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Other urls found in this thread:

it's a shame he didn't do the emperor dance on star wars
i love how much effort he puts in his videos

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>user's plan in response to jerma threads is to run it down to the ground to the point of being despised, using the same picture every single time with the same exact text in the OPs

I'm Lucius
I'm Lucius


The kinect shit has been great, is he doing any more?

don't know but next weekend he's playing with star and super mario rpg

this monkey game was awful but glad hes moving on instead of binging it for 12 hours like Metal Wolf Chaos

I mean I'm glad he enjoyed MWC enough to keep playing it so long, but he was just so retarded in it.

that was a good meltdown stream though

You know d-don't... say... swears
Will anything ever top Jerma is mad

>tfw jerma played 20 minutes of God Hand and couldn't git gud and stopped

it's not fair bros

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The Simpsons Hit and Run stream did.

He even mentioned Sneed.

>you will never even begin to approach a fraction of jerma's creativity, greatness, or wholesomeness

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she sounded so moist, i really wish there was more of that girls VA

The complicity he had with STAR was just so endearing. I hope they're better now.


>jerma will never even begin to approach a fraction of your height
everything balances out in the end

3 when

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I wish it would make financial sense for people like ster and jerma to make youtube videos.

once he has a few hundred thousand to spare. it'll be a real movie.
live action rumble cost him like 9k, carnival stream is costing around 40k. it'll only get crazier from here.

>director credit last
fitting for a man of jerma's stature

I mean, sneed's literally in the game
there was no avoiding it

>super mario rpg

A game that isn't random shovelware? Nice

>carnival stream is costing around 40k
Jesus fucking christ, I'm still not even clear on what this will be. Is it just him setting up an entire carnival and then walking around it by himself talking to chat and getting awkwardly bullied by carnies or what?

he has been paying engineers to rig carnival game machinery like dunk tanks to twitch chat

Jerma is what a good Yea Forums would be like. Vidya, but then the non-vidya stuff is also good but not too much where it becomes annoying. A balanced diet of vidya and not vidya.

>twitch chat controls the dunk tank
>they dunk him at random intervals with no coherence to any event going on around jerma
if it's even close to this it's going to be the best fucking thing the internet has ever seen

Is jerma too good for the internet?

i genuinely believe he'll be a top 10 streamer INTERNATIONALLY in a few years. he's already top 60 in the US alone.

at the same time that i wish him hapiness i don't really like the idea of him becoming that popular since that might affect him in general

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Just watched the first 10minutes of the 2 hour edited version of that stream.
It was boring as fuck, you people are fucking retards if you like this boring shit, his videos were way better.

The dude has been the same exact guy (maybe a bit less awkward on camera) since he started making videos

>why did I do that?

it would affect anyone. there is absolutely nothing in our dna or instinct that can equip us for fame, positive or negative. the best thing you can do is pretend you arent popular and keep yourself humble

jerma is too good for everyone, including himself

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>Yea Forums loves a supremely bluepilled streamer

Not a surprise with the invasion that happened.

Could you go a single attosecond without bringing politics into everything you fucking nigger


The mad lads

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>the only thing i like less than politics i don't like is NO POLITICS

Bluepilled because he doesn't want politics shit ruining his streams and community? What an awful guy.

>he said the word "trans" once
go away pol

He should've named the Lethal League Blaze video "Star is Mad pt. 1"

He is without a doubt my favorite streamer. Fuck any written comedy you see in TV or movies, the shit that he comes up with on the fly is some of the funniest stuff I've seen. He's not even toxic towards his chat who are berating him basically the whole time as a joke.

A champ honestly.

the text is different this time though

>The Simpsons Hit and Run stream
Did he beat it? I kind of nodded off during the final parts and missed it

dilate and die early.