It's pretty good

It's pretty good

Attached: control-ds1-1340x1340.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Can you run and shoot with accuracy or do you have to use ADS?

You can throw shit at people with your mind while you are running if that makes up for anything

It's pretty shit.

I really hate the cheesy twin peaks bullshit, same with quantum break and alan wake, remedy really need to get off lynch's dick. Imitating a hack is pathetic especially when it directly affects the game for the worse.

convince me to bother pirating it


Attached: 1538247510745.jpg (1024x768, 73K)

Exact cringe shit I'm talking about.

Whatever faggot
Your opinion is shit

I have literally nothing good to say about it.
Also it seems to only resonate to hardcore Remedy fans who wank to whatever bullshit Remedy crammed into this game.

Riiiight you tasteless autist, enjoy your cringey shite you unaware little virgin.

>that plebbit spacing
go and don't come back kid

oh my
oh god you
shot me

have sex

that's because you haven't played it dingus.

It's pretty cool. I like the documents you find and read and like how they actually add to the main story and aren't just all random bullshit.

If only I were a female. Then I could play it.

be genderfluid

I'll get it for $10 during the steam sale next year after Remedy go bankrupt for their stupid decisions.

I love it, stuck at a boss though. Got angry, rage quit. Now reading about Zoe Quinn. More angry.

It's SCP meets Alan Wake plus dimensional hopping Twin Peaks
Gunplay is like quantum break but better. Getting serious Max Payne 2 flashbacks bros...