly as much replay value.
I'd say wait for the PC HD rerelease, this is going to be a good year for SaGafriends.

>for ps4.

You lying sack of shit

eat my dogs shit you retarded nigger sack shit of down syndrome

Oh and a racist...NICE

I'll kick your fucking ass little bitch boy. I'll make YOU eat your own dogs shit while I dominate him you faggot racist scum.


kill yourself dumb nigger
dont you have to be a slave of some white boi?

Fuck off to resetera back fucking shit nigger.

I'll kick both your asses at the same time faggots. So fuck off before you both are forced to watch your family worship my cock.

Real men choose the 2D pill

dumb nigger.
no ( you ) for your black ass and micro penis

I am, thanks.

Hold up, isn't this that game which has a ridiculously chad protagonist cucking the previous protagonists? Or is that the game after that?

Hey look an argument sissie.

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trying to get everything sorted after losing power for 30 FUCKING HOURS

>What game is this?
Cold Steel 3 (or was it 4)

S-s-shut up! Not an argument !!

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Wait, Kiseki has fucking cuckshit in it? Yikes, I guess that's gonna be a dropped series for me. It's a shame, because I was really liking Zero, but I have my principles.

>I was playing FFXV but got bored

I don't blame you. The "gameplay" of that unfinished game is fucking boring

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I remember seeing totally diferent models. This "hd" squall uses the same model with bigger textures. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

Well of course because we have Skyrim and Fallout!

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It's really not. How can anime cause gender dysphoria when the entire medium hinges on the fact that the audience has dicks to stroke?

The big difference between Lloyd and Rean is that Lloyd is not a black hole forcing everyone around orbit him, but rather a good psychologist helping people around him with their insecurities and problems. There's nothing in Sen that reaches the level of final Lloyd/Rixia bonding event which unlocks a considerable part of her backstory and depth of her daddy issues.

>her daddy issues
Who cares? Who doesn't it unlock her pussy?

Well Lloyd essentially promises to become her new daddy so here's that.

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Calvard when?

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After Cold Steel VI: Divine Blade Edition

The average age of Sen players is the 20s, according to the director. I understand why I feel like Sen games "stupid".

Too bad they're written for 16-year-olds who want to self-insert into the guy whose dick gets sucked by everyone.

I do actually.
I was REALLY surprised how good this game is, even tho I kind of wrpg\crpg kind of guy. The only few flaws that I can think about, is stupidly tight time limit, and cringy fan service sometimes.

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>stupidly tight time limit
How is P4's time limit tight?

I mean in terms of new dungeons. You have two days to save Yukiko and Kanji before fog

It's not really NTR when you, the player, are doing it.

>You have two days to save Yukiko and Kanji before fog
Nigga, you are doing something wrong.

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Thank you for being a chad, weeb games belong in the dumpster

No, it doesn't.
Some /vg/ faggots are really desperate to push a meme

Matador wasn't nearly as hard as people make him out to be.......
Minotaur in 4 however......

>even tho I kind of wrpg\crpg kind of guy
>stupidly tight time limit
>You have two days to save Yukiko and Kanji before fog
Why am I not surprised?

Most of them suck, end up having pacing issues, padding, simplistic dull combat, shit like random encounters, too much cliche in writing/characters.

I'm waiting for CS3

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Dragon Quest XI is pretty good

got the Hack/G.U collection . enjoying it so far user

Okay, that sounds reasonably based. Too bad there's still cuckoldry elements in it, though.

Haha, that's our Juna

>got the Hack/G.U

I'm playing through Nier Automata so I can be ready for the Nier FFXIV raid in late october-ish. Then I'm also playing Dragon Quest XI, like 40 hours in right now.

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He says posting on Yea Forums.

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I am asshole. Tales of Grace's for the fifteenth bajillion time

>Then I'm also playing Dragon Quest XI, like 40 hours in right now.
Just wait for Switch dude

>spending another $60
No thanks, I'd rather play it at 4k even without some of the extra features. I'll probably replay it on the switch in a few years to check out 2D mode though.

stahpp .. im only 3hours in ;_;

Lol who's that smug prick on the far right

Enjoy it user, it's one hell of a ride, might replay it soon so i can read the Vol.4

>who's that smug prick on the far right
THE best presentation of gay.
Guy want to be him, girl want to fuck him

That's my fucking dude right there, dude's one bad mother fucker.

Attached: Sylvando.jpg (2560x1440, 1.74M)

Yes it is.

sylvando isn't gay though

>sylvando isn't gay
Yes he is, prove me wrong, you can't

prove he is


Oh and the option to play at 1440p/60fps is also really nice and I think that's what I'm doing now.

>New extra story
>Good music
>New ending
Just buy it and enjoy one of japan iconic RPG at it best

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>spending another $60
Again no thanks, and I already have the orchestral music mod on PC. Different ending ala VIII 3DS is also not really worth it either. Extra features are nice but nothing big enough to warrant another purchase and in my opinion deal with the lowered visual fidelity. If I got the switch version, 2D mode is really all I'd be interested in. The extra story bits are the most attractive reason but again I'm not exactly in a rush. I can wait a few years, hack my switch and play it anyways. I also don't agree with Square Enix releasing an extremely updated version less than 2 years from original release and not porting those changes to PS4/PC even if it was paid DLC, it's quite scummy in my opinion. So I'm not interested in supporting DQXIS at this time.

Because im at work


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Am I ? Aren't narrative supposed to go for its own ? I know you need to spend 19 for Naoto to arrive so she could give you clues about Kanji, but really ?

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I only play good games

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Tocs 3 on PC when?


headpat is cringiest thing in anime

You would fucking hate the Cold Steel series then


I'm playing the first God Eater but I hate the control scheme. I might just skip to 2 next time it's on sale.

Good taste

Because I'm waiting for DQ11 on Switch. Demo was pretty nice, not as long as people said though.

It's more like the opposite. Many people with gender dysphoria are for some reason attracted to anime.

He is not gay, he is flamboyant.
A stereotypical japanese okama bro.

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I prefer good vidya.

Not thirsty like you.

Because I'm waiting for Dragon's Dogma to load on my Switch.

Got to chapter 3 in this, it's alright for the $30 sale it's currently on

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I'm not a stinky weeb, repulsive

I was debating between this and Metal Max Xeno, but figure they'll be even cheaper in December. I've got enough or a backlog as it is.

Going to make time to replay IMOQ before I start up .hack//GU

>Going to make time to replay IMOQ before I start up .hack//GU

the PS2 versions of GU or Last Recode?

Probably Last Recode. I heard they fucked up some mechanic so that game is even easier than the original, but either way I'll have to play LR eventually for that 4th chapter of the story they added.

>Literally have like 15 games pre-ordered
>September 6th I have like 3 games coming out the same day
>New Path of Exile season coming up
>Gamepass is shitting out games left and right

I've never had the problem of too many games till this year.

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they increased the EXP gain from the PS2 versions.

Overall LR felt easier than the PS2 version

>Not gay
Fucking retard

Haha, make sure to buy my next game!

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Not all okama are gays, the term is broad and covers drag queens too.

He can't keep getting away with it!

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haha... seven of you? time to stop holding back haha

Please continue posting my wife Emma.

>ecchi harem hotsprings bonus episode
What is this series even?

Sure thing Rean, even though it's your 5th game. Anything to support the most chad character in Japanese media as a whole haha.

Okama is any sort of a male adopting feminine traits. Sylvando fits right there and without any hints towards actual homosexuality. His goal is to cheer the world up, not to fuck someone in the ass.

>What is this series even?

apprently going down the path of LNs, which makes taking interesting settings and ruining them for harem wank and jerking off some beta like he's the top shit.

this is a meme
you can actually get deeper during doggy than most other positions

You guys ever play a shitty JRPG and create your own fanfiction in your head of how you would make it better? Happened too many times for me in this boring piece of shit series. Don't believe their "worldbuilding" lies

I spent a year trying to figure out how to make a good Final Fantasy finally, but then they smartened up and made 8 and 9 so I didn't have to worry about it any more.

The setting changes I can tolerate, but fuck me up the ass if Rean isn't the purest distilled incarnate form of every modern battle harem and isekai protagonist of the 2010's, the kind that Yea Forums loves to drool over nowadays.

>, but fuck me up the ass if Rean isn't the purest distilled incarnate form of every modern battle harem and isekai protagonist of the 2010's, the kind that Yea Forums loves to drool over nowadays.

but for some reason I don't want to punch Rean's face in like I would with the MC of any shitty harem anime that Yea Forums loves (pic related).

I don't know if it's because he can hang out with other male characters while Harem MCs are surrounded by THOTs 24/7

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Your wife is completely irrelevant thanks to a dumb cat taking her place in the plot

>but for some reason I don't want to punch Rean's face in
That's because based Mean Meme God King Machine Rean's already charmed you into his harem and you don't even know it.

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I think it's because it feels like Rean is an actual character instead of some shitty self insert

He's certainly went through his fair share of suffering, at least enough to deter a classification of a pureblood self-insert. It's really fucking hard to see that though when he's talking to his drunk OL teacher in one bonding event and then fucking her in the next, or at least as close as "fucking" gets in a modern JRPG.

You do know you can visit dungeons any time you wish to after school, right?

If not the whole game, I'd recommend at least watching some of the key Jin cutscenes in the event theater after finishing Torna, like the ones at the end of chapter 5.

Look at that smug fucking face, it's like he knows that he successfully made a serial storyline going on for 15 years revolve solely around him.

Is that my cute witch Emma?
is this for Sen3 or 4? Only played 1 and 2.

It’s Sen 4.

>BC: Last but not least, who is your favorite character in the Trails of Cold Steel series?
>TK: I’ve been asked this before and my answer seems to change from time to time. Generally, I would choose Jusis Albarea, but now I’m going to have to say Rean Schwarzer particularly because the story has reached its conclusion in Japan. Looking back at the entire game and seeing Rean’s growth, through all of his wins and losses, I can look at it all and say, “Good Job, Rean”

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The girl looks cute. Can you romance her?

>The girl looks cute. Can you romance her?

Yes, I did get to the part where you can start giving gifts to the girls but I have nothing she really likes.

>"Generally, I would choose Jusis Albarea"
ok based
>"but now I’m going to have to say Rean Schwarzer"
>"particularly because the story has reached its conclusion in Japan"
>when Sen the 5th was just announced
Haha, that's our Kondo for you...
>“Good Job, Rean”

Attached: we had this same thread.jpg (390x376, 27K)

Cold Steel fags are fucked in the head, what else is new? Admittedly most Trailsfags are like that, but CSfags take it to a whole new level.

Thanks. Hop Sen3 gets to PC soon after PS4.
Being able to mod the games made subsequent playthroughs more fun.

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What game is it? I like glowy naked girls.

>Showing the same webm/pics over and over again

The power of the internet! All these users, yet lack of information and more photo evidence. This is truly amazing!

He's also said that he regrets that Estelle and Joshua are a couple.

Estelle is shit. Should have been able to choose who Joshua would romance.

>What game is it? I like glowy naked girls.

read the thread. It's been mentioned

Just pair up Joshua with Josette and Estelle with Rean, that way Skyboomers and CSzoomers are both given something to be happy about.

Estelle is a miracle of the universe.
Their dymanic is one of the best things about the Sky games and thank fuck we didn't get a gender reversed version

sen no kiseki 4

This is sword autist territory now

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Sara>Emma=Laura>everyone else.

I love seibah! especially that one

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>This is sword autist territory now

I remember when I first played CS I kept on referring Laura by the name of a different sword autist on accident

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based chad

Why does Rean have white hairs?

Seethe more Lauranigger

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Because 99.9% of them are shallow garbage.

Still on my Ys VIII Inferno playthrough. Psyche Minos is up next, but he'll be tough and I am kinda tired right now so I'll tackle that one another time.

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Go back to >>/m/

>"main" girl
>still less popular than the fujo pair and the cumdoll

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How is she even that high? She's the definition of a basic tsundere

Haha, that's our nip fan for you.

Why aren' you surprised about the funjoniggers claiming the second spot?
Japs just have a shit taste

>meainwhile Laura is below the "sleepy cutie but actually a murderous squad hitman" and the "flirty girl who's actually a strategic genius from the national intelligence agency"
oh no no no no no

Why would I subject myself to something I know is mediocre by default?

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I'm no expert but it's probably something like how anime glorifies femininity and alot of weebs/people in general are depressed and something something the grass is greener.

t. gender dysphoria

Trails in the Sky is a good JRPG.


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Dark Souls is a JRPG retard.

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Because I put down DQ4 until I finish Baldr Sky.

>Baldr Sky
But it's not out yet.

From what I remember, the PS1 and PS2 JRPGs didn't have moeshit and pedobait. At least not to the extent we see today.
I say the PS3 JRPGs were the beginning of the end. Modern Atelier, Neptunia, shit like that.

Where's Sara dammit?

Replaying Wild Arms 5 so I can make a video on it, boy as a young teen I sure missed how generic anime the start was.

#26 lmao
even Claire is more popular, and that's after 4 assassinated her character

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This always happens to me. I fall for the side characters or the unpopular characters.
I'm happy she's a romance candidate at least.
From the classmates I like Emma the most.

I'm playing Seiken Densetsu 3 with the Sin of Mana hack. Its great, easily one of the best SNES RPGs.

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I mean Rean the VN self insert is the most popular character by far followed by his boyfriend, I wouldn't put too much stake in Japan's taste

I just finished the DQXIS demo, so I need something else.
I could go back and actually finish Xenoblade, but I just didn't get into it that much, also there's so much shit going on in that game that I dread having to remember all the systems.
I have a couple of chapters left in Three Houses, so I guess I'll play that.
Really looking forward to finally playing the original Ni no Kuni soon, too.

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>not full of cringe dialogue
>and all the other waifu faggot stuff
>the sisters of chaos

>heard good things about Trails games
>kinda want to give them a try
>mfw after reading that stuff about Rean on a post yesterday
Fucking japs

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Good taste

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I was speaking in general. Trails has a significant fujo fanbase so it's not surprising. Favourite Tsukihime was Akiha and favourite F/SN was Sakura/Rider.

How the fuck is this thread still going? Anyways playing Xenoblade 2, Nier Automata, and ffxiv which I guess is technically a jrpg. All are pretty fun

Cool shmup

You did not play many JRPGs back then, apparently. Moe shit's been around forever. It's more noticeable now because a few companies like Idea Factory and Falcom put out a lot of lower budget RPGs featuring those things, just like they always have meanwhile there are not a lot of big-budget JRPGs being produced, and the ones that are come out at a snails pace.

Back in the 5th/6th gens it was still relatively cheap to make games compared to today, so there were a lot more variety of JRPGs being made and companies taking chances on new/different ideas. These days you have to either make a game on a shoestring budget - which most companies don't see as being profitable in the long run anyway - or take a huge risk and dump money into a massive AAA production.

A lot of the really great PS1/PS2 JRPGs would probably not get made today because companies want AAA blockbusters and would never risk all that money for an idea that might not pan out.

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Just play up to Azure and then stop

>I'm happy she's a romance candidate at least.

that's just a still from a transformation sequence

>Favourite Tsukihime was Akiha
My nigga

>favourite F/SN was Sakura/Rider.
My double nigga Sakura that is

Legitimately one of the worst characters in the entire series, and proved that /m/'s taste in women is literally based solely on appearances

I never understood how you people play a bunch of games at the same time.
I start one, finish it and then move to the next.

absolutely based

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lost to a superior noble

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Sky trilogy is nowhere nearly as retarded as Sen.
Crossbell feels like something straight out of 80s, like City Hunter or something.

WA5 is great

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I'll bet it was made by CAVE.

Assuming you are talking about Xenoblade Chronicles 2, the systems are not THAT complicated. Perform specials and stack them to level three such as fire level one, fire level 2, photon level 3 (nuclear blast), mix these things up so you give the enemy orbs. Once they have a lot of orbs proceed to use the full party gauge to perform specials that break these orbs, each break lets you do another round of specials. If you get these two things down the game is easy

Sky looks like shit and plays like shit.
I got into the series with Sen and I just can't get into Sky. Tried playing 3 times.
Estelle being an obnoxious shit doesn't help at all. I fucking hate her guts.

>Sky looks like shit and plays like shit.
>Estelle being an obnoxious shit
>I got into the series with Sen
Check out. Go eat some Compile Hearts shit, you will like it.

Haha man yea I’m playing 5 games at the same time currently. Kingdom come deliverance, Nier Automata, final fantasy XIV, Xenoblade 2 torna, and Final fantasy XV. I get bored easily so switching between games keeps me entertained

Yes, it's one of my all time favourite games if just for the soundtrack

and Avril and Persephone

I don't mean to say moeshit was born yesterday. But I can't think of a single game from the PS1 or PS2 days that had it front and center, it was usually just a thing that happened to be in the game.
Fast forward a decade and I'm hard pressed to find a single game that doesn't feature it glaringly. For today's standards, I'd name DQXI, which still has moeshit like Veronica, but retains a pretty classic atmosphere.

I still regret wasting like 300 hours on the Sen series, Sen 4 was so fucking horrible

I do actually. Death End re;quest was enjoyable.
People have different tastes user. I'd play the Sky trilogy if it was remade with the Sen models in 3D.

Do you have ADHD or something?

Shadow Hearts 2 is a masterpiece

Because I prefer playing games and not movies.

>I'll bet it was made by CAVE.

no, Statelight with the director of the anime being the guy who made Wild Arms

>People have different tastes user
Yeah. Yours is garbage though. Typical gen Z faggot. No wonder you can't stomach cute 2D sprites, playing any good PS1 era JRPG will be a torture for you.

Black Souls 2 is one of the best jrpg released in the last few years

Nope, and I take modafanil and bupropion daily which give me mad focus. I simply don’t like doing the same thing for a extended period of time.

>playing any good PS1 era JRPG will be a torture for you.
Probably yeah. The only old JRPGs I played and liked were the Ar Tonelico games.
Shitty graphics-wise Agarest and Kamidori.
I mostly can't get into Sky because I can't stand Estelle. She's an annoying piece of shit during the first 2 hours of the game. Can't tolerate more.

>But I can't think of a single game from the PS1 or PS2 days that had it front and center,
You are a retard

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Does Demon's Souls count as JRPG? Cause the typical JRPG is light on gameplay and heavy on story which is just Anime cringe i can't stand whereas Demon's Souls is the complete opposite of all that.


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Meant to be a reply to

New Kiseki game still isn’t out yet

they are for weenies, I only play DRPGs now


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but oh yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

undeniably based

If Hella Yuri doesn't include it in their curations as of a week from now, probably not.

What post, I want to see how bad it gets for myself.

If your dick shrunk into a vagina and you grew boobs literally right this minute, you would still masturbate to anime, user.

nigga I just like cute girls and have a lesbian fetish.

Also TitS is great.

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Is this seriously the series people keep glorifying as the jrpg series of the decade?


No, it's the series that ruined the series that people touted as the goat JRPG

No, Sky and the Crossbell ones are the ones everyone praises. Cold Steel is generic anime trash. Only redeeming features are the Sky and Crossbell cameos

Oh my fucking god I didn't think it would be this bad

Who is the developer I hope it is not Idea Factory?


Literally the only good part of Sen is a pair of secondary Sky characters marrying at the end of its events.

>Developed by FURYU Corporation
>Published by Spike Chunsoft

It's part of it, unfortunately, and now the whole series is trashed by association since all the games are connected narrative-wise in some fashion.

Can I play this game if so how?

Like most things that have been ongoing for over a decade the fanbase is splintered along the lines of which games they think are best and they shitpost at each other nonstop because they can't understand why someone would like something they don't like.
If you like trails games or want to give them a try then go ahead but stay far away from the threads about them, especially the general if that's still going.

Also avoid Cold Steel unless you're a massive weeb who loves shitty harem anime.

but I am. finished this yesterday and taking a break from playing Ao

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I like harem anime occasionally and cold steel still sounds retarded to me


I just finished one though

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Can I play this shit on steam?

Ao is the peak of the series, enjoy
It's only downhill after that

You mean the game in OP?
You might in 2025 when NISA finally releases the broken port.

Well the second epilogue of sen 4 reveal that the entire setting is just a computer simulation of sort so it was ruined no matter what

Fucking cancer what about the previous games on the series?

Sky trilogy and Trails 1&2 were ported by Xseed and have no issues.

Ok, are they related to the game in the OP?


I see thanks

I mean, Suikoden (at least 1 and 2, never bothered playing the rest) are as moe/anime/weeb/whatever as your average IF/NIS game if not more with its dog people, ohohohoing ojou-samas and school arcs. Falcom games were also moe as hell even back in 80's. Not to mention all those Japan-only games that your average westcuck never heard about. It was always the same shit, older games just get a free pass because reasons.


She was canonically raped

yes, that is true

It was hot

I disagree, it was NTR, which makes it garbage

I changed my mind. I hated it.

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your inability to hold true to your opinions disgusts me

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I'll rape you

now we're talking

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>God this looks so edgy.
why do redditors think this is a problem?
>Reminds me of Death End RE;Quest.
death end re;quest is a good game, but it's turn-based, whereas crystar is an action rpg.

I rather play my skyrim for the 2851725926th time. Than play jprg trash.

Go back to facebook you normalfag

Cringe, and dare I say, cringe.

FuRyu, even worse. Yes, worse than IF.

yes, that is hot

some literal-who studio called gemdrops.

IF have really stepped things up the past few years.

This. You fat fuck weebs need to go back to Yea Forums.

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>preorders Fishing World 2020

I want to try the new FE but I've never really been a fan, I've only played Awakening

Finished 1 a while back,most reviews online dont give it much praise but i liked,it was very comfy to play
So i am very much looking foward to playing 2 since everybody who played it seems to love it

Play 3H

Is it hard for newcomers?


stop buying the bad shovelware JRPGs and they'll start making good ones again you braindead weebs

FE has been exceedingly casual since Awakening. It's just a waifu series now


Attached: 81uckzOmyhL._SX425_.jpg (425x389, 45K)

Definitely no. It's easy, even on hard. The most important part is not to fuck up character development in monastery. What I mean is:
>use lunch option to raise "happiness" of party members you use in combat
>on Monday, train them manually and only things they're using (aka do not raise axe skills on a mage etc.)
>lunch in dining hall with your students also raises your professor level, gardening and arena have the same effect
>avoid tea parties and rest option
>spend most of your free days on arena and lunch, and do battles once a month (plus mandatory monthly mission)
>do not recruit every fucking unit, it is easy to beat the game simply without default characters from your house

so you're planning on emulating stuff with a mouse and keyboard?
just get a dualshock 4, they're pretty cheap

>simply without default characters from your house
I meant simply WITH

I'll probably play it then. Thanks for the tips.

Hello, thanks for proving my point.

>it's easy for hyper-autist FE fans so it doesn't count

Zoids Assault

Watch anime.

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Np. Have fun, user!

Oh, right. I forgot. I'm playing Oninaki on maniac. First boss game me troubles, but after that it's been really easy. Not a bad game, but definitely not worth more than 20 euros. Luckily for me, my friend bought me the game.
This is probably the best game from Tokyo RPG Factory, but I don't see a bright future for that studio.

Because when last time I started playing one, threads of games related to it were appearing out of nowhere and spoiling me the whole thing :(


Come on anons, you c-can do it! D-don't let the thread die now!

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>this is the shitty cringe kind of protagonist found only in galge VNs that JRPGfags deal with on a regular basis
>in a series supposedly famous for its "good writing and worldbuilding"
Yikes, no wonder everyone sees this genre as a trashfest.

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Because I finished Legend of Mana yesterday.

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Sorry buddy, you're gonna need to wait a few years if you're a filthy EOP.

I just wish they still made games that you could come home and play after work or school and accumulate thousands of hours.

>thousands of hours.
Disgaea still exists for your grinding autism

Plenty of games have grind autism, but they lack the reward for and have subpar gameplay. I'm really looking for a gameplay loop a bit like Monster Hunter, plenty of replay value and you don't really need to grind all that much if you're good enough.

The words of a scummy jew that got booted off his own website have no weight.

God Eater?

Soul Sacrifice?

Get death end re quest after if you like it. It's from the same devs iirc

Its not as bad fuck /fg/

Stuck in turbo mode iv spoilers

This image of rean has smug powers to rival Higurashi and Umineko levels i hate it so godamn much where is the comic this shit is from

/fg/ worships Rean tho

Absolutely not lmao
everyone just shits on cs what are you talking about


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Get real, every other post on there mentions how they want to fuck Rean or fuck Fie or fuck cunny. Then you have people saying on how the Sky games are otomeshit and Crossbell is proto-Sen and to play based Rean's games instead.

What jrpg should i play? I have a pc, ps3, and switch

not getting enough upvotes on reddit, beepzorz?

Literally no, there is a lot of waifuposting yeah but everytime people actually discuss the games cs is absolutely shat on, and every post about rean is either making fun of him for being gary stue n all dat or talking about his goyfriend, cs is absulutely shitted on by everyone the majority of proto-senfags


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lmao what a fucking joke

If they're doing that, then they must be fucking masters of irony because all I see is people claiming they have a love-hate relationship with Rean and Sen like a basic bitch tsundere that leans heavily on the -dere side.

Because I'm playing Metal Wolf Chaos right now.

no, rean is pretty universally hated. your opinion on sen will be determined by how much you can enjoy the games in spite of rean.