Tfw just got rejected again

>tfw just got rejected again

Plz recommend vidya to help ease the pain

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It's cool, just apply for another job user.

What line of work is it op? I work in recruitment. Maybe I can help you tailor your cv better to jobs.

>he fell for the femoid meme

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You know what to do, incel.

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I'm talking about women

At least you don't have to deal with a crazy woman for the rest of your life, I wish I was single again

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What games have the best relationship simulators that aren't VNs or complete garbage everywhere else?

don't worry by the time you are in your mid to late 30s those women will stop chasing chad and settle for you who will actually marry them

If you're feeling pain you've made your first mistake. I've gotta get in bed so I can't go into the whole psychology of being successful and stuff but

1. Live for you and only improve yourself for you
2. Be confident in yourself
3. Keep your upward momentum with optimism every day. School, work, relationships, the gym, always be making progress.
4. If a woman ever rejects you remember that the selection of women is endless, you're in no rush and no woman is worth your peace of mind

That's boiling it down to basics but I'm serious, it sounds generic and simple but really think about it. And as a side note on the confidence thing, if you believe you're the hottest shit in town able to do anything then women will believe it too. They're innately attracted to that kind of tone you put out, I can't explain it but it's true.

Do it like me.
If you never fucking try you’ll never get rejected.

and im gonna BE
*takes a drag from cigarette*
by then

Oh right. Well fuck it. Who cares its just some random woman. You never know when you might meet a good one. True story a guy I went to college with met his wife on twitch. Not a streamer either. He was just watching a stream and started talking toa girl in the chat and he met up with her and they hit it off.

Suicide is a tried and tested formula for release.

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Keep at it. Went through half a dozen girls before finding my wife and that's considered a low number.

yes, people meet online all the time now days, it's not new user.

Even in twitch chat apparently. I've never met an internet person. I just assume they are all malicious

Not everyone can be wolves.

just apply to another woman

Fureraba: Friend to Lover



>dating in 2019

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At least I'll never know the feeling of being rejected since I'll never try.

Deviant Discoveries
You bimbofy some women and fuck them.
The nigress turns into a literal ape, which is unfortunate, but the goth becomes a nice amount of THICC.
It's also unfinished.

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