>day 1, queues and 1.1M viewers on twitch
>day 3, no queues and barely 250k viewers on twitch
So now that the dust has settled, what killed Classic? Did Blizzard set it up to fail, or was "you think you do but you don't" right?
>day 1, queues and 1.1M viewers on twitch
>day 3, no queues and barely 250k viewers on twitch
So now that the dust has settled, what killed Classic? Did Blizzard set it up to fail, or was "you think you do but you don't" right?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not fun.
miles ahead of anything bfa or any other expansion released in the streaming era ever pulled
in all honesty, it's probably a massive success for blizzard considering the complete absence of marketing. does anyone know the team size they put on this?
>day 3, no queues
its day 2 and there is queues. nice try user.
>no queues
fuck off shitposter
>300k viewers on the literal worst time of the day to stream
you dont even realize how big that number is
Why are you faggots trying to TORtanic post about a 15 year old game, are you that desperate?
fuck bros non ononononoon
it was supposed to be home!!
how could this happen?
Why would they be watching on twitch when they're playing the game
>day 3, when it's only day 2
>EU had queue for a queue yesterday and I am not talking about in game
>but the game is dead tho
I understand being annoyed by the number of threads but outright lying is retarded.
Ive never played wow until today and it was terrible.
>5 hour queue
>no direction for quests
>cant equip items im a paladin but i cant use a sword or an axe?
>fuck huge spread on everything for no fucking reason
>every base and vendor is in nonsensical places and absurdly spread apart
>no markers to tell you where anything else
>finish a quest
>no quests
>takes fucking 12 minutes to walk to a quest area
>have to fucking walk 12 minutes back to turn it in
>if you die you have to walk 12 minutes back to your body
>turned in a quest when i was lvl 6 and i fought lvl 9 monsters
>got a +15 gauntlet when mine was +45
I had high hopes seeing as everyone supposedly loved this game and I never played it because I was poor.
I did play Phantasy Star Online which I loved and thought was awesome and I was expecting a similar experience, but man was I fucking disappointed.
I lost a lot of respect for my friends today who wouldnt shut up about this shit as if it was some great thing, but it was some korean dogshit perfect world reskinned with warcraft characters.
That was just day 1. Prepare for the weekend when everyone wants to play and the servers shit themselves. You guys are too young to remember the shitfest that was launch of vanilla back then. We had fuckin queues and crashes(with free game time) constantly.
its a feature
Classic is not for everyone fren. Retail does the opposite of most of these things, if you're willing to spend the money I am sure you would like it.
It's day 2 nigger
>it's day 2
>and it's already this dead
This is even worse
I'm so so sorry classicbros
because i play ffxiv and any competition must burn into the ground
>what are addons
>what is not being mentally retarded
>what is not being a zoomer
addons fix none of those problems other than marking quests I imagine.
addons wont speed up the 95% of the game time spent walking around.
I played for like 5 hours and 4 of those hours was spenting autowalking simulator and 50 minutes of it was spent walking in endless circles trying to find the right npc vendor and 10 minutes of it was spent clicking on green pig, then blue pig, then red pig.
Im gonna try playing eso since thats also free and see if thats any better.
Why would you not want competition? Do you want ffxiv Devs to grow complacent? Do you want your game to become shit?
ok casual bye
im sorry your game was a pile of dog shit that was totally destroyed by phantasy star online a console mmo for the dreamcast 5 years before wow was even created.
eat your nostalgic dumpster truck of shit billowing into your fanboy mouth
git gud
Braindead zoomer
Your generation is even worse than actual boomers
Why are you so shit at games? You can buy your weapon proficiencies as well faggot.
>v hates grindy rpgs with no gameplay
>unless it's wow, then it's home
lmaoing @ ur life
Its asmongold's game now.
I literally just logged into a queue at like 9.30am EU time during the week
Nice try though
It was a nostalga trip, nothing more. Then they all realized it was not nearly as good as they remember
Classicfags are like starwar fags they will try their best at mental gymnast to defend their hobby
this is one layer on a medium pop realm at 10 AM on a weekday
I've had more meaningful interaction with other players in classic than I have in years of retail WoW. There is no incentive to interact and you can really feel how important it is to engage with the community and work together.
I will take the feeling of actually playing a MMO even if it comes with dated aspects which literally aren't that bad at all.
yep looks fucking dead
look dead
>people responding seriously to this stupid "lol game is dead when its really not" zoomer meme
Its like going to a park or something you used to loved as a kid. You go there think "man this takes me back". You fuck around on the play equipment for a while. Realize its not the same as you remember or at least not as fun. Then leave.
>tis was merely an act
Ironic shitposting etc. Especially after non stop "You think you do" for two years.
your brain is so tiny it can only get angry at things it doesn't understand, classic will be better off without tards like you
its really bad but so is OSRS and people love that. honestly these games treat the players like sheep and the people that get into it like that its dumb and grindy.
Reminder if you're not AT LEAST level 20 already you're a zoomer who deserves to play BfA for all eternity.
Just remember that the realms are heavily layered
I enjoyed the game for a few hours, but then french community destroy all my pleasure, it's big cancer. I'm really disappointed by them. I hope that those retards while quickly get back to nu-WoW or Fortnite/LoL.
i kinda liked a lot of it actually, the slow pace, the rpg mechanics like talent system etc and helping others.
i dont think i will invest much time in it since i just dont have the patience for this kind of game anymore but if you are going to play this garbage genre you might as well play classic.
it's the only mmo on the market right now, every other one is a glorified barbie dress up/house owner sim with braindead combat and streamlined questing for anyone with down syndrome to go through
It was 2 AM, you fucking retard
What do you pretend from a 2005 game? And compared to the competition back then WoW Vanilla was already one, if not, the most toddler friendly MMORPG on the market
It was considered casual but just designed to make you waste subtime with long walking and other activities that shouldn't require as much time as they did
>>no direction for quests
Read the fucking quest.
>cant equip items im a paladin but i cant use a sword or an axe?
Learn how to use those weapons first.
Are you retarded?
>no markers to tell you where anything else
>finish a quest
>no quests
Yep, you're retarded. Fucking assisted faggot. You'll get nowhere in life if you're lost in a simple game.
WoW is not a fun game to watch
Guys. guys. If you think about it. This game plays just like Battle Royale games. Theres a lot of walking and downtime so it makes a great game for everyone who just want to stream or talk with friends. And no. That is a bad thing. Boomers hating on Fortnite but if it is their own version of the do-nothing the game it is suddenly fine.
vanilla sucks and you fell for the hype. all those "no changes!!" fags use addons for everything and enjoy walking around like retards because it fills the hours they're awake. people play vanilla wow because they hate their lives and need something to pass the time until they can go back to sleep.
What do you mean?
A true boomer would take his time and enjoy the leveling process.
Zoomers are the ones rushing to end-game not realizing they're skipping most of the game.
T. boomer who is looking forward to spending a week in Scarlet Monastery
Fortnite is literally gay bait.
nobody mentioned osrs, what's your obsession for? osrs unironically has 10x the content anyways and way more soul. osrs feels like a passion project and classic feels like a cashgrab.
>Unironically like wasting time like that
What even are you gonna do for spend an entire week in Scarlet Monastery? Looking at the grass? keep smashing the same mobs until they start giving 0 exp?
>ADHD zoomer calls me out on being slow
Color me surprised.
I got to agree. The slower pace, character management and the community (at least on Bigglesworth) are really making me enjoy myself so far. Everyone is friendly and helpful, it really just puts that extra little special something into the game.
What does that even mean? Both games are still playing just because they're popular friendgames.
Based baitanon
this b8 worked.
>not knowing already all the quest
>being a allytranny
>even worst being a palatranny
>needing markers when you have your own eyes to see where's the next town
>dying to mobs instead of being careful about what you can pull and what not
>not enjoying the adventure part
Running the dungeons.
There's a lot of good and cool looking gear in there.
>What is a RPG
if you were a real boomer you would be RPing along the way and be max level 10 right now
t. boomer
The game is a gigantic waste of time anyway.
>walking simulator combined with a chat room
you surprised?
shush, stop critiquing the game that nostalgic boomers have an irrational erection for!!!!
the only special thing about this game is the nostalgia
i've got over 24 hours played so far & it's been a mediocre experience
I'm trying SO hard to enjoy this game, but holy fuck, it's just so old and shitty, the only specialty about the game was the nostalgia i felt for it years ago, back when my brain was hardly even half-developed
I can't see myself playing this for too much longer
This seems like such a fucking chore now
How did I love this SO much as a 13 year old?
Paying £120 a year to play a game I already purchased 10 years ago. No thanks. Sub model needs to go. I shouldn't have to pay each month to pay for content I've purchased. Server costs are dirt cheap now and you have a cash shop. Fuck off blizz.
There were queues yesterday. What are you on about? Classic is huge.
Classicchads know the truth. Fuck off retail tranny.
is there a way to check the pop of servers? I've rolled on a medium one to get to play rather than queue but i'm worried it's gonna be dead
They should change so that if you paid for an expansion you should always have access to it. If you want expansion then you pay for it and maybe a sub for all the non-existent content patches introduced.
I can "buy" apex legends for nothing and get 200+ hours entrainment out of it but. Blizz "muh server costs". Apex has a cash shop and so do you.
Each expansion costs - £40 plus £240 for its two year life cycle and you can never access it again if you stop.
Blizz do it because blizzdrones accept it. I haven't given my money to them since 2008 and I don't intend to.
Grinding and farming ... such fun
Im having heaps of fun and none of you faggots can change that
anyone got that chart with the population breakdown, specifically for europe?
need to avoid the hues.
>Not realizing a layer covers the entire game world not just one zone....
Also no one plays Horde. Grow up.
>Also no one plays wow. Grow up.
The only reason I'm reading your shit post is because I'm waiting for the queue you retard.
>playing on a roleplaying realm
>it's full of literal refugees with names like Donaldtrump and Mikepence who're running away from the 12 hour queues all the other realms have
Should I start reporting their names in hopes they get banned or will they fuck off once the hype dies?
There's nothing wrong with those names besides apparently triggering your feefees
It's 2019 and we're playing a Blizzard game, that's more than enough.
I'm level 11 because I waited for my friend that got stuck on the other side of the queues
It's a totally different experience leveling with someone, as a warrior it makes everything fucking incredible
>no queues
Yeah, I actually hope this 512 minute queue I'm staring at is bullshit too. But I don't think closing my eyes and pretending it's not real is going to do much.
I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I've never understood why this was so popular, not the first time around and not now.
9000 queue for me on arugal, been waiting like 4 hours
gr8 b8 m8
>that pic
God, I love not living in a communist country
>no queues
Classic is blast and its only for true players.
>2:27 am EST
>nobody playing (because it's fucking 2am)
and don't give me that "hurr durr murrica" shit either because in europe it was 7am when you made this shitty thread, the only place where it'd be a reasonable time of the day is asia or australia
>Did Blizzard set it up to fail,
>a bunch of servers
>av 1.2
no blizzard didn't set it up to fail . not at all
fucking retard shill
Hey guys. I gave Classic a good few hours. Its just too much of a grind. The nostalgia factor was there for a bit, I bought into the hype, but at the end of the day, retail has made me very lazy and I think im okay with that.
Not to mention, all Classic managed to do for me was realize how spoiled I am now and I love it, and how much I really miss my friends from back in the day.
So J. Allen Brack, if you're reading this, I concede. I am too hooked on my mountain of mounts and I really dont want to spend most my time leveling.
I am here admitting this because I was very vocal about his answer and shook my fist at my monitor. So here I am admitting I was wrong.
Good luck in Classic.
This. OP is just retarded and baiting. It's later during the day here in Europe and evening it's really fucking populated. Sat in que for 6 hours or so yesterday.
Warlock, Mage, or Rogue? I’ll probably level a warrior as a secondary, but I’m not subjecting myself to that first round.
So twitch addicted zoomers and burnt out, easily manipulated millennials?
>have 3k queue on a fucking work day
I never had any queues on legion or bfa and I played on the highest EU realm.
this is pasta you retards
do you want to trade water to every slacker? mage
do you want to summon every piece of shit slacker your group doesn't decide to kick? warlock
do you want to be a slacker and a piece of shit? rogue
retail is like a facebook game, classic is like an actual rpg
Now imagine if you played an actual hard and slow game like Everquest... vanilla WoW was that easy game people went to relax... fucking zoomer
>twitch views determines a games lifespan
Why did it have to come to this?
Twitch only matters to two demographics, zoomers and marketers. Yea Forums is full of both
>come home from work
>22 servers full and with queues
i fucking wish it was dead
>thinking twitch viewers=people playing the game
Those people 1.1M people won't touch classic. They are fine giving $5 to their favorite Best friend streamer and spamming emotes in the chat. Either way though Classic is boring to play and boring to watch. The hype already died and only the autists are left who are brain dead enough to waste their time playing it.
>the hype is dying
>every high pop server has 20k queues
How is the hype dead you mother fucking moron?
oh no! not the twitch views!
Just started, do I have lag, or did moves in classic have a second or two of delay? Like when I use my move as warrior, I press the right button and it doesn’t execute for a second or two. Is that how classic was?
>Blizz do it because blizzdrones accept it.
>What is capitalism?
>What is supply and demand?
Most of warriors abilitys are based off of your auto attacks: so if you heroic strike, It wont actually "strike" untill you swing your weapon, I think the only things that dont count are mortal strike, rend, overpower and hamstring
>its not the same
>tons of balance issues
>convenience of additions like achievements or flying
>paying for it
>convenience of additions like achievements or flying
I probably should have mentioned LFR and LFG and cross server
This is day two user and theres still very long queues.
Ah I see. Yeah I was confused when I was using heroic strike and it took a bit to execute.
classic is getting achievements, flying mounts, LFR and cross server additions?
>I played for like 5 hours and 4 of those hours was spenting autowalking simulator
no you didnt
No. It isn't.
And that is the point.
>was spenting
I wouldn't doubt it, user.
Exactly my point. Blizzdrones are the worst. I think they would make more money by dropping the sub and only charging for expansions. The lost sub rev would easily be made up from increased cash shop purchases.
Paying £10 a month for a 15 year old game that you don't own. Serious idiots.
Playing horde is so fuckin depressing but all my friends are horde so im fucked, I wish i was hanging out in comfy dwarf inns instead of this bullshit.
Anyone on the streamer server able to describe their experience?
>what killed Classic?
>convenience of additions like achievements or flying
Convenient additions are what keep wow alive, even with how horrible it is.
And Classic has none of it which will result in its death.
Nostalgia fags took off their rose tinted glasses and realized the truth.
Classic sucks and everyone besides nostalgia fags knows it
classic is better than every current mmo available sorry you faggot and classic is literally the dark souls of mmos.
Agreed. Don’t get why everyone loves horde. Everyone I meet IRL playable horde. The environments are so much less comfy than the alliance ones.
Oh man so many classiccucks in every wow thread butthurt about their precious little game
>no cues
>Did Blizzard set it up to fail
AHAHAHAHA talk about being deluded and not realizing it was always awful. Eat shit nostalgia googles.
It finally dawned on me Yea Forums, the anti classic shills are not paid, or majorly FF trannies, its just tortanic dogs hunting for new blood, but they are surprised their tactics do no damage because classic is a complete opposite of tortanic, wheres tor did everything wrong and died quick, classic succeeds at everything promised and grows uncontrollably
Blizzard is making a massive mistake by opening so many realms.
They should just increase capacity of current ones with more layers, and if there's high enough pop later on just offer free transfers to new realms.
So many realms is gonna bite them hard in few months.
>People unironically want XIV to turn into retail WoW when it doesn't have the quality of Lich-era WoW already
Competition is exactly what the MMO genre needs. WoW being such a dominant force for so long is what hurt the genre so bad.
even TOR made bank the only game that truly fail are the weeb shit games hype up here.
>all the retail zoomers in the starting areas talking shit in general chat
>see them under geared and pull three mobs
>get mad their level 5 isn't a superhero
Classic has been all I wanted and more so far.
>No queues
Mograine is just over a day old and has a queue of 9k
it's a good gauge of how well a game is doing
with exceptions, of course
It took you this many years to realize shitposters are just fags who don't play video games and live off a steady supply of (You)s?
>ff trannies
mate most mmo players are trannies, that applies to WoW as well
>Convenient additions are what keep wow alive
no, it's what killed the game, and turned the gameplay into a checklist.
>boomers are still replying to this pasta
Have a (You) my fren
Classic won't be killed that fast. It will obviously fall off tremendously on twitch viewers, but that's natural since the game is terrible to watch. This game has some sort of drug effect that makes you want to play it even though you aren't enjoying it that much (and this drug effect may work even if you hate it)
>playing as rogue taking out spiders so I can get to chest in a cave behind a rare spider boss
>dumbass warrior runs straight to the chest trying to steal it pulling all the mobs
>he dies while I'm looting the chest
>it's a good gauge of how well a game is doing
lol no it's not. the people who want to play classic are not going to waste time watching someone else level. they're going to want to play themselves. it's only a good gauge of people who get caught up in the hype but have never played it.
what did he mean by this
Queues are still a on-going thing.
I put on my girly e-butt plug and went back to xiv!!!
>firemaw has 16k queue
>most other eu pvp servers have >10k queues
>literally every realm is packed with people on every zone every hour of the day
no i get that, but you must agree that the amount of anti-shilling against classic is unprecedented
Dungeon Findiner, specifically cross-realm, completely killed the community in wow. Anyone old enough to remember those days knows this.
Classic is amazing and I'm having more fun with wow than I've had since Cata came and fucked shit up
Wow is old as shit , ofc ppl are tired of it
>Aug 23
>start talking about who will summon.
>have a nice chat. Run a couple of dungeons cause it still takes a while to find a group
>add the occasional person after run
>run a dozen instances a day
>don’t say a word
I loved WotLK but fuck cross realm lfg.
> play "that's how it was in 2005" version of a game
> expect functionality and QOL-features of current version/games
Are you fucking serious?
zoom zoom zoom
This is Monster Hunter "Where's my lock-on?" tier bait
10/10 well done
>day 3, no queues
I've been in a queue for the last hour. Why are you faggots so desperate for another Tortanic?
In realm lfg was alright, but once the numbers started dipping and they just basically merged all the servers into one all the soul left WoW.
Just got my wetlands wand after having my duskwood adventures. Pretty fun time so far
>Finally got on yesterday after hours in queue
>Internet shat itself 20 minutes after getting in
>Thrown back into a 16k queue
Fuck me. It doesn't seem so bad today but that's probably due to it being mid-day. Thank fuck for half work days.
I hope Classic+ first expansion adds High Elves and Ogres.
Then it would be perfect
>Ogres and High Elves
Pic related. But I still think they’ll fuck up any classic+. They couldn’t even get the launch right.
>had to wait 40 minutes to get on last night
>no ques
>make thread shit talking on popular thing
>probably blatantly lie
>people that like popular thing call me a retard
>dopamine releases from all the (you)s I farmed
>microwave some nuggets to celebrate
A day in the sad and confusing life of modern Yea Forums
That was taken today dumbass, that's the latest patch version. The game wasn't even out on the 23rd.
>New starting zones for both (obviously)
>New quests for both Alliance and Horde where there are periods of zero quests to alleviate the grind a bit
>New items where there are gaps in leveling
>A few new dungeons between 1 and 60
>A very slight rebalance of talents which are objectively bad
>No new raids, because fuck gear treadmills
>New world pvp event for HE vs Ogres
Its possible for Blizzard to not fuck this up
Possible, but unlikely
>yestrday i had 400 mins
>assumed it will be better after the reset
>now this
Im really just gonna afk for a refund for the play time and wait a week because this is crap
based and blackpilled
Blizzard added even more servers and servers that didn't have a que d1 are now on 6k queues.
What addons are you using bros?
>they would make more money by dropping the sub and only charge for expansions
This is why you're not rich, user. They got a million subs in a day which makes this really sensible business.
Whatever your thoughts on paying 10 quid on a stable, fully scripted and working server to play on are, having 0 chance of admin fuckery or pay2win is absolutely godsend if you enjoy vanilla WoW.
This is like saying paying more for a better guitar amp is stupid just because you don't play the guitar.
what is Kronos Wow
iT's DeAd BrOs
They already bassicly stated if classic is actually more then thought we get TBC. Though yes I to hope for Classic+.
Just imagine if the Classic team manages to roll out playable Naga while retail was all 'muh shoes, muh mounts'
fake server full of third-world shits like yourself.
Auction one and a quest helper, bag addon seems broken and I don't want to restart in case my queue resets
>no queues
im stuck in queue for 4 hours right now what do you mean no queues
>10 hour queues
Works on my realm.
>quest helper
Fucking cringe
Time to pack it up, anons. We've been done.
just let it die already it's been 15 years
Yes you can report names that reference real people
Nah on the classicast interview with them they pretty much said they’re open to anything, even classic+
Your probably right. Still if blizzard does anything TBC feels like the most obvious path.
>tfw all you want from WoW is horizontal progression after 60
It'll never happen though.
Nice strawman faggot blizzdrone. This is why you will never be rich. Short term view. Milk the 1m subs for a couple of months before sub puts them off or milk them via a cash shop for years. Gaming business models have changed
>no queues
>no queues
>no queues
>no queues
>no queues
Some friends and I decided to take an exceedingly lengthy route as Night Elves to get to Stormwind. After trying to sell off my guildmates as sex slaves, we traveled naked through Ashenvale where we encountered a Level 20ish Horde Hunter as a gaggle of Level 2s and clapped him. There's no way he wasn't absolutely bewildered. Man, it feels good to be back.
A little thing called nostalgia, once it wore off in a few hours people jumped.
never played WoW, are the capital cities meant to feel busy? i just checked out stormwind and ironforge on a full server and it wasnt hugely populated, is it a time of day thing or?
People are out leveling, why would they idle in a city after spending hours just to get in
tortanic fags on full damage control as per
Are you new here?
it will once everyone hits 60
What are Gehennas queues atm?
Asmongold is already taking all kinds of free stuff lol, GG Faerlina enjoy the forever busted server economy.
atleast the streamers had the decency to either play offstream or contain in one server.
based streamer chad shitting on 4channel babies as per usual
just subhuman garbage would waste 12$ month to play a 15 old years game that's just mostly grinding and endless farming, the funniest are the returning players, that now have work and (hopefully) family that illude themselves to play again just to stay behind progression and keep getting ganked on pvp and excluded from dungeons/raids on pve
Will classic get content? If so, will it be a repeat of previously released content, eventually moving on to tbc and such, or will it get new designed content for classic today? If not, then is it going to be a "hit max level, uninstall" sort of fad?
i will gladly pummel to death that grotesque homunculus with my bare hands,his voice is like scratching on blackboard
Considering im in a que now, thats proves you're a flaming faggot. Go back to BFA cuck bitch.
Make way for the true streamchad that doesn't waste his time on shitty mmos
absolutely true that charing the same exact for server upkeep and GM services as 2004 when the first is now a tenth the cost and for the second they kicked out a lot of people and replaced it with worse auto-systems is scammy, on the other hand if it's a game you really wanted to play, 15$ a month isn't a tragedy. WoW is either a game you invest some hours into or you shouldn't play in the first place, so it's somewhat cushioned. if you were planning to stroll for 1 hour a week, honestly don't bother. not for the cost, just do something else.
Why is it that Firemaw is so popular anyway? It was a second round server, yet it's got higher queues than the original announced servers like Shazzrah.
You mean the same reasons that the original devs gave back in Vanilla/BC? But muh retail tho!
/reloadui wont kick you off the server. Its safe.
Smart way of reducing the queue user, I'll try to trick people like that too later
Playing PvE currently lvl 16
Just taking it easy and tanking dungeons all fucking day
Already getting the compliments /flex
Nah, best way is still the camp trick.
/1 "Best thing about classic is how the little RPG elements are still there, such as /camp creating a campfire"
Who knows, I think it’s too early to speculate or worry or expect an answer yet. Sounds like they want the phases to play out first and go from there
>no queues
Literal fake news.
I took this screenshot yesterday at 4 AM on euro server. yup, it's fucking dead, bros.
Looks too bright to be night in vanilla, probably taken on a private server
>no queues
I wish
Can't wait for the bandwagon zoomers to quit, honestly
That doesn't work dumbass, if you log out you're still on the character selection
yesterday I did my first instance and was out-dpsing a mage as a druid, constantly switching between bear form and spaming wrath/moonlight. then I prevented a wipe when healer went oom because of a too big pull. I felt like a god.
No you were stuck in queue and now you're making up stories because you're bored. Druids don't have the mana to do stuff like that, you're oom yourself after shifting twice
>spam spells until just enough mana to transform
>fuck shit up in feral form until mana recharges
>return to spamming spells
>repeat ad infinitum
just admit you don't know how to play druids
>Position in queue: 10432
>Position in queue: 9943
>Position in queue: 8843
>Position in queue: 5575
>Position in queue: 2253
>You have been disconnected from the server
Just admit you didn't even get to play the game
right now actually I am in the queue (2065), thats the only reason I'm arguing with your retarded ass instead of testing my radical new gear
>he doesn’t stop to fish
Well that's one way to put it. Enjoy your queue
I'm level 16 because I did the quests for all 3 starting areas for the faction
Word. Got my rod yesterday ready as well. Just need to make some bags first though.
I just bought materials and molested priests until one made the bags for me
Yeah there were some people offering that in cities too. I'm leveling tailoring anyway so just need to start.
The Blizzard shills are annoying but the doomsayers are even worse
There still are queues.
If players would spread around all available realms there would be no queues.
However, some prefer to queue for the highest population realms because that's where they reserved their names or where their friends are.
Low population realms can always be merged.
Note that 'Low' in 2019 > 'High' in 2004.
It is not for everyone. If you expect rewards for the most trivial shit, have ADHD and struggle to pause and read a three paragraph quest description, can't work out cardinal directions then steer clear.
For everyone else, welcome home
>ask a player to make me some bags
>he makes me some and we trade
>notice his guild name is Make Azeroth Great Again
>after trade I say "orange man bad" and run away
I plan on starting next weekend or maybe the one after once the ques have died down. Anyone in the same boat?
I don't support wow classic in any way but twitch views are not a reliable indicator of popurality.
This place really hasn't recovered since TORtanic.
>Posting at midnight on a work week.
Idk probably that whole, people fucking have jobs thing?
it's on global cool down, zoomie. Combat in general was much more deliberate and methodical back then, not this Diablo fucking instant bullshit in retail
learn to read you quest log and have a sense of imagination. WoW Classic is about the community, not just the gameplay.
You cannot post if you are under 18, my little friend.
im having fun, only problems are the que times but i guess thats what i get for choosing whitemane
although my addons dont work for some reason, i unzipped them in the interface addons folder what did i do wrong??
Did you unzip or unzip to folder
Imagine being too stupid to use thottbot
Literally this
You make it sound like this is somehow different from the lives of most other people
Some people enjoy slow paced games. Get over it
i dont remember but heres a screenshot
Yeah you want the folder inside those folders
I am waiting at a east cost server 3k queue right now, I wish there was none
>no queues
Fuck off
>log out without thinking
>have to wait an hour to get back on
>lock yourself out of the house
It's just like...home!
Never played Warlock before, is it really just Corruption -> Shadow Bolt forever?
wow was the fortnite of its time
>no queues
you should stick with the low pop meme.
It's just as bullshit but it's not instantly disproved by literally anyone who plays.
You can`t use Corruption on raids, uses a debuff slot. You just Shadow Bolt.
If you talking about in general, like every other class, there`s a high skill cap to juggle mobs using mana efficient spells non stop
Probably the same as with HS which was like 4 guys blizzard is f****** greedy and lazy and that's the reason classic might fail completely
Well at least I can't fuck that up
I suppose I'm just there for soulstones
Will I be completely ignored endgame if I roll druid?
>high skill cap
Are there really no queues now? I rolled in Benediction because it was the only non-full server. Was that a mistake?
There's an 80 minute queue on my server
>3k queue
Who is leading diaper race to 60?
Where did people get the conception that vanilla was super dark? They made the game bright before launch since it was tied to real time, so people that could only play at night actually saw the game.
I have no idea but I want to blame the Spanish coalition for joining and already full server. The Norwegian coalition was also bigger than I thought with 7000 members
>Been going to bed early to get up at 430 and avoid the q time
>tfw playing WoW is actually fixing my sleep schedule
>90% of EU servers are full
you fucking retards! I logged out only to eat my meal... you're telling me I will have a fucking queue on new server as well?! Fuck off! Play fucking BFA!!!! Leave classic to me!!!!!!
Ashenbringer had a 2k queue 2 hours after it went live. Don't worry though I just logged out to make room for you.
classic wow IS a zoomer meme.
oh no
Oh no!
that was taken a few hours ago
here is the current state :^)
>Playing FFXIV while waiting in queue for Zandalari Tribe
The queues are out of control on EU
What do bros?
I'm unironically going to wash some dishes
>Join queue
>If less than 8k
>Watch porn
>Taken nearly 2 hours to go down 200 places
I finished Wind Waker, cleaned my flat, cooked and ate dinner and I'm still not fucking in.
ok what expansion did the high skill cap happen? tbc? wotlk? maybe mop? retard
Gehennas here. 7 hours in queue and I expect at least 2 more. Not sure what's happening and I expect the weekend to be even worse. I should follow s example, but I'm just sitting here like a tard.
fuck offffff!! I wanted to play today!!!!!!
How can a company be so fucking retarded?! All they have to do is LISTEEEEEEEEEEEEN.
Which means if they weren't that place would be absolutely packed.
Last night I got home from work at 4, popped in at ~180 minutes. I did aome work around the house, made dinner, watched some anime, checked back around 6:30 and i was still at 180 minutes.
I think a lot of the issue is that theres a shitload of people idling their accounts when they afk to avoid the Q time
holy shit
the problem isn't that they can't add new realms
they don't want to because school begins next week and zoomers will fuck off and every realm will be a ghost town
in a week do you want 50000 players distributed among 10 realms or among 20 realms?
They could give us free realm transfer
Fucking zoomers
fuck classic, fuck blizzard, wow servers dog shit, cant even play new diablo season cus they those servers are dying too, my friends are 20000000000000000 years ahead of me cus they dedicated first night cus they didnt have shit to do next morning and didnt get disconnected and forced into a 10000 man queue, legit just hope this is all a fucking ploy by blizzard to make people not want to play classic, and i hope it succeeds since i would never have played this dogshit if it wasnt cus of most of my friends wanting to try it anyways
this is ridiculous
and even fucking wod would unironically be better than classic if it wasnt because of the lack of updates and content
Confirmed for being a cata baby. Vanilla had zero skill. late tbc upped it.
>Start playing yesterday at midnight
>Highest server had 20k queue
>Decide to change server to a medium one and get in straight away
>Later that same day the server had 8k queue to log in
>Now today every single server is full and the server I got in straight away at launch has 10k man queue
Yup game is cancelled
5 hour queue
get hype
>98th in the queue
I've been queued since 11am, it's currently 6pm. Fuck me.
Why would I want to play with humans in a game that is fantasy based? Alliance seem like a dumb choice
yea at least you didnt get disconnected at queue with no fucking error message, no fucking windows notification where the tab blinks or anything, no, you just know you got disconnected sometime in the past 30 minutes and then you lose your spot in the queue
There are more nordic people on firemaw than spanish, but you are right for some reason "coalitions" all dumped themselves onto it.
I got my cardio and dinner sorted
It happened to me last night too after 4 hours waiting. I just gave up at that point.
I want the Blizzard "numbers bragging/thank you, fans/we will continue working diligently" press release already because I'm really curious how many fucking people actually jumped on this thing.
Could it be anything other than their biggest launch ever? TBC? Wrath? Diablo 3? Starcraft 2? I don't think they were bigger than this.
Do US servers have queues? There is not a single server on EU which has queues, most of them 2-3 hours but some of them 10+ hours
>got a +15 gauntlet when mine was +45
I also attacked with my +9 Mage and failed.
lmao. no wow classic was about the community more than a decade ago. now its a dated game that was shit even back in 2004 so people have to meme about “dude the community” to get over the fact that the game is objectively bad and has always been even by themepark mmo standards
i started in 1.2.4 eat dick faggot. what was skillful about tbc? weaving fucking steady shots? gay-ass seal of blood twisting? get a grip
Why do ESLfags hate wow so much? Is it because it’s not free?
d-did you attack the hoard?
But it's good pasta, I and everyone else looking at this pasta should instantly think of how Blizzard unnecessarily pads out the game as to increase the amount of time it takes to reach/clear end-game with fun averse game design decisions so you'll keep paying for those monthly subs.
Are you telling me that Classic cucks are queing to que?
no reply because you propably dont even know what the fuck i am talking about in the . all the people pretending to have played vanilla/tbc (good 2/3 in these threads) should be doxxed and publicly humiliated
So I assume you killed pre nerf muru? Nah you didn't but TBC was easy right?
Retard thinking vanilla was high skill. The only hard part about vanilla was finding 10-20 good players and 10-20 mouth breathing fillers for the raid.
the best part after all this shitshow is that people will look at wow classic and say "not that great boomer"
I’ve seen people try and form one, but everyone still just goes for the first hit anyway.
Only the brainlets do.
Starting area quests are only present to make leveling the first part quicker and to introduce people to the different types. The line makes the exp boost pointless, the loot is outstripped by grey shit you find and the quests are hardly rocket science, so there's no reason to not just skip it and kill a few mobs for cooking ingredients.
Is Feral a comfy spec for solo leveling? I'm not interested in le epic top tier raiding I just want to experience the lvl 60 journey for the first time.
I'm torn between Hunter + Cat pet or straight up being a cat myself, I'll play mostly alone for sure btw.
>no queues
eat my ass faggot
the people shitting on this game are zoomers because they cannot even imagine having to put effort into a game to achieve a favourable result
>wake up
>log into Whitemane with no queue time
>played for like an hour
>get called into work to help with the truck
>come back home 2 hours later
>"Queue: 273 minutes"
It's not fair bros.
>having a job
I'm not gonna get to play tonight
Fuck this
Both classes are very comfy and Feral is actually good now that the hard numbers have been shown, they just take SUPER specific gear to make that way.
>Is Feral a comfy spec for solo leveling?
Define comfy
Its certainly consistent, you are leveling with close to 0 downtime since mana regenerates while in animal forms
hahahahaha. imagine not playing hahahaha
I never thought I'd be bragging about a 50 minute wait
Went home and Q'd up on my lunch break. Goig to monitor via remote desktop and when it pops Ill go home. Zoomers need to hurry up and go back to school
I didn’t realize how much vanilla relied on auto attack
Can you expand on this please? Does that mean that they are also decent for raiding at max level?
Yep that's what I meant, playing a self sustainable class that doesn't need to stop every time or go out of their way to clear the content. I know Druids have their heals and forms and Hunters have their pets to tank for them.
Yes. You have zero downtime, fast travel speed, only need to train a handful of spells so you have plenty of gold left over to buy a mount asap, and your weapon damage automatically scale with your level so you are always doing good damage until you hit 60 which, combined with stealth and movement speed, means you are fantastic at world pvp while everyone is still leveling up.
Well I cant speak for hunter but druids you can constantly swap caster and animal forms to level with no downtime (unless you pull 3 things on accident
what the fuck did u expect
Awesome guys, I'll think I'll opt for a Druid first and level a Hunter later covering the areas I didn't visit.
with all the careful planning Blizz still royally fucks it up by dramatically underestimating how many servers they need
Hmm, the base game before it was improved upon isn't fun to play? Who would have thought?!
RDP in from work 2 hours before you plan on getting home and log into the queue. When you get home you'll either be at char selection or close to it
thinking about levelling two characters on different servers because i get dced midday and only get to relog on 1 hour before i go to bed