what could I have done...
what have I done...
What could I have done
You died.
they died but I live on
Any hints on beating it or is it all luck?
if you know what it's packing, flagship can be the easiest obstacle in any run because it's not random, always the same
>vulcan as first weapon
Bro, you have 3 flaks. Those by themselves are good enough to break the flagship. Instead you put a fuckload of apples into one weapon that goes entirely to shit the moment it stops on the phase that will get damage through no matter what. You also left their offense up even when it was facefucking you. You have no shields up, a MC'd crewmate, all of your life support gone. Spread that fucking damage around and disable their systems.
You upgraded shields to 4. You should not do that unless you're fucking drowning in scrap. You get so much more out of 3 shield and more dodge chance. Only having 4 crew is also a large mistake since every bit of damage you take does more than just the damage but pulls away expertise from a key system. That combined with having to combat drones or MC destroys your ability to act.
Yes there is a lot of RNG in FTL but it is more than manageable unless you specifically picked a challenge ship. You have 7 sectors to prepare for the flagship. Actually use them mr. 24 fucking fuel.
>You get so much more out of 3 shield and more dodge chance.
You need a clone bay, or maybe upgrade medical.
Also you need a support system like mind control/cloak.
Looks like youre soely using weapons for damage..keep in mind if that goes down, you cant apply any pressure to the enemy at all. I recommend getting a breacher drone or attack drone or something else to so damage.
>no cloaking
you were asking for it
You just have to compensate for his defenses. They never change, so it's really only dependent on how you grew and evolved throughout the game. For example:
>phase one, you want to handle the weapons first. Get rid of the missiles and ion, your shields should tank the rest.
>phase two, teleport someone or something into the drone room, that'll disable most of his defenses. Again, deal with the missiles ASAP so they don't cause too much damage. I'd recommend hurling a bunch of flak and missiles, and then hurling a drone to lock down the drone bay. His defense drones can't shoot everything down simultaneously., but you'll need a full barrage to let your drone fly in
>last one you need to really focus on keeping your shields up. don't let your guys fight eachother if they're mind controlled, it's easier to just have them run and fix the ship if possible. Have decent doors to keep them locked in one room if possible. Invest in either cloak or supershields to nullify his ultimate attack. Have someone beam aboard his ship, minimum of three attackers, and have them wreak havoc. You want to destroy the mind control and missiles first, then focus on shields.
Vital things you need for the final battle:
>repair drone
>backup clone data for your clone bank (do not use a medbay, it'll fail you if you're teleporting in)
>something to keep his shields under pressure (flak works really good here)
Overall, just hope you specc'd properly.
>hey this ship fires loads of fucking missiles and a dozen heavy plasma at once
>i can tank these with shields instead of dodge all that i can and hope shields get the rest
Motherfucker has no cloaking, no hacking, no MC, shit drones, completely unupgraded subsystems and life supports, only 5 engine, and is terribly overarmed. There is a distinct reason he lost. If he wanted to win with pure firepower then he needed more than what he was packing and a weapon preigniter. If he wanted to win with consistency then he needed much more dodge and reliable disables.
Mind control isn't that good. Hacking, cloaking or even one defense drone would be better.
The math has it: That was scrap that could have gone into a tier 2 Medbay, A tier 2 oxygen room, extra drone power. The last shield isn't bad, it's just way too expensive.
The Vulcan is a trap weapon. If you've got a trick to keep it up, it can be amazing, but the moment it's interrupted once, it's stopped being a good gun.
5 to 8 engines is significantly more expensive and requires more power than 6 to 8 shields
>Mind control isn't that good
Its alright for disabling their pilot.
Yes except you don't need to go to 8 engine for the upgrades to actually mean something. You fucking need 2 more super expensive shield upgrades and 2 more reactor to reach that next step while you could just dump one more point in engines to give yourself some wiggle room if they get hit or to drop o2/medbay for a second and get some extra dodge. Engines being more granular is a major advantage and, again, it is objectively better to have more dodge with 3 shield than 4 shield with mediocre dodge chance.
Don't forget that you don't need to have it powered when you upgrade. Having 8 engine slots is good for tanking damage. That's why OP died. Among other problems, he didn't upgrade his oxygen or medbay, so they couldn't tank damage.
I disagree, and all my hard wins being won with consistentling paying for 4 shields and 5 engines will make me never change my mind homie
it's a different strategy and I would not call it significantly superior in any way.
> mr. 24 fucking fuel
sometimes the game dumps fuel on you dude
can't use 'em all, I've had upwards of 50 fuel in games that snowballed
Yes but those occasions are rare and with someone like OP who is actively asking what he did wrong and judgement on his setup the natural assumption is that he didn't search enough.
If you don't have cloaking that additional 3-6% dodge chance becomes much more relevant against flagship 3 than the one extra shield layer. And 3 shield is more than capable of breezing through flagship 1. The only struggle would be stage 2 but a proper offense can beat it before any significant hurt. And given that he fucked up on flagship 3 then the issue was investing excess scrap into shields where it could have gone somewhere else more useful. Maybe he got really unlucky with shops but I doubt it.
Years ago I just teleported people into the gun rooms and that basically beat the ship for me. Is that not good anymore?
This OP. Destroy their guns next time.
> Destroyed by a random straggler made of scrap
Wow... What a flagship... What chance does the empire have...
the secret intel the straggler held was secretly the flagship schematics that allowed them to target the robust and sophisticated flagship compartments, as well as tracking of their location across the sector
BOARD PARTYYYY, is still very viable but you want to leave one of his crewmembers alive, otherwise the AI takes over and (if you don't have anything to proc fires to suppress his system auto repair) you will likely lose
this game is bullshit
>oh you need to just get good hurr
>or just use *this* durr
maybe i cannot because all of it is fucking rng fuckers
drokk brock proc and declan all died thanks to you
>few r*ckmen died
nothing of value was lost
I dunno but I put your image through an AI upscale program to see what would happen. not bad.
an odd thing to do
Maybe, I just like enhancing stuff.
You really don't need both vulcan and flaks, one of those is enough to get through shields, than you can spend the extra energy on something useful, like cloak hacking or mind control. Cloak is pretty much mandatory for the flagships fuck you beam, hacking and mind control are amazing too. Just disable the gun and keep mind controlling the guys who start to repair it, makes so many fight super easy.
The two most important crutch for beating the flagship is hacking and cloaking. If you go into that fight without hacking or cloaking you have maybe 10% chance of winning. If you have both you have 90% chance of winning. Especially if you use the trick/glitch/cheat to make your hacking drone dodge the projectile from defensive drones and land when it shouldn't be able to, during the second phase. It's not necessary but it makes your hacking more potent.
>third phase
>start fight
>50% dodge chance
>everything he throws out hits and my rooms begin to burn
absolutely not based
heh btch u gotta upgrade da engines if u wanna win lolol
Well it is ultimately just a game of luck. Sometimes you just get cucked by RNG
Too early to die
it's been 200 years...
fucking rebel sympathizer
>The two most important crutch for beating the flagship is hacking and cloaking
You could substitute hacking with a good boarding party, 6/8 upgraded Drone control system (for 3 defensive drones or a combination of offensive ones) or a fully upgraded Weapons system with Pre-igniter, but Cloaking is absolutely mandatory to counter RNG bullshitery.
3 flak 1 and you still managed to lose.
i never beaten the game on hard maybe i should reinstall.
do it unless thou art a coward
Get hacking
Teleport into weapons if not on hard
Cloak or a lot of dodge
>vulcan + 3 flaks
How did you manage to lose that one?
never really put to much thought on my run and just bum rushed through the game until i got a lucky load out of burst laser 2 and flak 1's i managed to beat normal on most of the ships with that strategy
Mind control crew, teleport them to your ship. Kill them all. It's how I always beat the cruiser and a fuckload of evasion
>playing as Slugs
lmaoing at your run
eh it's fun
>eh it's fun
Post high score
>two halberd beams
>muh RNG
I used the drone trick mentioned any time I had hacking and I feel guilty to this day
Not bad, but check this out
it's not mine, I just found the pic online and thought it was silly
>Most Jumps Survived
What the fuck
>3h run
jesus, is he checking results of every single event on wiki or something?
He can't decide if he should buy that hacking module or not and autistically plans his route through the sector.
>He can't decide if he should buy that hacking module or not and autistically plans his route through the sector
Hey, why are you talking about me?
I never played on hard. How are the mods to FTL? Is captain's edition any good?