Mods are asleep, time to waifu post

Mods are asleep, time to waifu post

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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For me it’s lyn

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Essex and her gigantic E-cups

Having a waifu is pretty pathetic desu

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An AK-12 assault rifle

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I could bust a nut to any image posted here. Except this one

The best Magician

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Petra is a goddess and anyone who disagrees is a faggot

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pretty nice pit

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This is a quality thread desu

I'll never understand it, seems like weirdo shit to me.

My waifu is the strongest fairy!

>waifuing dumbsex

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Please give this post a (You) whenever you blow your load to or because of this thread and show how much you appreciate your waifu inb4 jizzbrains
You know where the mods stand on this, shitposters. Please let us enjoy ourselves in peace~

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Here ya go.

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Blasting cum to waifus!!!

I really want to fuck anime armpits


Prinzu Eugenu desu

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mods are fags

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German Quality

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For me it’s Bernie.

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Does waifu auto sage not enable anymore?

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It hasn't for roughly half a year now.

>"waifu" thread
>only one or two true waifu posts
>the rest are "girl I fap to=waifu"

Came thinking about _being_ my waifu

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why are the shoes still on, urgghf

>tfw no waifu

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>thicc thighbrow with no underwear


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I love Kasumi!

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oi, where me mods at?

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Yea Forums is in a sad state, it has been for a long time.

Normalfags don't understand commitment, not surprising they consider their latest fap their partner.

hail planeptune and fuck eggplants

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I love Reisen!

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I love Meiya!

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Easy answer for me.

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I love Reisen poster.

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