What's your excuse for not being ready for iceborne?
What's your excuse for not being ready for iceborne?
Other urls found in this thread:
>1000 hours
>HR 261
what the fuck dude
he probs left the game in idle, lots of goofballs like to do this to stroke their Epeens.
You forgot
>LS user
Rushed through the game and only did AT kulve. Never HR farmed the event quests.....also i got every endemic life.
>not using one of the best weapons in the game
sounds like a personal problem
do you leave the game on and don't do anything?
because i got 500h and i am hr 300 or something
Just bought the game
fuck this shit mate put that in english
No, i just play the game. I put my ps4 into rest mode when i'm not playing.
>using gay suit
beetle layered or /out/
>best weapon
I've had sex with a female
Not on PC
It is, stop being a console-wars tier kiddy
I may have double dipped for World initially, but after the general disapointment that World was along with the awful performance of the base PS4, there's just no reason for me to give a single shit until the PC version is out.
Okay so I killed the ayy last week and not really interested in grinding for high rank garbage when g rank is around the bend. I fucking hate the PS4 so much like who in the fuck thought that I wanted to wait forever in load screens? There is already a ton of grinding in these games as it is and in retrospect the small monster roster is a blessing.
It releases in january... I have months to prepare.
>i hate grinding for high rank garbage
>gets to g rank
I still haven't bought MHW. I don't have friends to play it with.
i quit playing after the tempered kirin quest
I dropped this boring ass game over a year ago. I’m only here answering your question to tel you all how massive my cock is.
Im never playing the awful ps4 version again after getting a taste of PC.
>switch axe is not called tranny hammer
nah, i'd rather play in portuguese
is the matchmaking any better? I don't have friends
AT monsters are bad design and farming KT is boring as shit
bec i have a life and i want to keep it that way. ive already amassed twice or more than your playtime back when i used to play MHFU(3G if youre in japan)
I play on PC.
i got lost after tempered kirin, dont know if do tempered quest for augmentation or do kulve or wtf. Help me user
>only HR 60
been playing with friends bashing our heads against AT Nergy with no luck.
This makes no sense. Why's wrong with PC mhw?
Do tempered hunts
Fuck Kulve and fuck metafags
what is the best fight in the world for you anons?
mine is AT nergigante
got some old school vibes hunting him with my friends
>needing to grind high rank endgame for early g rank
I think the series has gone down hill and I simply don't see the point in hunting anymore. It's not fun, the grind is just bad and monster AI has gotten rather stupid, even with them trying to get rid of the spot turn animations. Basically it's just too much of a mish mash of different systems with no real cohesion and no goal. It's the same shit as an MMO, except without the first M, but with all the same problems.
There's nothing to really do but hunt tempered elder dragons (you DID follow Kirin around gathering its leavings right?) for augments.
Also do the Greatest Jagras event quest while it's up, can cut out a lot of the deco grind that way.
it's still grinding. Grinding in a 2019 game is lazy design.
>Grinding in a 2019 game is lazy design
>nearly dying
>palico comes in, distract the monster and heal your ass
>thank him saying "arigatō amigatô"
I think it's fun.
Fuck Monster Hunter. Come play Toukiden with us chads
Is it ethically wrong to use a character voucher to turn my Huntress in to a Hunter?
My nigga
I don't find the male armor worth a male character. Female armors are better for fashion hunter.
I don't play shitty spinoffs
Up to you if you want a big burly hunter named trannypie1999
I'm ready...for January.
>playing on PC with all the cheatenginefags
No thank you.
PC and also my finals are around the corner
>Female armors are better for fashion hunter.
Maybe if you want to look like a stripper
>he has no friends to play with so he has to call random hunters
is life being good with you user?
are you ok?
Yeah I'm ready. But I'm PC so all I can do is sit on my hands for 4 months.
>fun as hell and the best to use all around, just switch between these weapons when you play this game seriously
>fun with friends
>gimmicky shit that is fun but you always feel like you could be using the REAL fun shit
>fucking range bitches please kill your self
>boring and nap tier (g-g-grug!!!)
>calls lance grug
>puts hammer in top tier
I'm a hammer main and even I know this is bullshit
>but you always feel like you could be using the REAL fun shit
Nigga what is more fun than stabbing explosions and sick spinny combos
I'm ready for iceborne, been ready for a while actually, hacked every single item in to my item box at a value of 9998 so as soon as they were patched in I already had them. All I had to do recently was run through a few quests in an afternoon to unlock all the gear properly in the smithy, we're good to go.
That's what people told me before I made a Huntress but I only liked Teo, Luna, Odo (RIP) and Girros.
A lot of female armor is terrible when compared to their male counterparts, like Nerg armor.
I don't know why they insist on making every female armor show their face. I want to be a kamen rider too.
I have friends but they have mhw on xbox and suck. I rather play by myself.
if you don't play every weapon why should i care what you think?
HBG and LBG have been really nice in world
user... reading comprehension..
t. GL cock-sucking shitter
>less fun than GL
retard alert
>What's your excuse for not being ready for iceborne?
My friend don't wanna play this game
>This entire post
Reminder to farm those Jagras weapons for early G rank upgrades!
Why are ranged weapons so braindead easy?
I had trouble during the HR29 and 49 quests with melee weapons because I kept getting impatient, but once I switched to LBG, it was trivial. I didn't even take any damage.
cute fren
cheat engine.
>duuuuuuh, yeah! gunlancey my faverite wepon
>how u tell?
it's on the same tree but no idea why would you do that since you can just make g rank weapons without going on it's tree
maybe it will ask more materials but you are playing monster hunter you are going to kill that monster 50 times anyway
he said hes playing on console
why the fuck would you lower your HR
>Console wars but with weapon types
Every single thread. Fucking losers.
>those "players" running earplugs, vitality, guard up, guard and evade window 5
>all they do is shell
That's not even a game anymore
>charge blade
>less fun that shit like greatsword and s&s
>there are people itt that stick to using a single weapon type, not jumping between at least 3 types
I've played every monster hunter game since the first one and World was a colossal disappointment. Not enough monsters. Not enough armor. Not enough weapons. Weapon designs are boring as fuck. Beat the entire offline campaign in a couple days. Beat everything to death with my friends. Dropped the game after a month maybe. I have NO idea how this became a lifestyle game. Its not fun, its not challenging, theres fucking nothing to do. I went back to MHGU and screamed a sigh of relief.
Being a multi weapon master chad is the only way to go. how can anyone have fun autistically using the same weapon over and over and over?
Beetle layered is pretty cool but personally I prefer Guild Cross or Origin layereds.
I don't know how people don't get bored of the game when they're only using one weapon.
Is there a way to use your favourite armor and have it with the best stats in the game?
I’m tired of using the endgame armor because I too a stupid to figure this shit out.
That's gay though
Pick three weapons. Once you select them, you're now allowed to use any other weapon type again. Choose wisely.
Lance is love, lance is life.
Said no one ever
I actually like Toukiden 2 a lot but shit it’s dead.
I gave up hunting for a large gold crown Black Diablos. Got all gold mini crowns, only have B.Diablos, Kushala, Vaal and Lunastra
I use a male hunter
The key is to play with a fun weapon.
I stick to one weapon going through all the content the first time.
perfect tomboy
I want to use something other than GS but I worry about not doing enough damage.
With the Iceborne changes to weapons:
Hunting Horn
Dual Blades
>why the fuck would you lower your HR
You can edit literally anything you want in MH with cheat engine. He likely just increased his hours played, not the other way around. Or maybe he just lowered his HR to create a shitty screenshot.
I usually have 2 or 3 weapon types in the early and mid game but by late G rank I end up sticking to 1.
Cause I got bored of the gameplay loop after 310 hours.
Just play LS, easy to play and really good damage on it
I'm going to play with my older brother and his friend tomorrow. They're both hammergrugs and I want to force them to learn a new weapon. Which one should I force them into so we have fun as a group?
I play every melee weapon besides sns and hh so I can teach them any of the others.
Post 'em
Maybe I’ll start a new character and use the LS.
I'm ready to bash and toot.
Why don't you hammergrug with them? Imagine the KOs.
Can't decide between CB or GS. Totally okay with Hammer and HBG.
obviously I will at first but it's ridiculous, they need to branch out. game has 14 weapons and all are pretty well developed.
I got it on PS4 and dont want to pay sub fee for online anymore, so I have stopped playing it.
You're playing a heisei game. Girls don't get to be riders until Reiwa, and even then she's not even considered the third rider.
You'll fight as a precure and like it faggot. Precures have stood by justice more consistently than riders anyways.
They don't need to do anything. Don't try and force your gay opinions on others. They can try out different weapons when and if they feel like it.
If you really want to force them to use different weapons then tell them you want help in an arena challenge that doesn't have hammer available.
user there are 15 fucking other types, what's the point of playing if you're going to exclusively use one weapon? at that rate they might as only one monster and wear only one armor set
neither of them are into the game enough for that. They haven't played the game since clearing xeno months ago and the point is to get them into something that will hopefully draw them into the game so that co op is more fun. I don't see my self doing any ATs with them or anything but I'd love for them to get back into the game.
if they enjoy it why bother?
as that user said stop forcing gay opinion on other people
they are your friends not your dogs
Having 15 weapons doesn't mean you must use all 15 weapons to have fun. Having 15 weapons means that if you don't like one weapon there are 14 more weapons to try out.
Because, sometimes, a weapon is absolutely perfect and no other comes close.
Charge Blade
Fuck off Ryozo
CB (not shitty GenU version)
because you're quite literally not experience half of the game by relegating yourself to one weapon how can you saw you even played the game using only on weapon? how can even know what's enjoyable if they a minuscule sample size and have never branched? T
hat's like hunting the same one monster over and over again or like eating the same one meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner because you enjoy it
>as that user said stop forcing gay opinion on other people
It's not an opinion it's a mater of fact, half of this game's content is its weapons limiting yourself to on weapon is like opting out of half the content the game has to offer, if anything that user is helping his friends out to experience more of the game has to offer
I never said they had to use all 15 weapon but sicking to 1 and only 1 is ridiculous and defeats the purpose of there being other weapons in the first place, we might as well all us GS because that's why design fighting monsters around
No weapon is truly perfect there are just some weapons had bad match ups that encourage you to switch, the hammer for instance gets fucked over by tall monsters who have heads that are out of reach
>there are just some weapons had bad match ups that encourage you to switch
Or you pull through instead, which is much more satisfying.
I supposed if you're the type person who get satisfying from repeatedly smashing their face into a brick wall when much less frustrating option is available but just like putting yourself in unfavorable situations, do you also hunt monsters with elements they're strong against because its also satisfying to you?
As long as it's fun, I wouldn't play MH if I didn't get satisfaction from smashing my face into a brick wall over and over.
I wouldn't play MH if I didn't get satisfaction from smashing my face into a brick wall over and over.
Hey you know what? You're alright in my book
I don't play shitty americanized garbage for retards with a single digit iq
Call me when there's more than 30 monsters to hunt and its possible to die, because world was piss easy and boring
you can easily beat the game from start to finish with any single weapon type, just barely upgrading it as you go along. that's how easy it is.
Cant bring myself to farm decos. Kinda killed my love for the game along with the limited events that have some of the best weapons and armor.
I‘m playing wow classic and even though I‘m good enough to hamdle end game content my bros are terrible at the game and end up ragequitting after 3carting after popping every consumable in the game and crafing mid mission so maybe not playing the game is a good thing
Used to not be able to move and shoot simultaneously and have to worry about positioning(pre-mhg/u) a lot more. Now you can just strafe around the monster shooting it's cock off with next to no thought put into it. Hame cheese was a thing yeah, but you needed to have a group for that shit anyways whether it was kelbi bow abuse or Gravois hbg faggotry.
Cheat them in bro. RNG and gachashit is for the birds.
I haven't done too much of the recent stuff, last thing was extremoth, can't be assed but I hear the witcher boss is fun
user what the FUCK is that thing standing next to you
Waiting for a sale
But I am ready.
Sure, transmachado is terrible but amigato is at the same level of palico and airou.
wow dude i got every endemic life in 400 hours and it took me that long only because i didn't look for big fishes
giddy up
Why is everyone i play with changing their characters from male to female? Is that because they're gay for my Dandy hunter i made? Damn that feels weird.
I'm glad GU is fun for you user
Is this game even fun?
I haven't really played since grabbing Rocksteady and Temporal back when Lunastra released. Also I have no idea what the fuck the little guy next to you is but I hate it a lot.
HOLY FUCK THANK YOU user. Literally just came back because the Deco Farming was AIDS last I played. I ignored greatest Jagras assuming it was some meme AT jagras hunt. This is amazing jesus christ.
It spews a ton of garbage, the event lavasioth may give you better ones since it gives more warped.
Feels good man
While true, Lavasioth is likely to be more of a nuisance to hunt if you don't play the right weapons or build specifically for him because he has more health than Jagras, shit AI, a "can't hurt me" phase, and his stupid lava armor gimmick.
>because he has more health than Jagras
It has 1/3 of the health jagras.
AT jagras has AT health, lavasioth doesn't.
Water bow destroys Lavafish.
Then I guess it's all in the hitzones and AI, because Lavasioth takes longer.
You shoudl overextend those fights as much as you can anyway, best way to get random drops.
YOO Fuck man, Yea Forums on a roll tonight. You're 100% right the warped rate is way higher.
>nincels are still THIS mad over losing MH more than an year later
That's how you know the game is good
No you shouldn't, the drops cap out early and the stuff they spit on the floor has low chance to give you a good feystone, while the reward box guarantees decent to good shit. Ignoring the spew if doing so speeds up the hunt is objectively better.
>stylishingly broke Diablos's horn with an LS Helmsplitter.
I like this weapon
Only the warped stones matter and fast lava runs are the best way to farm them
farming pukes is a meme unless you want to have 500 botany decos for some reason
I really have gotten better sutff from the vomit/lava splatter most of the time.
Half of my lavasioth runs are
>earplugs x3
>poison coat x3
>blast resits x3
Really frustrating. Its random drops give out charges, tenderizers, good stuff.
>TFW there's more than 30 monsters and Extremoth/Leshen/ATs exist
Should come back and play a bit before Iceborne bro, sounds like it's been a while for you since both those problems are solved. Could set up a lobby if you want.
Do you only hunt jagras and aptonoths?
Your anecdotes are meaningless. Lavasioth guarantees at least 2 warped feystones, the best kind, in the reward box. You're lucky to get even one of those from what he drops during the course of the quest, and waiting for him to drop all of the stones he can before killing him or leaving the quest takes longer than completing it.
>Your anecdotes are meaningless
It's a constant though, after 50 hunts he's given me exactly one non crap deco from his reward box warped stones.
You are mathematically wrong.
>tfw grinding to 999
literally what's the point. No only MR quests are guaranteed to give much more exp, you get nothing from being HR999
>cheat for decos and other things
>convinced friends I’m just really lucky at the rng
One of them has how many hundreds of hours into the game and only has two attack jewels, fuck that.
it's the last thing i have left to accomplish in the base game.
Too busy with 3U but I'll settle with what I have and play Iceborne that way.
>gimmicky shit
>fun with friends
No friends to play it with, since I'm a PC fag and everyone I know bought it already for PS4 or Xbox and refuse to play through it again or rebuy it for PC. It sucks even more since my pals refuse to even buy MHGU on Switch since "too used to the New World mechanics" to even bother, and yeah, the hunting life is sucking as of late in the wrong ways.
SA is gimmicky as shit in world where half of its moveset is outright useless.
SnS has the healslut niche with people.
How would this stroke your epeen? It just makes people think you're shit at the game and that you have no life, lol?
HR also means nothing but at least more than time
>half of its moveset is outright useless
Welcome to every weapon in monster hunter.
>healslut niche
You're one of "those" kinds of people. I see.
>Welcome to every weapon in monster hunter.
Yeah, but the weapon here literally advertises itself as two weapons in one, except one is so incrdibly usesless it's not even worth considering.
So gimmicky shit.
Yeah, welcome to every weapon in monster hunter where you only use the optimum damage route.
Just getting into MH. Is GU good? I've only played Freedom Unite and World.
Solo hunting is fun too. I mostly just solo hunt because I play PS4 and I don't want to play for internet accesss, and it's pretty okay. I paid only one time to fight Kulve
Just me, my Palico and the knowledge that are if I fuck up it's my fault but if the hunt goes well it's also on me
Horrid pacing but a shitton of content, not all really balanced to the tools the game gives you.
How do I obtain Guild Cross layered armor?
AT Kushala
It looks like a meme game and I really don't give a fuck?
je suis monte
if you have to ask, then no, you wont like it, and don't buy it. one less shitter
Fuk yeah i am
Now get GS became a unga bunga weapon with a braindead combo Hammer is the only weapon left that rewards precision and head sniping which always was the most fun thing to do in MH.
Of all almost 15 weapon types, Hammer ist he only one that still offers that. That's how lopsided and dumb MH weapon variety is now.
Everything else is just about going grug on the monster's body like in any other action game.
I want to play other weapons but the game doesn't want me to.
I want to like the other Guild sweethearts but Handler's cuter!!!
Still got to play the base game but won't do it until the heat decides to fuck off, i play on PC so i have more time to spare before the expac
I've got a min/max build for every weapon and I'm proficient with 12 of them, 3 of which I can solo AT nerg with in 15 minutes.
Started playing again 2 weeks ago after taking a break since behemoth dropped, collected everything I missed during the event except for the diver layered missed it by 4 tickets.
Practised every AT until I could solo all of them except xeno in under 15 minutes.
I'm fucking ready boy!
I don't feel like grinding for mats again.
Also Borderlands 3 comes out.
hoy fuck Johnny Cage
I really should get around uploading the version with the fixed neck
>i don't want to grind
>i just want to grind more
Every weapon besides dual blades is slow and boring.
dual blades are the epitome of boring though
>mash one button to attack
>use the other to sometimes reposition
>press both of them when you get a big opening
that's most weapons in the nutshell but yes dual blades are boring
>I don't want to grind
>prefer sucking tranny cock simulator
That's every melee weapon.
every time i get reminded this game exists i keep remembering i have no one to play with and get sad so i never bothered getting it
Can this game be played alone?
I forgot I was playing an MMO where bosses stand in place and the entire game is mashing a rotation.
DB are ~fast~, and have the most satisfying slide attack.
haha, loner hivemind
i prefer it alone desu
The game is very enjoyable solo
I actually prefer it imo because multiplayer can become chaotic while solo feels like a more clean fight
Outside of 3 optional endgame quests and optional arena quests everything is scaled to 1 player when playing alone. It's the most loner friendly game in the series.
You're actually punished for playing with other people by the reward money being split up between you all. And you better believe some faggot bownigger's going to join and cart twice because every single person who mains bow is mentally handicapped and lower that by 2/3.
Not him but i had over 350 hours and was only Hr 150 something when i finished all trophies etc. You don't get much exp if you go for crowns or collectibles, i spent over 200 hours on that shit and i barely got 20 HRs.
The bigger "problem" is that it's much easier to play solo, unless you're very bad at the game or the people you play with very, very good.
>it's much easier to play solo
How so? Damage stays the same, while at the same time having the monster's attention split up between more people so you have more time to heal and the like, and health is only doubled at 4 man so if the other people have the same dps as you you'll kill the monster faster.
Bow, IG and DB, when someone is using these they are either fucking amazing with them or an absolute fucking shitter, unfortunately 90% of randoms are the latter.
No leeks, Only aubergines.
big leek incoming
The game is casualized shit that is hard to enjoy with no proper customization when it comes to looks to make up for it.
Also the multiplayer is ass, even with friends and the game suffers from all kind of fundamental problems like how elemental works (or more like doesn’t in a lot of cases) and just going for flat raw / affinity is almost always the best choice.
I don’t see how making weapons that are already too good for the monsters to deal with even better (aside from casualizing the game even further to the point it barely feels challenging at all).
Not being able to do the events when I want is also a big turn off, and something I can’t wrap my head around of why they did this.
KT farming is just a braindead grind, and so are gems with how the drops are handled (unless you used one of the exploit methods, which really, at that point why even play).
If you need any preparation going into iceborn you’re probably one of those longsword/bow abusing retards.
The monster having less health makes it easier, although having 3 other people to take the heat off can it help it can also fuck you and make monsters act super spastic and unpredictable
> health is only doubled at 4 man
You're practically, in base world co-op monster have a flat health increase, however they're fixing
fucku very niceu
will all the TA runs done before iceborne will be obsolete once iceborne is launched?
One week and half away and no one leaked the roster wtf
Playing Freedom Unite.
Ryozo let the rooster leak weeks in advance, has everything on lockdown
Who cares? I'm going to buy it regardless.
brachy is in
I had a dream tonight.
A dream about Iceborne.
It already came out in my dream.
And Agnaktor was in.
but I am
I’ll be honest I’ve played Frontier for years but I still don’t get the aubergine meme.
did the music get a vasectomy
Do i install the high resolution textures or not? gtx 1060 6gb btw
Nah, it's not worth it, even if you can load them all into your VRAM. They just take too much space on the SSD. Almost as much as the game itself, and it doesn't look that much better either.
Lavasioth dies in 5 min or less to any Gunlance or Dark Devourer
Charge Blade
Switch Axe
Quest reward money is pretty meaningless when you can get 5x as much by selling parts
>Haven't played World since launch
Should I start a new character and get ready for Iceborne?
or should I start playing 3 Ultimate on Switch, which I bought and never touched?
What's that Nekker doing there?
>New character in MH
Just bully those ugly monsters with weaker gear if you want, unless you really want to play the story again.
>3U on switch
The fanfare song is amazing. That and Pride of a Nameless Hunter are kino
Never restart in MH jesus
Just beat the shit out of a Rathalos or something until you're back in the groove
Take a guess.
I played this game for 600 hours in the first few months and completely burned myself out on it. Tried playing it again a few weeks ago and I've completely lost the touch.
what does TA stand for?
Time Attack. Nip for speedrunning.
I unironically want the Knight Armor, been running Guild Cross/Origins as a qt green-haired tomboy
>gimmicky shit
Insect Glaive is the worst weapon next to Hunting Horn, it is nowhere close to "best". It was only ever best in 4 and 4U, where it was on par with Greatsword, and it's only been nerfed with every subsequent game after that, or gotten useless upgrades to useless parts of its kit that aren't remotely worth using. Charge Blade is gorilla-brained but one of the strongest weapons in the entire game, but I have no fucking clue where you get off saying it's just gimmicky.
Also your opinion on Gunner weapons is actually fucking retarded. I can't belive Worldbabs actually have the retardation to act like certain weapon types are bad for no reason.
The postgame in World is severely underwhelming. Fighting AT monsters feels completely pointless.
There was a Witcher crossover (Monster Hunter does lots of crossover events) and a Nekker skin for your cat buddy is one of the rewards from it.
Yeah, AT Nerg is definitely up there
First time fighting Fury Taroth is too, only worsened by the grind
Can't get out that double tempered bazel out of my memory too
HR post games are usually pretty shit but yeah Arch Tempered monsters are fucking garbage.
Did you intentionally make your guy look like Travis Touchdown or is it a coincidence because that's pretty fucking cool.
All of the shit I have left to do isn't fun. I have
>deco grinding
>last few good Kjarr weapons
>Great Gunpowderfish
>crown achievements
to find and then that's about it. Hard to get motivated for that.
I dropped world at HR 35 but I might pick it up again after Iceborne fixes the shitty roster/shitty looking equipment.
It doesn't help that I hated it on release due to how shit GX/XX was.
The least the ATs could do was to give a confirmed gold crown desu... I'm killing myself here trying to get the last one to plat the base game
This, just doing Val Hazak cause I need the large crown when AT is obviously much larger.
Gold+2silver investigations have much higher crown chances. Look up how to properly grind if you're going to whine
Shut the fuck up pussy, I don't care about the grind or I wouldn't have got literally every single other crown. But the obviously gold crown worthy AT elders not giving them is some bull shit.
What do palicoes taste like?
Seethe more, cuck. Have sex, sneed.
Currently burnt out on MH so I'm probably going to leave IB until October.
But the ATs are objectively bigger, the game just doesn't count them because they want you to grind forever
There's nothing new to be excited about.
I'm only complaining because I've been hunting for 3p or 1g2s ED investigations, but the investigations I got out of slaying them are everything but the ED I want
Dunno, ask the chinese
ask the chinks
The returning and new monsters all seem pretty cool for the most part imo. Besides Garuga all the returning monsters are actually fun fight and there’s more brand new non subspecies monsters in Iceborne than any prior G Rank game which is pretty exciting to me at least tbqh.
I stopped playing because the game ran worse with each new patch for some reason, and then I didn't go back because I missed events and shit.
What the fuck is the point in time limited events, I'm not making this game my god damn life. There are other things I want to play and other things I have to do.
We just had a whole month will all events avilable.
salty milk and coins
>the returning
This is the big issue. New monsters are really boring and simplistic and the returning ones are just tired and overhyped content.
Garuga was fun but I can't be hyped about Pokemon tier rehashing and people eating it up. I guess that the smashfaggotry style of posts were a redflag I was ignoring
The events are available for 2 weeks and if you want everything from them you only need to clear them a handful of times
And they cycle back through every few weeks, and they're all available for like an entire month at a time when there's a festival.
Yeah I agree the system could be better but they're hardly "missable"
100h played soon havent used anything but the longsword yet
I can kind of forgive it since Iceborne is doubling as the 15th anniversary title and for a lot of people it’ll be their first time ever fighting them. Still a valid point though I definitely don’t want MH to go the way Pokémon has.
didn't even know what happened
cock si still small BTW
>not gay
>Besides Garuga all the returning monsters are actually fun fight
>Besides Garuga
Shit taste
It's okay, I only "mained" one weapon when I just started playing MH too. You will naturally start using more and more weapons as you get more experienced.
Garuga is quite fun outside of 4/4U where they literally half-assed the fight and broke some of the few great hitboxes 1st Gen had. Even then it was just slightly frustrating instead of balls to the walls hard.
4U was so fucking awful goddamn
yeah probably
Fuck off faggot I'm at 200+ black diablos and that bitch never gave me a gold crown large during gold+2silver investigations. Fucking Crown tables.
>What's your excuse for not being ready for iceborne?
timed events are a load of fucking bullshit that kill any motivation i have to play the game
monster hunter is garbage and for brainlets.
>great hitboxes 1st Gen had
I don't think you even deserve an image for this lack of effort in your bait
Are the Kulve weapons worth farming for when Iceborne will probably have better gear? I have a couple of pages worth but not all of them.
>Garuga was quite fun when it was an overgrown Kut Ku
nope not worth unless completionist or machocist
I won't be playing it.
definitely not, but iceborne is going to do "something" with those weapons. Maybe it's some sort of dismantling for materials, maybe it's upgrades, so don't throw those weapons out if you have them.
>heres something that looks like a kutku
>oh wait its a fast and dangerous creature with a moveset that's superior to all other flying wyverns, putting the raths to shame
It took until Seregios for another great fight on the same skeleton
No because MR gear obsoletes HR Gear almost immediately. That said the developers said you’ll be able to do ‘something’ with your Kulve grind wasn’t wasted but not what.
look at this faggot
How much does Iceborne cost if I own the original game already? I haven't played since release and I'm thinking about getting back into it
WTF your palico is a nazi
but I forgive you, dear hunting horn main
Do regular Rathalosers feel bad about how all the Rathians want the superior Azure Rathalos cock?
Stop around Behemoth.
bownigger about to get btfo
>being a range nigger
is this better than world?
characters look 1000 times better
I do that with a bunch of games where i minimise them and maybe take a break to watch a video or read some shit, sometimes i leave games running overnight or while im at work if they are chekpoint-save based and im too lazy to play until i find one or really i just leave them open to play a bit later if they are not poorly optimised shits.
Unga bunga
Why do I have to get ready now when it's not coming out for another 4-5 months?
what did he mean by this
this, anyway is there a guide on the basic stuff to have to be ready ?
Joke on you, I mostly GSing and Lancing now.
Is there a PC mod out there that allows you to fight Kulve Taroth (not tempered) whenever you like?
I'm on PC
It won't matter. The bones and ore trees will just make everything you have obsolete, just like all your low rank shit didn't mean ass once you hit high rank.
who's ready to get hugely disappointed on the 6th of september, when you slowly during your playthrough realize that iceborne is complete dogshit,
why would you want that
Last I heard """mods""" that allow you to do event quests outside of their scheduled rotations get flagged by Capcom. But those that let you buy KT weapons don't for some reason.
Not me because I don’t see how it could be when the base game is good and everything they’ve shown looks like an improvement.
Jusf as you don't deserve any for being illiterate
Me, that is why I won't be playing.
Imagine being a rangefag
I haven't played Vanilla in a long time, since like April of last year. Will I be able to immediately start playing Iceborne content, or do I need to do menial tasks to reach some level requirement?
>What's your excuse for not being ready for iceborne?
I'm playing it on PC
I can kill regular xeno with 3 dragon piercers
You just need to beat World's main storyline
kill xeno jiva
thats it
i played world until anjanath, but i couldnt beat him. i want to give the game another try, will i be okay if i start with iceborne?
I've got at least three months before the beta testing ends, that's plenty of time.
Had you finished the game?, in other words, are you HR 16 or higher?
Then no, you are already ready to go.
>tfw pc will die today
>no events
>no iceborne
>nothing left to do
well, it was fun while it lasted, rip in peace
If you don't use hammer then you're a faggot, sorry.
iceborne is an expansion you can't play iceborne if you dont finish world so play now
cant start there need to kill xenno jiva aka final boss of story
Iceborne is an endgame expansion, you need to beat World to access most of its content.
ah okay.
btw, is there anyway to beat these monsters solo?
i remember not being able to do a single combo against anjanath.
but i also dont want to pay for ps+ just to beat the game.
feels good to use all of them
Upgrade your armor dude
Im mad that we dont know the roster or about the guiding lands yet.
Yeah its called practice
You can beat everything solo, even the 3 fights that are only scaled for multiplayer. A lot of them are easier since monsters get more predictable when they only have one target.
You'll be laughing at yourself for getting walled by Anjanath someday.
This is a little outdated now.
it possible to hunt all monster solo, you just need to find weapon that click with you and learn how to use it properly
You can’t. You need to finish the base game first. If you still want to give the game a try, don’t restart with a new character. You are better off carrying on with your old character and just farming a weapon that is effective against Anjanath. You’ll want something water-based from Jyuratoudus or something with a lot of raw damage.
upgrade armour
stronger weapons
use weapons you like
Actually learning to hit Anjanath's face and tail is more important than the weapon you bring I'd say, ince he takes fuckall damage otherwise.
Fucking how?
thanks guys, im gonna give the game another try today.
>AT monsters are bad design
Shitter detected. ATs are the only things worth being hunted in this game.
We know most of the roster already, and it's pretty big for Ultimate editions, even despite the fact that the old games copypasted a lot of stuff from previous generations with minimal to no alterations, unlike World.
But I do want to know mmore about the Guiding Lands/variant monsters in IB, because those seem to be the crux of the postgame grind this time.
guess i like KO's
Playing with the gf and she's getting absolutely fugged by Tempered Kulve. She only just beat Xeno and is still in Odogaron armour. Was hoping to get regular Kulve to make things easier for her.
Only requirement is beating Xeno’jiiva and seeing the credits. There’s a lot of other shit that would be useful to do but not at all required.
good luck
uh, just get her to HR50 first to augment the armors and it'll be easier
you telling me you enjoy hunting kuna especially AT luna
so, do people here really think ATs are too hard?
i think they actually almost felt like solo grank hunts in older games. a bit easier, because with the revamped controls the game got easier overall.
Has she not fought LR Kirin for the Thunderproof mantle? Get that and make her make a set with Health Boost 3, Thunder Res 3, and eat for elemental resist.
If she's still dying after that she's just bad
After learning and getting used to her moveset and hitboxes, yes I do.
The game might not look like it, but it’s quite easier solo than multi. For Anjanath, aim for the head and throat when it has fire around its mouth.
Try to lure it to the vine traps, paratoads and the boulder trap around the ancient forest map.
If you find yourself running out of items, go back to camp and resupply yourself inside the tent. ABUSE this to guarantee your success. It doesn’t matter if you get looked down on by MLG pro players, you just want the pink dino dead.
Final bit of advice, in MH the vast majority of attacks will be accompained by sound cues or big wind-ups. Anja loves both of these things and listening for its various grunts and roars will help immensely.
women cant play games.
thats just how it is.
For straight HR content? Yes, they are some of the hardest fights in the series.
the game isn't fun
thanks for these great tips.
ill make sure to keep them in mind later today.
I don't think they're too difficult, just not enjoyable in their implementation of difficulty.
Ah, and stay out of the way when Anjanath either does a train-like sound (which means it’s about to use it’s strongest fire move) and when it unfolds its back wings (it’s about to use it’s strongest physical move).
He was talking about being stuck on HR 49 Kirin, can't max out most armor until you get past that.
MHW was a slog and Iceborne doesn't seem to fix many issues that I had with the original. The shoehorned story makes me physically cringe.
all ATs are good but have one or to mechanics that fuck it up
teo: heat way too high
luna like teo but luna is cancer from the beginning
zorah way too much health for a boring ass fight
nerg good so good then phase 3 peppaga slam spam begins
xeno only AT with no flaws that aggravate players
Vaal miasma is bullshit levels upgrade too the point where miasma 3 is crucial for MP fights (speaking from experience carted 2 times in like 1 min)
>big D rider
>LS most used weapon
checks out.
heat damage is what I meant
having a “supereffective” weapon that you tailored to beat a particular monster often gives you confidence far more valuable than the bit of extra damage you might get (and honestly confidence in yourself is the only thing you really need to beat Anja).
weird, because i havent really struggled with ATs, but definitely struggled doing solo grank in older games.
yea, i can see your points. they do have some annoying mechanics.
Hunting Horn
Think this covers a lot of the ways I like to play
I have 5 more months to get ready
That’s because G Rank is harder than High Rank. ATs are probably the hardest HR content in the series.
already updated for me user
I fell for the laptop meme and it can't run MHW. Still intend on getting IB for when I'll dump this toaster for a better one.
I haven't played any Monster Hunter games and I'm planning to play them all in the release order. Am I being stupid not starting with MHW right now and missing all of the events? Is it even worth playing Monster Hunter games in singleplayer?
Also here’s a short meme vid on how to beat Anjanath:
Remember you're in a parallel dimension: where all prior MH is brainlet-level difficulty; and where MH World is the place that gristly veterans cut their teeth - on some of the hardest challenges ever witnessed in the history of the series. Any other narrative is fake news and bing and must be suppressed at all costs.
You're playing a wrong game, user. You can't "combo" monsters in MH, like in one of your button masher games. Monsters all have superarmor, unless the damage you do builds up to certain thresholds. But those are few and far between, so you won't be able to stagger lock monsters to "combo" them.
Anyway, back to the topic. The game can be easily beat solo. Especially solo, because World has downscaling for solo play. For all but a couple of very late post-game event monsters. Just play the game, upgrade your gear and git gud. It doesn't take long to finish the story missions.
No and yes.
Deviants in MHG werde harder, in my opinion.
Also shit like Hyper Silver Rathalos was so fucking bad to solo.
The only other HR-only title I've played is MHF2, but I don't remember how much I struggled with stuff back then, since I haven't played that game in more than 10 years probably.
faggots, i played 4 hours of world it didnt look as good as this and you didnt had this options
Then dont play it, no one is forcing you
That's exactly what I'll be doing. Not playing it.
Fuck you, I want new content that isn't shit.
how embarrassing
>many issues that I had with the original.
Such as?
retard ESL
what did he mean by this
Playing all the old games is pretty stupid because tons of them are just expanded versions of each other. The first one worth playing is Freedom Unite, it has all the content from every game before it. Next up is 3 Ultimate, it’s the most complete of the third generation games. 4 Ultimate is literally just 4 but with more stuff, 4 is completely obsoleted by 4U. After that there’s Generations Ultimate, it has the most content but there’s so much filler and it’s so poorly balanced it can ruin the fun depending on what you like about the series.
So basically play Freedom Unite, 3 Ultimate and 4 Ultimate if you want to experience the older games in the series, and maybe Generations Ultimate if you really want to. Portable 3rd is also a decent game but it never got an English release so you’ll have to use an English patch and is by far the easiest game in the series. You can start with World if you want to though, despite how archaic and clunky the series was early on it’s honestly not that hard to adapt to it.
As for single and multiplayer, in every game before World single and multi quests were separated and had their own progression. The online is practically dead on Freedom Unite, 3 Ultimate and 4 Ultimate and still a little active on Generations Ultimate, so unless you want to fight monsters with multiplayer HP all on your own you might just have to only do SP content.
>fashion hunter
>dude i wanna look like a schoolgirl
nah i am not a pro gamer
what is wrong with you
>wasting hours on garbage
>laughting on others
lol dumb faggot
you retard
i cant get into garbage and shit looking games
no you dumb spic
Attack decoration.
you ARE A retard
try learning the language first befor you try to shitipost you stupid nigger
then why did you come to a thread for one
retarded ESL spic
That Capcom can suck my dick because they delayed the pc version again and I’m sick of their bullshit so I’m just not buying it anymore. After the small amount of content in World I am happy to not play it anyways.
play 3U, wear wroggi cowboy armour, and smack things with your gun hammer
you can do that in world to
just not as many wack-woo armours
I never quite finished the single player for the base game - I think the last thing I did was kill Nergigante, next thing was to find and kill some elder dragons I think. How far am I from the end, how much more do I need to do to be ready for the expansion?
>then why did you come to a thread for one
because i asked a question you subhuman dogshit
>dumn spic
>no you
why are spics such dumb subhumans
neck yourself
Friends make Monster Hunter way worse. It is pure agony whenever my friend asks me to hunt with him. The monsters are a complete joke and die so fast that I would rather not play the game at all then even endure one more hunt with a friend. Stop being bad and needing to be carried World is more fun solo even if it is one of the worst Monster Hunter games overall.
i don't play americanized trash that is specifically made for low iq casuals who suck at video games
Males have always had worse armor sets. The only exception is if you are actually gay and want to look like a fag. Up to you gay boy.
>Got the AT teo set for the three piece bonus
>got a health augment for my jho LS
Well looks like it's time to take on AT nerg. Is it really as stupid hard as people say?
play solo and get fortitude
now everything's a guaranteed clear
is this from a doujin
You actually have to try to reliably trip him over, unlike against non-AT Nerg. He also doesn't die in under a minute, so more space for you to fuck up. I.e. he's a bane of TAutists, but nothing to cry over for someone who's just farming a monster for the drops.
Are you capable of moving to the right?
>it has the most content but there’s so much filler
This is what killed it for me almost being stuck on 2* quests for what seemed like an eternity.
tranny cope
everyone that i know, who thinks the same is a fucking weeb.
why are weebs so fucking obsessed with virtual female characters?
Long ass and pointless cutscenes. Halting your progress to look for some dumb fucking tracks.
The Handler's existence is a crime of it's own.
The whole fucking introductory to the Wildspire and the Elder's Recess was completely unnecessary and a waste of time.
Maps like the Ancient Forest and the Coral Highlands are a fucking slog to hunt in due the retarded elevation. Pathetic aesthetic in general, especially for the weapons. There's also a general lack of weapons variety in many case. Almost no good endgame Normal GL, Power Phial SA and a couple of other shit. KT relics barely remedies this because of the fucking rng drops.
Monsters were literally nothing but sluggish pushovers and it was a stupid fucking to make your hunter so mobile without doing the same for the monsters. This just makes the game as baby tier, if not more, than shit like Tri, P3rd and Gen. I've never carted once and I never felt in danger considering I could just jog away and chug a potion wit no thought.
Decoration farming is somehow worse than charm farming, for some dumb fucking reason.
The story tries to play itself as serious and important, but it's genuinely painful to follow.
The online hub is absolutely pointless outside of KT raids. 0 fucking socialization and it literally feels like your playing with npcs.
And Zorah and Xeno are legitimately among the worst EDs in the franchise, down there with Lao and Shen.
>males have always had worse armor sets
absolutely laughable claim, unless you think barbie'd up plate metal skirts and open-face helmets look good, which is basically all of them.
Xeno is good though
you're just a tasteless dumbshit but don't worry you have loads of company
everytime someone posts a list, i immediately disregard their opinion
Because everything will just reset back at MR.
Do you have to download the Beta all over again to fight Velkhana or its just an update? Its already available for download?
Behold, the Iceborne killer.
Time to undust my PS4.
shut up weeb, enjoy you anime shit and your video game tits in monster hunter if you want, but dont start talking shit about anything that you can not fap to.
update and yes
many thanks user
Xeno is fucking trash and the only challenge whatsoever with it was chasing after his 10kms away limbs once that faggot tries to reposition itself. It doesn't help that the quest for both Zorah and Xeno are both timed and you will be needing those horns for most final upgrades. Having to wait for those to pop up is already another chore.
>Play LS since F2 because I was always between DBs and GS before and it's the perfect middle ground
>world comes out
>omg LS is so anime xD us weeks right lol study le blade
The worst part is that this is the most fun iteration of LS yet, but man this shit is cringe. I hope the nerfs cause them to all fuck off to another weapon so they can shit that up instead.
>people say AT makes xeno a good fight
>it's the same trash but it has one shot AOEs
Such a cool design wasted on such a shit fight.
Grow a backbone. How can you let yourself be so easily influenced by others' opinions?
1 gold + 1 silver gives you the minimum you need to get a crown at a;; from an investigation. 1 gold + 2 silver adds nothing. If you want higher crown chance from an investigation, you need 4-5 gold or 4-5 purple. That doubles the rate for a giant gold crown. However, it does nothing to the rate for a mini crown. Though to be fair, that was double the giant crown rate to begin with, so it just evens them out.
LS was always anime after FU with its glowing lightsaber shit
>people enjoy this weapon so I can't enjoy it anymore
What an insecure cuck
When did I say I was influenced? It's just cringey as shit and I'd rather not here from such trash. No one likes GL tier autism, I don't want it associated with me.
Kys nintendofag
im in the exact same position as you.
you just have to not give a fuck.
my main weapons are LS, CB and bow in world.
i read all kinds of shit about users of these weapons.
You're on Yea Forums after all
>pumpkin witch armor
Holy shit is this from World? It's exactly my tastes. Gonna guess it's time limited and I missed it?
Genuinely, who cares? Also that joke sure as fuck didn't start with World.
yes, it was the autumn festival i think
>No I'm not being influenced
>But I don't wanna play LS anymore because I don't wanna be associated with LS players (aka I'm totally being influenced)
what a bitch. Try HH. It's the moat unpopular weapon so it will surely tixkle your fancy when it comes to you being a precious snowflake
Cope lmao
holy fuck were you always a faggot or does Monster Hunter turn people into faggots?
>not embracing the edge, camp, and hate unironically and ironically
you do not deserve the blade for you do not embrace it fully, forsake it and end your foolish ways
Not gonna buy it because the skill of the average player is too low. I got hard stuck trying to beat Behemoth with randoms back when he came out. Not even EX, just regular ass Behemoth. Tried for a week and couldn't get a single clear, despite the fact that after the first couple days I didn't cart a single time. Came back in January, figured surely everyone was a pro at the fight by then, gave it another 15 or so attempts and still couldn't beat it.
I'm not gonna magically grow some friends to play this game with, and I don't see the point in paying for even more difficult content that I won't be able to beat with randoms.
it's in world as layered but you missed it
>it's the most fun iteration yet
>lol cuck you don't enjoy it
Are you fucking retarded. I still use it and said it's the most fun version of it, I just dislike the meme spewing scum that have latched onto it in world.
Again another retard that can't read. And why the fuck would I play HH? Us le dooters xD
post your AT Nergigante speedrun
Damn it. Will I get another chance?
Yeah, probably, around Halloween this year.
I just came home from holydays, can someone redpill me on all the new leaks from the past 3weeks if there were any
That's a firm yikes from me, mate.
what a candy ass you are
purple ludroth, pogo stick weapon and blue lavasioth confirmed
festivals repeat at the appropriate time or year, they also had a rerun over the last few weeks of all the events.
At worst you have to wait for october.
They confirmed a mario crossover
>do some coop honts since I never really bothered with them much in world
>LS users not using foresight slash just spamming spirit combo and helmbreaker gettig fucking shit on by ATs
>CB users never using guard point and spamming SAED missing it every time and getting raped by ATs
>S&S heal sluts not attacking
>GL retards with full survival builds sling no damage
>Bows insta carting
Man what a shit show, i bet this is all because of the SOS system. No way people this bad could get to this point in the game without it.
Sweet, that's cool then. I'm sure I'll be playing World + Iceborne around then so no problem.
I fucking love witches.
ah shit, meant to reply to
That's right meme spewing world sperm, put my weapon down.
just installed ssd in my ps4 so I can hunt more and wait less
Ive been a LS main since 3U and no amount of shitters and normies are going to make me forsake my weapon, grow a fucking spine
>It just took me 30 minutes to kill AT kirin
Christ almighty this is obnoxious, the little faggot just runs away. Did they make the AI super passive for it or something?
Stygian Zinogre better be in if regular Zin is.
>january for pc version
How did they make the game load so slow on ps4, even my ancient hdd was faster.
How dare you reply to me
I'm afraid the problem isn't with the monster, user.
>optional DLC quest / side-content
sometimes you get unlucky and it just spams the jumping charge
Well I get that I'm rusty as fuck, but this little bitch would run away none stop then change area over and over. Some times it would change area just as it got to a new one. Really strange.
ps4 is just kinda shitty honestly, even with a SSD it loads a lot slower than a PC SSD
My PS4 slim loads the quest in like 10 seconds. The only big loading screen is when I boot up the game, other than that load times are very okay. Could be better but I'm okay with the current state
this. I've learned every weapon over the years throughout the different games and can play all of them at least competently. My favorite is still and will always be the GS tho
>The worst part is that this is the most fun iteration of LS yet
You may not like it, but you ARE a braindead weeb.
You should be able to get it down to critical health before it changes areas once. Consider swapping to a pellet HBG.
Because im not crying like a disgruntled little girl like you
I switched from PS4 to PC so I have to wait until next year
>If I want to play Iceborne with my normie friends I have to not only get the DLC but also double pay for internet
Tempting but nah
just get a fucking job, loser.
I just like Long Sword because it's fast compared to other weapons that cover as large an area. Except I don't like tripping people so I typically go Hammer if I'm playing with people since I similarly like to just whack the fucking monster in the head a lot.
>All these katana reskin LSs
>Only one nice European styled one
We better be getting more in IB. They were always the nicest ones.
>tfw own MHW on PS4 and PC and have online for the former and going to get IB for both
Feels good.
having a job doesn't make you ignorant to spending money on unnecessary shit
i guess he means ps+ by double pay for internet.
if you get one year for 50 thats like 4,20 a month.
if you cant afford that you definitely have some problems.
This non-argument again.
Just because you can afford to waste money, doesn't mean it's okay to be forced to.
>Having fun with friends
>unnecessary shit
Curb your autism user.
I think Monster Hunter is better than sex
>having fun with friends
>in MHW
Wait when was LS not made fun of? I can't remember a time.
Pretty close. After Nergigante you need to hunt Kushala Daora and Teostra, then after those two are dead you hunt a new Elder Dragon called Vaal Hazak and after that is the final boss. There’s two more assignments after that for uncapping your HR but they aren’t required for Iceborne, all that’s mandatory is beating the final boss.
Same. I love women in armor because it's my fetish, but MH always goes out of its way to strip away as much of the outfit as possible for females.
Only adults are allowed to post on this site.
I think monster sex is better than hunters
>There’s two more assignments after that for uncapping your HR but they aren’t required for Iceborn
I thought IceBourne quests were for higher HR?
Want to know how I know that you started with 4U?
Great, thanks.
back when it was just a GS skin
G Rank is also optional in other Monster Hunter games, what's that got to do with you not backing up your shitposting?
I bet there's a fanfic like that somewhere
A Hunter who captures and then fuck monsters real good
You can access Iceborne content starting HR16, which is your HR when you beat Xeno
I miss 3U LS
I miss Unite LS
Generic ow the edge vs a very pleasing and well put together outfit. Hmm you really showed me. I’ll take any female armor over any male armor with zero exceptions. Monster Hunter FU was the first game where I couldn’t make a male character because every armor set was generic garbage like you image and ever since then I always play female first because in 99% of games they have better armor.
What weapon do you use? I played LS and hammer against him and hammer is one of the best matchups against him. Just grug him 24/7 and you get a sub 15 in no time.
I like World LS
I think counters are a gigantic mistake that should have never made it past the idea phase, starting with Tri lance counter.