Control on PS4 Pro is trash

This game runs like garbage on the all mighty Ps4 Pro. Its a single player game that cant stay at 30fps at 1080p. A $400 console cant run this game.

Do Sony fanboys really think a PS5 isnt going to be an underpowered piece of garbage again?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> remedy
> optimization

It run like shit even on PC

It's a game with massively complex physics. The PS4 Pro has a garbage CPU. Don't buy a game aimed at PCs if you're bothered by how it will run on consoles.

It runs like shit on PC too because Remedy never bothers with optimization.

Control is too much for the PS4 to handle, just as Quantum Break was too much for PCs to handle.

Time to upgrade from your toaster into something more modern methinks.

I played Quantum Break on PC two months ago and it ran fine

i have a 1070 and it runs barely better than the ps4 version.
though, i dont really care because im not a graphics fag like most of the people here.

I've got a minspec gaming tower and it runs fine. The reflections are bomb

"Optimization" is pleb-speak for "downgrades". Either you want bleeding edge PC games or you don't. You can't have it both ways.

It is TERRIBLE on the regular PS4 as far as I am aware.
But to be honest I came to expect that since the game is multiplat + is graphically pushing the envelope.

>bleeding edge

Attached: 12434643654743.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

Any Bonebois running this on the X? What can we expect?

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the main character looks like a tranny so I wont even bother with this game, lol.

no ur trash

you didn’t hear the news did you user?

Name a single game on the market with more sophisticated physics and lighting.

It runs like shit on PC as well, don't worry.
Wait for patches.

Rocket League

I don't recall Rocket League having destructible environments and supporting ray traced lighting, reflections, and shadows.
They're not going to downgrade the game to pander to you. Either turn down the settings or buy a better GPU/CPU.

>imagine being such a graphic whore that you defend a mediocre game like Quantum Break: Stronk Womyn Edition

I have old laptop with Gf 960m, runs great on lowest settings.

looks like somebody never played rocket league

Quantum Break was a decent game you joyless sod

What do you expect from 5 year old hardware?

I have played Rocket League, and I don't remember anything like Control's physics system where you have gazillions of particles swirling around and every time you use kinetic abilities and such bits and pieces of the environment go flying. It's basically a more sophisticated version of Quantum Break's destruction physics, and QB was easily the most advanced game on the market in 2016.


Runs fine.

Attached: m7b8EaE4qtazgrbfTf6oQZ[1].png (1920x1080, 373K)

Imagine being such an underage retard that your frame of reference is Quantum Break and not Max Payne.

optimization and downgrade are different things entirely retard

It's absolutely infuriating that a lot of AAA developers nerf graphics options because whiny little shitters get angry because maxing everything out tanks the framerate.

You literally just described 99% of Rocket League’s gameplay, verbatim. Read your words carefully. Not even trolling.

Quantum Break is optimized. You don't want it to be optimized. You want it to be downgraded. Never forget the idiots who whined about Dying Light being "poorly optimized" and the devs eventually caved to their bitching and made the view distance slider's maximum lower. Because audiences are fucking stupid and have no appreciation for, for example, global illumination that is accurate. They want horrid inaccurate graphics because in their minds "well optimized" means "runs at high speed at max settings on hardware I own so my ego doesn't get bruised".

Rocket League's physics are very, very simple. There's a reason the core game can run on the Switch. I'm starting to think you haven't actually played Quantum Break or Control.

The game runs almost on GPU alone.

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I've got a 1060 and I got +60 fps on max graphics Witcher 3.


This is why you make high settings the PC default, and put a disclaimer for an 'Ultra' setting that says meant for top-of-the-line/future hardware.

its apparently the best version by some distance according to the guys over at digital foundry

Attached: 4ef.png (601x457, 40K)

I almost got that with a 960, TW3 was pretty damn optimized.

Ray tracing is only going to make this worse. Performance is ray tracing is directly linked to resolution. You cannot do ray tracing in 4K on any hardware we have. Period. You are going to accept 1920x1080, and that's the end of it. WAAAAAGH, OPTIMIZE LITERAL LIGHT SIMULATION MORE, LAZY DEVS!

>TW3 was pretty damn optimized.
TW3 has an open world largely devoid of life, and everything is nailed to the floor.

You now realize why graphics whores have ruined video games for everyone
>graphics are now considered a feature
Wait, did this come out on Xbox? Wtf?

under 50 fps at high (not even ultra) at 1080p on a 1070 is garbage. i can get over 100 fps on ultra in games like forza horizon 4 with msaa.

>no cpu names
kindly fuck off


Attached: vert.gif (250x250, 341K)

ray tracing is meme that isn't capable of doing anything in games for another 15 years minimum and will be forgotten in 2 years like physx

>Wait, did this come out on Xbox? Wtf?
you living under a rock? this is a multiplat. remedy before this has been xbox exclusive for years and this is their first multiplat in ages. if anything you should be asking if this came out on playstation lol.

imagine being this gullible

That's why you shouldn't design a game with only one graphic option in mind, every single option should look good enough and not simply be a downgrade from the level above.
That's why the Division 2 looks so great even on lower settings.

only with raytracing enabled

>these are the type of tech illiterite retards who claim to be "mastur wace"

Oh I thought it was only PS4/PC
I became too jaded to care once Sam Lake said Quantum Break 2 was off the books.

>i am a retard
Yes, I know.

Control uses ray traced lighting, reflections, and shadows extensively.
>will be forgotten in 2 years like physx
Literally every AAA games uses PhysX.

ray tracing is the new 4K meme
what’s next?
hi def turd polynomials?

>only with raytracing enabled
even without it runs like shit

control uses fake ray tracing because actual ray tracing is impossible for a retail quality gaming gpu.

Literally every Remedy game is fun and Sam Lake is an industry treasure eat shit and dilate you ugly nigger

no u run like shit u jellybean

the irony. you know fuck all and the "benchmark" you linked is straight garbage. also if you think resolution doesn't matter and anybody is playing in 720p then you are even more retarded than i first thought. srsly neck yourself tech illiterate virgins.

what are you running?

I get over 100fps maxed on a 2060 1080p
Around 45fps with full RTX and between 80 and 60 with DLSS.
I'll probably play with DLSS just to enjoy the RTX

They will optimize it better, retard. No one talks about downgrade. Look at the Dishonored or Prey

people like you are the worst, thank god remedy barely has any of you autistic fuck fans left

>y da cpu bound test not in 4k?

Attached: 1522248785145.png (1040x800, 426K)

>control uses fake ray tracing
>ray tracing
holy fucking kek just give up the meme already
I’m laughing in 8k 420p

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yh that's what i said, enjoy whatever narrative you make up in your head you ugly little virgin.

>he thinks his retail gpu is actually drawing light simulation in real time

You realize the point of 720p is to test CPU performances alone?

hi res kek

it's redundant and so are those results. nobody is playing in 720p thus they are totally devoid of meaning. like holy shit you dumb niggers are dense.

GTFO my thread before I call the trace police

Ryzen 2600 chads whats the rundown?

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Enjoy buying an i9 to get 2 more FPS over a $350 CPU at 4k.

this is such a stupid fucking graph, holy shit
why do they not just stack card x dx11 and card x dx12 and then move on to the next

dunno haven't even bothered launching this shit yet, the more i see the more i think i might just uninstall. sounds like usual remedy trash, they've been dead since max payne

you still using fake ray tracers?

nobody is doing that either user, more false narratives, you are literally deluded.
have sex

2700x, it can dip to the 20s in heavy scenes but it's good otherwise

>not streaming your 8k fake ray tracers with an i9 swag
join the graphics whore clan today bro

>this is the type of person obsessed with "bottlenecks"

nah man its going to be 2080ti and an i9 cpu but the price is going to be 499 dollars so its going to run this crap game at 30 fps full rtx minimum

>tfw homeboy uses fake ray tracers on his twitch stream

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i couldnt believe the main character was revealed to be trans at the end. very brave.

Please uninstall it I will be happier knowing an incel lost out on enjoying something because of their autistic derangement

>it can dip to the 20s
say what now?

H*ck yeah Green Machine rise up Blue Terror on notice!

Gotta take the small victories...

physx or parts of what was physx has been migrated into most big game engines now. even xbox and ps4 officially support it. it's no longer part of nvidia's gameworks suite like rtx and stuff but it's still very relevant.

>this person thinks 720p results are relevant in any way shape or form in 2019

quit projecting kid we both know you're an ugly kissless virgin with no gf.
>lose out
on a shitty b game? lmao@urlife

>fake raytracing
There's nothing fake about having a process or two in your rendering pipeline that uses tensor cores to perform math operations for rendering one layer of the scene that directly influences how the other rasterized aspects of that rendering pipeline operate.

>people think results which don't even separate amd/intel cpu's are useful

jesus christ this board is full to the brim with retards.

to be fair i'm running it on max dx11 on an RX580, so yknow

ah so you have no idea what you're doing, gotcha.

tbf this game doesn’t run AT ALL on my VUDU 3DFX card

Fuck performance. Is the game any good?

Par for the course for Remedy games.

>but it's good otherwise
what does this even mean? 60 fps? 30 fps?

how about 69fps you fuckin pleb

81-84 critic. probably translates to 71-74 in the real world. it's probably decent but nothing special.

>t. Hasn’t actually played the game
gtfo of here with that shit

It's translates into 0

he considers 20fps acceptable so good is prolly 30fps to him.

>a Remedy made game being good after MP2

story is cringey shit like all remedy games, shooting is crap. only worth for the physics abilities and that won't carry the whole game.

i never said 20fps was acceptable, just that's where it dips in heavy action on a midrange card when i'm maxing everything
or would you rather i put together a powerpoint presentation with all my game settings and my driver version so we can optimise

if you want a dope story go read a book why don’t you?

Holy fuck it looks like hot dogshit. Thanks man. Why in the fuck are you guys talking shit about performance here? This game doesn't warrant this type of discussion. I'll be on my way. Good day to you sirs.

post "her" face

Because fucking fake ray tracers are streaming in 4K you pleb

>PS4 Pro is trash
Nothing new under the sun.

the game is trash on any platform

Please elaborate

Theyre called remedy because their games are a remedy for insomnia

if you think good stories are exclusive to books then you're a retard.

This. Its pretty obvious that the average le /r/pcmasterrace gaymer in 2019 is a pajeet with an alienware laptop who thought he was hot shit for "maxing out" console ports from 2011. Remedy makes actual top of the line pc games and they get ported to consoles, the single exception to this has been Alan Wake and to a lesser extent Quantum Break since they were on microshits xbox leash at that time. Youd have to be fucking retarded to think you could magically """"optimize"""" Control to run better at max settings when you have some of the most complex particle effects and physics objects littering the screen at all times let alone when raytracing is enabled

If you think a game is bad cuz it has fake ray tracers you can slob on my knob

>t. has never slept in his god damn life
no pics no proof

huehue so fanny meme kys incel

A lot of the optimization process has nothing to do with visuals.

get on my GPUs fanspeed pleb

you aren't funny, have sex

I waited a year for Quantum Break to go outside the Microsoft store, I'll wait a year for Control to go outside the EGS.

or just you know torrent it like a normal person

I’m banging my bottom bitch while I render fake ray tracers
Why do you keep responding to me?

bored, waiting for my dealer to wake up. and don't lie we both know you don't have a "bottom bitch".

Werks on my i3 8100 and OC'd 1660.

well she’s more often on top of me, should I call her something else?

fitgirl will have the game ready soon, stop whining, in the meantime here's one of the thousands russian hot girls rooting for the brown skin men

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Never underestimate the stupidity of Yea Forumsirgins, Yea Forums is a place where poor as fuck Brazilians and eastern Europeans lurk and shit talk consoles they can't get because it's expensive as fuck and uncracked/hacked/softmodded so there's no market for it, so they masquerade as PC Mustrds and talk as though they always play modern games at 1080p/60FPS which is a bold lie cause even though you can pirate anything and everything on PC, they are rocking laptops and 10 years old PC that can only play CSGO/DOTA/TF2 and other low spec "F2P" games and it's why they shit talk any new games they can't affored, it's a coping mechanic.
>T. 3RD worlder who can affored games and has a job but comes to this shithole cause it's the only place he could find that talks """video games""" and isn't dead or requires persona info or is infested with American crazy brainwashed people, fuck American and thier "culture war".
The End.

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Nah, I still want them to make games

Did you even read the OP my dude? What the fuck?

i got a 1060 and i can get 60fps overclocked with a few setting down. Get a better PC scrub

Enjoy your spyware.

What an absolute babe, thank God for blessing me with my african brown skin

it's a 3 year old game. of course it will run great on good specs.

is that because you're fat and get out of breath?

just not enough to support them when it matters, ok.

but i can buy hacked PS4s right now lmao

why are you even replying to me, honestly? Picturing me having sex? Gtfo here
Doesn’t Control use the same engine as Quantum Break? I don’t see why this game would be an issue.

wasn't it bitcoin miner? either way her games run flawlessly on my PC, and piracy is legal for home usage where I live

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>mad that somebody is actually acknowledging his existence for once
sorry kiddo, just found it hilarious how you're constantly validating yourself to me. i couldn't possibly imagine you having sex because a) it's never happened b) i have no idea what you look like but i'm guessing fat. now fuck off you fat little virgin if you don't like it.


I did, my post was about these idiots and thier ilk, no real video gamesdiscussion just "memes", wojacks and ofcourse "i can't jack off to this model so it's shit".
It's all so tiresome.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

its trash in general

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 9_49_26 AM.png (1920x1080, 3.77M)

it doesn't matter, Tim Sweeny's already paid them up to a point, anything before then, you're giving money to Epic.

You can but what games CAN you play? I bet nothing released post 2016/17.

How is it on gtx 1050ti?

How the fuck do you downgrade lines of code?

whatever makes you feel better for being a self righteous faggot i guess

why is sex such a big deal to you? Hmmm, I wonder. Cough, cough.

the fact they think CPU has an effect on resolution is what triggers me the most

i wish i was this fucking stupid, would be nice.

wow good one dude, i'll be sure to tell my gf and laugh at you about it. literal virgin talking to me lmao

you can't even write a coherent sentence you dumb nigger

You really have some esteem issues. That has nothing to do with me, or your girlfriend.
But thanks for derailing the thread.

We are all in awe of how much poon you slang, you so obvious *not* virigin, you. High five, bro.

Unironically based. Reminder that /vint/ revealed that most port beggars and platform warriors are in fact Brazilians and other 3rd worlders.

Wtf im getting only 50-60 with gtx 2060 without rtx.

Dude i'm not a PC guy and don't have one, i play some old RTS/RPG games on my laptop and that's the extent of my PC experiance.

what the fuck is that giga jaw
is this a tranny?

Global illumination looks like shit on thehunter call of The wild

I call bullshit, I hope.
Minimum states well below that, no?

I actually feel like Quantum Break was a superb game. I understand the critiques, but nonetheless feel it's greater than the sum of its parts. I feel so alienated when people just shrug it off as an ambitious dud. It's in my top ten probably

Get out my head, I feel exactly the same. I think those that dismiss played it as a straight forward shooter, and didn’t give it the patience it deserves.

all of them retard lol

1080p or 1440p

I live in a shithole but I hate those kind of people. Even in real life they act like faggots. Whenever a topic about vidya comes up in real life I just stay out of it now because all they talk about are CSGO, BRs or assfaggots. I mentioned playing games that recently come out a few times and they would always ask me if they got cracked already, when I bought them. Half of them didn't believe me because they thought "wtf, I'm poor so everyone is poor" or that I'm a retard for spending money on vidya instead of blowing it all on booze like they do. And don't get me started on when people find out you actually own consoles and buy vidya on them as well.

I have a 6600k/rtx2070 and Quantum Break was choppy as fuck for me earlier this year. I blame it on my corelet status

god you are one retarded turbonigger

>buy game for ps4 (not pro)
>get home after work
>family is loud as fuck doing shit
>wait 4 hours to play
>finally boot it up
>pictures take forever to load in
>little ghost follows my movements
>pop in shit
>play for ten minutes

Guess I'm gonna go back to Gamestop and hope they can refund me for some epic stor money or some shit.

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bend my pins onii-chan!

Attached: amd-ryzen-9-3900x-pins-2.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

Welcome to the future of gaming my friend

>pop in shit

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The part that makes it work is denoising
Recent high end gpu's have the power to run a few days/pixel at a passable frame rate

>esteem issues
lol made me chuckle. the way you write is so cringey, like i can't tell if you're trying really hard to be ironic or just am legit an autistic virgin, think i'm going to have to go with the latter though. i wish you the best incel, thanks for the laugh.

ironic when you're the one who started talking about your "bottom bitch" lmao fucking retard

Windows 10 my dude, I run a 2012 Intel CPU and a 1060 6G, steady 60fps at 1440p maxed out, but the twist is...I use W7.
If you could only know how much W10 fucks with performance, you would do a 360 and go back to it because you are THAT stupid. HA!

Attached: YES.gif (460x345, 492K)

>jawlet thinks that's a giga jaw

Was that one sentence? Coherence must be a foreign concept. Anyways... Take care of yourself. You seem distraught.

>what is: reading comprehension
can we get back on topic please

I've seen comparisons to games like Gears and Uncharted. Yeah it's not going to shoot or platform as well as those two, but it does a lot of stuff not in the purview of either of those games. I rather enjoyed the live action tie in as well. Gave the game's universe a sense of depth most games don't ever reach

I didn't much like the 4 hours worth of gameplay but I loved the aesthetic and the story, as well as all the science behind it, they went out of their way to make time travel and fractures a science with a whole logic supporting rather than just "it's magic".

This shit also blew my mind

The bridge level was such a trip I thought my computer was broken. Don’t think I’ve ever had a game fuck with me like that, hah.

>not pro

I couldn't get by with the PSAmateur after using the pro all these years.

I got PT on it. I aint letting go of it.

holy cringe who types like that "coherence must be a foreign concept" like holy shit mate get some self awareness you autist

what's that got to do with reading comprehension you single digit iq mongole? i replied to what you said which you still seem to struggle with the idea of for some reason. also stop crying about off topic, how new are you this isn't gamefaqs kid

that has nothing to do with reading comprehension. why don't you go fuck your fat ugly ass bottom bitch lmao you stupid nigger

Hell yeah. The set pieces in QB were some of the most memorable I've ever played
They definitely handled the themes admirably. It was just serious enough. And yeah I spent probably a half hour looking over his timeline. It was a appreciated touch

Can you transfer it to an external? Then plug external into another ps4?

>fake ray tracing
My sides

some thoughts on the pc version:

>everything is blurry/noisy as fuck (see door in pic related)
>game on medium looks literally identical to high (that being said, medium sets texture filtering to low so i turned it back to high)
>some settings only go up to medium (like there's no high option at all it's not even unselectable it simply doesn't exist)
>extremely GPU heavy to the point my 5 year old i7 is literally never utilised above 30% (GPU bottleneck) and as a result the DX12 mode is identical to the DX11 mode
>key bindings are fucking weird like V to melee and because there's no reload R changes shoulder view

this is one of the weirdest games i've ever seen on PC

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 10_33_52 AM.png (1920x1080, 3.5M)

game graphics peaked last gen. really no point in trying to improve graphics past that. it obviously aint working

Bridge level and train crashing into the monarch building had me in awe.
But my guilty pleasure was killing monarch strikers, or simply destroying their portable time engine, sending them back into the stutters and hearing their distorted screams.

Do you have the grain enabled?
What about DLSS?

Quantum Break was also smeared in 57 different post process effects, I guess it's part of their desire to make tv shows.

>game graphics peaked last gen
Complete utter retard.

>Do you have the grain enabled?

>What about DLSS?
i only have a 1070 which doesn't support that

it's annoying really because the image is never clear

I aint gonna risk that.

Consolefags were excited with the idea that the PS5 will be as powerful as an RTX 2070. Literally the power of what a low-end GPU would be in 2020 when the thing releases.

dont be rude like that bro. explain how i'm wrong

Did no else have any memory leak issues with it? I finished it yesterday but it just kept getting worse the more I played.
>Start game
>8gb ram usage
>Play for around 6h
>12gb ram usage, stuttering and lagging
>Restarting game doesn't help, only way is to restart the PC
>8gb ram usage again
>Finish game with ram usage at 10gb
At least it wasn't that bad, but there's no forums or anything since fucking Epic doesn't have them. Where the fuck do you even go if you have problems with epic exclusives?

>download this shit
>play it for an hour (at least it felt like it) running around empty hallways, talking to stiff faced nps and shooting some goons with a shitty gun you can't reload
>finally get a power and a real enemy
>fps gone
Well thanks for wasting my fucking time. I don't blame the game for taking offence with my old computer but how about front loading some of the action so I could know straight away.

Attached: 1549015450308.png (860x710, 466K)

Great, now I don't know if I should keep it on PS4 or get it on my PC.

I have a 970 with an i5. What do?

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why would you play it on anything other than PC?

i have rtx 2080/9700k but apparently it isnt enough for 4k/60 fps so guess im getting it on xbone x then

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>Where the fuck do you even go if you have problems with epic exclusives?
Wait a year and then check the steam forums for the same game :^)

there's a reason this garbage is an EGS exclusive, the devs took a fuckload of money and ran with it
why make a good game when you can get a ton of money without selling a single copy?

your rig can run it fine on low. The ps4 is also on low but it runs at sub 30fps, atleast your rig can run it at 60fps. Also on PC its free courtesy of tim.

Are you boys ready for another whole generation of 28fps exclusives.
I'm fucking ready

i pirated it
is there no way to turn motion blur off ? like a cfg edit or something
looks like someone smeared vaseline all over my screen at all time
no performance issues

I remember someone linking to a thread on steam discussions, so you might find something there.

Runs fine on a 2060 - 1080p with everything maxed, but you have to turn on DLSS to enjoy the RTX, and you can tell it's pushing the GPU to its limits since the simple act of trying to record footage through shadowplay causes mad stuttering.
Still, if you can forget the slight blur, I wholeheartedly recommend using the full RTX, how much it adds to a scene is worth losing a bit of crispness.

Attached: Control 2019.08.28 - (704x396, 2.92M)

max looks identical to medium. i tried it myself and ended up gaining like 20 fps just from going from high to medium and turning MSAA off because the game is blurry enough to not see any aliasing anyway.

medium preset with texture filtering set to ultra and MSAA off it the best visuals/performance setup. i get 70-90 fps on my 1070 and because i use dx11 mode instead of dx12 mode i use the new nvidia ultra low latency setting which makes that 70-90 fps feel as responsive as any 144 fps game on my 144hz monitor.

>and you can tell it's pushing the GPU to its limits since the simple act of trying to record footage through shadowplay causes mad stuttering
shadowplay uses a separate chip on the GPU it won't be effected by high GPU usage. maybe your CPU is causing that stuttering.

PS4 Prostate can't run it because it has actual kino visuals.

Attached: CNTRL28.jpg (3840x2160, 1.79M)

It's fine so far user

It's poorly optimized for PC and even my midend rig can run this game better than the PS4Pro.
Your console is a fucking joke.

Around 60fps with a ryzen 5 1400 for me

seems to be bugged anyway, no increase in quality and no performance loss by turning it on.
you actually gain the most FPS by turning off SSR (~10fps more)

Attached: CNTRL29.jpg (3840x2160, 3.08M)

runs fine on PC without MSAA
it would run even better if I could disable motion blur, fuck you remedy doing this every game since alan wake

>but you have to turn on DLSS to enjoy the RTX
>but you have to upscale from 720p
life worse than on console.

You can disable on DX11 see >having to upscale to stay over 60fps while using the most demanding and visually impactful settings
>having to upscale to stay over 30fps on medium

So, is this game any fun? I love psychic powers and shit.

Optimization is pretty shit.
Runs 50-70 fps on a Sapphire 290/Ryzen 1600/8GB RAM with everything on medium.
MSAA is off because that really kills performance for some reason.
That said the game itself is surprisingly engaging. I'm having fun with it.

Attached: Control_DX11_2019_08_28_13_03_33_291.png (1920x1080, 2.86M)

game actually looks better with motion blur imo and i absolutely hate motion blur normally. i couldn't even tell there was any till i downloaded the fix and turned it off. turning it off made the image look jerky in motion.

>tfw won't get any post launch performance patch since I pirated it

I’m pretty comfy running it at 60fps 1080 low specs on my Acer VX15. I actually cannot se much of a difference from low to high, and the game seems to have some built in AA on top of the optional MSAA.

I guess im missing something very obvious, but Im not sure where do I need to go, I just spoke to Pope and unlocked Old boys club mission, but I cant find a way to Research/Parapsychology?

Different elevators take you to different places. Just use a different elevator.

The elevator in the main room literally has a floor that says “Research Sector”

>finally get a power and a real enemy
You mean the mail room fight? That shit tanked my fps too.

Well, I said Im missing something very obvious. Thanks!

Attached: CNTRL30.jpg (3840x2160, 2.54M)

That's it. Does it get better after?

I've played it for maybe another hour after that and not experienced drops anywhere near as severe, but I don't know about the rest of the game.

Attached: CNTRL19.jpg (3840x2160, 2.35M)

Maybe I shouldn't give up on it then. It was finally starting to get interesting after all.

Oh shit I totally forgot to check for a GameReady(tm) driver. Thanks for reminding me.

i love that nvidia does this

Do nvidicucks really have to download new drivers for every new game that comes out?

Attached: wat.jpg (505x431, 26K)

>implying amd doesn't do same thing

You don't have to do shit. The game runs with or without but supposedly these drivers come with game specific optimisations.

No but it helps in some cases.

don't ever recall them doing so when i had my 390

They indeed don't, or at least not with nearly the same frequency.


Attached: CNTRL6.jpg (3840x2160, 1.27M)

this amout of amd cuck cope shouldn't be even humanly possible and yet there it is

The game doesn't use Denuvo, so pirated versions will have no issues receiving patches.

This is nothing compared to /r/AMD

OK thanks.

Calm your tits now girls.

>Calm your tits now girls.
I'm calm but if you post bait you better be prepared for some big fish going for the hook.

>protag sucks
>no story
>not much music aside from random radios
>generic horror game/bioshock “go to hydroponics and do something then come back here and the next level will happen!” trope
>combat hovers around 10 FPS
>every time you beat a chapter the game straight up freezes for like 7 seconds

What the fuck. Max Payne and Alan Wake are the best parts of this game and everything else sucks. I should stop buying new games.

>year of our lord 2019
>still buying games without extensively pirating and testing them

Attached: 85485845.png (500x533, 66K)

Alan Wake is one of the top three worst horror games I've ever played.
Max Payne was great, I'll give you that.

Youre actually retarded. I have PT on my pro even though I originally had it on my first PS4 because you can transfer the contents of the hdd even without opening either case

They put the game on the EGS. That's proof enough that they didn't have any faith in their own project.

And the driver just decreases quality so they can select the high option and the game will look like medium before the update.
In the case of control they massively degraded SSR quality on every graphical option.

Maybe they didn't want to be review bombed by frail gamers who get triggered by seeing fully dressed female leads. But that's a stupid reason isn't it.

Attached: 1566615035322.jpg (555x555, 53K)

This. It may be coming a bit too early and being pushed in marketing hard, but it's the natural evolution and in a few years it's the standard. For now I guess it's a nice way of future proofing that feature into current games, it's not for everyone now but one day it will be, kind what Crysis was in it's entirety

Attached: CNTRL120.jpg (3840x2160, 2.71M)

see the image here

SSR look like shit even with the new drivers though. They do the same thing that RE2make did with the artifacting on certain reflective surfaces.

Attached: y3pcxoi.jpg (1920x1080, 362K)

>literally 5 raytracing options
>not bleeding edge

The screenshots sure make it look like my dream game.

Digital Cuckry still shilling that RT.

How can anybody take them seriously after their 'Nvidia sponsored' videos? You need a goddamn RTX 2080 Ti to run Control with raytracing at 1080p at 60fps, WTF. A $1400+ card and it can only 'just' do 180p 60fps with RTX, and these fucking shills hype this garbage up. Difference can barely be seen.

Fuck Dictator/Alex's bitchass. Pathetic bitchass shills.

"As an FYI - my first control video is much like my BFV, Q2 RTX, and Metro videos. I will not be doing normal graphics break down or anything and will not be testing DX11 vs. DX12 - there is not at all enough time. Especially on GTX cards, AMD cards, etc.

We live at the wire unforunately and that means prioritising the stories - here on PC that story is RT, what it does (this is very important), how that performs, and similar things."

Yes, let's cover only fucking 'RTX'. That is fucking important, how a $1400+ card might run raytracing at 1080p at 60fps. Lets' not cover performance of GTX cards or anything, gotta shill for that Njewia!

Attached: alex-bitchass.png (192x192, 14K)

>how should we name this shit game?

Attached: control-finnisimo-12-condones-finos-condones-control.png (1200x1200, 863K)

>Runs 50-70 fps on a Sapphire 290/Ryzen 1600/8GB RAM
>Optimization is pretty shit.

You are running it on a literal fucking trashcan with avg 60 fps, how is it bad?

So I guess this just confirms DLSS and ray tracing are just gimmicks 20xxcucks paid the premium for when it doesn't even work.
Holy sheeeeit man they jewed you good.
Good goyim.

Attached: GOYVIDYA.png (579x478, 150K)

Poorfag gets triggered: The Post

Okay so I got the new driver and it went from unplayable drops to merely pretty annoying so that was nice.

Being a poorfag has nothing to do with corporations trying to shill you shit.
I wish Americans would understand this.

Nah , I get 85 fps on a 2080ti 1440p high settings.
Its the game(again)


That is what i said.
It looked better before the new driver.
Then nvidia "optimized" it like they always do and it looks like worse now.
They usually degrade shadow quality though.

>femmc has a good ass in tight jeans and leather jacket
>also has a horse tranny face

Attached: Courtney-Hope_-Daytime-Emmy-Awards-Nominee-Reception--02-662x993.jpg (662x993, 102K)

i once updated my amd crimson drivers ages ago when i used to own amd and i think it was halo 5 the shadows completely disappeared then they had to release a beta hotfix driver. absolute state of driver teams.

Bitchass shill 2 -

the eternal toddler face - shilling for that nJewia - their biggest sponsor -

"They’re vastly superior to AMD’s offering. I would never spend my own money on one of those. This 2070 cost less than a 5700xt anyways."

The response to it sums it up:

"Did a certain individual with a leather jacket told u to say that? ;)"

Pathetic shills.

Attached: johnyboy-the-shill.jpg (400x300, 107K)

>replies to posts saying SSR are bugged
>haha r-raytracing d-d-d-doesnt work!!!

Attached: CNTRL9.jpg (3840x2160, 3.5M)

>Several options regarding rt
>No option to turn off motion blur
That don't make no god damn sense

>raytracing is shit
based retard. i bet you think nvidia invented raytracing

Attached: 1529421676319s.jpg (125x100, 2K)

> Raytracing killer app

> It looks like a late-gen PS3 game

This game runs like garbage on the all mighty Ps4 Pro.
All mighty? Maybe back when it was released like others have said the cpu just isn’t up to the task. How bad is it on base ps4?

What a faggot post
There's so much misinformation drowned into autistic ranting that I don't even know where to begin. I don't think you care either way.

game runs fine
t. 2080ti

>reddit spacing

Attached: CNTRL21.jpg (3840x2160, 1.43M)

Run it on borderless window mode and put -noblur in the start up command

>You need a goddamn RTX 2080 Ti to run Control with raytracing at 1080p at 60fps
i dont know but maybe this is because the game has 5 options for raytracing instead of just one, like metro/bf5/tomb raider?

>You can't hit 60fps @ 1440p lmao

There isnt any noise in light, you blubbering retard.

Is there a more mediocre studio than Remedy? Their games always feel like eurojank who someone got a budget. Who's publishing them these days, THQ?

No I can't. I also can't achieve 4k60 or 8k30 either but why would I care when I'm running 200fps at 360p. Like I said, game runs fine.

The guys who make Darksiders.

every sony owned studio

Attached: 1566234904786.png (1006x1080, 756K)

>Their games always feel like eurojank who someone got a budget
They shit out better games on average than mutt studios so that's saying something.

First you have to explain why you think you are right..

> 360p

dat $1400+ GPU at work guise

>the delicious booty bodysuit is consolecuck ps4 exclusive
>the game doesn't even run on ps4 with single digit framedrops
way to kill the only sliver of interest i had lmao

Attached: suit.png (1627x1155, 1.48M)

Control on Switch WHEN?

It should be a way better experience than PS4 Pro. If you have a base model, your PC is a no brainer.

Attached: HbfwGkJjJrKTZDXGXriZnZ.png (1920x1080, 383K)

Seriously, Remedy? Did I pirate some beta version or is this the best you can do?

Attached: 1541844306705.webm (1024x640, 1.81M)


I dunno, I'm able to run the game at 1440p pretty decently on pic related settings on an R9 Fury and i7 4790.
Not bad for a free game tbqh.

Attached: Control_DX11_2019_08_28_08_25_26_425.jpg (3840x2160, 572K)

Based John, finally someone who's not afraid to speak the truth.

WTF, this looks like a PS3 game.

This is what Digital Cuckry calls 'raytracing's killer app'? LMFAO

>WTF, this looks like a PS3 game.

The only difference between medium and high/ultra settings is the loss of 20-40 frames.
Visually you eally can't tell.

the game is pretty mediocre from a gameplay, story and writing standpoint but on a technical level like the visuals it's one of the best looking games i've ever seen. when you turn on RTX it's like a whole different game because all glass and shit becomes reflective. i turned it on on my 1070 and was running at like 12 fps but damn did it look good.

Runs great on Xbox One X.
Sorry the PS4 Pro is a trash system.

It looks really washed out like everything's covered in vaseline.
Textures are pretty low-res throughout.
For how mediocre this game looks there's no excuse for it to be running this bad.

any cracks yet? tim already paid for my copy

what is this game?

Game is DRM free.
Was already out before it went live on the epic store.

>looks like absolute ass
>worst art direction so far this year
>still runs like shit

How does Remedy keep pulling that off?

Standard 3rd person shooter with some psychic abilites such as telekinesis and whatnot.
Straightforward and simple game that's worth a pirate.

I have a 1070ti and have ultra and my game runs at a steady 60fps

2560x1080 huh

Attached: CNTRL24.jpg (3840x2160, 3.22M)

>It looks really washed out like everything's covered in vaseline.
the lighting is all fuzzy and looks diffused like rendering noise

>Textures are pretty low-res throughout.
they're actually really high res and very detailed when you actually look at them properly. it's the lighting which makes them look flat and low res.

>WTF, this looks like a PS3 game.
It's not the best-looking game on the market, but it's pretty damn good-looking.

Attached: Control_DX11_2019_08_27_20_14_36_977.jpg (3840x2160, 3.01M)

>worst art direction so far this year
you dont remember many games from this year then bcs its pretty aesthetic unlike other games from the current year

Attached: anthem realistic graphics.jpg (3840x2160, 3.86M)

Alan Wake actually would've been fairly state-of-the-art had it released on PC at the same as it did on X360, IIRC.

very detailed

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 1_47_06 PM.png (1920x1080, 3.4M)

>It's not the best-looking game on the market,
Are you sure?
Some of those environments look pretty inspired and it has best implemented rtx.

Babby's first steps at blender.

RTX off, I assume? What's your fps?

>Quantum Break was too much for PCs to handle.

weren't the 970 outdated af by the time Quantum Break was released. Also these games are CPU heavy.

lmao. okay buddy.

It's up there, but no, it's definitely not the best.
That would go to either Battlefield 1 or Kingdom Come Deliverance's beta (leaning more towards the latter), since they have a good mix of good-looking interiors and amazing looking exteriors, especially the forests in KCD's pre-downgrade beta, which legit looked real at first glance.

Attached: CNTRL23.jpg (3840x2160, 3.09M)

Games will never ever run like shit on PC because you can customize your PC specs and always have the best of the best like I do. 60FPS+ constantly and max graphical settings on every game. Stay jelly.

>Also these games are CPU heavy.
They really aren't.
Unless you're stuck on a hyperthreaded dual core or something.

Attached: Control_DX11_2019_08_27_18_34_07_433.jpg (3840x2160, 2.39M)

I don’t know what everyone’s complaining about, the game is very aesthetic

RTX off, I assume
Nope. It's on.
25~35 depending on the environment. I turn it off during combat and have around 50FPS.

Attached: CNTRL7.jpg (3840x2160, 3.17M)

not really. bad optimizations, errors constantly, constant settings being changed, terrible online full of hackers for literally anything. PS4 is the best option for anyone looking to get into games.

Except for the main character.

Screenshots don't really do the game justice, we've seen all of this pre-baked in every single AAA game, it's when it's in motion that RTX is top aesthetic

whoops forgot

Jesus. Well, I've played Witched 3 at 30fps back when I had GTX1080, so I guess it's not that bad if I'll manage to make it run 30fps locked. That's on 2080TI, right? Same GPU.

>we've seen all of this pre-baked in every single AAA game
are you from 2008?

Attached: 1566072135762.jpg (1424x648, 88K)

I wanted to build a new pc with a 2080 ti but now I'm not so sure anymore if it can't even handle current games with rt

Attached: 1490712028877.jpg (599x602, 96K)

quantum break was fine. it was the windows store version which was broken. this was the early days of uwp apps and dx12 and there were some teething issues. nowadays it's completely fine and you have games like forza horizon 4 which runs like an absolute dream but back then some devs were struggling with it like remedy. the dx12 version performed identically to the dx11 version and i assume the reason for that is the same as the reason why it performs the same in control from my testing and it's because the game is so heavily GPU bound you can't gain many benefits from a low level API if the game is already completely maxing out your GPU. dx12/vulkan are good for maximum hardware utilisation but in the case of this game it's already fully utilising the GPU with some built in MSAA for whatever reason even with MSAA off in the settings (See ).

these games are CPU heavy at all in fact they use barely any CPU. i haven't even gone over 30% utilisation myself on my 5 year old i7.

Poorfag consolecopes are always hilarious.

nvidia hotfixed 3 drivers this 6 months
so yeah, it's same on both now

fuck my 5700xt purchase timing is impeccable, 1 day before control came out
runs fine btw at 1440

>That's on 2080TI, right?

Attached: CNTRL13.jpg (3840x2160, 3M)

>I turn it off during combat
Is there a quick bind key or do you go into menu each time? Feels like it would be daunting.

quantum break still doesnt run fine because it still forces 4x msaa

Attached: 20190731030916_1.jpg (3840x2160, 1.35M)

looks exactly the same with RT but the puddles. I remember because I just finished maintenance

>and i think it was halo 5
Jesus fucking christ, Eurotard PCfags are almost as dumb as consoleniggers.

remedy likes to force things, fuck them.
Control got brilliant atmosphere though. I always wanted "house of leaves" video game.

>looks exactly the same with RT
probably because that is with rt
pic related isnt

Attached: CNTRLnortx.jpg (3840x2160, 3.09M)

It's funny because it's true about what I said. PC is really only good for the preservation of video games through emulation. That is the only reason anyone should own a good PC. Steam exclusives? Get the fuck out of here lol. Everything else for the most part can be played on the wonderful PS4.


>it still forces 4x msaa
So that's why it shits itself even on 2080TI? And it can't be disabled?

I meant without. And yea, I can't tell the difference in movement. meme tech indeed, I wish they'd use GI more than these puddles.

the lighting system in this game is all fucked up. i don't know if it has to do with the game being designed to be used with ray tracing or what but all the shadows and stuff are noisy as hell like you're running a vray benchmark.

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 2_03_11 PM.png (1920x1080, 3.75M)

pretty much, Remedy makes retarded ports. I'm surprised control got some options at all.

it uses GI, sometimes its more obvious sometimes it isnt because the lighting is already good enough
you can see it on the wall in that screen though. without rt it looks like pic related but with rt it looks more natural

Attached: 23bc3f7d7e76ac3d8440ee81bb3463ef.png (541x443, 460K)

what card? it looks fine on mine, and 2080ti user got it normal too

Apparently, PC is also good for getting 30fps in a game that came out this week, a feat neither PS4 model is capable of.

turn off screen space reflections

>steam exclusives

Attached: wat.gif (498x498, 274K)

fuck even GI is a meme, what the hell RTX
I complain because I really can't tell the difference.

When does it get good, if ever? Just fixed the power plant and I'm thinking about dropping it. The gameplay just isn't that interesting.

you suck at it, it's a good shooter
play with powers and dodge more
gunplay is also satisfying

it's remedy. runs like shit on pc too, but at least uncle tim gave it for free in this case

>fuck even GI is a meme
nah, it makes a big difference in Metro because that doesnt have baked lighting unlike control

But it is unoptimized trash, isn't it? I never even heard of this fucking game and it looks like shit. Shovelware.


its the global reflections. they look fucked up and kill like 60 fps of performance.

Halo 5 isn't on PC m8.

Her body is good though, it’s face scanning that looks weird

someone on PC tell me how to switch between guns because this F key shit isn't working, neither did rebinding it.

The gunplay definitely isn't satisfying, it's by far the worst part.
The Spin especially is a fucking awful weapon, eats through ammo like nobody's business and can't even down an armored enemy with an entire "clip."

they seem to look like shit on pascal cards.
looks fine on navi

The Spin?

Attached: spin.png (522x506, 539K)

aim to the head, what are you on console?

yes it is moron. h5 forge has been on pc for years now.


The game's version of a submachine gun.
It sucks.
The problem isn't with aiming you moron, it's the awful spread, you may as well just use the grip for headshots and the shatter for everything else, since the range at which the spin's awful accuracy wouldn't be an issue is already so close that you'd be better off using the shatter.

i can guarantee it doesn't. other people were complaining about this in the other thread. not sure if it has to do with this torrented version or what but it's definitely something broken within the game.

>i can guarantee it doesn't.
what tool should I use to make screenshots? the most lightweight one

MSI Afterburner

This is what I don’t understand about graphics whores.

I gave you a counterexample to your statement. I don't play new games so I can't vouch for this one's quality.
Also, a fucking 750 Ti can scrape together >30fps at 1080p with most setting turned down so the PS4 has no excuse.

Yeah I've been doing some kill x enemies with spin side missions cause i just got it and it kind of sucks. Also enemies never spawn when you want to grind or farm them only when you want to explore and look around.

nah. also not installing that broken mess.

I have the pirated one, did you update your Nvidia™ gameready™ drivers?

even the official nvidia comparison doesn't have it. it's a problem with the torrented version.

Imagine if this post was unironic

>nvidia bullshots don't have an issues
more news at eleven

Sonyfags haven't learned yet, so they probably never will

I have the pirated one and it doesnt look like your pic.
Did you do they apparently "optimized" the game on nonrtx cards by degrading SSR quality

It's the truth and you know it. I have over 150 games on Steam and half of them have errors, trash optimization, and crashes. You get them all the time fuckhead.

>Not lightweight
What's it like having a toaster?

yeah. i read there was a day 1 patch for the game and some people were claiming 10 fps gains and other fixes so i think this day 1 release torrent version has some bugs.

it was the same before the driver update.

Imagine being so stupid that you cant even install video games on a pc without errors. I have over 300 steam games and not a one of them has "errors" or crashes. And choosing the very high preset and having bad performance is not bad "optimization"

>I don’t like products that perform better because they are popular and also perform better
how edgy and cool of you

turn global reflections or whatever it's called up to high and fast travel to the mail room and go half way up the stairs right next to the fast travel location there is a shelter there and that's where i took the screenshot. it's the first place i encountered the issue this severely. i didn't really notice it that much beforehand.

afterburner messes with stuff I don't want it messing with, it touches my hardware in weird places.

you're so fucking retarded lmao. and you are absolutely lying out of your fucking ass. Sonic Adventure 2 has a major problem going fullscreen mode. Sacrifice won't even run. The Fallout/Elder Scrolls games crash all the fucking time! without warning! go eat your own fucking shit you PC 'elite' queer faggot loser.

>Sonic Adventures 2
Here we go

Ahh, so you're tech illiterate.
Makes sense, in that case just use FRAPs.

yeah there's definitely a bug with this torrented version i just restarted the game and the issue is everywhere now and my fps is capped at 70 fps and doesn't change unless i tab out and in like 50 times.

You're a fucking jackass.

>uses sonic adventure and Bethesda games as examples.
Holy shit dude. Are you serious? What makes you think those are any better on consoles?

Attached: 1493903362973.jpg (342x298, 40K)

here, it's during damn dodge animation because I can't rebind ctrl

Attached: 2019.08.28-16.30_1.jpg (2560x1440, 625K)

>uses sonic adventure and Bethesda games as examples.
>moving goalposts
but... they are better on console. much better.

God no, I played Fallout 4 on PS4 and Fallout 3 on PS3 and the former ran like shit and constantly crashed while the latter fucking corrupted my save file.
I'm convinced that the people who say this stuff haven't actually played on a console since the PS2 days and are confusing their nostalgia with actual reality.

user, just admit you are too stupid for even simple optimization guide made for retards
also sound like you got only 4Gb of RAM

made a better one, not many shiny places in research wing
funny part i'm making these screenshots while sitting in classic queue

Attached: 2019.08.28-16.38.jpg (2560x1440, 699K)

uh, no. skyrim notably ran like trash on PS3, but new vegas and 3 did not. Skyrim runs fine on PS4, but the game looks like trash on PC and PS4. Adding mods ruins the original vision, and is therefore not the same game. Sonic Adventure 2 runs flawless on gamecube. I'm a console chad, so I have played every console and own every recent one besides Xbawks.

no I have 16gb. not all games are good on PC. even if you have a good computer, your game is not guaranteed without errors or good optimization. that is the truth. i honestly can't say what type of person a gaming PC is for. probably fat ass nerds like my neighbor, who sits down and plays garbage trash like The Isle and Subnautica all day long lol.

you are stupid, user, i'm so sorry

anyone know where the savegame location is?

>refers to me as user
>uses short, casual replies that boil down to "u dum"
you should have been aborted. i can tell your life is shit.

enable hidden folders


>bethesda games are better on console
U dum

ubisoft games are better than bethesda games, and ubisoft games are better on console. get slaughtered. damn

slaughter deez nuts

>ubisoft games are good

Attached: 1507486672166.png (629x504, 36K)

all the assassins creed games this gen have been 900p on the ps4/xbox one. even the shittest used pc's you can buy will play the games at least at 1080p.

>assassins creed 2, brotherhood, revelations
>assassins creed 3, rogue
>assassins creed 4

you need the launcher is what im saying

egypt was amazing though
and I personally loved greece even though quality dropped compared to egypt

So I'm screwed?
Why devs can't optimize their games now?

Attached: 1547064939149.png (680x380, 33K)

oh yeah i forgot about origins but havent played it yet. i heard it was good and i don't know about that other one.

Ass Creed 3 is literally the worst game in the series.
This must be bait, you can't be both a retarded consolenigger AND have taste this shit.

Why is every PCfag on Yea Forums so stupid nowadays?
Honest question, feels like the average IQ here drops a point every month.

Remnant is fun.

Discord trannies aren't a meme.

Attached: 1565985381829.png (720x701, 111K)

>no argument at all
>hur dur you are stupid
Well, you tell me?

assassin's creed 3 is one of the better games and your taste is fucking trash. despite the hate it gets here, it still has a very solid battle system (with those amazingly fun to watch dual kills that are always new). and it has great settings, the forest, and the city. climbing is still fantastic, and frankly, I liked Connor and his outfit. I hated that other gay, Haytham. That beginning part of the game is the worst part and it is a slog.

>assassin's creed 3 is one of the better games
Stopped reading there, neck yourself.

>assassins creed

Attached: b90.png (645x729, 127K)

It's the process of having the few line traces smooth out into a nice gradient of color in the surface.

nope. you read it. and what I said is a fact. get over it.


Lol. You have outed yourself as a dumbo. Get over it.

i only seek the truth and spread the truth.

should try it, odyessey is like blackflag in ancient greece
origins is just very atmospheric even though plot not entirely great, but it got it's moments

Yeah the truth for autistic zoomers with a double digit IQ

How does Red Dead Redemption 2 run on a high end pc with RTX? Comparable to Control?

0 fps vs some fps

and that's why i'm spreading the truth to you, because you're an autistic double digit IQ zoomer nigger

is the game more cpu or gpu intensive?
I have a 2500K with GTX 1080

>no u
Says that ps4 is better performing than his PC, plays all the ass creed games, says bethesda games are better on console. Shit man you're straight up an idiot and you're definitely on the spectrum

think it's just a bug because when i turn off the global reflections it doesn't actually turn it off but it does get rid of that weird fuzziness issue. i didn't pay for the game so i can't really complain about bugs anyway.

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 3_14_28 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.49M)

>Says that ps4 is better performing than his PC
Mine? Yeah. Overall though, against any PC it's perfectly fine and runs everything damn good. Looks good too, and has all the games I will ever be interested in. That's what matters.

>plays all the ass creed games
Not all. The ones I said are genuinely good, especially 2.

>says bethesda games are better on console
They crash a lot on PC. I play Oblivion and New Vegas on PC, those are the only good bethesda games anyway and those two run perfectly fine on PS3.

>oblivion and new vegas run fine on ps3
This keeps getting better and better. You are so fucking stupid, I love it.

I've played Oblivion on PS3 since it released on PS3. No problems whatsoever. 30FPS, yes, but no problems. New Vegas is the same.

He obviously baiting and you keep feeding him, common be reasonable

so... how does it run on a base PS4 then ?

stupid cross poster

Just fucking report him, holy shit, his retarded posts are derailing the thread anyways.
You niggers always complain about shitposters and then don't fucking report them and have the absolute nerve to whine about how shit this board is.

Have you ever played RDR on PS3?

How do I downvote here?

You're the one shitposting you fucking spastic moron. Hopefully you get banned.

Go back

you would sell your mommy to get some puss of her, incel weeb

Don't judge everyone with your personal standarts, redneck nigger tranny
Guy has an i7 2600k, so double your cores but they seem to average out at about 30% at High settings. You should be fine.

I have PT on my PS4 Pro despite never owning a base PS4. You can redownload it easily you just need to jump through hoops, and even if you don't want to do that you can transfer all your data to another PS4.

She has a big jaw, that's all
Jokes aside, whoever wouldn't want her as a woman is a incel whose standards have become so high while constantly looking at his screen.

Attached: courtney-hope_101732.jpg (744x1117, 97K)

People are losing their shit over graphics downgrades, I just want vidya not to downgrade my waifus.

Attached: CNTRTL36.jpg (2157x2160, 2.38M)


Runs like ass on my PC as well
I can see why but jesus Christ remedy. Should have put all that effort into the animations instead.

my pc is completely lopsided towards my GPU as in my GPU is way more powerful than my CPU can usually handle especially in CPU intensive games like BFV but in this game my GPU even at medium settings is pegged at 95%+ all of the time and my CPU rarely goes over 30%. it's very GPU intensive.


Attached: CNTRL42.jpg (1541x2160, 2.06M)

>Have you ever played RDR on PS3?
I "experienced" it.

How's the Hoodlum version?

do I have to go to ini to change motion fucking blur?

protip for anyone who is getting around 50-100 fps and aren't being CPU bottlenecked, go into the nvidia control panel, find/add this game to 3D settings and find low latency and set it to ultra. you get the responsiveness of 120 fps at 50 fps it's brilliant.

Ok , 50-60 fps with high setting on old drivers

>no cpu names
It's clearly a benchmark using the same CPU but with different numbers of cores enabled, in combination with SMT being toggled on and off as well. It's not benchmarking CPUs, it's testing game behavior and performance.

Put -noblur in the shortcut

This game feels very David Lynch inspired

my cpu was new when gw2 came out (i7-3770)
i have no issues running this game at a locked 60fps
what the fuck are you people on about ?
the game sucks but its reasonably well optimised

how do i progress past this bit? i can't use the elevator to go down

Attached: Control (FINAL_release) 28_08_2019 4_31_21 PM.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

open your fucking map you mongoloid
lost as soon as a game doesnt hold your zoomer hand

more like david cage inspired

i am using the map and i tells me i need to go into this elevator duh

The blips for objectives on the map dont give directions they just indicate the location of objectives.

I dunno what point you’re trying to make but it’s nothing like cages games or stories

If the developer is terrible at optimisation, then the game will be bad even on any platform. Don't blame the system! Blame the developer for making shitty games