Comfy Classic Thread

How goes the adventuring Yea Forums?
Made many new friends?
Share your experiences.

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I’m angry about all those stinky Tauren and undead coming to my starting zone.

oi m8 gotta wait in da q befur you make a thread here

deviate delight bros...

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I'm enjoying just hanging out doing professions. Making money is a bitch though. Just getting my recipes and skills is draining me.

what's best realm?
not faerlina, herod

Do you think 40 man raids are PUGgable?
I don't have time to commit to an organized group with fixed raid time (I already do that on FFXIV).
I mean, Molten Core sounds easy as fuck, surely PUGs are able to do "stay out of the fire" and "get out with the bomb" mechanics r-right?

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which boomer streamer should I watch for a comfy experience? I can't stand all those manufactured entertainers blasting their sub notifications every 5 seconds

deviant delight......

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I've experience this shit queue, yeah. Had to go to bed early to wake up a few hours before work to get a few levels in and catch up to my mates.

There's still a queue though. :^)

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Waited in que to get in the realms 4 hours, and I got bored in another 4, and couldn't force myself to play it again.

Why even play MMOs? Starbound is clearly superior!

You don't need to get all of them. Just get the useful ones.

fuck, it linked the stream instead of the clip. whatever.

Having a blast at lvl 6 now. Only realm I can get in without queue is smolderweb though. Rolled an undead mage.


tell me how to make left click untarget something so I don't have to keep hitting ESC

this game is fucking great
t. never played wow

Played for a couple of hours. Shit's boring and braindead as fuck. Killing 12 boars, then 12 bandits, then twelve reskinned boars gets old quick.
What a garbage fucking game.

is not having any fucking money usually a problem at lower levels? i can barely afford to train my class skills + professions


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bruh are you using tab
the duality of man

I cannot honestly believe that not only did you no-life retards already give Blizzard hundreds of millions of dollars for almost two decades to play this boring, grindy, cartoony shit, but you're actually going to do it AGAIN for the EXACT SAME THING.
This is the most brilliant Jewery I've ever seen. You deserver to have your money taken, and our species deserves to be incinerated by an asteroid.

skinning made me rich

I got into retail wow at legion and I thought it was shit so when classic rolled around I was pleasantly surprised of how fun it is. mainly because of the community aspect.

do i need to buy anything other than the subscription cost in order to play?

Yeah my favorite part is how all of the braindead cartoon enemies stand around in the open waiting for a line of idiots to come press 1 on them and stand there staring. This game is like a cheap, disappointing carnival ride that makes you depressed at how artificial and lifeless it manages to be.

i just want this shit to work already

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I don't understand the excitement around classic WoW, it was an unbalanced and severely flawed grindfest that became a second job if you wanted to raid

you need to buy "virginity forever" perk

swolebenji the most based and redpilled streamer ever


welp that ship has sailed as of 5-6 years ago

I took LSD 15 hours prior, joined as dwarf rogue, at first it was very nice, gnomes and mages playing snowball in icy plains of Dun Morogh. Then I took my first quest to kill wolves and felt like literal cron magnon fighting and hunting for scraps of meat and fur just to survive, smelled my first peacebloom and had amazing 3 hours of gameplay before I had to sleep. It was not like my first vanilla experience. It was much better.

Who /rattlegore/ here

me and my homies made a last minute decision to switch realms. the 7 hour queue on shazzrah wasn't worth it.
now after a wait of 'just' 45 minutes I managed to get a good 5 hours in, in which I got to lvl 11.
Not nearly as slow or tedious as I remembered it being.

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When does rogue gets fun? I'm 14 and everything on Westfall kills me or takes forever to kill. Other classes like mages, locks even fucking pallys do their quests like a breeze.

I'm about to reroll

Is westfall supposed to be tough or do I just suck? Did the entire starting area as a warrior just fine but now I'm getting my ass kicked.

>Wait in Queue for 10+ hours
>Finally get in
>Play for half an hour and bored as hell
Damn, will Blizzard give refunds for subs if I just bought it today?

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The only bosses in MC even remotely tough are Garr and maybe Executus
BWL may be harder to find PUGs for

>I'm about to reroll
Do it. If you're too dumb to form a proper English sentence, AND too dumb to make an ezpz class like a rogue OP and fun, you're better off playing as a hunter.

It's in interface options as "Sticky Targeting"
If you have retail (not counting bfa) then you're set. If you don't, then you need to buy that (but not bfa)

you picked a class whose only purpose is 1v1 pvp and raid boss damage. it’s a slow leveler

Anyone on Blaumeux here? I want to meet new friends..

pretty much. if you don't choose 2 gathering jobs to make money on then you will be hurting. I got lucky in Stranglethorn Vale when I played in the past, got a nice epic 2hand staff random drop I sold in the auction house to buy my mount and mount training.
in retrospect I severely undersold it

what did you expect?
haven't you played vanilla WoW?
did you honestly think this shit would be fun to anyone but people who've had a good time in vanilla WoW?

Won't matter, your ADHD will ensure you won't even realize the $15 is back in your account after five minutes

Defias Pillagers will notoriously fuck your shit
Be careful with your pulls and take back enemies to fight one at a time

just play retail lol

>tfw you spot someone with a unique name next to someone else who missed getting it so they mispelled it with a unicode character

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Are they going to add battlegrounds?

You should start to roll in some dough around 15 or so, if you know how to spend your money.

1-10 feels a lot tighter on cash than what I'm used to, though. It's definitely a good idea to take skinning instead of a production profession just to squeeze a little more money off of kills. It adds up fast.

>haven't you played vanilla WoW?
Never played WoW ever actually.
>did you honestly think this shit would be fun to anyone but people who've had a good time in vanilla WoW?
Yea sure. I tried giving it a shot but guess I just can't do MMO's anymore.

picked it up because my friends were playing
After three hours, I told them I wasn't playing anymore

Holy fuck that was boring, biggest example of 'OLD IS GOOD DURR' I've ever seen, fuck you Yea Forums.

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>24k que
Not fun.

another zoomie bites the dust

Any grobbers in the house?

>haven't seen a single twitch emote in chat or anything
Does the RP tag actually filter out zoomers? I basically only rolled here because the name was silly.

>guess I just can't do MMO's anymore.
that's a big factor for me too, usually.

but this ole shit really isn't going to be remotely entertaining without nostalgia goggles or a massive urge to prove yourself to friends who have played

I'm level 15 and I've done the first round of quests in Westfall, now they're too high for me, should I go back to Loch Modan and quest there or go to Redridge now?

I'm fairly certain you don't need to buy anything extra aside from the subscription

Might as well get your money's worth for the rest of the month and not give it up entirely. it's a time sink. No immediate rewards. Relax and poke things.

>not questing in 3 zones simultaneously

>queue is only 2k
>have to leave home now
>by the time i come home i will be disconnected for being inactive
>if i start the queue when i come home i will be in a 22k queue

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That is the plan but should I go back to Loch Modan first or Redridge first?


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whats the bare minimum level i can skip to westfall and not get assraped

Definitely not Redridge, Loch Modan for sure

Will Classic fuck up another generation of tweens?

Any of you using any gatherer-type addons? Which one?

Loch modan, redridge hardly has any 15 quests.

I want to see the south park episode on this.

go to the fucking darkshore

>some people have been playing for 24+ hours straight

>Elf shit
No thanks.

>redridge hardly has any 15 quests.
I think I will go there first then, I'm close to ding so I can knock those out and then learn my new spells on the way over to the loch.

Poor soul. You are missing the whole point of classic. It's about the people. Group up, achieve stuff together. Have fun with others
This is what makes it good. It's not what moddern mmos got you used to.

level 11 in 5 hours pretty fast brah

Except the fact classic feels like a completely different game and all the people around make it very fun.

literally shitting diaps

I never started because World of Warcraft is a boring skinner's box.

You don't enjoy this game, you enjoy feeling like you are a part of something. You are no better than Star Wars losers mindlessly worshiping a product.

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12-17 is a vicious zone for melee classes.
It’s the point where everything starts getting to their normal relative stats, while the decent gear hasn’t started dropping yet, and you also can’t pull as easily.
Once you start a few DM runs you’ll rack up some decent stuff

He missed the whole point of classic because he's full of shit and didn't actually play

How's the speedrun going, boys?

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imagine coping this hard and trying to dictate what people like and don't like

I really missed wow

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Shut up gypsy

Hunter kiting feels different than I remember it, but I didn't start playing til the end of vanilla. Is it different or do I just need to git gud?

>ywn experience the Stalavan questline again
>ywn experience the Stiches questline again
>ywn experience the Defias Brotherhood questline again
>ywn experience the Fallen Horde hero quesline again
>ywn save princess Mauria and learn the big twist
>ywn contemplate Mulgore/Ashenvale/Elwynn/Lorderon for the first time again
What's the point
I started WoW when I was 9, I would play with my dad and my brother in an Internet cafe after school.
There's no getting those feelings back

Took me 16 hours to get lvl 15 on my warlock


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Taci dreacu de cocalar.

You can quit after the first sentence because you already let us know you're making a baseless assumption nobody cares about.

I miss when mentioning WoW on this board got you zero replies except maybe a few sage bombs. What happened? Who are you people and where did anyone with an IQ above 100 go?

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>be europeon
>rolled on NA
>no queue when I log in after work at 2pm (4am ST)

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>i took drugs and game was very good

>Only one single pvp server in Oceanic region on launch
>It's now full 24/7 with insane queue's despite them adding 2 more pvp servers since

Who saw that coming? Almost as if people didn't want to change realms after choosing the only single one there with their friends and guilds or something

Different user here. In a guild with a bunch of IRL buddies and their friends so that's awesome and the only thing that made the game seem remotely interesting. I love tabletop RPGs and a good stories as well as exploration ESPECIALLY when it's with people you have fun with but this game just has no place in today's world of games imo. There's nothing fun about having 1/10 interesting experiences in your 200+ hour grind to 60 when 9/10 is just dealing with bullshit that Blizzard fixed as retarded as they've gotten. I feel like getting to 60 is gonna be like that fucking southpark episode where fat Cartman says now they can play the game after they dumped all their time in it.

I don't really mind grinding for stuff in fact, I think it can be fun when it's loot based or there's some other measure of progress with it but WoW seems to miss the Mark with all the travel time and deadly combat encounters with most mobs because all of your attacks are on a GCD. As much as retail wow might suck, and again I haven't played since Legion and even casual at that, at least the quality of life changes and other good changes befit a modern game. Seems like the only people enjoying it are those that actually played before or aren't aware of the amount of time they're gonna have to spend on this game in the future.

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I'd love to prove you wrong but they destroyed the Yea Forums archives.

This. Also people will go "i-i-its fun with friends" when literally any game is.

>why are people talking about and enjoying this game that came out yesterday?
Based retard

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Only intelligent posts ITT

What's a good PvE server to roll on?

played to level 6. It scratched an itch but shit I totally forgot about the running around, not for me anymore but can see why it appeals to some people.

>why are people talking about and enjoying this game that came out yesterday?
You mean 15 years ago that people have already played to death you fucking shitposting fuck.

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WoW was never good but now that its like 20 years old it has oldfag cred from misguided retards. The same thing will happen with Halo, Fortnite and similar bad games.

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Ignorance is bliss fren. Good luck getting anyone to admit they're wrong when you can be anonymous.

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only 10 minutes left in queue, only took me 4 hours

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Is battle net fucking up? I got disconnected and the WoW tab in bnet isn't loading at all.

>pay a chinaman $100
>he levels to 60 for me

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It's comfy alright. Spent yesterday on my troll priest buffing lowbies, went fishing and occasionally shared scarce quest mobs with others. I already had more player interactions than in my 100 hours of FF14.

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>lvl 10 in under 3 hours
nani the fuck

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Have the queues died down?
Any way outside of addons to check how many people are playing a faction/class on a server?

Here chilling in the queue with the bros amrite my fellow boomers

i keep every other UI element except the bags. the bags are so fucking ugly and you are mentally ill if you believe otherwise

nearly done bros

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>Have the queues died down?
Not on Arugal (Oceanic)

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Holy fucking shit, it is so crazy to see how cheap shit is on auction house. Seeing full stacks of mats selling for like 5 silver is blowing my fuckin mind. Good luck with those epic mounts bros.

>warrior that I'm leveling with friends is 16
>mage that I'm leveling solo is almost 11
>wishing they played more so I could just have the warr at ~20
It's cool though. I don't really give a shit about getting to 60 any time soon. I just want to get my warrior to the fun levels and do a fuckton of runs through SM. Man, I fucking love SM. I can't wait.

Where my Rattlegore niggers at?

That might be the one case where it'll be alright but then you just have that gear treadmill/boss downing dopamine chase issue

>skip TO Westfall

I have just been selling my leather because no one is buying it.

>running around trying to pick up plants
>see some silver leaf
>orc out of no where runs up to my silver leaf and starts trying to pick it up
>scorpion starts slamming his ass
>run up and start picking that dank flower myself
>another scorpion spawns in and starts slapping my ass
>before I can fear it some troll falls out of the sky and takes it in front of both of us


It's 'cause nobody has money, and EVERYBODY is farming low level mats. I just like the people who are selling at or below vendor price and losing money.

Guess blizz will have wait for my sub then too.

are you implying episode 4-6 didn't change the movie industry for the better? fucking retard

That's one of the early money making strats. Take skinning and vendor everything. It makes your life easier.

i've been able to sell mine for like 5s a stack just by advertising in general or trade

>Tfw decided to play a NE druid
>Realize I could have just made a Tauren Horde playing druids and alliance playing shamans?
This isn't vanilla, this is fucking madness.

Depends on your class, probably 6-7

>Good luck getting anyone to admit they're wrong when you can be anonymous.
go to reddit then big boy, you can't handle this adult ride yet

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So, on scale from 0 to Grove Street, how home are you?


>paying a monthly fee to re-do a tedious task you did 20 years ago

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Tfw skinning/leatherworking
Who here /notgonnamakeanyfuckinmoney/

>you enjoy feeling like you are a part of something
Well it is the happening thing at the moment so I am. What's wrong with enjoying that, anyway?


15 years* at least get your shitpost right.

Seems to work pretty well.

because he hates fun and plays trannybringers

>my server is full from 6PM-1AM Eastern
>the rest of the time is dead
Damn, man. Guess that's the age now; people with jobs.

I fucking wish. I remember having to submit applications to join raiding guilds and it was more fucking intense than getting a normal job. If it was a second job it might have been reasonable.

They demanded 8-12pm 3-4 days per week, and you were expected to constantly grind for the best gear in the 5-10 man instances which required at least 3 hours per day if you wanted to keep up to make the 40-man cut. 30 hours a week would see you lose your spot in the raid when there was no shortage of players putting in 60 hours a week fighting for the spots.

>pull more than one measly mob equal to your level
>almost guaranteed death

am i a shit warrior or is this just normal?

They added more oceanic servers post-launch but too little too late, blizzard incompetence as usual. Why they wouldn't have more than ONE oceanic pvp server pre-launch is fucking beyond me.

Were the raids that gear dependent? Why didn't the rejects just form another guild?

Warrior is the hardest job to play because of how underwhelming the damage is. It gets better around 30 or 40. Make sure you have a friend helping you out.

xD its just hard bro, git gud this is the hard experience. xD

Tanked a run of wc and had trouble keeping threat against a fucking shaman with 3 sunders on a target. Do shamans have some heavy threat generator in classic or am I just complete shit.

Pretty normal since hamstring kiting doesn't work on most mobs in Classic. You running a 2-hander?

Warrior is garbage while levelling. If warrior had good levelling, other classes that didn't heal would have no reason to exist, since it's already the only tank class, and the best DPS class in the end game. You pay for being objectively broken end game, by taking the dick of every mob and PvP encounter.

It's normal. You will understand the mechanics eventually and it won't be so rough. Warrior really is the Trial by Fire class.

Wow classic is too hard for a disorganized ragtag group of ruffians. If you're casual then don't raid. It's that simple. There is other shit to do.

I'm glad people are having fun. There is a legit market for vanilla wow... For me, I picked up runescape almost 7 months ago. People have their autism scratches.

Warrior is VERY gear dependant

Did he spam Earth Shock? They generate extra threat.

Never played this. Didn't really like Guild Wars 2, Champions Online or DCUO. Only MMO I like is OSRS. Sell it to me Yea Forums.

>4k queues at 7am
>20k queues mid day
>Blizzard doesn't offer free transfer to low pop

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Honestly there isnt. Majority of players are streamers and their beta orbiters. Within probably like 3-4 weeks it will die down a tonne.

Earth Shock makes threat, especially if he is throwing around heals on top of it

if you like final fantasy xiv you will like this

I really wanna level as prot warrior, how much longer would it take me? Would I die less/need to heal less?
I feel as though I'm doing same damage with both battle stance and defensive stance even though one's supposed to be 10% less.

>login at 1:30 am to whitemane
>In que until 4am
how does anyone get anything done?

>Not admitting you're wrong
>Being an adult
Sounds like you need a trip to the echo chamber more than I

Good. My server has 10 minute qeues I hope you all stay the fuck out

They will eventually, they are just waiting for the hype to die, so they can merge down to healthy pop servers.

Sure the hype will die down but a decent percentage of the people who were playing private servers before and now play vanilla will stick around

Its not a solo game

Haven't played that either. I guess I want to know how the quests are and how much non combat stuff you can do.

So once they drive away all the potential players from the initial hype that might have stayed, THEN they're going to do something about it? Very cool. This could have been huge but blizzard fucked it all up and they did it on purpose because they hate vanilla wow and they want it to stay dead.

Prot will be significantly slower. Don't do it you retard. Just roll arms and then make sure when you want to run instances you have a 1h+board

I have money basically riding on Classic's subscription and success, this better do well for Activision's earnings.

based skydiving troll

Remote desktop on your phone is your answer

It's shit. Don't. You lose damage and gain nothing in return because Warrior has no real mitigation besides armor and no healing.

>That feeling when giving a player a robe with 1+ intellect
>That feeling handing healing pots to other players in your group
>That feeling when saving someone at 5% hp when they accidentally pulled too many mobs
>That feeling when receiving a stamina buff
Peak comfy

Got home around 16:20 sat in a que for about 4hours got to razorhill and went to bed, and im going to do it again today

He was typing like a retard so I assume he was. Do I have to tell these retards to spot spamming earth shock next time?

Yes. You have to manage threat.

>How goes the adventuring Yea Forums?

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just got my water totem

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Confirmed never getting in.

>playing with 3 other guys
>we all need 60 tusks


I absolutely cannot decide what I wanna play as. Torn between trying new things and sticking to old favorites

100% chance of their stock increasing once blizzard releases sub numbers.

eventually. i moved around 400 spots in 1 hour, ill make it! right?

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I'm level 20 and gonna upload a vid to youtube so my classic adventure isgoing great

Satan trips are gone, so yes. You already made it.

>Every group quest
>"LF Healer"
>Every dungeon
>"all ready just LF healer"
Feels good being of peak importance

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I'm trying out warlock for the first time after only playing priest. Jesus how many spells I have at 10 already. Keep forgetting I can use them.

Can I heal dungeons as an enhance shammy?

>moved around 400 spots in 1 hour, ill make it! right?
Almost there user, i'm 2k back in the que and been in que since 1:30 AM EST

you'll want some gear that'll boost your healing

>Join Ashenbringer 30 mins after it was created
>4000 players in queue for it 2 hours later
God damn

Im a first Time wow Level 7 orc rogue if that matters. What professions are good to pick and can i pick as many professions as i want?

>I wish I was watching an in-game cinematic instead!

Some spirit/int stuff then?

You can pick two + first aid/fishing/cooking

Priest or paladin will be next after warlock/mage. I want to be an aoe farming chad as a mage, and warlock is just comfy.

>have to call someone at home and tell them to log me in to WoW 6 hours before I come home so I don't have to wait in queue
wow based blizzard

rogue sucks until you get vanish which is at lvl 42

To add, I am for now mostly just talking about the lower level dungeons like RFC and WC

>3 dots
>Send void walker at it
>Select next mob
>3 dots
>Select next mob
>3 dots
>Soul drain
>Repeat forever

Just start juggling

Based keeping it real like it was in 2004 and not using remote desktop player

buying the sub grants you access to everything in WoW except the latest expansion

I'm only level 14 with 16 hours, but that's because I afk in an inn when I decide to jack off, and move my character occasionally to keep from being logged out.

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>"C-could you please log in for me"
>"What? Into that nerdy world of warcraft shit? Haha I can't believe that is still around"
>"P-please I just want you to-"
>"Ahahah just pulling your chain bro, I know you're a fuckin geek"
>"T-thanks chad"

>all my friends are split between different servers
>Desperately want to play warlock again, want to try rogue for the first time
>Make two identical warlocks and level them both to the same level on different servers
I want to blow my brains out. I can't decide which one to keep and which one to abandon for a reroll. I'm not having fun guys I'm too neurotic for this shit. I just wish everyone would play together.

Jack off to your character, idiot

Level 24 almost 25 atm, hoping to get to 30+ before I log today/tomorrow. Got another day before I gotta work again but hoping to stay ahead of the pack

You can pick two primary profession, and all three secondary professions. You can skip fishing but cooking and first aid are recommended, especially as a rogue.

As for professions, depends on what you want. Leatherworking can be useful for gear early on but falls off in usefulness at higher levels unless you put in a lot of effort. Alchemy is pretty good in general for making money. Engineering is pretty fun to have for all the unique items. You should normally choose one production profession and its associate gathering profession (e.g. herbalism and alchemy)

You can switch to new primary professions at any time, but only by completely erasing all your progress on the one you have learned.


>join a server
>world chat: hi so this is the dedicated spanish server yes?

every time

You are a good guy user, and that means you can put yourself first sometimes. Pick what you want to do.

Any class with healing spells even when not specing into healing can heal 5mans no problem. Just like said, keep spirit/int/+healing gear and remember to downgrade your healing spells.

>Oceanic realm
>Sometimes types non-english into general
>"Fuck off we're full" as a response
Oceanic realms truly are WoW kino

I don't feel like setting that shit up since I have to go set up decent security as well, and a god damn ssh server, it's just easier to call my bro
>not playing WoW with your bro

Thanks user

*blocks your path*

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I was watching kargoz rogue leveling guide and he said to pick skinning so i guess i Go with that.

Does anyone else feel like tanks and healers are rarer than they usually are on private servers? Maybe all the newcomers to classic are afraid of the responsibility and sticking to DPS.

I am having fun
I even made a friend

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i want to play with my old group of friends but they're fragmented into 3 smaller groups that are all on different servers.
on top of that i can't really enjoy leveling because I constantly have classwork on my mind.

i wanted to enjoy this.

It's been pretty good, have grouped up with multiple people for multiple quests, but the friendships are particularly lasting. I wish I had a dedicated leveling buddy.

>Be Spanish players
>Realize Shazz is going to be completely full on launch and decide to move servers
>Moves to Firemaw, the fourth completely full server in EU
>20k player queues since launch
Based retarded Spanish players

I intend to make a friend today

What are these degenerate keybindings?

Yeah skinning is popular at low levels to get extra items off mobs just to vendor for cash.

>come home from my job
>join queue
>whooping 17k players in front of me
>never get to actually play
>next day login in my lunch break
>4hours later I'm still in queue
>finally login at 10pm
>play for 3 hours or so and go to bed
Truly the classic experience, it's like blizzard doesn't know how to handle massive amounts of players

>spam invite people in the giant piles that form on those unique quest mobs
>full party of hunters
I blame the retards shilling hunters as the ez-mode beginner class, they'll just become a nuisance and waste of slots in the raids later on

Are not lasting, I mean.

ahhh... home...

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First off knock off playing two warlocks. Just roll a dice and then realize the dice is wrong and you'd rather play with the other group of friends and then pick them

>level undead mage to level 10
>feels absolutely boring as shit
>google what race is supposed to have the best lore/starting zone
>Google what class is supposed to be the best leveling experience
>Hunter closely followed by mage
I never got THIS fucking bored playing any of the shitty korean mmos

who /Thunderfury/

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firemaw and shazz literally have the same queue size

>it's like blizzard doesn't know how to handle massive amounts of players
there's really not much they can do, I'd rather have these shitty queue and maybe a few more realms than have the game be as overcrowded and laggy as Nost was, for example
not to mention the economy would get fucked

lvl 13 in 3 hours step it up

Play on a lower pop server retard, my queue was less than an hour

fair enough

At least when they then pick a useful raid class like priest the second time around they'll know a bit more about what they're doing
>t. picked hunter as first class and never got into raids making me reroll priest

almost tricked some bfa babby into taking the wrong zepp, kek

>tfw all my frinds wanted to play horde so I'm stuck on a pvp server as an orc when all I even wanted was to play a human and erp

why did mograine get so crowded bros?
Am level 12 now and if I won't get a consistent way to skip these queues I might as well just fuck off to another realm like ZT or some shit

You don't really need to bind so many ranks of shocks by the way. Like all you need is max rank for all three and rank 1 earth shocks for OOM interrupts.

I'm rolling hunter this time around myself, I hope it doesn't wind up oversaturated from all the people rolling the "beginner" class

I wouldn't say I noticed any more than any other classes though.

They switched because leddit poll said shazz is 65% horde

Why they picked the biggest realm instead of making a smaller one their own is beyond me

Every fucking server is full

You want to invite druids for moon fire and sham men's for earth shock

anyone on ashkandi? zone is kinda dead so I'm thinking about moving servers but idk

Yeah that didn't come out right. Meant out of the 4 servers that were full when the Spanish switched Firemaw was one of them, the rest were medium/low.

Honest question, how much do racials matter? I’m stuck between choosing a tauren or troll warrior at the moment.

Tauren generally have a better aesthetic, warstomp is sweet, and higher stam, but I’ve always been a huge fag for trolls. Plus the attack speed is pretty sweet too.

yea but are all of them over 15k queue size?
any shamans and druids get picked up instantly and there weren't many of them anyways
people even left their 5th spot open offering it exclusively to shamans
but this is more of a starting zone issue, haven't had much trouble after getting past it

Hunters are great for tagging actually once they get that fire trap since it'll hit the tick the NPC spawns. You can't beat a hunter's trap to tagging NPCs.

i joined Thunderfury a few hours ago and there's no queue, i guarantee the name alone will keep the place alive too

What is the time zone there?
I see people complaining about Ashenbringer being low when people are at work/at school at 8AM. It will be 1 hour queues at 3PM.

The RPG element of wow rings true even for classic where theorycrafting states that some races are objectively better than others per class, you should pick what is the coolest race for your own look.

IMO the only time you should consider racials is when it comes to main tanking (when you should very strongly consider +weapon skills) or if you want to go hard on PVP.

If you're only in it for PVE or casual PVP don't bother.

Just go with whatever you think looks good unless you're one of those turbo autists who obsesses with min-maxing.

Thanks again, i have the questy addon are the more important addons?

Racial do not matter a lot, but they do matter.Orc is the best pve dps and the best for pvp as a warrior. People used to think tauren was the best tank, now they think its troll, because of berserking threat. Unless you plan on playinga no life hardcore guild, no onewill give a fuck what u play though.

The racials don't matter much for warriors compared to priests. Just take what you think looks cool.

WoTLK had the best zones.

there are no spanish servers and this was decided as the server to invade so I can't leave.
I could group, raid and shit talking in english but its not the same

Realistically, not a huge deal unless you care about being the best or want to be in a group with that mindset. If you don't care about that or plan on joining groups/guilds who care about that, play whatever.


>being a spic
Oh I see your problem now

[laughs in Dun Morogh, Darkshore, Ashenvale, Elwynn, and Barrens]

Retail zoomer detected

They don't matter until they do.

Last time I played WoW was Vanilla.

Yeah and my uncle is Zezima

i managed to lose friends i've known for years because i don't like classic.


It was a fucking chore

Then they where not friends

Where is Mankrik's wife?

24 hours and 23 minutes I just hit 20 and I'm starting Hillsbrad, it's been fun but I'm taking it slow because I want to avoid burning out

Anyone playing skullflame?

>*pulls side mob over your trap*
nothin personnel

>played wow for the first Time yesterday
>already feel how i get addicted
Brehs... Why does my brain think grinding tedious wow quests is Fun and schoolwork is boring


>start with an orc
>comfy leveling to level 15
>bros want to go alliance on the same serv so I gotta delete it
>give away my items and gold to hordebros before going
>make people duel for it for shits and giggles, fun time all around
>switch ally
>first thing I see in chat is some retard spamming redpilled Yea Forums lingo
Huuh maybe I should have kept playing by myself

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>not full of Yea Forums faggots

nice larp

Rogue or Shadow Preist bois?

I wanna choose something OP and cheap as shit straight outa the box and I remember them being especially cheap

It feels quite immersive and rewarding desU. More than most games released in current day.

so whitemane is the reddit server got it

true enough i suppose. i don't know why some people get super offended if someone doesn't like the thing they like.

All those are great, but the Storm Peaks are better.

I'm mobileposting so I don't have screencaps but if the thread is still alive in an hour I'd be glad to share the embarrassing chat

>wages up at 6:00 am
> he drives to work thinking about HOME
>"Today is the day"
>wages good 8 hours of the day away, all while thinking of classic
>"oboy oboy ohboy can't wait to recapture the virtual youth! Of my youth!"
>"OH BOY Time to go HOME, to make it HOME HOME HOME!"
>Exitedly wagie "rushes" home, as fast as the rush hour allows that is
>He sits down in front of his computer and starts up the queue, 6 hours it says
>"Oh come on come on, please hurry up!", he pleads
>"Please let me in!"
>And sure enough, in 6 hours it does
>"HA HA! Yes! Home! Everybody! Home!" he declares, as he enters the queue for the very first quest
>"Yes, yes, yes! This is it! I can't wait!"
>He shakes with exitement
>2 Hours pass and as he reaches the ALMOST end of the line, he hears a familiar sound
>But he knows, he must go bed, early to bed, early to wakie, early to wagie.
>"Can't waste the boss' time, his hard earned dime"
>So he crawls into bed at 22:00 sharp, with the light in his heart growing dark
>"Well tomorrow is another day, I know I will make it home then, some way"

>...But we know better, don't we?
>Neety nights, my sweeties.

avoiding retard traps with mob queues and just farming


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>wasting time shitposting on this site made 16 years ago

>tfw this was me yesterday
I'm quitting

>WotLK zones

you're the kind of stupid school can't fix

Well at least you can name the only good zone in the entire continent.

run little man


this isnt Yea Forums classic cuck

I've been having an enjoyable nostalgia trip, don't know if I'll stick with it but it's been fun going through the old quests again and doing stuff with random people I meet along the way.

Did they turn on layering? I got back on noggenfoggers today and it was very empty

how the fuck??


>20-40 minute queues
>can get my cardio in daily without being tempted
Feels good

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Literally my friend right now. He's workin 6 days this week and another 6 next week. He gets home and his queue is like 2 hours.


what's so degenerate about them? esdf masterrace btw

here cleaned up

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Erp as a human corrupted by dark magic into becoming a stinking filthy dumb orc

The crystal forest, Shoalzar Basin and the Grizzhills were also pretty great

I keep seeing groups looking for tank in chat
I thought everyone knew how OP warriors are lategame and they were going to be overpopulated as fuck, is everyonejust a lazy piece of shit or am I missing something?

A bunch of them are afraid to tank, some don't have a shield, some think they can't because they aren't specc protect.

Good tanks are rare lol

what's a good guy to watch on twitch playing this?

I think a majority of war tanks already have friends to dungeon with
solo tank questing is pretty redundant so nobody specs it

Something you never give money or a subscription to while you wait for your queue to drop

they don't want to be left alone in a dying server, they kept fearmongering if you didn't follow the spanish guilds you would end in a empty server back when they announced the first wave of new servers at launch day.
Also the spaniards are like 70% horde so they need a server with a healthy faction balance to not skew it even further

>tfw levelled up on nost in 2017
>tfw levelled up on lights hope in february
>tfw still burnt out and so can't fully enjoy classic

I can only enjoy levelling once every 2 years or so, hold me bros

I keep stealing mobs from shamans and druids with fucking CHARGE trying while they try to pull with wrath/lihgtning bolt when there are literally no mobs left alive and 4 players patroling the area

I will level with you

Is journey still #1? He logged for sleep at 38

>been playing warrior in every private server since vanilla
>haven't played anything else since
>playing mage now
Everything is so easy now. It's great.


How relevant is engineering? I want to pick it because it's what I originally did back on my first character, but I think I'll get a lot more mileage out of blacksmithing.
I'm a warrior by the way

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can't believe how much fun I'm having with warlock, multi target tagging is great

go tauren, they look better in every single way, war stomp will be huge in niche situations and they have extra reach on top of that.
I went orc and I'm starting to regret it but maybe I'll change opinion after I start pvping and I start to shrug off hammer of justice


relevant for what? relevant for wanting everything engineering offers you? relevant for asking a question that you can use google for?

Finally getting out of the barrens. Less crowd hopefully.

Taking 3 same-level dudes at once sure is nice.

I remember making a fire mage back in the days.
Pyroblast was so great.

It's a necessity if you want to PvP and will help out if you're on a PvP server

As for moneymaking it's practically useless(but then again so are all proffs apart from gathering/enchanting/tailoring/alchemy)

explosive trap leaves a dot on the ground (20second duration, 15sec CD), unless you keep the mob alive so the hunter can't lay another trap you're fucked


>get tailoring 45
>/1 Making linen bags with your mats free, tips appreciated
>ez skill ups

What kind of stuff? All I really remember is the bombs, I don't think I got very far. It was fun and I picked it for the gnome tinkerer flavor but at least outside of pvp it seemed like it was largely just fun gimmick stuff.

the first few levels are addicting as fuck, you start learning new profesions every few hours, learn new skills nonstop and start slowly filling your equipment/bag slots
I think everything slows down a lot from 20-30 once you're all in greens and got most of your key skills

no soup for you
come back 1 year

>bombs that stun
>frost/shadow/fire reflectors
>a few other meme trinkets

Gives you the edge in PvP

>war tank
point at him and laugh

I'm going to show up for RFC and WC with my 2h and there's nothing you can do to stop me
well, maybe the healers mana but everything will die twice as fast so we'll see

Level 21 on my Gnome Warlock. I can't believe I need to go to fucking Barrens to get my succubus.

Well firemaw bros,enjoy the spanish menace. I know the italian community already left yesterday

I fucked my sleep schelude the other day so my plan for the rest of the week is going to sleep early and getting up a hours before work to play with no queues.
But apparently last night update got rid of queues so we'll see

>Spanish poster pretends to not be Spanish

Legit question how much will this end up going for?

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The succ is pretty useless unless you're trying to level around PVP. you can skip doing the quest till you're like 30 when you have other reasons to go to the barrens.

LEVEL 16???

Fuck all since at that level range you can get rushed through WC but some lazy and lonely fuck might buy it to level faster so who knows

Eh it's not a great 2h. I think there's a much better one inside deadmines.

I did rfc with a level 13-14 warrior who had a two handers. We had a priest and shaman healing, smoothest RFC run I ever did.

Both 2h from Deadmines are better, this and the Prospector Axe and the next best for Warrior twinks

>Jump into Arugal a second after it comes up
>Can't go two seconds without seeing people spurt "pepega" and "weirdchamp" in general
I thought the twitch meme was just a fuckin' spook lads

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I need an anti-afk macro right now. Please help I cant keep going through this

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You're lucky, when the game first came out people were talking about fucking Sweden and politics in my servers chat.

>tfw I haven't been able to play WoW yet because I'm moving to another country in less than 48 hours

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I am going to be a filthy casual who won't raid and mainly solo bgs.

Can I do this well and succeed as a hunter?

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>Twitch memes on Arugal
Are you horde or alliance? I've seen nothing but hilarious shitposting on the horde side

I see people say shit like that in everything. Some guy was spouting that garbage in KF a while ago, so I called him a faggot, and he started getting all butthurt.

post funny screenshot bros

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>solo bgs

only druid can solo flag carry wsg consistently

So how fucked i am if i go 30/0/21 balance boomkin?


Just hit 21 on my warrior and it feels like I've been playing for a week

It's fine user you're not really missing out, you can't even sell thing on the AH right now because none has money.

>Not enough mana.

Warrior is Delayed Gratification: The Class. You start feelin it in the 30s a bit, then really getting into it in the 40s, and by the 50s you're in fun town forever.

Which diaper y’all using!?

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Get some +spellpower gear and you'll 2shit thing left and right
And run out of mana every 2 spells

The toilet that's three feet down the hall like a civilized human being.

>You start feelin it in the 30s a bit
bullshit, it's all pain up until 36 when you get whirlwind and probably whirlwind axe too since good luck getting carried when everyone is leveling just like you and stepping into STV as a low level is pure madness

What are the best addons I should get?
So far I have none. No intention of using the faggy ones like twitch emotes or LFG finder

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36 isn't in the 30s?

what level do you guys think he is? i’d say 40

nothing other than energy watchers and swing timers, unless you're a bitch then get Questie too

I'm using Questie to pick up hidden quests I would have missed otherwise. Works fine but sometimes the map icons bug out and you have to /reload to fix it

>friends and I always used to be Horde
>yesterday, friend messages me "btw we're Alliance this time if you wanna join us"

What do I do?

For months I've been so sure I would play Horde again, I've never really liked or enjoyed playing Alliance and I'm scared it will just feel wrong in PvP.

Do I play solo and enjoy WoW how I remember it or do I play Alliance for the sake of joining my friends? Tbh, they're old friends from back in the day, it's not like I promised to play with them.

This and gatherer if you have a gathering profession and Outfitter if you're playing a class that has to switch a lot.

You are behind the curve pretty hard
Something like 12 hours ago i seen people between lv 36 and 43 lmao

>joana's guide site is up again
what the fuck did he do to fuck up his site so much earlier

You must end your friend.
You do not leave the Horde.

play Horde and slaughter the traitors

What is the pve allycuck server on eu?

He has been brainwashed by kukery and sjws.
He is not the friend you had anymore.

>not sjw

shiiiet we dindu nuffin give us love blizzard

>Couldn't get lv10 in 3 hours
In 3 hours you can make to lv20 easy by playing casually

Can all you cunts in Australia log off for a sec so I can log in ya dawgs

Arugal is suffering

Horde or Alliance?

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Oath, Our queue is pretty small but it doesn't fucking move. Good move on Blizz's part to give us another server AFTER everyone got invested

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>Good move on Blizz's part to give us another server AFTER everyone got invested
I don't know what in the fuck they were thinking only having ONE pvp server for the entirety of Australia & NZ, what a fucking joke

Something I never truly appreciated was just how valuable cooking is for the no quest dead zones of levelling.
Rather than running around like a retard trying to find quests that aren’t there, or picking spots and just slaughtering everything in them, it gives you a productive outlet to level when you’re not in a dungeon

Going great senpai! Going to do some DM grinding today and get phat loot, hoping for 2x cruel barb :>

What level do I start getting some spell power gear? Getting tired of just wanding everything to death

Skinning + Cooking is the patrician combo if you're a brainlet who can't follow quest progression

>thousands of people are actually speedrunning to 60
You are retards if you think you can enjoy this shit in 2019 by being behind the curve
Enjoy getting fucked in the ass by Thorium and Black Lotus Cartels by the end of the week

This guy called it before launch - it was obvious to everyone that isn't a boot licking blizzdrone. All the people who were nay saying btfo'd

They are PvP servers, they'll get ganked by chinese botters

>not making/joining the chinese hunting guild
it's like you've no idea what fun is

human frost mage

this is literally the /pol/ server, wasn't even level 3 when we were joking about gassing jews in elwynn, shit was great

Chinese Bots can't going to gank shit
The point is there will be a decent chunk of the population at lv 60 on all servers by next week that gonna get filthy rich with professions and AH influencing the economy as they please while you just sit in queue lines for quests
So much for "you neeed MONTHS for get 1-60"
Levelling in Classic is even faster than retail

It seems most of the classic servers are more fun/red pilled in general - a lot like OSRS is where the "live" game is reddit, and the "vanilla" version is where all the fun people are

i got to level 9 and called it a night, i'm not in any rush especially knowing there's not really any content until months and months from now.

we had one of those on Nostalrius. It was called Remove Chang or something similar, and anything remotely suspicious got ganged up on.

Want to try tanking, what's easier/better to level, dwarf warrior or paladin? or nelf druid

it's fast if you've fucking nothing to do all god damn day. I mean, I think I managed to get to 60 in a week and half (not /played), but now with wageslaving + these queues I get like maybe 4-5 hours of playing, I'm only lvl 12 and was in since 1 hour after launch

I watched a group of lil zoom zooms on a low view count stream give up and quit for good before they even reached level 10.

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>speedrunning in WoW Classic
How to literally kill the whole point of the game 101
Fuck this entire generation

Farming professions isn't the only way to make gold.

I almost made a friend but i got scared and logged out.

>Chilling in Lakeshire with my Warlock, putting unending breath on everybody for the underwater quests
>Someone says in /say "everyone is so nice"

I'm home bros

Kill yourself wowfags

I don't even get the point of it unless you've got multiple groups of your friends or whatever, enjoy waiting for everyone to catch up so you can go do your fucking dungeons
>wow I got the attunement quests done so early yay!
>has to now help every guild member and dungeon party member with doing theirs
escorting Windsor is so fun right

What realm user

>Horde led by a didndu nuff stronk womyn cunt
>Not SJW

Literally a non argument. I have this experience in every game I play, be it an MMO or an FPS. How the fuck you people credit this to Classic is beyond me, you're just anti-social and think grouping up for a Deadmines run is the peak of social behaviour, that's about it.

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thanks for reminding me about that shit, i guess I'll be unsubbing before I have to hit level 55+

I'm trying to find some friends on Arugal, if I ever get through the fucking queue

someone make a guild on Thunderfury Alli, let's get this lolocaust going

remember to eat and stretch brothers

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my gamer fuel has been peanuts and lemonade, I should be investing effort into this

You just don't have the self-awareness to realize you're a creeper user.

>tfw pulled back a bit and it's been hurting for the last 3 days

What EU servers are you guys playing on?

migraine, I love my 20k queue

Yeah it's gone from 12,000 down to 500 or so but i've gone down exactley 400 places in 60 minutes.

Not tonight bois, I'd rather wait in queue than have layering but

>Position in queue - 3515

level 14 in 17 hours of playing today.
Spent most of my time raking in the cash selling wands and bags to lowbies while leveling professions.
The massive crowd left me behind, but I don't mind. I go at my own pace, and I'm having fun
Why did no one tell me that Tirisfal was so god-damn cozy? Elwynn has got nothing on it. and I spent most of my days when I was 7 playing this game for the first time just wandering around enjoying the atmosphere in elwynn for hours on end.

>1-5 minutes every few hours is too much time wasted
>would rather stew in my own piss and shit for hours
what the actual fuck

Any Alliance Yea Forumsros on Grob ITT? I have no friends.

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>quest addon
Just play retail. let the big kids play, and stop cluttering our queues.

say "dm = deadmines" in trade for instant shitflinging

The entire undead starting area from 1-20 is great.
Then you hit hilsbrad and the atmosphere shits all over itself.

That's VC you fucking mongoloid, DM is fucking Dire Maul.

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it took me about 17 hours to get my Mage (and three of his profs) to 14 (or profession equivalent)

answer this ya fkn cunts, help a fkn boomer Dad out the sprog will be home soon and i'll have to help with homework and shit.

Fuck I miss being young and able to actually wow

No need to just stretch at home, with these queues you have enough time to go to the gym and get a 7-8hour sleep before getting to play

rogues are harder to play but shadow priests are imposible to gear up
Choose your poison

>no professions.
>probably no dungeons or group activity
>no reading quest text.
>no trolling general chat
World records aren't worth it.

dm is deadmines, shitter
dire maul is referred to by wings, DME, DMN and DMW

I just wanna faceroll every cunt I see @ lvl 60, is that too much to ask?

I don't think that's too much to ask

Okay once and for all, last time, which EU server do I go on as a straight, white, scandinavian man.

>enter barrens
>/1 Why did they put Naxx from Wotlk into this game?

any but mine, please

come to firemaw with me, 17k queues so the server is guaranteed to be healthy :)

Enjoy it while you can before the most fun spec is unusable until AQ40

>went alliance for a change
>realize I can't farm Savory Deviate recipe without being a hunted man
fuck.. time for a druid alt

Works every time.

>laughs in Mage
>stops laughing

Who is here /gehennas/? Scandinavians are surprisingly chill dudes and even tell their fellow countrymen to behave and use English in generals.

>couldn't even hit 20 on day 2
I've wasted so much time waiting in queue and dying to stupid shit. I was hoping to get ahead through sheer hours played that didn't happen and STV is going to be a nightmare now.

Any tips for hunter?

trying to beat everyone to STV is for the small brain
there's several zones level 32-40 that can put you right past it
depends, what's your survival skill tree look like? if it's the old melee-focused one, improved wing clip is great for keeping things out of the dead zone

>enter server

anyone else making one of each class? so far i have a lvl 14 human warrior and a lvl 10 warlock

fucken beef and the boners thinkin they can walk alongside chad greenskins, disgusting

40% yourself tranny

Genuinely curious as an XIV player have people been good about socializing and getting to know eachother or is it just antisocial grinding

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Yeah, I've seen a few faggots but people quickly tell them to fuck off.

seems like people actually talk

>had to work 8 hours yesterday, started a 4 hour shift now
>got to level up in barrnes comfy as fuck with my priest playing gf

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yes, people are mostly nice, noobs in /1 get at least 5 people responding to their questions

Reminder warlocks will chain fear you and not feel bad about it.
Come get some more pally boi

>pay for 1 month
>sets itself to recurring by default
shiiiiet can I cancel right now and still play until the end of the 30 days or does it just lock me out when I press the button

So I picked skinning as rogue. Is it now only logical to go leatherworking or what should I pick second?

How would this even save you any time unless you don't actually ever change the fucking diaper
This is a joke post, right?

based normie

you can just cancel your sub

yes you got your game time, if you cancel you're just cancelling the recurring payment

thats the good shit i remember

you have to make posions as i rogue i believe, so alchemy?

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poisons are made by a separate profession , poison making, it's exclusive to rogues

completely unironically wearing these due to my fetish

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oh my bad then, ignore me

>tfw got a targeted ad on twitter for babyfur diapers once
I don't even like this shit why did they give me it

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This ain’t the game for deranged genetically altered freaks that only queue up to content and erp.
40% yerself

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thats rude user, I played WoW back in the day when it was fresh and i just cant see myself going back is all. I'd wish the best for returning and new classic players and hope they make the best of it

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They know.

>Tfw your little is US
>Tfw no daddies

>Wude x3
Nah I am a proud white man, you’ll die soon trannyfreak.

So what should I go second?

I dont want to change my gender though user

>you are actually sharing a thread with people RIGHT now who are wagies
Imagine not being on a type of government payment so you can play games all day

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Fuck off you stupid child

>vigin line cucks
>chad deathball line cutters

>WoW has zero story
It's fucking full of story.
What you're thinking is that it doesn't have two or three named NPCs to take the spotlight for an expansion and have a short plot revolve around them.
The world itself is the main character of vanilla and it is absolutely packed with stories.

Think you dodged a bullet there m8. By the time you get your new interwebs set up you might be able to actually log in and play.

The deathballs weed out the weak and exalt the strong and quick. Why wait like a cuck in line when I know I can get the first tag and be done with it?


nooooooo leave me alone
I'm literally sitting here shitposting for 8 hours every single fucking day, occasionally get a task that takes up maybe 20 minutes
I am bored out of my mind but have people around me and behind me so can't just fuck around

I've made more acquaintances in two days than I have in entire previous expansions.

Yes, most people are very courteous and friendly. It's kind of bizarre really.

t. Deranged XIV cross player
Classic is AND has always been a white man game.

How can you be a Dad/Older member of society and commit this much time and resource to wow anymore

Like I get it, I'm loving classic but it's going to be a month before I hit 60 at the very least. I got a wedding to go to in Singapore, a fucking meeting Canberra, work 5 days a week, weekends I gotta go hiking and fucking around. Wash clothes and water the trillion indoor plants we've accumulated

I gotta root the mrs, clean gutters and walk the dog and all that yahoo

I just wanna gank some dangus in STV, then I can cancel my sub and be happy

>Yes, most people are very courteous and friendly
That's been my experience too. People staying in parties even after they got all the quest items for themselves, just to help the other(s)

>roll on the new servers that will probably end up a ghost town in a couple months
>play on a server with 8hour queues

I'm screwed eithre way so I'm rolling on a new server just so I can actually play the fucking game.
Do you guys reckon Thunderfury will get queues soon? Mograine ended up with half the queues shazz and firemaw have

(if) the server ends up a ghost town, they'll eventually just merge it anyway probably so no worries in the long run I suppose

Spic here, leveling up my level 18 dwarven hunter and feel good.

How can I check if a quest is safe to skip?
I'm ok grinding for half a level but I don't want to miss half the quests in the early zones just because I skipped a named mob

Make your casual character there, hardcore poopsocker on the full realm.

everyone talks again, heaps of parties, every is very helpful again. Lots of /thank and /cheer when you level up

People are embracing the nostalgia for now

If you're a wagie then hire someone to do your housework and look after your child. If you aren't earning enough to hire someone to do that then why the fuck are you a wagie with a child? You've made terrible life decisions.


Gratz man

It's beautiful

Imagine actually thinking blizzard will do shit to fix servers when they can cash out server transfers 20€ a pop

Thing is I can't play in the full realm at all, Firemaw has 8-9 hour queues after about 9AM


2 hours old article.

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Why aren't there free transfers from any high pop to any low pop for characters below level 20?

I don't have kids, but I genuinely like doing all of that

I have someone to mow my lawn every week, and clean my house. This is Australia, not asia so you can't really have a maid unless you are fucking balling

My job is excellent, so is my's just like fuck man. Not enough time to WoW, especially classic. I dunno, either everyone is unemployed or self employed. I guess we'll all get there one day

>that one mad lad is 38 already

Apparently server transfers are a pain to set up, otherwise that would easily fix why most guilds refuse to switch servers

>WANTED: Baron Longshore
I'm never finishing this one (again), am I

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Just learn to use your time more efficiently then. I put in ten hours yesterday and didn't call in sick for work either.

Who? I seen a russian guy lv42 more than 12 hours ago

he was streaming non stop for over 30 hours

>people listing 6 slot bags on AH for 3 gold each when vendors sell them for 5 silver
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

STV is best when it's frothy.

I'm not even gonna get there for quite a while. I'm currently planning out what quests I need for all the low level dungeon running. I've never even been in Deadmines, was Horde in original. Just gonna take it slow and comfy.

He is behind the curve already

There are people making genuine sales pitches in trade chat for fucking linen bags, complete with telling them not to buy from X player because they're a scam artist.

do ships not have any crew members in vanilla?
kinda uncomfy

I said 1488 and Hitler did nothing wrong in the general chat and ppl were respondind with "based".Very good experience so far.

Which server?
Horde or alliance?
Asking for some research paper

I don’t think they added them until TBC, although maybe it was a later vanilla patch (yeah it’s 1.12 but that doesn’t mean all the content is there).


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Gandling alliance(eu server)

>6k queue on mograine

so people really pick servers based on their name?

Eubros, where do I switch to from Mograine? Fuck this shitty god damn queue, it was 15k yesterday when I came home

If Whitemane didn't have an xbox hueg queue, you bet your ass I would.