Main reason why Tracer won't be in Smash-

Main reason why Tracer won't be in Smash-
Your soundtrack is trash, Sweetie

Attached: Soundtrack.png (1323x1258, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>star fox is good


Explain Hero getting in, then.


it'll be Blizzard games

>implying we wouldn't get the banger "Maybe I'll be Tracer"

Its called 'No Mercy' you fucking faggot
Id kick your teeth in if you said some shit like that in prison

They could just use The soundtrack for Overwatch 2


Attached: godlike soundtrack.jpg (800x638, 46K)

Explain Cloud

Fine, I'm already Widowmaker though.


Yeah but Sakurai did say there would be music and a stage with each DLC.
It could be cloud levels of bad but at this point the whole smash soundtrack sucks for competitive so I simply put Rivals of Aether music on

>dumb furfag has shit opinions

Says a lot about the game when the only critiscism you can throw at it is "muh furfag furfag lololol"

Not that it matters anyway but Etalus S-Tier U shit tier

>im a furfag but its ok
based retard. thanks for conceding

Actual music.

Agreed, OP. Tf are they gonna play, map intro songs, then loop it? Sure

Attached: smug.png (487x476, 178K)

yeah it says that literally nobody knows anything about your shitty furfag game

Jokes on them then lol, insulting things they dont know about and simply assuming it has to do with furfags because the cast is animal based.
Oh and dont forget about the april fools joke, such damning evidence

Attached: 1566955436965.png (500x581, 7K)

No, pretty sure Mercy is in the song.

>it's not a furfag game just because all of the characters are furries

Attached: well then.jpg (771x886, 138K)

Do you call Lions furfags when you go to the zoo

are you about to start arguing that it's merely bestiality



No Im about to call you stupid for saying that an animal has a fursona

>zoo analogy
goodbye goalposts

yeah this is exactly what i see when i go to the zoo

Attached: not fursona btw.png (1400x1400, 14K)

It's a lion thats on fire, what exactly is "Fursona" about that?
Is every animal character a fursona in your eyes? That's pretty retarded. You can keep going, your sillyness is doing wonders.

Attached: 1566918374359.png (268x259, 104K)

You forgot your D.iva cup. It's okay, a lot of people forget their time of the month.

>furrybait isnt furrybait

>going to the animal prison

Attached: f309443ffcacfa7b10e8db1ac34e572836e3d779_hq.jpg (520x600, 58K)

>how is that a fursona???

Attached: boogle.jpg (540x263, 31K)

Still waiting for an answer on how its a representation of someone who identifies as an animal. Come on now, you accused it of being such, you should know the definition.

>music being a contender when going into smash
>Cloud had 2 (two) songs
I don't think it's that important...

>gets kpop music

Attached: 1554540815876.jpg (1770x2501, 668K)

>personified animal with conventionally attractive human features is not a furry

You ever considered that the problem is possibly you for seeing it as more than a character in a fighting game?

If the man's music wasn't amazing they wouldn't keep hiring a composer that causes them problems.

>gets China national theme music

i've explained it a dozen times, you're just conveniently dodging it by going "pssh it's merely an animal, please ignore the fact that it's humanoid and ripped"

Is this sexually attractive to you, user

Attached: Orcane_portrait.png (500x450, 7K)

user you must be getting tired from running so much with that goalpost, please settle down, there's nothing wrong with being a furry just stop trying to shove it down the throats of non-degenerates

No, unlike you I am not a furry

Overwatch has music?

its not muscular and humanoid
not a furry
put down the goalposts

Is this sexually attractive to you??

Attached: Etalus.png (323x262, 8K)

user the goalpost is getting scared

Im just showing characters from the game

Attached: Ori_True.png (331x292, 10K)

yet another reason why reimu should be in smash

Not him, but I'd want one as a pet. It's cute.

Can you stop posting fursonas? Thanks

Dq's ost is trash too but they managed to get midis in the game, so

no but it is a furry

how mad are you right now

Wonder how many people get off to this furry

Attached: Shovel_Knight.png (204x220, 51K)

>the only non-fursona character is a cameo

Sugiyama's gonna kick the bucket any second now so it doesn't matter if he can be a PR nightmare

Rivals of aether is trash

So if we're using soundtrack as valid reasons to disqualify who's out?
DOA music is meh

How do you know what he looks like under that armor?

Attached: weedshibe-knight-boyfriends[1].png (1500x969, 1.46M)

Smash has crappy DQ "music", any goes at this point.

>Overwatch wouldn't have a good stage so-

t. star wolf

>no remixes without awful midi's
>can't completely disable music just for one stage

Attached: 1566693778484.jpg (239x207, 20K)

>no actual counter arguments

>Tf are they gonna play, map intro songs, then loop it?
I'm fine with this.


Anti-Tracerfags have no argument now.

Attached: 1535557210317.jpg (830x1300, 1.45M)

>mexican and wild west song

Kind of hard to fuck those up, you're literally disabled as a composer if you fuck those up somehow. It's like saying cod is a good arcade fps cause the ttk is short, you don't need a brain to make that decision

>zoomers think this art is good

It isnt bad, fundementally, it just lacks style

If the leaks are true about the next fighter being female with a mech. I'm going to call it now and say they go the Hero route and make it a collection of all the main girls from the Sakura Wars games in order to also promote the upcoming game.