Why did ArcSys waste all their talent and resources on fucking DRAGON BALL of all series where everybody fights the...

Why did ArcSys waste all their talent and resources on fucking DRAGON BALL of all series where everybody fights the exact same with different colors instead of something like Naruto? I mean, it's been long enough where they could have just covered part 1 and left part 2 for a sequel. Shit man.

pic related, its the best character and who I would have mained.

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DBZ unironically appeals to room temperature iq people.

Why make a naruto game when you could make motherfucking shonen jump plus others magazines to make a dream smash tier game.

Dragon Ball is better than Naruto for God's sake.

Recipe for disaster. Just pick one franchise and tell its story.
Pffffft hahaha okay buddy. Maybe Dragon Ball can compete with Naruto at it's highest point, but as an entire series Naruto blows DB everything out of the fucking water.

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>Not Jojo
Fuck you Nigger

should I watch Naruto? I am watching boruto right now

Not popular enough.
Well your first mistake was watching fucking Boruto, why would you even do that to yourself? I've heard the manga is better but still haven't read it. You basically have to watch Naruto if you're gonna watch Boruto. At least part 1.

Because Dragon Ball is a better comic than Naruto.

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The competitive scene would be 90% black instead of 60% like DBFz.

There are so many unironic zoomie threads that I honestly can't even tell if this is a shitpost.

The holy grail of shit taste

You fucked up.

You faggots should try shanobi striker the movement is top notch and the closest thing to a Naruto mmo. FUCK I hope they make another

I didn't even know there were people out there who watch Boruto that haven't watched Naruto
Yes, and make sure to use a filler guide

arcsys has money to do so from their other successful endeavors. money is my final answer they had money and could.


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Lateral move, I'd say.

Dragon Ball definitely starts out great, but if you take Super into account, it turns into a parody of itself where nobody matters except Goku and Vegeta, no one dies anymore, there's no more blood, or lewdness. It's a Saturday Morning Cartoon.

Naruto starts out well enough, gets rough after Sasuke leaves the village, and kinda meanders between neat and silly until the end where everything is ALIENS, EYEBALLS, and BELLY BEASTS. And moresoe than anything, they have the grace to retire Naruto and let his son take over the franchise, but for real this time.

In some respects, Naruto argueably aged better than Dragon Ball.

Ok bud.

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>narutardfags STILL seething

That's a cartoon, not a comic.

The Chuunin Exams were great, but the entire series plummets downhill right after

>Dragon Ball is better than Naruto
Hahaha sure thing paco.
Dbz is more popular, that's just it.

Naruto along most shonen are both better built and better developed.
DBZ relies on cheap hype for easily impressionable minds
In DBZ there's no such thing as a villain with reasonable motivations aside one dimensional evil stereotypes protected by plot armor.
The world of DBZ constantly expandes to add whatever magical mumbo jumbo expansion asspull, when the main cast reaches unparallel power creep, just to move the power ceiling up, because they can't come up with anything beyond that basic formula.

you could say the same thing about literally any shounen anime

Fuck right off with your shit taste mate. Naruto fights have and always will be more interesting to watch.

Doesn't matter, it's better in both regards lol.
>Sand Village invasion
>Sasuke Retrieval
>most of Shippuden
Not at all.

>shounen shitters arguing over which of their slop is better
In all seriousness though, Dragon Ball's original run is vastly superior to Naruto, and Boruto is a fucking trainwreck of a trainwreck.

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Same can be said for Naruto

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Because Naruto is terrible. Anyone that likes Naruto past the age of 12 has terrible taste.

Nah. You can't.

Right, and Dragonbastards are just the pinnacle of society aren't they

If I recall, even the final battles in Naruto has strategies. Someone say they are going to use these techniques because that's what they are vulnerable to, or I'll combine my special technique with yours to do a neat combo attack. DBZ doesn't even have that battle thinking going on.

Nigger i yesterday finished Naruto and started Shippuden,so deactivate your coping mechanism because they add shit constantly.

>Naruto is somehow more worthy of an ArcSys game than Dragonball

I hope to God this is bait

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Even if we could agree that Dragonball is the better franchise (its not)
beams and punching shit fast don't make for nearly as interesting of mechanics compared to Naruto's many varied abilities

>he thinks moeshit is for intelligent people

>Doesn't matter, it's better in both regards lol.
I highly doubt you can even make it through an entire book.

Naruto as a franchise certainly greater potential to stimulate arcs capacity for creativity.

DBZ is energy ball and energy beams but Naruto has a lot of crazy stuff to work with in fighters.

For the last part yeah but only towards the end where they basically fight a god and they also fight her family in space don't they? In the movie? I love Naruto but they really messed up the final arc. Every other arc was flawed but still pretty good, the war arc just fell completely flat after kankuro's divisions' fight. And I still hate that Kabuto literally had 1 fight using sage mode only to be put against not 1 but 2 fucking uchihas.

>t. huemonkey

Because Naruto is fucking shit lmao


PAy closer attention to the things you read then dipshit, Naruto retcons are additive and expand on its concepts whereas Toriyama just does whatever the fuck he wants whenever the fuck he wants, and casually forgets any and all established rules and concepts of his own series.

Because Bamco wanted a Dragonball game and paid them to develop it, not hard to figure out

DB is truly a pleb filter

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Should've been HxH

>only genres are shonen and cgdct
you're only proving the point

That's your argument? Compelling.

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Stopped reading there, literally the worst anime in existence

naruto games are garbage
naruto stopped being good about 4 years into its run
naruto is now passe except for the much smaller percentage of people mostly actual small children who watch boruto

black clover>>>>>naruto

Only good thing about Naruto is the girls.

Because ArcSys makes licensed games for money so they made the more popular franchise amongst the demographic.

for me, it's hidan

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>naruto stopped being good
it can't stop if it never started

eh, I'd argue the series falls apart ~ when asuma dies

which is much further than most claim, but there's still around 8 years of manga after that point.

the only thing that could've given naruto some redemption was to make salad actually not worst girl's kid, but they chickened out on it

>he thinks drawings in general are for intelligent people

>he thinks live action trash tv is for intelligent people

God that was some fucking stupid shit.
The power creep in Naruto was dumb and not thought out. "Oh we met one of the most dangerous Ninjas on our first mission and won! Where do we go from here? I know, we'll make even MORE dangerous ninjas that apparently everyone has known about but we don't hear about until they fight."

Yes I agree it did get really whacky near the end which is why I say most of Shippuden. It's rarely awful or unbearable, but even the worst of Naruto can't compare to the worst of DB.

And I wouldn't say the War Arc fell flat entirely after Kanks divi, it still had some high points beyond that.

naruto was legitimitely okay at least, if not amazing, for about half the series. Even into the timeskip, there were some fantastic fights and good scenes - such as the rematch between naruto+sakura with kakashi, where kakashi had to put in effort, showing their growth.

I'm not going to even begin to defend the ninja war, or anything to do with obito or madara, but...eh.

Nah, their skills would also be wasted on that generic shonen tripe. Now Jojo - that's the series that would push their skills to the limit.

Huh? Point me where I said that retard LOL imagine being this insecure

At least Naruto feels bad about being an inattentive dad

They took a brutal loss the first time. It was believable that the Akatsuki was a force to be reckoned with and that they needed to step their shit up after that.

You absolute moron

He has no reason to be one though.

I was more of a d.grayman guy until the artist got fucked beyond reason. RIP that series.

>there are people in this thread arguing over which shounen is ''""better"""

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Because DB is more popular than Naruto..? Naruto is now Boruto anyways, is like when Dragon Ball kept going with GT

Still, I wouldnt mind Naruto, or One Piece, or a Bleach, In fact, just make a Anime Arcsys figther and call it a day. I will play as Roshi, Jiraiya and Sanji, or team of Kakashi, Usopp and Gt.Saiyaman, or team with Kenpachi, Broly and Kaido

I rather have arcsys fate game

Naruto is missed potential: the series
Power levels spikes too much.

Holy fuck why am I laughing so hard at this?

Except being the actual president of his village. The one time he used a Shadow clone in his place at home he spilt his daughters birthday cake and ruined the night for everyone.

Kakashi has to be one of the coolest characters ever conceived in anime.
Calm, collected, cool, rational, level headed, cunning, knows his limits, factors others into the equation, can adapt to any situation.
Also Guy is on par.

I'd rather a FMA fighter

Is there anything stopping him from leaving a Kage Bunshin at the office? It was always said that it's a perfect copy that learns and can make decisions.

Guy is best guy.
Kakashi is literal mary sue garbage

Because talented people are Dragonball fans so they made it...the fuck you gonna do Nardo fuck boy?

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I could swear the movie makes note of this by having Naruto learn his lesson and use his shadow clones for work instead. Boruto even plays a prank on his dad thinking it's a shadow clones only for it to be the real deal. Then again, this was damn near 5 years ago now, so who knows how the manga has dealt with it.

The season ending for jojo sucked.
Made us wait 2 weeks for a 30 minute episode and a cheesy ending.

>1000 jutsu copy ninja
>Kishimoto "forgot" about this shit after Zabuza's arc
Funny, how Sharingan seemed a cool technique before all the drama with eyes transformations

Kakashi, Guy, Jiraiya, Shikamaru, Lee, Orochimaru, Kakazu, Kisame, Zabuza and Haku were all great. Even Madara was until he goes fulll MJ, or how Gaara and Neji developed. And that bug kid

Bruh kakashi killed his friend and other friend, he suffered.
I kinda hate how they made anko fat.
She was my first anime fap.

If you wanted to know the ending so badly you could just download the manga during the wait.

It wasnt that, the finale was just underwhelming.
I was expecting an all out battle, but all we got was a long winded cutscene and a skip to the future.
I was expecting Gara vs Genos.

>man I'm so busy with work and I wish I could spend more time at home
>oh, right, I can make shadow clones that are essentially 1:1 to my thoughts, knowledge, actions, personality, and I learn whatever they did when they disappear
>I'll go spend time with my family and let me shadow clone stay in the office, and then at the end of the day I'll gather his knowledge

Yah, way too hard, better off to make him a terrible father who just does paperwork all day.

The truth that naruto fags cannot understand. The bane of their existence really, basedpost user.

>gets magic eye and proceeds to wallhack everything with it
>in the end has both eyes normal
>sike this dude you used to be friends with is now really dead, you'll now get his magic eyes magically because of afterlife space ninja magic
>somehow masters susanoo instantly
>accidentally his friend makes him not mary sue
yeah alright, he's not

Dragonball is a fucking icon. It's not a surprise if people at ArcSys who made the game are actual fans.
Naruto is like all the new shit that came after because of it.
They are good but will never have that original and luxurious shine.

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W-What about Bleach, guys?

>most of shippuden
You mean the point in the series where the ninja's began reclassing into wizards?

what ABOUT bleach?

bleach had HEART

He also killed that trap Zabusa was fucking.

They were always wizards.

naruto is shit faggot

How is Kakashi a Mary Sue?

He loses fights and probably one of the most tormented characters in the series.

hating any genre is a big yikes from me

haku killed himself.


You mean at the very first seconds of Naruto? Where the Kyuubi is stopped by the 4th Hogwarts headmaster?

Dragon Ball is only good for brainless action. Naruto is better for story, characters, and lore, and can dish out quality action if it wants to.

my nigga

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Best part is, Kakashi killed in the same exact way Haku as he did with Rin, which is why he goes "oh shit" because vietnam war flashbacks

Imagine watching Boruto before Naruto. Do you even understand what's happening in Boruto?

Ah yes I remember the many wizards that specialized in martial arts and thrown projectiles

Didn't Rin commit suicide by Chidori? Because Haku died by Raikiri which is almost the same thing.

Yeah, I recently started rewatching Naruto and there's many parallels.

Remember how Storm 2 did the Naruto vs. Pain fight more justice than the anime?

Bleach is peak wild ride kino like Gantz.

Couldn't go the distance and was shamefully replaced be an even worse series that died an equally irrelevant death.

They show Naruto failing the Polyjuice Jutsu right at the beginning.

man, I don't remember. By the time obito started blaming kakashi for killing rin, all I remembered was that kakashi had stabbed her. I don't really remember the specifics.

remember when the naruto vs pain fight in the anime looked like it did because japan was underwater?

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>implying guy wasn't robbed of his victory against muh OG uchiha shit
the least they could've done was insert rabbit girl at that point because madara got btfo, but no

That’s just because of their boring design in game If they had made a combat system that copied marvel 3 it would’ve been a lot more exciting. Also it probably isn’t up to arcsys which game to make it was up to Bandai Namco and they chose the most exciting and popular worldwide shonen so from a business perspective it made perfect sense.

Bleachfags aren’t nearly as cancerous as Narutofags so there isn’t much of an audience.

DragonBall, yes.
DragonBall Z, no.

DB > Naruto > DBZ > Shitpooden.

He completely fucked Madara, he even said he could have died, best Naruto fight ever, even making nods to the Gaara vs Lee fight.

Boruto > DBS > Monkey tured > DBGT

Dragon Ball is better than Naruto up to a point

Everything post-Frieza and arguably post-Raditz is worse by a fucking mile, not to say that Naruto doesn't have faults but at least it doesn't start fucking parodying itself.

I can accept this, yeah.

Honestly, Lee got robbed in a long run. Kishimoto practically dropped him for Gai.

>Still mad he doesn't have a sharingan in RL.
Never even considered it.
The penis was feminine, not gay, i also felt bad for haku, to be honest i was like 12 when that episode came out, i thought haku was a girl.

exactly, but madara had to be defeated by muh main characters so regeneration bullshit happened instead of actually having guy take the win and then have the rest kill og playboy mommy

guy and lee should've teamed up full gates mode against madara for more kino fight.

No one else came even close, I see that as a win for Guy, even more so after watching his back story, holy fucking shit I still tear up remembering it.

>When the supposed joke character becomes the most based and rocks the main villain's shit.

In the end both died in the same way by Kakashi's hands. Both died to protect something. Rin died because she was a timebomb with a tail beast inside and she wanted Kakashi to kill her off

Almost everyone got robbed in part 2. Lee and Neji really suffered with that

Naruto was good when it didn't try to go all DBZ mode with powers and blasts.
I liked watching the older one though.
Bleach at least has fights with weapons n shit plus the characters are a bit more realistic and less extreme personality wise so.......wait this isn't /a

>madara had to be defeated
I think you mean ganked and sacrificed to a bigger bad.

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honestly any shounen would've probably made a better fighter than db. visually it's cool and doing shit like cell yells at majors was fun but it was too easy for them to make most characters feel the same, especially for the non top tiers in the current version.

>When Kishimoto killed Neji off so Naruto and Hinata could become closer and completely ignore the destiny stuff that was inserted into the series so there wouldn't be an elephant in the room anymore concerning Neji.

>Neiji dies right before Naruto gets god powers
Kishi hated him.

Naruto doesn't deserve that kind of treatment. But to be fair, DBZ doesn't either. The series that actually deserves it is One Piece.

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any anime*

>One Piece
America doesn't care about it.

>Kishi made madara so retardedly OP that he wrote himself into a corner, and had no way to actually beat him after Gai was robbed

the whole final arc was fucking stupid.

still, at least it had an ending.

fuck bleach.

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>Bleach fights
>someone gets upper hand with some gimmick
>the other guy gets a power up and shows his own gimmick
>the fight eventually ends with diagonal slashing
>a lots of white backgrounds, reaction images through the middle, 1 double page and a couple of pages zooming the tip of a sword/blood/character face

Unless we are talking about Captain Bullshit and Aizen, every other fight would be like that

I'm currently trying to finish Naruto after I dropped it years ago because of all the filler.
I'm at the part after the Danzo fight, where Naruto was crying like a bitch, depressed and hyper ventilating over the fact that Sasuke is going to be taken out for being an evil son of a bitch and going to destroy Konoha.
He just tried killing Sakura for the third time, whom he has loved for the whole series and Naruto still is calling him a friend and trying to save him still.
I can't stand this shit, Naruto is a pathetic sad sack of shit over Sasuke and Sasuke is an irredeemable piece of shit but Naruto still is trying to redeem him.
I'm about to drop this show again, please someone tell me that Sasuke gets his just desserts for being such a terrible person because at this point him being forgiven would be such an immense injustice it would spoil the whole damn show.

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