Welp the results are in
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On which plattform are you going to play Cyberpunk 2077?
Welp the results are in
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On which plattform are you going to play Cyberpunk 2077?
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Welp i'm ad ingus and forget the link:
I'll wait till I can play it on my fridge.
Why the fuck would I play it? Nothing they've shown is impressive. The only reason you'd care is if you were a CDPR fanboy or easily impressed normalfag.
It's the best game ever made, tranny, and everyone on the board knows it. Your shitposts don't represent public opinion, as Ion Maiden has clearly demonstrated. Fuck you. You're nothing, kike.
>its another shill trying to deflect from the games problems with "T-Tranny!"
Which gang will they blackwash next shill? Surely your boss told you.
> being mad that there are nigger street gangs in a dystopian future
Who gives a shit about gender?
The real judge of character creation is whether you self-insert, expy a fictional character, or create an original character.
I'm mad about it looking more and more like a shit game with every new video or detail they revealed.
It'll be good but flawed in some obvious way, and Yea Forums will continuously flip-flop between loving and hating it in a constant struggle to have the opposite opinion to reddit.
Only trannies are mad about this game you dilitating shitface
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Thats just you know only your opinion mate.
This would be the normal reaction but we have some hardcore autists on this board that are shitposting this game for years! by now.
Look at
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It's only a game, why do you have to be mad?
It's generated a lot of autism by having a first trailer that made it look like an "11/10 GOTYAY"-tier masterpiece and then regressing back to "82 on Metacritic"-tier.
Never said it wasn't my own opinion.
Because despite having my expectations lower then most of this board I'm still disappointed.
This is what the world thinks of you, homo.
So, get over it my friendly incel. If you are crying this much from your autism, you probably have a huge backlog of games. Play those and don't bother with cyberpunk?
>taking anything from a cgi trailer
It's the same people who were relentlessly shitting on Witcher 3 and CDPR because they felt personally attacked by the downgrade. Autism is a hell of a drug, and I'm being honest, it's pure autism, that's what's fueling these people.
Cybershit for faggots and trannies, get off my board cucks.
That image is freaking me out.
Reminder that trannies are incels because they can't have sex cuz no genitals putting dick on a wound is not sex.