Some cunt that I need to insult has blocked me on all platforms except Steam

Some cunt that I need to insult has blocked me on all platforms except Steam.

What's the most insulting game I can gift him? Searched for "bitch simulator" but nothing came up.

Attached: 1562835610929.png (796x767, 467K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Train simulator with all dlc, that'll teach him

If he likes Half life, buy him "Hunt Down the Freeman" he'll want to off himself.

If he's just bad at videogame buy him "KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer" and the message would be "learn to play, fucking retard"


u shud b nice and apologize

Attached: mako rika majo ri-ka.webm (640x480, 974K)


The fuck is this shit?

based coomer

He's a little bitch, I need a game fit for a little bitch.

Her name is Megumin
Wojaks should be a bannable offense

>Wasting money on someone you despise
You're the only little bitch here.

Attached: 1563668270417.jpg (634x568, 190K)

A proper insult requires sacrifice.


My dude what those are sloppy top certified

Bad Rats

this but unironically

easy on the coooming...

Proof that dabbing isn’t sexist

That faggot dating sim? Daddy something.

Femdom Waifu with the netorare expansion

Buy him something really gay

he's living rent free in your head, you obsessed faggot

fucking get over it nerd


Attached: (you).jpg (800x450, 45K)

>spending money on someone you hate

nigga this thread is making you come off like a little bitch

op probably got insulted by some faggot and can't get over it lmao
stop giving your money to thots on twitch, faggot OP

If he’s a Tumblr type, buy him Huniepop. It’s cheap, and lots of people think it’s about objectifying women

I-I'm not gay if I've finished this, am I?

Huniepop honestly has the most realistic depictions of woman found in video games.