Dutch, I’m tellin ya, that Micah ain’t no good

Dutch, I’m tellin ya, that Micah ain’t no good

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Hey Arthurrr, can you give a ride to Valentine?

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I cried like a little bitch when Arthur died. Playing the rest of the game as Marston felt empty.

Oh I'll give you a ride alright, toots. *takes off trousers*

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That’s because Marstons dead and you can’t feel alive playing as a dead man. All you can do is kill them Pinkertons in an empty husk of a shell.
>Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare 2

>mhm, well Dutch I’d say if a man wants to lie down and prod a zombie’s cornhole with his stovepipe then who am ah to judge
>Well thanks for standing up for me Arthur, I’ll help you steal the zombie horse and bring it back to the zombie survival camp
>thanks young Seth, but I’ve got my eye, glass eye, red dead redemption one call back, forward, on you
>*lights cigarette and immediately puts it out*
>here Arthur it’s me Not A Zombie This Time Uncle take my pick axe and belt fed revolver
>thank you Uncle I hope you don’t die at the end
The twist at the end is the virus is Lumbago that you gotta find a cure for with Sean who’s alive and an undead talking Dutch

Neither is our story or writing Orthur

I think arthur is my favorite protagonist of all time, the game is superbly written, I fucking love this man

I'm going to say it Arthur, I'm going to say the N word...
And you cant stop me BLACK lungs.

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Really want single player dlc for this game but I know I won't get it

Micah was right. Why have all the women as dead weight there, if they don't even put out?

>Marston is the last of the gang
>Except these literally whos living in plain sight lmao
what did rockstar mean by this?

>Going to be a year since release soon
Where the fuck does time go bros?

No, don't do it Micah! Not in front my wife's child!

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You're just a picture caught in time user. Soon you'll be nothing but calcium

What's wrong John? What bad word are so scared of now? Is it NIGGER!
NIGGER, is that word that has you so torn up?
Words cant hurt anybody-eh scar face.

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I was waiting for it to replay the full story but I'll just do it soon, no point in waiting, it's not going to happen. They STILL havent updated the online enough to consider it not a beta, so they are focused in that. Hopefully the online keeps flopping and they just give up and Focus on singleplayer.

I knew you was my brother Arthur. I always knew.

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The women did help with the heists and other shit, like in Valentine, or gathered info to do them.

I'd love to replay it but I'm not going to waste an hour and a half doing the god awful tutorial. If you can sit through that then you're a better man than I.

Arthur was the downfall of the gang. From the VERY FIRST MOMENT the game starts he questions Dutch at every single turn. "I dunno Dutch, shouwald we be out in this snowah?"
Micah did what needed to be done and followed orders.

RDR2s story wasnt anything special.
Its better than GTAVs, but only because its pretty mediocre rather than being shit.

Here's a question, let's say Arthur never questions Dutch, always follow his orders doesn't talk back just follows Dutch blindly. Would Dutch still leave Arthur for dead in that oil base firefight?

The fight wouldnt have even happened.

Micah was an actual gangster in a group of people who romanticise their work.
All the stuff about family and making it, yet Micah is the one who actually gets the money. He came in, realized he can exploit the group and did so.

I found this most interesting about the game's story.

Okay okay. Let's just say it would have happened in some shape or form. Would Dutch still leave him for dead?

Who would win in a fight, Arthur or Charles?

Just finished it a couple days ago, had two questions - Why did nobody flinch even the slightest bit when Micah shot Ms. Grimshaw right in the middle of that standoff? (I get that not everyone liked her but she was enough of an OG to blast Molly without thinking twice and participate in the standoff, unlike Uncle)

Why did Dutch leave behind the money after shooting Micah? (I get that he was depressed after the gang splitting up but it doesn't match with the way he acts in RDR1)

Yesterday I skimmed through some screenshots on my PS4, and realized I had +1000 on RDR2. Shortened it down to 100.

I usually never take many screenshots but jesus christ this game is absolutely beautiful. Some of these screenshots, like riding alongside a forest area which is full of morning mist sipping through it, while the sun is going up in the distance is just fucking A.

No, Dutch loved him like a son. LIKE A SON

Sexiest clouds of 2018.

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Charles is fucking Batman. The whole playthrough I kept thinking how similar he is to Mkoll from the Warhammer 40k Gaunt's Ghosts novels. He's the perfect scout, doesn't say much, doesn't complain and could kill everyone if he wanted to.

worse than tilefuckers to quite honest

I didn't sob but I actually teared. The worst part was I fucking knew it was coming too, and it still got me.

>Dutch, I’m tellin ya, that Micah is not no good
So he is good then


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Does playing as evil Arthur have any interesting dialog? Also want to start a new game because I can't get enough of that pump shotgun.
Extremely satisfying weapon.

Pump action shotgun with slugs destroys niggas hard in medium range engagements.
Just wish there was a way to slap an extended magazine tube on that bad boy. Gun customization was a bit of a let down tbg

1) because the og gang is already gone and half of it is just new micah's frens
2) dutch is a hack, he never had a plan because all he can do is control or kill people

Would probably play out like a cougar attack. If Arthur can't kill Charles before he gets into melee range it's fucking over.

Singleplayer dlc is already confirmed you playing as Sadie Adlier, it's going to be shit

>Singleplayer dlc is already confirmed you playing as Sadie Adlier
Say it ain't so.

God she was the weakest part of the game
like, literally felt like one of the writers waifufagged her HARD and made arthur let her do shit he wouldn't have let anyone else do because DAMM GURL U SCARY

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No thanks Rockstar.

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This, they can't even be bothered adding the multiplayer guns like the Evans and LeMat to singleplayer.

>could've just left the slimy fucker to hang in Strawberry
Nice going, black lung.

>Singleplayer dlc is already confirmed you playing as Sadie Adlier,
Because it would be great.

>faggots too stupid to realize that she's been hunting and butchering animals since she was a kid and always was proficient in shooting as she literally says
>faggots too stupid to realize that she and her husband got surprised while sleeping as literally hinted at by her wearing her night gown
>faggots too stupid to realize that she was always good with the gun but she was just traumatized by seeing her husband getting slaughtered in front of her eyes until she got over it and revenge consumed her
imagine being too much of a brainlet to understand a Rockstar plot

I had no problem with her being good at shooting, it made sense that a frontier wife would know how to hunt and stuff. What I had a problem with was how she constantly screwed over the gang because she was a violent bitch who couldn't keep her bloodlust in check.

And most importantly, that Arthur basically never did anything more than a simple scolding for her constantly endangering the gang. It felt really out of character for Arthur.

>she constantly screwed over the gang
She pretty much never did.
And whatever it is you may refer to pales in comparison to the actual screw ups that literally fucked the gang over, instead of being a nuisance to Arthur.

>It felt really out of character for Arthur.
It really didn't. Because Arthur understood that he couldn't stop her. If he had stopped her, she would've just left the gang and do it anyway.
But since he cared for the members of his "family" he went with her to see it through.

Oh stop. She's badly written. She's like an Attack On Titan character. She has a couple interesting moments, like when she admits she's not good with people. But most of the time she's acting like Zhang Fei from Dynasty Warriors except on crack.

why waifufag for a completely unlikable cunt

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How come Arthur is handsome but none of the women fuck him?

Cause Arthur is a homo sex

>why waifufag sadie

RDR1 was a lot better than 2