Is this guy even good at WoW? His chat is trolling him all the time, calling him out on his lack of knowledge...

Is this guy even good at WoW? His chat is trolling him all the time, calling him out on his lack of knowledge, tricking him into doing things etc. From my understanding, he's only "good" because lots of people are helping him and gifting him stuff all the time. But how did he get popular in the first place? His personality sucks and he's boring to listen to. I really don't get it.

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He's not the worst. He's more capable than the average lfrnigger(80+% of WoW players), and he'll probably be able to clear the classic raids with relative ease, given the complexity of the content.

From the bits and pieces I gleaned he got his initial push from playing wow with his literal mother and trolling people epic style

>Is this guy even good at WoW?
He's an achievement hunter, so no.

He seems mentally Ill, like he can barely understand how things he does might seem from other peoples perspective.
Could be his just faking it for views.

it's an act, retard


He hunts for achievements by himself or with viewers.
That and he's a mount collector, because its the only thing worth doing in retail, his words.

I mean, he's not wrong

I think the mount collecting is pretty pointless if the rest of the game is shit.
Though I do enjoy watching those autistic mount contests, really shows how many people have wasted literal years on garbage just to satiate their completionist tendencies

he fakes it all, everything he does is for clips. stop watching streamfags. nothing an eceleb does is genuine.

he cleared mythic kiljaeden so yes

Wasnt that what made him quit mythic raiding

yeah, anyone would want a break after that

>assmonbald tries to champion banilla wow
>acts like its the greatest GOAT of all time
>never actually played vanilla
>played vanilla for 2 months right before the bc prepatch
>didnt play wow in general until late wrath/early cata
>only played vanilla during nostalrius and had a guild feed him mats, gear, consumes and carry him through raids
>now assmongoloid is the de facto face of vanilla wow
when the universe dies i will still be angry this nigger is the face of the community

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Cope more

dont forget the big tiddied twitch thot he bangs on the side

>face of the community
What community?

I hope the entire twitch streaming fad dies soon and these whores go back to selling their bodies to be penetrated by middleclass white men

I need my fix.

you mean got carried. the dude is fucking garbage

I don't think you watched the clear, or you haven't seen it.
Not that you know shit about raiding in WoW.


>His chat is trolling him all the time, calling him out on his lack of knowledge, tricking him into doing things
That's the fucking shtick, you mongoloid. It works because autistic retards aren't very perceptive to even basic acting.

>>never actually played vanilla
>>played vanilla for 2 months right before the bc prepatch
>>didnt play wow in general until late wrath/early cata
3 contradictory statements one after the other.

I don’t even support Assmanshit, but fuck man. At least think before posting your butthurt faggotry.

I'm so sick of seeing this retards face.

Hes charismatic for zoomers and well able to lead a raid, that's more than enough to be successful at this game.

He doesn't understand much. Seems like he's gotten even dumber over time too.

You realize everything he does on stream is an act so people can make clips and advertise for him, that and to collect donations and subscribers. If you watch his stream like 3 times it becomes really blatant.

I have no idea how even on this board, people dont get its an act. people in his channel are laughing and smashing their twitch prime subs like crazy every time he acts like a clown and does something stupid.

>Good at wow
Top lel

>be good
>at wow

its a game for babies in the first place


I'm honestly skeptical that he bangs her. Im sure she can get away with leeching off of him with just a drip feed of kisses and handjobs

He isnt the worst thing women have fucked

>its an act
>still sits on wow and earns millions for acting this way

he’s better than anyone else on twitch.

welcome to streamers?

>Got his group wiped cause he forgot to level his weapon skill

l fucking mao

That's just basic autism.

lol why collect mounts when you only fucking need like 5 max

This is a youtuber thing; they all do it
I think there's something about 'shocked' reactions that just gets people hard as diamonds, so all platform showmen just ham it up.

The worst thing is that they're all playing video games and sucking at them, just rookie shit everywhere

It won't. Twitch and other streaming services is nowdays TV. Us boomers are past our prime.

the 19 other people did

Reminder that he’s making millions each month while banging a big titty twitch thot while you’re sad, alone, and poor

He's not good you retard. He's obviously better than someone who is new to the game, but that's to be expected considering he has been playing for ever.

His unhealthy life style and obession with WoW along with people just enabling him with attention and money are definetly taking a toll.
More like sociopathy.

Tank&Spank is not complex content, vanillafag

Playing wow full time does that to you, like no joke wow makes you dumber everyone i know who played wow for a long time is dumb as a rock and a failure in life including me as well

How fucking illiterate are you?

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Cope harder, cunt

Pretty sure that dude's a robot, just look at his soulless poop eyes lmfao

dunno but I'm sick of seeing Asmongoloid everywhere I go.

he never played vanilla and doesn't know the most basic shit in classic. he just nags and gets carried by his stupid fanbase. he runs a parser and you can always see he is dead last in dps.

he once showed a lot of screenshots from vanilla times he took. looked like he played quite a lot. Didn't raid in big raids but played a lot for sure and did small 10 men dungs.


this level of woosh could only happen in the current year

nobody posted it yet so i will

Not good at all, even has to be carried in raids

lmao what a retard

he is based wow brainlet
nothing new

To be fair he never claim to be good at the game. During the beta he always told people he was fucking bad and trying to improve.

He's mostly a collector anyway and play for mounts and shit.

Looks like my room. This would have been considered normal by Yea Forums standards before the Reddit takeover

It is the face wowfags deserve. I'd say he represents at least 70% blizz fanboys pretty accurately.

user please don't live like this. mold is dangerous.

>trying to improve.
Idk he hasn't improved at all since WoD, despite putting in thousands of hours.
He still clicks abilities, has no idea about his rotations, he just randomly mashes buttons as they light up.
He doesn't track any buffs or CDs, he just glances down every know and then and presses whatever is off CD.
He doesn't keep track of his HP because his UI is garbage, watch him in any fight and he'll slowly die to AoE damage over like 30+ seconds without realizing.

His logs have always been straight garbage, like he'd be lucky to get anything better than a gray parse.

Who gives a shit? He has fun and people give him money. What do you do with your orange parse, bruh? Masturbate furiously at your sense of superiority? Come on.

He always admitted to being bad, he feeds on the chat.

He's a collection nerd, who streams, and talks a lot of shit... the shit talking is what make people tune in.

Funniest thing is that ACTUAL Boomer, his mom, dislikes vanilla.

Yes, that is what he said.

I raided with him all of MoP, we were BARELY a cutting edge guild. Theres nothing good about barely clearing the content before the next one comes out.

But sure, use parses to justify Asmon being good, the dude that literally invented the term "big dick dps" and thats literally all he brought to the raid. Was dps. Which is why we benched on him fights with mechanics.

He had the MOST trouble doing the vehicle mechanic on Amber-Shaper, because he refused to do any mechanics unless he was able to jump into the vehicle at the perfect time to get the highest dps.
Nerfasap the warlock was our gm. Asmon got promoted to raid leader in mop. Trictagon also joined the guild when I did who quickly rose to the top as a shot caller for the raid and that’s when asmon got demoted to recruiter because of who he was and how bad he was at raid leading. We got heroic sha of fear like the week before tot came out because shit players like asmon were bad at the dance so he was put in the “afk group” that sat on the first platform so he literally didn’t have to do anything the whole first phase.

To which we would wipe in phase 2 because asmon was horrible at throwing the orb and communicating to people.

The only thing he's good is mount collecting and transmogs that's it.

He streams, and the people carry him and McConnell, what's your point in all that.

He doesn't need to improve, if ppl keep suckin his cock and prime subbing

He's a regular player

Why are you and youtube recommending this complete and utter pseudointellectual tard?

He's unironically terrible. I watched a bit of his stream yesterday, he was lvl 12 or so and only had his starter bag, didn't loot everything and he'd put points into improved rend, IMPROVED REND!!!! I don't hate the guy as much as some people do, but he's a fucking scrub.

She accidentally leaked her bank account details and he's clearly giving her a lot of money. Think she had like $600k+, not bad for a glorified hooker.

All that prime money

He's fucking retarded, he's played WoW for 15 years and it's the only game he is at least average in

Because its parody and parody gets you clicks

I checked out his stream just to see if he was a faggot and I was not disappointed.
I literally hear this when I jump in.
"So im going to be here by the farm for when people in the chat give me the goretusk mats"
He literally needs people to do quests for him because he is a faggot.

>not watching based Herman Lee lookalike playing the game without sleep who is trying to reach max level

learn to fucking read lmao

How old are you?

Post proof, you surely have at least one screenshot.

Yep, his fans do everything for him. They give him items, gold, mounts, everything he wishes for.

>Americano can't read

Most hardcore pvpers always played with the default UI you mong.

But I'm British

Same thing, except you're even less white

And yet he's already 10 levels behind in the race to 60.

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Streamers act retarded for views and so chst can meme on them.

If we are talking about speedrunning there ste people above lv40 already
World First 60 might even be today or tomorrow, sure as fuck by Sunday there will be multiple lv60 on every release servers

He doesn't act bad at the game. He IS bad at the game, retard.

Why do I get recommend videos of this dog fucker on YouTube?

His fucking eyes are weird.

He's from the same lineage as Zuckerburg

A fucking lizard.

Because you watch videos that trend on YouTube gaming.

He's acting. He's a Twitch actor. All the top streamers do it.

Is there a beginner's guide to WoW Classic? I never played WoW but this game seems pretty comfy

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you need to see his reaction to the amazing cuphead speedrun bro it's great bro trust us

Streamers are rarely good.
People who watch streams do not want to see gameplay, they want drama or laughing at an idiot doing stupid things. They want reactions and an artificial sense of belonging.

>Is there a beginner's guide to WoW Classic?
What class do you intend to play?

i hope he dies from his rotten teeth and gums diseases

Nelf Priest

Not video game discussion.
fuck off cancer

Then go shadow priest for leveling.

>Is this guy even good at WoW?
This should answer your question from the neckbeard himself:

>never played WoW
>tell him to go a spec that he shouldn't even touch until 40
wew lad

Never playing priest in vanilla, but the people I've played with always said go shadow priest for pve/pvp if you wanna do some actual damage.

Endgame is completely different from leveling.

other guy clapped his cheeks and called him rosie, that was very nice

He's good in that he's played an absurd amount and has game knowledge, but I wouldn't say that he is exceptionally skilled, above average at best.