Great level design and art direction

>Great level design and art direction
>Mediocre combat
>Terrible bosses
What an unfortunate mix. And am I missing something or are heavy weapons completely worthless? Whenever you stun an enemy they just recover and attack within a second anyway, and they don't do more damage than a fast weapon can do in the same time anyway.

Attached: 220px-The_Surge_box-art.jpg (220x309, 27K)

I wish you weren't inside such dark and dreary buildings most of the game

2 handed heavy rigged was op as fuck. Great game, can't wait for the sequel, might even pay full price for it.

What? The level design sucks except for in the first third or so and in the final security area.

sorry but the level design and art is also shit

>except for in the first third
That's still where I am I guess, just beat the second boss.

Combat was above mediocre for me, but I agree the bosses were totally shit. Fuck being able to miss out on gear if you beat the boss the wrong way too, with no way to unfuck your save and reset the fight as extra salt in the wound.

I think the expansion packs add outdoor areas, but I never played those. From the start of the game I was anticipating fighting through wastelands until I got to the tower, but it was literally the next area lol.

I greatly enjoyed many of the weapons, but that one was pretty satisfying.

>shilling a shit $8 game

been like the forth thread. this game sucks dick

I loved a lot of the armor in this game, but for me it's Proteus

Attached: PROTEUS_Gear.png (300x550, 224K)

>The crane boss
Quite possibly the worst boss fight I have ever done in my life.

Attached: 1544301495700.jpg (500x634, 193K)

I beat it last month. For a game I got for free I thought it was really good. I spent a lot of time on it and got most of the trophies. I'll buy the sequel for sure.

Had a lot of fun as an astronaut.

Attached: spaceman warren.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)


already preordered the surge 2 baybee

The sequel is way better desu

Attached: 339493004c633ca2652bee58b5b4517c.png (238x109, 55K)

i too can add a "game" to the library

It's the closed beta

Levels being very samey killed this game for me.
Surge 2 looks better in that regard.

tell me more
i HATED surge 1 but i'm just about ready to drop full price on day one for the surge 2 based on the gameplay trailers

>Great art direction
>chainsaw variants and metal frame variants for 90% of weapons and armor
>cyber-zombie variants for 80% of enemies

that doesn't keep track of time played

Here's how you break the game. Full Lynx plus PAX 2.0. Congratulations, you've won the surge. Use the sliding or leaping attacks and combo fast attacks until they're not moving anymore. Ezpz.

The level design was what killed it tho. Especially if you have a god tier dlc area right after the beginning and then have to go back to asset recycle heaven.

>Great level design and art direction


I enjoyed it but it started crashing mercilessly after the first level, within seconds usually. Doesn't appear to be a fix, wasn't graphic setting related

combat is good
it's in same vein as nioh and sekiro
you have to like those two to like surge.

yea, blind fuck.

Nobody else had game stability problems?

no, what OS, CPU, GPU, RAM?

>Great level design
It's literally the worst part of the game.

it's not. it has same wall paint but it is very well built and interconnected
same wall paint sucks, sure.

I'm in bed on my phone can't can't remember my specs. Radeon rx560 strix, 8 gig ram, Windows 8, and a pretty old processor, i3 maybe? I ran dark souls 3 just fine. Played the surge for a few hours, it crashed occasionally. Then I got to the second level and it was just unplayable

>Windows 8
found your problem, nobody fixes any issues with that. get a w10, or at least w7
also i3 can be a reason why, 2 cores isn't enough if it's old

I've actually upgraded to win10 since then, maybe I should give it another go

I'm fairly certain my CPU is quad core... it's an older machine that I've swapped out the card and upped the ram on to keep up with things.


What do you want to know?

>Lord of Fallen flops
>the Surge flops
>Code Vein will probably flop
Why do people keep making souls games?

I don't know, but the only remotely decent one was Nioh and even that was filled to the brim with bullshit

>to the brim with bullshit
someone must git gud it seems

There's some genuinely great stuff in it like having only one "bonfire" or the elevator in the final area but then you have shit like areas that look virtually identical or dark, gloomy connector tunnels that you'd expect on the factory level right next to the CEO boardroom.

Loved the game even though it had its faults. Hope the sequel fixes them, from what I saw it looks promising.

Just hope they won't make it too dark soulsy.


Its better than the Souls games. It might be lacking in music and art direction, but everything else is better, especially the gameplay which is most important.

A Friend of Mine Works on the surge 2 and he says the fighting stays the same but they add new weapons and stuff

So if you dont like the First, the Second is no approvement in that regard

>great level design and art direction
That was by far the worst part for me in the base game at least, only level i didnt have much of an issue with was the executive forums and somewhat the launch pad area or whatever.

Your friend is full of shit, then. Directional parry makes blocking actually useful, drone modules have more variety, weapon proficiency got removed. Combat got changed a lot, and for the better.

The level design was boring as fuck and the Diablo loot system hindered the game's build variety
Also saying the gameplay is better is subjective

Yeah no need to get hostile, neet.

Its all subjective you idiot. Nioh's level design is hardly boring when it was designed with that "shortcut porn" that Souls games have. Do you mean visually? You might have a case there but considering the setting they did a good job making feudal Japan look as distinct as possible.

How on Earth did the loot system hinder build variety? I'd agree it can be a real slog dealing with the excess trash but if you want to go axe and onmyo for example, the loot system doesn't fuck you over. Sure you may have to farm and grind to get a weapon you want or the smithing texts but it certainly doesn't gimp your run of the game if you go without. Then there are the revenants that some players will stock up with good gear, allowing you to bypass that grind.