So Sony are saying it's going to be an always-online console that can't play offline and "without disconnections".
So Sony are saying it's going to be an always-online console that can't play offline and "without disconnections".
>without disconnections
5g confirmed!
Big brother is always watching
so i can play my PS5 in the middle of the Amazon using only a metal strainer and some aluminum foil and i wont get any disconnects?
AHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA sony are fucking dead
Do they not understand why PS4 beat Xbone this gen?
That's a pretty questionable interpretation of that quote, user. To me it sounds more like it will allow for more seamless game streaming, possibly to phones.
Who the fuck cares retard.
Fuck Sony they've done nothing but kill this industry every gen from forcing devs from making PC ports in 6th gen to 599 and causing a stagnation in engine technologies because of the abortion power of the cell to this gen where they're pushing this cloud streaming garbage. Fuck Sony the industry would be better off without them.
>Hey guys, now that you have a PS4 and are completely loyal to us, let's do something completely fucking stupid and mess it up
Yeah, that didn't take long. Sony is trying to make it's move on streaming, they probably felt threatened by Stadia or something, I guess. So the plan is to have the PS5 as a home base and being able to stream to a controller with a screen that you can play on the go. If it takes off, then PS6 will be a streaming only service, rather then a console and you won't have any data local.
cant wait for all the "without disconnects" memes
Do snoy think everyone has fucking fibre optic gigabit connections I have shitty 4g with download limits streaming shit like stadia isn't an option for me
Fucking Jap fucks, and you can be sure M$ will go down the retarded streaming shit path as well
How well will it work with satellite internet?
>anytime, anywhere
Oh god they’re gonna try to do a Switch aren’t they?
Of course they don't. They do this every time.
>PS2 is ultra affordable and a cheaper DVD player then anything on the market
>PS3 shoots up to 599 and no one wants it and is super hard to develop for, so huge drought of games
>We promise not to do it again, PS4 is ultra affordable in comparison and avoids Xbones idiocy of trying to kill used games, despite the original specs having the same system
>Haha, top of the market again bitches, prepare your anus
It will happen again and again friend. Just stop buying Sony at this point, let them die. They honestly deserve it.
>So Sony are saying it's going to be an always-online console that can't play offline
No they didn't.
Imagine actually thinking this
>shitposters literally rehashing the same shit they made up months ago
Great until it rains or snows.
To them it's fine because it's Sony. Look at the earlier threads this week on that projector image
Great counter argument
How does this make you feel?
That sounds more to me like they want their versiom of switch with 4g or something like that. which would be stupid considering they "tried" with ps vita, but the execution was shit
>next gen
Feels like Sony are trying to cancer up the industry yet again
They also purposely stymied pushes to normalize cross-platform playing, don't forget
>without disconnection, anywhere
the only way that's happening is if I can bring it with me and play offline
More of a Nintendo guy myself looking at these PS5 and Scarlet for multiplat machines. Leaning xbox at the moment as long as they don't shit the bed again.
>in the middle of the Amazon
Do you mean in the middle of a forest fire?
I'm thinking I'm not wasting my money.
prove it wrong retard
This. It's not always online yet. They are trying for a more advanced version of shit they did with certain games for PS3 and PSP. Where it was possible to buy PS1 games for the PS3 and then send them to the PSP for on the go play and keep the save data synced. They are pretty much making a more powerful Switch, but instead of the console being in your hands, it's a streaming thing. Your console at home will communicate with the controller and portable screen with your phone's 5G. They want to tout it as having true 4k on the go play. This is why you will never be disconnected. Not in terms of internet disconnects, but having to put down the game.
sony are literally funding microsofts cloud gaming initiative. they signed a billion dollar deal to use microsoft cloud for psnow streaming for next gen and beyond.
no but you might be burned to death while doing so
Why is streaming even in next gen, they've been doing the whole streaming thing for a long time now. Both through PS Now and remote play.
If anything they're the only ones with a kinda successful streaming service that isn't showing any signs of being shutdown.
Woahhh Sony are trying to pull another scummy move
In other news water is wet
I guess Xbox is winning the next gen
>new ps5 info
>may 2019
They're handing the win to Xbox next gen for free if true. Trust Sony to always pull some shady move like they did with the 599 PS3.
it's new because no one noticed the info was there until now
If you took the redpill you'd also realize Xbox won this gen too by having the best online pay model, the best servers, best multiplat performance, and best controller, at the cost of some weeby exclusives
Clearly Sony is launching a telecom satellite constellation with 24/7 coverage of the entire world which the PS5 will connect to at all times. For The Players™
Because these are investor info graphics and they easily forget that a company has already been doing this shit. If they can sell the idea that it will be a mainline part of their next console, then it looks like they are doing stuff and investors don't throw a shit fit that the company is stagnating or whatever. Also that streaming thing is all the rage or whatever. I heard about the Netflix. Investors are idiots like that.
Its not always online. Large parts of UK have shit internet. You really think they would risk all those fifa sales?
Doubtful since this is the exact thing that crippled the Xbone before it even came out
Would be a funny shitstorm though
>same exact bait from months ago
>people will still fall for it
Sony are getting ready to leave the console market. They're finished.
>Not having a good PC for multiplats instead
Another spy box like microsoft.
fifa is an online focused game anyway so having shit internet doesn't change anything. the requirement is still there and the consumers will still want to play online anyway. just be ready when sony inevitably fucks everyone in the ass with all online streaming.
I don’t doubt that.
Bad idea though the Lite Switch basically out prices them hardcore
>Why would I pay 400$ for a PS 5wap when a lite Switch is half that?”
>buying a physical disc to download the ability to stream the game
gonna need the big glass to deal with this one
Sounds like it's intended for the fighting game audience and wants to prevent faggorts from ragequitting
more it's probably just Xcloud/Stadia where you stream your game to any device and it's "seamless"
That's a bit of a stretch.
How does it make you feel than DON CHAD called it? Don literally called all of it.
if they meant what they said, the disc would have the game, or they'd move to flash carts/SD cards to make the physical media have it for good. right now it's digital with a flimsy key to the DRM, and we have no idea when they're going to pull the trigger on mictosoft's "you can only use the disc on 1 account" idea
How can anyone still support Sony after the countless times they've fucked everyone over?
it's okay when sony does it
Yeah that’s gonna be a pass for me dawg.
Or even better
>Buy a physical game
>It’s just a cardboard disc with a key code no disc
Just fuck my shit up
i don't. 599 was the final straw for me.
It just works though user.
It's obviously related to streaming.
They don't have any ammo for those "AND HERE'S WHY THERE WON'T BE A PS4"/"SONY IS GOING BANKRUPT BLABLALBA PRAISES MUH NINTENDO THAT WON'T EVER DO DLC AND PAID ONLINE" shit right before the amiibo fiasco and now the paid online one.
So a portable console?
Ps4 is gonna be the last good sony hardware
>Piratefags will never ever get to play Bloodborne
the ps4 hardware fucking sucks
Most people hacked their PS4 just to play Bloodborne. Literally everything else worth playing is also on PC.
In terms of what? Being strong on its release? PS4 was already insanely underpowered on launch. Obviously, the original Xbone was even worse, but that's not saying much.
I really don't get he point of this stuff.
What is the point of wanting to know every little detail years before release?
Most of the time you get people literally pulling shit out of their ass and making stuff up to try and be some anonymous prophet that got that thing right.
Just wait until like a month before release to look at the fucking specs.
Lusting after it and knowing every little thing doesn't make it release any faster.
>Lusting after it and knowing every little thing doesn't make it release any faster.
humans are naturally thirsty for knowledge. this applies universally.
>always-online console
I live way the fuck out in the sticks. I don't think you understand just how tenuous my internet access is at any given moment.
just buy better underground cables goy
Fits their modern bullshit well enough, I suppose. Unless Gravity Rush 3 is happening, you can count me out.
they are basically saying their new console will support Playstation Now, and they will offer the whole old catalogue with the psn subscription, the same as msoft is doing with the 360 games on the bone
as simple as that
Sony and the Failstation failing once again.
In other words, useless garbage outside of the Tokyo metro area. Never trust a Jap to design hardware or infrastructure, they literally can't comprehend anything outside of their bubble.