Annnnnnnnddddddddd into the trash it goes

Annnnnnnnddddddddd into the trash it goes

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Why is the riceman so afraid of this game?

Makes sense, a tranny is only a male in female makeup or female in male makeup.

good. i want to live out my fantasy as a pink ball

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Resetera loses again.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

not this shit again

what? aint that technically the same? if i chose a character that has female characteristics female tits and a females face with an actual pussy aint that just a female?

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Gender won't mean shit far into the future sorry to burst your bubble but shits gonna get weird.

It would be funny if this was an excuse to only have male protagonists. If you're forced to play as a zie/zer or a fucking 'they', the game will be irredeemable trash

So does this basically confirm that CDPR are hack developers & Witcher 3 was a shit game that recieved elevated levels of praise due to how horrible the early to mid 2010s were for gaming?

can't fucking hide from the truth man lmao

>in this demo

please kill yourself

cdpr was good man before they got fucking cucked started pushing this fucking female protag bullshit and the fucking gay shit man hahaha they won't even fucking show straight male v hahaha it's all women shit and gay shit lmao

shut the fuck up and diorite, tranny

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>shill for this gay shit for months
>started with female protag shit and fag shit
>now you morons are unironically defending tranny shit
what's next cucks lmao

you're batshit insane

This year keeps getting better and better.

listen, if i cant have pretend characters in a toy game tell me i AM A MAN then i will NOT BUY YOUR GAME
cater to my fragile masculinity or IM GOING TO THROW A TANTRUM

but can I play as a futa?

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hahaha you be like "i'm secure in masculinity to watch my girl fuck other guys" hahaha lmao


>male bodytype
>female bodytype
>no bodytypes for the other 761 genders

war crimes.

you can play as a mangina

Pre order cancelled.

>choosing genders is offensive
Goddamn, this world has become so surreal.

giving people traps is just good fan service desu

Just like Saints Row?

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You know what, I hope the peacocking retard that made this decision gets hit with a false rape accusation.

I want futa

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There is literally no difference between male body type and a man, so who cares.

The series that only has 1 good game?



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A 4 inch tall man weighing 800 pounds is my character.

I hope it's like
>Choose body type (Male skeleton or female skeleton style)
>Choose genitalia
>Genitalia size slider
So I can be a cute girl with a giant benis :---D
Also it has to bulge out of my clothes that's important.

It doesn't matter if its good or bad, it does it too. So do a bunch of other games in fact, because its far cheaper to just have your character have a title or nickname than it is to recorded a ton of lines just for he/she

What I'm concerned about is how the fuck people are going to refer to you in an RPG. Not everyone is going to know your name, so I'm gonna have to listen to a voice actor saying "GET THEM!"? That's entering into some pirate and don't feel guilty about it territory.

Shhhhh nobody’s supposed to know about that

What is a man?
If my leg augments we're feminine am I still a man?
If I get cybernetic breasts am I a man?
If I swap my cyborg penis for a cyborg vagina am I still a man?
What makes a man /v?

what about vaginas, how is the size slider gonna work for that
how puffy the vulva is?
clit size if you're a muscle girl?
labia minora size?

Why are you so hypocritical?

Where can I find those webms of people beating the shit out of trannies? I miss those

>user falls for shitposting again
damn this is getting old.

Maximum puffy vulva.

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>Remove restriction between male and female customization
>Instead of female body type or male body type, you just have body type 1 and body type 2 basically
>Contrarian autists immediately pitch shitfits and piss themselves

Since you dense motherfuckers are too simple to understand, I will translate what this means: in a cyberpunk future where augmentation exists, your body is basically a machine and all parts are interchangeable and your identity as X or Y stops being anything identifiable. Retarded special snowflake trannys think this is pandering for them because "muh gender walls". Retarded Anons think this is pandering to trannys because they must always have something to bitch about. Nevermind the fact you didn't even bother looking into it, you'll latch on to the first gust of wind that enables your confirmation bias, but it's okay when it's not the trannys who do it. Christ, y'all are fucking dense.

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Just go out onto the street and make your own.

punk, asshole, mate, friend, scab, etc etc. There are millions of things people can use.

>caring about this shit in fucking toys

I'm bad at recording this kind of stuff

Kinda right, you can have male DNA and genitalia, but only your actions can make you a man.

That's cool and all user but also completely wrong. This is completely down to not wanting to record more lines. Instead of recording twice the lines for he/him she/her they can instead record more unique lines. You're right that its retarded that people are bitching, but you're wrong on the reasons.

dick and balls, that's it

they already do this in farcry

Did you need to make five threads, op?

There's an Illusion game with vagina customization I saw a .webm of recently so probably like that.
I gotta word you, tall musclegirls with nice pusies are goat.

Can someone please e-mail cdprojektred and ask them to put visible penis and pusy bulges through clothes in cyberpunk now ty.

You actually do choose a gender, you just do it by voice instead of body. Your pronouns match your voice.

why are people offended over this?

also, the game takes place in a time where gender doesnt mean shit cause you can be whatever the fuck and it doesnt matter

gender is just language lmao

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Everyone is going to know your name because cyberpunk

Gender is more than a body type.

I NEED to be referred as a MAN because I'M not GAY

what game? been playing Koi and it has a vagina selector but not customizer. I really wish they would include that, I love vulva

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Why don't they just mod the game if they want to live out their freakish fantasy?

Depends, can you choose "stacked as fuck"? I don't care whether it has a vag or a dick, I just want that stack.

>i have to wake up next to a man
What if i want to be a virgin?
What's wrong with that?
What if i don't want to wake up next to a woman?
What's wrong with that?
Respect my rights you fucking homosexual sluts.
Btw these devs know the game is ass so now they're virtue signaling for sales.

It the case of Cyberpunk 2077, it's determined by your voice

its an expression of language. the game is just doing away with MALE and FEMALE options, and instead just having body types

its less about gender and more about people taking part in clickbait media cause the headline says something they dont like

Does that mean if I play as male V for the first few missions, then visit a chop shop and get a full body redesign as a lewd busty woman, none of the NPCs in game are even going to notice or say anything??

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aren't they pro-trannies like cyberpunk?

>body type
tranny semantics

>In this demo at least
If it's only in the demo whatever.

I mean that's kinda based, especially if there are more than two body types

Having a Y chromosome and generally growing up with the same biological functions males would, you fag.
Whatever you decide you want to identify as is your gender, but your sex will always be male.

Yeah it fucks up many different interactions. I guess they save money by making all the player interaction lines gender neutral. But aren't there going to be some characters that flirt with you? If I look like a cybernetic Hugo from Street Fighter 3 why would some thug on the street be flirting with me?

It's not so much the fact that you don't get to choose your gender, Dragon's Dogma did this iirc, it's the fact that the reason it is being included is purely because they don't want to offend the mentally ill vocal minority. I cannot in good conscience support anyone who bends the knee to a group as irrational and insane as the LGBTQP