How goes your Modded Skyrim experience, Yea Forums?
How goes your Modded Skyrim experience, Yea Forums?
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>Modded Skyrim
Why not just jerk it to porn? Way less effort involved.
I play on Console®
>lately been thinking about getting back into skyrim, just lightly modded
>start thinking about playing as a bimbo slut again
damn it
Why eat at a restaurant when you could just eat out of the trash for free?
>he has to jerk off the moment he sees titties and can't simply play the game
i only have instant mining, and no sun damage for vampires
What are some essential mods for console
I just want a khajiit or argonian wife.
Because interactive porn has its own appeal. I don't know how people don't get this.
How do I make magic fun
This shit always looks so fucking retarded, I have literally never seen anyone post an actually attractive Skyrim modded character.
I've been playing a titty witch who gets bigger after every level up and dragon slayed. Haven't played in a couple days though because of Classic.
Which body is that? I'm a noob.
Some magic mod I have added an absorb magic spell that makes it so I can actually keep fighting instead of needing to chug potions or hide until my mana regens.
Makes for much more satisfying wizard gameplay even if it is a little overpowered.
>tits look like foam glued on a man's torso
I'd rather be a little op than have to run around a corner and wait for my mana to refill
Should I play as the rapist or the rapeee?
How to get skyui working for vr?
Finished most of the big quests. Got Dragonborn; Dawnguard and the main quest left and a bunch of quest mods. Currently working through vigilant next and then I am not sure, probably dragonborn.
Is there a mod that replaces Fus Roh Dah with BEGONE THOT?
>anime poster has never seen a slender, buxom woman's torso
Bad because I can't find abs maps for lolis.
Also I got a toaster so I can't play with high end enb/graphics mods.
Depends on if I can make a trap who gets fucked by monsters.
Is this possible?
>Want to try modded skyrim again
>Almost have the perfect LE run set up
>mods working fine, everything is fine
>physics engine breaks , no backup save like a dumb ass.
>Find the issue, fix it, but my save is fucked.
>Go to mod again about a year after this
>Mod list guide with all these nice graphical mods and mechanical ones set up to make the game look and run nice is "under moderation".
I'm on my own now, while I understand the basics any tips? Also, are there any mods for younger looking males? I want to be a little healsut with a mommy tank.
Last time I played this, I turned into a vampire, adopted all the cute modded kids and fucked them every morning, complete with animation and whatnot. The hell kind of game is gonna top this in terms of modding anymore?
bad because I somehow couldn't get my tiddy mods to work with sexlab
damn she must be a really strong warrior with all that weight.
The animated sex mods are in loverslab but the kid mods are in nexus, the naked body is in LL too. I dunno if they're still up. They've been down two weeks ago.
She's really strong. She's the dragonborn.
can I have the names at least?
thank you for the info you've already given
Because one really detailed model that looks good from 2 angles with janky animation counts as "interactive porn"
>the visible pusy
How do I mod Skyrim? I'm bad with text only guides.
I get the NSFW mods to work but making the game look nice while maintaining a proper framerate is impossible. I might be retarded, though.
Also, I wish there was a mod to balance gameplay and lewd stuff, I can never lose to mobs and initiate DA unless I gimp myself to the extreme, any tips to make things challenging but fair?
Just go watch Gopher's Mod Organizer tutorials. They're made for literal brainlets. Skyrim modding is extraordinary streamlined and simple once you get over the initial barrier of where to start.
It doesn't. These threads are the only time I think of doing it but that feeling fades away as the threads do.
Still playing skyrim on the ps3
try something like wildcat or whatever it's called, or any sort of mod that multiplies both player/NPC damage - getting hit with a fully charged power attack to the head from a war axe will instagib you, but you can do the same to everybody else, it's honest to god the only mod that has ever made a difference in how i play
I only reinstall Skyrim if there has been some major mod changes or new major releases.
Has there been anything worthwhile in the past few months that makes it worth reinstalling?
Why? You can play Skyrim on a toaster these days, and you gain mod support.
Don't use physics, it's that easy, it makes modding so much easier, use the skeleton extension with fake physics compatibility mode
why not just jack off to porn at this point?
Too easy, too boring.
i like making my own porn
why not get a girlfriend then
>Jacking off to porn.
Fucking normiefag. I only jerk off to softcore teases, heart warming love stories and happy pregnant manga chapters.
too hard, too autistic.
My gf dumped me for being a loser, I'm trying to get a new one.
I miss her letting me rim her ass and eat her out every night bros.
user if I tell you what they're called, you can make your own screenshots, and then you won't give me (you)s anymore sooooo
How does it work with magic? I tend to play as a spell-blade with an enchanted 1h sword/axe and a spell on the other hand.
A living human female that you have to spend time, money, and effort on is a pretty huge leap in terms of cost:benefit ratio compared to porn or the hour or two it takes to set up skyrimjob
Got tired of trying to make it work, just wish there was a plug and play compilation of mods for special edition
>think about reinstalling todd's games because they are the only rpg's im competent enough to play
>dont want to bother with modding and crashing anymore
>cant enjoy them vanilla anymore
Its not actually free, if they catch you eating food out of the dumpster they can call the cops.
just hire a hooker then
its cheaper in the long run
I won't do either of those things user, in gratitude of your kindness
Haven't played in a while. Waiting for things to update before I go back and there are some new mods coming out soon. Once Icecreamassassin updates Legacy again, maybe. V5 is looking sweet. Hopefully most of what I want will be special edition and I won't crash every few minutes.
>Licking a hooker's asshole
Disgusting dude, the whole appeal is getting a girl who isn't in to it and convincing her to trust you enough to let you do anything, even lick her asshole that she's super shy about.
honestly didn't even think about it, it's pretty much the same deal and that's probably just going to lead you back to issue 1. magic absolutely fucks with wildcat against most enemies (not factoring in which form of destruction vs racial/armor/resistance enchantments) in the early game; you can pretty much mow down a whole crowd with a couple seconds of dual-casted lightning. of course, same goes with NPCs again, they will bolt you from +30 yards and drop you with a single ice spike if you don't stay mobile
>that last frame with the poor attempt to hide the fupa
brapfags do buy things at a price lel
Special edition have enough mods to make it worth pirating yet? My pirated copy of the original is so outdated I want a fresh install
one of my main reasons for not swooping in and claiming any old roastie as my girlfriend is solely because i don't want a chick with +10 bodies or some nasty shit like that, why on gods earth would you ever allow yourself to become cucked enough to EXPLICITLY PAY to fuck a woman who not only has an upwards of 50-100 bodies, but also detests you, and has a good chance of robbing you?
FFS 2019 and still no HD 4k Ebony texture replacer. Anybody know of any good mods in the Chinese/Asian/Korean forums?
he's right though
the tit texture and body texture don't match up and the tits are way too big
it looks pretty awful
>what kind of a sick fuck wants to put their mouth around someone elses shitbox?
Me, retard, that's why I said it.
I have a very specific fetish for smelling and licking the parts of girls' bodies that they're most insecure about and getting them to enjoy it, usually it's their asshole, but one time I dated a fatty who wasn't that insecure about her asshole (She had a gorgeous asshole tbf) it was actually her belly button she was most insecure about, good lord you don't even know how many times I rubbed my nose or tongue on that belly button while jacking off. She was really insecure about her belly too so I'd get her to lift her shirt up and play with her belly for me while I jacked off.
I don't know why I'm like this.
+10 bodies
>upwards of 50-100 bodies
Are these bodies in their closet, just laying around...?
Sounds interesting, forces me to keep watch over every single stray projectile and charging idiots, but as long as they aren't tedious HP sponges, this can be very interesting to play with. Thanks, user.
Special Edition only has one advantage over LE, and that is stability as a 64bit. Most major content mods have been ported and I think texture and meshes can be all manually ported. But the ENB for LE is still miles ahead of SE, or least if you are going for the very best with K ENB or Rampage ENB
The armor parts are pieces from Nisetanaka's Amazing World of Bikini armor.
I finished installing Ultimate Skyrim Modpack, for a modding n00b like me it was a fucking hasle but I'm excited to find out how it plays.
How do I make my game look like this?
no, they're gone now, just the ghosts of pussy's past, forever haunting that dark and tepid corridor
Generic "more grass" mod
Generic screenshot ENB
Manually increase your draw distance
Take the screenshot quickly before your graphics card melts.
>Why not just jerk it to porn? Way less effort involved.
This question is preposterously poorly thought out. If I wanted to jerk off to porn, I'd just jerk off to porn.
Dangerously based.
please user, I beg you
why do faggots not understand there's an appeal in sexy stuff in games
no i don't care about 3dpd porn, i want my vidya waifus you normalfaggot
>can't have decent shortstacks because animations are made for two identical sized characters
>no true collision because the models aren't made for it
>want to have a harem army but lags the fuck of the game
>text is pretty generic I'd rather read smut instead
>transitions to animations takes to long and ruins it even if you used the blacked out effect to block it
I really want to and even played the game but the quests are meh
where else would I get my fill of necro erp'ing
Vivid weathers
Caffeine enb
Thick grass
how would one go about doing such a thing
>can't marry these two
well at least I can make them fuck dogs
post a vid
there's mods for it i'm sure
The hist is out of control, send help
pretty sure there's mods for forced marriage
I tried them but they suck
Mara's not going to approve of marrying a vampire and give her blessing, why bother?
serana can become human though
I forgot that was even a thing. Does anyone ever bother to do that?
Molag Bal and Harkon have just become considerably worse thanks to your mod
I'm a brainlet. How do you mod Skyrim?
That's hardly the extent of skyrim porn modding. You have no idea how many different fetishes it caters to.
did i?
skyrim porn mods cater to so many fetishes though, almost nothing else can come close
I was just kidding, I'm not anyone who posted a screenshot
but the sentiment is how they really feel
you'll never get their complete modlists or load orders because they want attention
I prefer Sims 4 for sex mods.
please show me your ways
it's a lot more limited though, but to be fair the shota mods are hot as hell so theres that
Imagine not having the BRAP mod
that fucking sucks, why do they get such powertrips from porn mods
I tried it and I have no idea why but my chars and npcs were brapping nonstop
your guess is as good as mine
listing complete modlists and load orders is almost useless since no one skyrim installation is the similar same with how no one pc config is completely the same. 95% of the shit shown regarding porn mods is from loverslabs. if it's loli and shota you're after ATF has almost all of it.
Don't know what mod you were using. I just use baked beans of skyrim and it works fine. You only brap after you eat stuff. Doesn't work for NPCs though. It's pretty customizable too.
go to ATF for the loli and shota stuff as for load order and mods that's gonna be up to you to lurk at loverslabs
Is modding skyrim for lewd shit even really worth? The models still have to awkwardly clip into each other before animations right?
>Is modding skyrim for lewd shit even really worth?
it really depends, but I'd say you owe it to yourself to try if you're actually into porn games to try it out
>The models still have to awkwardly clip into each other before animations right?
not if you have collisions set
I've tried and it took a bunch of fiddling just to get the titty mods to work, and as soon as I tried to get the sex mods working the whole thing stopped working
so just play HS
>people that lewd skyrim just for screenshots
>people that lewd skyrim for RP purposes
>the gullible fucks that thought it would improve a shit game with porn sprinkled in
Pick one
Doing a heavy armor sneak dunmer tailored for Boethiah's ebony mail and Jenassa is my wife
I keep having to spend 10 minutes watching my big titty brown girl give birth to sextuplets because I set it so that I have a 5% chance of getting raped anytime I get attacked and have been knocked up with sextuplets 3 times in a row now
reminds me of that guy playing VR games doing similar silly webms
Tried for 4 days straight to get ass jiggle working. You have to have a PhD in butt physics to get these mods running proper. Looked briefly at Fallout 4 sex mods then decided to wait for TES6. VR porn is better anyway.
Literally every unmodded Skyrim install is identical you fuckwit, if you gave someone a mod pack and the load order they could absolutely have the same game.
If you give someone a modpack then their game won't function, you have to install the mods 1 at a time
>what are INI configs
>what are install directories
>what are hardware variations
>what are morons who don't know what FNIS,wrye bashe, SKSE, MO are
that shit won't work jackass
>calls others morons
>uses MO
What do you mean if I have collisions set?
i uninstalled the game a long time ago but it's simple as shit. you just need to install a bunch of required mods, in the right order. what's so hard about that?
it was just an example fuckhead, if you actually knew how to mod skyrim you'd know that's it's practically impossible to have a complete 200+ or more mod pack without something absolutely breaking
Honestly, DD almost always fucks up somewhere.
At this point I'd rather make my own game in UE4 than mod Skyrim.
You're right about all that but those types of morons are the same kind of people who use MO when Wrye Bash already has all of its functionality and isn't garbage.
that's why is impractical to just make a "mod pack" if morons can't get MO or other more basic shit to work what makes you think the average retard can make wrye bash work? you'd have people bitching that their potatoes running APU's or intel graphics can't run 4k grass and that their characters are T posing
cute kouhai
Its fun
the c word
Mod packs are more than just the "basic shit". If you mod at an advanced level you'll realize the crazy amount of patches and fixes you will need to get mods to work together.
Mod packs can circumvent hours of work by simply giving you a list of things that work together. Especially for stuff like DynDolod sometimes it's just easier to follow a preset list than manually figure everything out.
dress name?
tell me how to do this at once
Any mods that add cute boys? Or make Khajit and Argonians nicer at least?
I'd still need a mod that makes the combat, quests, and dungeons actually decent for me to enjoy playing it though. May as well try Enderal I guess
Say something nice about my mod list, Yea Forums
>Mod packs can circumvent hours of work by simply giving you a list of things that work together. Especially for stuff like DynDolod sometimes it's just easier to follow a preset list than manually figure everything out.
there are already guides and mod packs that already work nicely together, it's just that some people are demanding a FULL pack of mods including the more advanced sex mods ready to play out of the box. they just want a copy and paste kind of deal which anyone who knows anything about skyrim modding knows that is not gonna happen
it's a custom body made in bodyslide,
>less than 100
>they just want a copy and paste kind of deal which anyone who knows anything about skyrim modding knows that is not gonna happen
Never say never.
>Say something nice about my mod list, Yea Forums
pretty generic and barebones
>no sos unp
Sorry dude, I just can't give props to that.
Thanks! I didn't want to alter the base game too much, just make it look a little prettier and mix up the looting system and get rid of levelled lists
I had beasts of tamriel installed until yesterday, along with a few mods that depended on it, but it gave me lots of crashes no matter what i did with the load order
>still a fuckton of instructions for retards to fuckup
that doesn't really look all that different from the guides floating around aside from a lot more mods integrated and I'm pretty sure shit like pic related is not gonna be included, and shit like pic related is what a lot of these sick fucks want
The instructions are for modlist authors - for end-users, it literally is just a click to install, the tool can do everything - dyndolod, merges, all that shit. They've almost got Lexy's LOTD SE ready for release.
What are some essential sexlab mods? There's just so much shit I don't even know where to start.
well if that's what you're aiming for it seems pretty good
And Ultimate Skyrim is already ready and available, plus some other bullshit FO4 pack.
Loli buttrape mods can be included if someone makes a wabbajack installer for those.
so it's basically just like an updated modernized FOMOD kind of deal? and you currently need to have a premium nexus account for it?
Premium nexus account for nexusmods downloads, yes (unless someone makes a fork of Wabbajack and adds a web scraper so it can use those free 1 MB/s links), but it supports places like google drive, MEGA and obviously direct download URLs as well.
Skyrim is fucking shit for modding.
It offers easy installation but beyond that is fucking shit.
The engine is so fucking limited you can barely do anything that actually requires code and the base game is so shit and so shallow that no matter how much you add on top it will always be fucking boring. And the modders themselves are uninspired faggots. I have yet to see somebody actually try to overhaul the game that the dungeons, quests/writing and RPG elements aren't complete shit. Is there a even a single mod that actually has skill checks?
keep crashing in castle volikwhatever after killing harkon, can't get back through bros.
Take a little bit more time to look and you'll find there isn't as much as you think. There's about 3 'mandatory' mods, about 10 ones that are good, 20 flaky but good ones, and a LOT of chaff.
It's all sorted very poorly.
Namira's Goat is GOAT.
This one's great, you put your DRM box in it and buy a PC.
so from a quick glance. you download all your mods put it in a download folder and provided it's wabajack compatible it makes it into 1 large mod including making all animations registered and all mod and their dependencies as well? so technically someone still needs to make one huge ass pack with low-med-high settings for different hardware? what about ini configs for enb's and mods? looks pretty good but already stopped modding skyrim about a year ago not to up to date about the new shit it also looks like you're gonna need a pretty good cpu to process all those mods at first
Why does this have Todd Howard vibe to it?
I tried but there are no mods that make the combat and skills system not shit.
Only in America™
>4 people being executed
>Poxy little box only holds 2 heads
That's just poor management.
Wabbajack downloads it all for you, that's pretty much the whole point. Ini configs, .esp tweaks made by the modlist author etc. is all automatically included. You get the modlist wabbajack installer, launch it, point it at your vanilla Skyrim folder, hit install and wait. The end result is that you have the same exact setup in MO2 (+ any files that need to be in the game folder itself if applicable) as the author has on his computer. The user doesn't need to do anything else in most cases.
Forgotten City: Writing was good enough to make a standalone game.
Organic Factions: Literally adds a nemesis system.
World's End: Adds Diablo-like RPG stats.
This and far more, there is a reason that only Minecraft has more mods than Skyrim, sure the engine is crap but modders can do pretty crazy things.
so technically someone still needs to create the modlist so wabajack can download and install it right? so it's gonna be like for example (wabajack pack 1 for low pc's SFW, wabajack pack 2 for mid pc's SFW, wabajack pack 1 for low pc's NSFW etc etc). am I getting that right?
most of the enb are not so demanding i run
New to skyrim modding and I want to try amorous adventures from LL. I have "The ordinary women", all the bijin mods and seranaholic installed. Does this mean I have to install a body for each and every one of them or will it simply work out of the box?
>so technically someone still needs to create the modlist so wabajack can download and install it right?
Yeah, the initial process is just as cumbersome as ever, but only needs to be done once. And for updates you only need to sort out the updates themselves, not start from scratch.
As for supporting various levels of hardware, sure, you could do that, but I doubt that many will bother. I know I wouldn't, if some laptop toaster fag downloads giga ultra skyrim setup, then fuck him for being a retard.
Not great user, installed a mod in MO, and this happened. Deactivated all mods, and it's still like this this was a year ago, still exhausted from wtf
>guy says his uncle is desecrating his ancestors in the crypt
>his aunt went in there before him because he's a pussy
>find aunt dead in the halls
>he tells his son story while I fuck his aunt's corpse because Sexlab Aroused put me in a bad spot
So far so good. It's kinda hard to manage all these extra factors, but hey, it's fun
Bijin only affects face, so you need to download the corresponding body, Bijin has options to make sure they match. Body mods work universally so you don't need to do for each. Also make sure that your skin texture matches or you will get a horrible neck seam.
There might be overlap so if you find horrible faces, delete the face files so that only one face file is working.
neat, hopefully this gets widespread adoption. it can be total bitch getting everything back in order after you uninstall this shit will shave a good few hours outta modding when you finally get that itch to reinstall skyrim again. at least the only thing that would probably take more time is when you hunt for those somewhat more obscure and illusive mods
how do I get big dick futas in skyrim
Something messed up your texture folder. Since you deactivated all your mods, just reinstall your textures.
who made this mod and why
thanks, I'll try that
Actually looks great.
Magic is best way to play.
use the uunp addon for schlongs of skyrim
What body and face mod?
Is there a mod that sluttifies each and every armor and clothing from vanilla PLUS immersive armors?
Also, I recently decided to try out SE and I still cant see the point. It crashes just as much with less mods supported and less modder interest.
Todd cant keep selling this shit forever.
>Magic is best way to play.
>spend 5+ minutes spamming shit at a drauger lord at higher diffuculties
>stealth archer kills that shit in 2-3 hits tops
they really fucked up magic in skyrim, who thought it would be a good idea for destruction to not scale?
This is art
"Hey boys, remember to buy games."
By the nine
Sorry guys, went and fixed the hair.
Imagine the restore magicka potions.
Yes, One modder even went as far as to combine both a jiggle mod and the slut clothing mod with bodyslide.
Finding half nude falkreath running at you jiggiling about is alot more fun than it sounds
what mod is it? that does sound fun
An entire hold sprouting from the ground and charging at you sounds terrifying desu.
putting in effort to get to the good stuff is very rewarding, like getting a gf irl
thats is true and skyrim is likely the best porn game here with is kinda funny
The pictures may look deceiving, but it is all customizable.
Once you have the mod, open bodyslide and you can change the wear your self.
Currently no one knows what panties are in my skyrim but all women wear skirts and open armour.
thanks user
Pretty fucking based. I've got a mod set up for VR with full body tracking, full VR legs, and all these mods that add features that turn the game into a VR Witcher game. It's pretty kino.
Anybody got a skyrimgtx link? I'm not gonna pay that hungarian retard 300 dollar for some stolen mods
serana a cute
Installed a combat overhaul, realism style mod which has turned it into budget dark souls.
Barely even doing the main quest, just exploring and getting caught up in everything. Gotta say it's been a lot of fun, having combat be brief but absolutely deadly on both sides is great.
I'm playing as a woman for the first time too
Why eat at a restaurant for free when you can do a lot of work and eat trash?
Can’t be fucked to deal with sexlab. Used OLab or whatever the hell the alternative is, jerked off once, and never picked it up again. Good few hours down the drain.
Yea but you can just run so it's still free
You can barely take care of yourself, so its good that you are unable to get a girlfriend, what a disaster that would be!
Holy shit Wabbajack sounds like a fucking godsend sent by Todd himself. It literally downloads and installs mods for you even non nexus ones and it even does Dyndolod and all that shit jesus christ. if you know what you're doing. Jesus christ where has this been all my life.
>Going to use this to make a Skyrim Witcher VR mod pack people can download.
I would like to see more of this
my game was going well until I did one quest in windhelm since then I ctd every 15 minutes
ive no fucking idea why it did that
God I can't wait until ES:VI, my dick literally won't be able to handle it.
Still have yet to get this, seriously thinking of offing myself if I can't figure what mod they used for this, or if I'm retarded and don't know how to install it. Please god just show me the way to lizard tits.
None of the shit you posted is what I said.
I would like to see this uncensored
The quest is probably missing some item or has a conflict. If you are dedicated you can try booting Tes5Edit to fix it, but it will take some time and learning.
evens i pull the trigger and reinstall skyrim
odds i save my time and sanity
Tried cleaning your save?
>trusting bethesda after FO4
enjoy your halfassed mmo
lucky bastard
he's right though, the only thing TES excels at is modding, and the only thing that bethesda consistently improved over time are graphics and character model quality.
TES6 is just gonna be the greatest porn game of all time, one porn game to rule them all, even Skyrim
unless they botch it so hard not even the modders will touch it, unlikely
>Wrye Bash
Wow, the thought of using that fucking atrocius UI for anything more complex than sorting/cleaning makes me physically sick.
Is there a mod that makes Skyrim less boring?
At least get an actual good one, not whatever that trash is supposed to be
I don't think anybody is here for their trust in Bethesda or the lore and gameplay of the TES saga. It's all about what can the engine do for the mods.
TES has one of the most lazy and ugly designs I've seen. Even the maps are ugly and empty. It's modders who make the game beautiful to watch (or pornographic). In FO it's the same. Weapons are ugly even by the original FO standards. I always download regular weapons mod packs.
nigga you can get close to this with just bodyslide cbbe or uunp (dont use cbbe it's shit and outdated)
why are people so confused by skyrim mods? jesus christ. you fuckers make it sound like rocket science. go to the nexus and in the adult only tab, it's all right there with instructions.
Thank you, I am user, and I will never forget this
god fucking dammit
Thank you
good post but caliente's is shit. use UUNP, it's not as outdated and does everything cbbe does in bodyslider
does sex look better on se or oldrim? i just want the models to look good and animations to be good so I can fuck whatever i want.
I'm thinking of getting back into Skyrim after not playing it since release. I did a stealth orsimer dagger wielder with illusion magic and conjuration back then.
Thinking I might go a lightning mage this time with conjuration and alteration as additional focuses. There weren't many mods when I first played so I don't have much experience with them. Is ordinator all I really need to make mages viable? Shock magic, in particular?
I hate that you cant look at it if you don't log in
>using MO
Get this if you want to have fun with magic:
I agree but if you wanna use the thicc body preset you're gonna have to use caliente.
>tfw i use NMM
it works fine i don't get the bitching from /tesg/
what do you use
THAT preset yes, but bodyslide isn't hard to use and UUNP has just as many sliders for thickness as Caliente does while also having more support and conversions from what i remember.
>blackface everywhere
Just end me now.
Based NMM posters.
God damn what is this texture mod?
>tfw 500 mods and none are porn related
Nevermind, connection errors
Get on my level.
But are any of them porn?
Does anyone have a collection of these pastebins? They're really helpful, the only other one I know of is the one for orcs, here's that for all you abs sweat enthusiasts.
Hell yeah my nigg.
When they start making fem orc on shota elf
Porn is gross
he's not he's using gifs from a modder who made poses mods with animations.
notice it's in closed areas...i bet the skin is 4k
Because having gameplay that can evolve into a pornographic situation spontaneously is far more effective than just clicking on a url and instantly getting the porn. I know a coombrain like you will never understand.
hold the fuck up I use NMM and it sucks ass cause it uses alot of space..........but i got 3 TB SSD so i can use it. MO is the least space whoreing thing ever FUCK YOUR VORTEX bullshit.
you know whats even cheaper than that?
>modded skyrim
>caring about space
What is this 2013?
I wish there was a way the tattoos wouldn't show up all fucked up on super juggs.....unless you get 8k tats which is very dumb
>Wrye Bash
This isn't Oblivion we're talking about, user.
ALL of them
What mod makes corpses look that dead?
I’m sorry you were born retarded but a literal stone growing moss could mod Skyrim without difficulty. It must be weird to not have enough intelligence to even breath on your own.
if anything guys....if you wanna start but are totally lost.
try looking for FlashBangZ's fantasy bulllshit starter pack
all in one animated pussy from lovers lab or look for other All in one pussy packs from other creators. They mostly deal in just women of skyrim and stuff and they don't go into sex mods.
I've never had to use them but most of them use the mods I use to get my shit looking good.
Are disgusting.
>mods skyrim for porn
>calls others a c*mbrain
and that goes for special
>Can't make a good looking character
>Just make an Orc instead because they're supposed to be ugly
Feels bad
Why? I just pirated the legendary edition
just clone someone's good looking follower
they are useless esp's
is it worth reinstalling for Enderal? i always get the itch to reinstall but always get bored in an hour with no new context, despite all the sexy mods.
can Enderal be modded just as easily as Skyrim or do i need to go through hoops in order for the changes to work there?
Is there an incest mod for Skyrim? Like a follower who is the dragon born’s mom who will talk about how her big boy makes her so proud and how she wants to rub his back and help him relax after a long day in the caves and ruins. How she just wants him to be happy and raise a family but knows that bitches only want the DB dick for fame and not love and so she has elected to take over the role of wife for him? Asking for a friend.
god I wish that were me
Badly since I have no clue to, what to install. Give me a list dear user.
>Is there an incest mod for Skyrim?
technically no, you can have loli's and shotas but ERP'ing is about as far as you can go with that. you could make shota npcs fuck their mom npcs though.
Don't know if you're still here but Google Senpai, Oppai, I'm loving her hip.
Where did you find this image...
I've basically turned my game into Violated Heroine. I'm surprised at how fucking difficult it was to get all these bullshit mods working together.
Thanks based user.
I'm a fire mage who initially wanted to be an alchemist that throw grenades. Unfortunately, it was proven shit so I had to convert to a mage. But now I am tired of fire and want to switch to air. I get one shoted by everything even by wolves. Such is life as archmage
doubt it, they add an extra 5 gigs to the game, they are hi-res tex, but i see no point cuz if your playing skyrim you're just gonna use some modder's texture overhaul anyway
>for console
The buy a brain mod
make character and then just reduce their size with console
Modding Skyrim is fun when you finally get rolling with it. Also nice that SE finally has mods because it's so much more stable, haven't had it crash even once.
Someone make me a skyrim gf
Is aMidianborn's retextures still the best for armor, weapons and items?
I broke it when I changed my load order over to the new Mod Nexus application...
Also my computer itself broke because my components are 10 years old.
I made a mod that got popular and then brodual made a video on it.
Now I get 3 messages a day asking me to finish it but I just don't want to play fucking skyrim.
also is Skyrim HD good for everything it covers? like the cities, landscapes and dungeons?
Get noble skyrim for all textures.
Amidian for weapons.
her name?
For me its the sims 4 with the wicked whims mod. Its easier to set up, install and use animations than Skyrim
If you like symmetrical one shot gameplay (like i do) try requiem. Make sure to get a version that's below 2.0 tho because the mod author went FULL RETARD with 2.0.
Do I play as the hot girl or do I lose on purpose as a guy, if I'm into femdom?
Going fine, been testing a ton of sexlab mods I never tried and found some good ones.
Also, modding Oblivion again I realized that mods were way more unique back then.
Skyrim has a ton of mods that do exactly the same shit.
>still no good Wraithguard model
Free version looks like ass, and I'll be damned if I support the CC one. Elinora can suck a cactus.
I like the Tera online armor mods.
>Smith some heavy armor with spikes n stuff because it looks cool
> Try the armor on my male Dark elf
Looks bad ass, but i am a mage and prefer to wear bath robes
>Give armor to Lydia
>Armor immediately transforms from heavy platemail to basically a thong/string bra combo
playing as a cute, dual-wielding, ginger nord lass and currently questing to find the stupid fucking barenziah stones. I've never gotten them all before so this is the run where it happens, even if i gotta suck several more miles of cock between the next and last stones
IIRC it's extremely easy to pirate CC stuff.
That's why you download Japanese and Korean clothes. They have an absurd amount of dress armor.
just how fucking big is her head? imagine how she would look like without her hair
>even if i gotta suck several more miles of cock between the next and last stones
What sexlab mods you running slut?
Great, I am on orphan rock freezing my ass while Zora my companion says she wants to buy new boots and eat at an inn, to make things worse it's going to rain dark clouds on the horizon and I just contracted whitbane which sucks for an atmer witchhunter whose magic is vital
adventures, dangerous nights, drunk, skooma whore, sleep for credit, defeat, thieves, solutions, sanguine's debauchery, kidnapping redux, deviously enslaved. those are just the ones i can name off the top of my head, I'd have to go back to my desk to remember the rest, and there's a lot
Muh nigge-
>devious devices
Bruh miss me with that BDSM
>Haven't crashed once with my LE setup
Maybe stop being sub 100 iq and blaming the game?
>Using CC content
>SE is more stable
I hate that this meme has gotten so much traction when it's blatantly untrue in all aspects except one very specific scenario.
Sexlab Defeat
i appreciate the character ate too many crabby patties but why is the brightness and contrast down
For the uninitiated, what's the truth behind it? I'm still using LE and the game is somewhat stable enough on modern hardware with only some CTDs being a problem.
>works on my machine
I can't imagine being this much of a retarded faggot
playing skyrim artsy version, i like it
>He keeps going
Lol desu. I bet you use win 10 too.
It's not a meme. SE crashes way less and don't suffocate with tons of script mods.
cant play skyrim anymore since the music is made of rape
Goddamn, everytime I see skyrim mods I want to mod it but I know my pc will die
On the other hand, there's always abubu's skyrim mod doujin
SE is a 64bit archetype program so it can handle more of everything.
As a result it can handle more actors, physics, items on screen at once than LE.
Someone did a test between the two systems ages ago on TESG and found that SE can handle 800 or so actors on screen without crashing and LE can handle somewhere up to 200 to 300 before a crash.
Now where in the vanilla skyrim do you think you ever run into anything more than 50 NPC's at once?
it doesn't happen because the game was designed so that doesn't happen at it's base level.
In every other conceivable element LE is just as stable as SE since the majority of crashes in the game are not based on the hardware or the bit archetype of the program, but mods that include poorly made practices and bad scripts which will crash both LE and SE regardless.
Oh and SE and LE have a hard program cap for NPC AI that caps out at I think around 40 non combat NPC's and 20 combat NPC's built into the program. So if you want to shove in more NPC's then that most of them will stand around as basically meshes with an idle animation since they cannot call the system for directions or AI.
>brightness and contrast
Webm software has to decrease image quality to fit below the 3mb limit.
What's the appeal of playing characters like that?
why cant someone make a modpack with big titties that jiggle
need more of this witch
sex appeal
>What's the appeal of giant bouncing tits?
Lowering bitrate doesn't add a shitty instagram filter.
Get vokrii or ordinator or awakened magic. There are a bajillion mods that fix this.
I get the bouncing but the rest of the stuff I don't
it's because plebs don't have the good taste to use lore friendly artstyle fitting slut armor
Some of these toons are walking cringefests. Imagine the dude that designed them, jesus.
Having a ton of fun minus a couple of invisible armors and some purple texture glitching on a couple armor sets. But 99% of the mods are functioning perfectly so I'm trying to ignore it.
mpfh mmmm phfmm!
Oh yeah? Post your """"toon"""", Big Boom
what is this move called?
goo goo gaga buy my game
My based koreaboi BAKAFACTORY is leading the way against this BDSM KIKES! by making based monster and bandit rape mods and perhaps the best SLAL pack in history.
This is the single most unattractive motion a human female can make.
>implying porn is the trash here and not cryrim mods
It really has gone out of hand. We got the ringleader; Kimy, literally putting a stranglehold on what can and can not be made in terms of mods or he'll shut you down.
It's disgusting and goes against what modding should be all about; player choice.
Ah yes. I see others are aware of the latex jew.
why did this make me so angry?
I thought Wrye Bash could raise those AI limits? Or do they just do nothing? Sounds like a pity if it actually is hardcapped, especially for mods that could focus on improvising NPC count for big battles or populated cities.
You can raise the limits in WryeBash but the system just isn't designed to go much higher than that either on LE or SE and you run into significant instabilities and save game corruption.
ATF still isn't back up bros wtf
It made her tits fucking massive as well. Idk if the armor looks that way on all women or Lydia just has DD's. I guess ill have to find a chestlet and force her to wear it
food analogy.
It is. it's on .moe now.
It's been up for around a month now.
Deviously Cursed Loot is also really, really bloated past its initial scope, like Samsung smartphone levels of bloat. If you have a mod for something like killable children it'll also refuse to work. I just use Deviously Enchanted Chests, which from the last time I checked, also had a much more tidy MCM.
You should see sanguines debauchery. That's fucking out of this world with bloat. I won't touch any of the devious mods. Pissed me off when Sexlab Survival became Devious mod dependent.
The guide I used just kept fucking changing everyday so I gave up
nerevar was argonian
hero of kvatch was argonian
dragonborn was big titted argonian
It's less about cursed loot and more about prostitution, crime & punishment, shopping quests (what the fuck?), dominant "followers" and defeat - although mods already exists that do all these things and does them miles better.
It's an ego-thing for sure.
And now Captured Dreams is dead because of it. And the Devious Device mods are all under kimy's control, meaning they'll eventually turn to shit too - in fact they already have.
Why did he remove the fucking difficulty sliders and changed it to fucking presets. Always with the removal of player-features.
>If you have a mod for something like killable children it'll also refuse to work
Same goes for the add-item mod, can't let the player have an easy way to find items added to his OWN game, the absolute state of DD-modding community.
Also kimy threw a shitfit because Inte made a mod that allowed the player to manually add/remove devices on the player and had Inte "hide" that feature behind a password. Fucking retarded.
SexLab Adventures is already miles better than devious cursed loot. Gigalo Radiant Prostitution is a better whore mod too.
Yes, let it be just so
>kiwiniggers SEETHING
they'll try again, fucking sjw's.
Should I get Skyrim Special Edition or the normal skyrim for mods?
playing as 2B with a huge ass getting fucked by everything
LE for sex mods
SE for normie mods
>what is honey select?
>what is playing a game MADE for that so that you don't get shitty looking textures?
>what is using LITERALLY ANYTHING but awful, janky animations
You people are fucking retarded.
Where do you even get these kind of porn mods?
>playing with Sexlab Defeat
>female bandit with 2 handed axe hits me with power attack
>Instantly on the ground and getting raped by like 6 of them
Sure it was fun for the first 2, but then it just got tedious
sweet jesus, that model looks like shit.
I'll never understand gamerbrains
Turn off the automatic "detection", it is complete shit.
Just go with manual surrender.
even her collar bones have abs
Lovers Lab
Throw it in google.
because you're an incel
>Way less effort involved.
Not the right kinks, fetishes, themes, body type, etc
Lydia is programmed to be dummy thicc, her default weight slider is like 1 click short of max
Only Susanna The Wicked is thiccer
SD was a mod I tried out before it was handed over to DeepBlueFrog as SD+, and from the few times using both iterations years ago, it just didn't really strike to me as a very engaging one, as being enslaved was mostly just the occasional sex scene and doing either too little else or trying to find a way out, the only thing I found neat was one slaver locking me into a pre-placed cage from the vanilla game. What has there even been added since? Outside of the actual slavery what else I've seen was Sanguine's realm and that Spriggan host sidequest. Player slavery is a fun concept but it's probably best off as being dedicated quests given how fragile Skyrim's scripting engine is.
If anything, I'd like to see author work on Sexlab Hormones some more since I have a boner for TFTG, but in its current state is somewhat wasted potential. Somewhat janky too, but it just seems awfully limited with curse distribution. Otherwise, personally I don't mind DD stuff much but the amount of mods using or dependent on the framework is overbearing for sure.
Oh so they're also responsible for those settings being changed? I didn't know about the additem mod block either, that's just retarded. I don't get this mentality of trying to cockblock players to play in a certain way, players can already use the console. But speaking of player defeat, does everyone still use Sexlab Defeat? I remember some hubbub about the last version being buggy or something.
Porn is disgusting.
irl professional porn is disgusting
amateur stuff can be good
porn art and games is kino, and normalfags will never understand why it's good.
I installed a nude mod on the Switch version
Oh man, of course there has to drama with porn mods of all things. I was about to try devious devices but now I'm not so sure, not massively into bdsm anyways.
Just weapons or armors as well?
This whole fucking thread is cringe
Why does Lydia walk like a man though?
Fuck off normie.
real life is disgusting, imagine the smell, virtual is clean, perfect, shaped in your image.
It can't be compared.
Spellrings mod lets you store spells in rings which u set keybindings to and cast them that way.
There is another one that lets you set up autocasts once certain requirements are met: if health drops to 20% = cast greater heal for example.
These 2 + all the mods that add spells will let you have interesting combat without having to pause to scroll through a list every 10 seconds.
Because she is flagged (like all women) with opposite gender animations. Which make her walk like a dude.
There's a ton of mods which fix this on nexus. Just type in OGA or gender and there will be a ton of fixes.
Illusion has been cucked since the rapelay incident. I play videogame porn for ryona and slavery and that kind of thing not vanilla fucking.
I went overboard with mods especially sex mods and now its a fucking mess and i cant decide what i want to keep and what i want to ditch so i kinda just abandonded it
Would legit be goat if you got rid of the veins
there's nothing to fucking do in honey select though it's even worse than in skyrim
that's fair but the reason i say amateur can be good is because it's not as fake and morally bankrupt as professional porn, it's mostly solo stuff and couples so it's not nearly as disgusting.
yeah of course 2d is superior, i draw porn.
>titty veins
>My mommy never fed me her milk
Man it must suck to be as sad as you
nice projecting faggot lmao
Fuck that, what I want is quests with lots of sex. But quests, not fucking prostution and slavers mods.
I love titty veins.
>what is honey select?
A game with significantly less fetish material than Skyrim.
Can you rape corpses in Honey Select?
Can you be raped by an orge in Honey Select?
Can you be a futa demoness and rape a group of bandits in Honey Select?
>Install SL, Defeat, slave mods, and a bunch of creature animation packs
>Set game difficulty to Master
>Alternate Start: "Patron of a local inn"
>RP as an upstart trader, sell my meager belongings and buy things that'll sell well in the neighboring hold
>Carriages? More like CONrriages!
>Save my septims by walking to the next city with nothing more than my cute, dainty, elf feet and a bushel of resolve
>Repeatedly raped
>Try to escape
>Caged Sabrecat clips me through the bars of his cage
>Instantly downs me
>Forced to take spiky cat dick
>The bandits 'rescue' me by killing the sabrecat
>They attack me as well
>Now permanently restrained
>Don't know how to convince my captors to release me
>Get raped everyday
>They force me to fuck their pet dogs as they watch
>Forget why I even set out from Whiterun
I'm worried this shit will turn me gay bros
But I can't stop
bestial essence (get MNC and MNC patch on the more nasty critter download page)
thief - dogma (this one doesn't even need sexlab and works standalone)(dont use it with heavy load order though)
she looks like a prostitute in plastic bdsm gear
give me anime bitches
Yeah I liked defeat at first for a bit but it gets old mostly because:
(1) Skyrim combat sucks in the first place. You either crank up the settings and get raped constantly or turn them down and have to lose on purpose. Debuffs (ie post-rape consequences) are rarely interesting.
(2) The Sexlab animation stuff is long and gets boring after awhile, and really isn't too well integrated into gameplay.
So far as I can tell there's really no good sex combat stuff, because everything is based on sexlab which isn't really designed for it, or Devious Devices which has its own issues.
nothing wrong with this
are the bestiality mods decent?
nice digits, have a (you)
Last time I modded skyrim I couldnt stop swimming through the air and all I installed was some futa horse cock mods.
Wasn't very cash money.
I swear only imaginationlets seriously ask this question - in every single fucking Skyrim thread
Nice toon
>calling other people imaginationlets
>while lacking the imagination to have a good fap without additional stimulus
if youre talking about how they t pose and slide around to get into position before the animation starts, theres a mod that blacks the screen out during that part and fades in once the screwing begins
I actually was breast fed but I didn't drink because of bulging veins nor did I get turned on by it at that age.
fuck yeah they are bro
they're the real draw
>supporitng roasties
no thanks ill rather support my modder bros
>load up koikatsu
>supposed to be the best H game on the market
>start playing with free-H
>no rough stuff, no fetish shit, maybe like 20-25 unique sex animations in total
Fuck this shit man, it actually depresses me Shithesda games are the only decent source of interactive depravity, games like Honey Select, Koikatsu, etc. are for faggot weebshitters who just want to play dress up all day.
Get back to me when roasties look like this.
It still fazes me the fact that there's apparently no torrent containing a fully operational modded skyrim a la koikatsu/playhome/honey select repacks
visualization =/= imagination
custom maid is still decent hentai game
Wew lad, defensive much? Guess your momma really didn't love you after all.
Is it possible to use Sexlab defeat but then switch it over to Osex when you get defeated and pick specific positions that make it look like rape?
Nah, the best is undoubtedly Artificial Academy 2, Koikatu tried to do what AA2 did, but failed horribly.
You AA2fags are delusional
That's not defensive at all.It's informative and factual.
>spend whole day modding skyrim with sex mods
>game just crashes after i hit new game and sleep using the alternate start mod
How the fuck do i properly copy and npc's face to make it my own? I'm trying to copy seranaholic but it just never seems to come out right
>start modding skyrim
>get to the part where i need to install dyndolod
>call it quits there
DYNDOLod is such a bitch to set up.
just use loot and see what the problem is modding skyrim is not hard it is actually really simple if you are not idiot
>"finally, after 4 hours of modding my game i can now finally jack off"
>cums in 10 seconds and closes the game
fuck this shit
not just this, but all the other prerequisite mods, fuck it
Gotta hit that [X] for Doubt on that
It's annoying to get lewd mods working since the animations so often just don't play and restarting to change some settings and test them again takes ages in the only version of Skyrim I play anymore (VR) since I gotta keep fucking around with the headset.
you doing it wrong then you should use these mods to be integrated into the game and just use it on your wife for procreation only
The fuck, I never followed any tutorial and just installed the required files with MO2, then put the program somewhere and ran it, finally putting the output back in MO2. Not sure what else there is to be done.
you must use fnis if you want animation to work...
this but unironically
sometimes I even uninstall the game and delete all the saved mods out of shame
then, like clockwork, a year later I set it all back up
people are to stupid or lazy to read the description of these mods modding skyrim is super easy
i am an idiot tho and i don't understand what the conflict is even after running those tools. i'll just delete and reinstall everything eventually
Modding IS the game.
What mod?
>Sexlab Survival
Okay it looks like Sexlab Adventures is a must have for survival/hardcore runs with porn mods. Anything else I should be aware of, lads?
I want stuff that exposes you to the rape/sex mechanics, but also punishes you if you use them too much.
That loot and cursed chests seems fancy, but then again this Devious Devices whole drama seems annoying and game breaking.
>4 hours
more like 20 to get the full perfectionist experience
try using nexus manager it will show the conflicting mods in red color
Apachii's DE markets itself as a female armor mod but it really shines in the male clothing department
and then you go to jail where there is FREE FOOD you idiot
Reminder a doujin was made just on how versatile modding is in Skyrim and how jap H game developers can't compete with fucking shithesda. I honestly don't know what people are thinking when they play jap H games, they're so limited compared what you can do in Skyrim.
>not edging for several hours as you go on a bitch raping crusade all over Skyrim
apply your shelf
my biggest gripe with Defeat is that the death alternative function is very hit or miss, even when its enabled to force player essential, it seems like its a coin toss as to whether ill get raped or just die when defeated
>still no mods to add eyelashes and fix the weird bug eyes argonian girls have
life is suffering
This but honest to god unironically, I have more fun installing and putting together a modded Skyrim than I actually do playing it.
I do, and proper skeletons and all that, characters usually just don't activate their scenes. Audio plays but that's it
>it seems like its a coin toss as to whether ill get raped or just die when defeated
>implying that isn't hotter
Am I the only one who uses that only that one Loverslab dialogue mod to add in an option to start up sex animations to certain NPCs?
All these other mods sound nice but even the best modders have a hard time avoiding bloat or janky scripting. Lightweight is the best way to go in my experience.
>Not being the one getting raped
what a waste
that is weird do you using special edition or oldrm?
>being a willing slut
gross, only pure girls who get taken against their will for me
>He only installs 4 hours worth of mods
Try a week for the first run, then adding things from there as the need arises.
You don't have death alternative installed do you?
Defeat isn't compatible with it. That would likely be the cause of it.
The only times I've died while using defeat is when I was in a place where I couldn't be knocked down. (swimming, giant space program, etc)
any good mods for enderal?
this is the worst analogy ever
I had this bug, and I fixed it somehow. And I remember spending lots of time fixing it... but I dont remember fucking how.
Sexlab Adventures will cover almost everything. Set the arousal options so your spell damage and spell duration lower when you're more aroused.
Sexlab Separate Orgasm makes it so you can get addicted to sex so you orgasm quicker and don't lose arousal when you cum.
Sexlab Dragonborn in Distress is like an updated defeat. It's lacking in some features, namely if you want to rape, but has a fleshed out addiction system. Namely if you fuck too much you will beg people for sex and masturbate in public. If you're using sexlab adventures you will likely be fined or jailed for doing anything sexual in public using the sex crime feature.
Traps and Pitfalls is a nice mod when it works. It fills dungeons with random traps and mobs. Some of them can rape you or strip you naked for a set time. Get the monoman mod edit to it on his monoman mods page on loverslab.
Sexlab Enchantress can make it so people you calm will fuck you for an extended calm duration. Frenzying people will make them rape other people etc. Nice addiction.
Theft and seduction will make it so that when you fuck someone you have a better chance to pickpocket them for a few hours after the deed. Also gives an option to kill dark brotherhood targets if you fuck them and have poison in your inventory when you do it.
Sexlab eager NPC's can be good since it allows you to dialogue seduce anyone using your speech skill if you want. You can also use trainers and it will give you a chance to earn your money back with sex depending on their arousal and your speech. Also has a nice arousal modifier for NPC's so they aren't always at 0 arousal when they spawn in called sexlife. Only use non unique for this.
I also use things like sexlab hide crosshair reference and hide HUD elements for better use in sex scenes.
nope. i disabled all the knockdown options and ticked the one thats supposed to force player essential like the author says to, but its still a crapshoot
mostly seems to happen if i get hit in that brief window were it's transitioning you into the knockdown state, or if you get hit by something that cant rape you, which is especially annoying if im in a bandit camp and the one female bandit runs up and shanks me
For me it was like that the first time.
Then coming back after a year or two when all the mods were still configured and ready to go I just enjoyed fucking around in the game itself.
To get them working nicely together you really have to fiddle with the options and % and load orders a lot.
Shame because they are the only ones that add optional events and quests that replace death.
what if i want a playthough where im a pure, virtuous Vigilant of Stendarr who is trying to resist the temptations Molag Bal and other Deadra keep throwing at her and has progressively more lewd thoughts but needs to pray and purify herself to cleanse her mind lest she fall into degeneracy?
There's an optional add on for sexlab separate orgasm called sexlab shrines. If you're too addicted to sex you can pray at a shrine to lower your cock addiction.
best thing about mod organizer is being able to have two sets of mods tailored so you can do either one depending on mood.
>Love playing sneaky characters but find it too easy/boring
>Install a bunch of stealth overhaul mods to make the sneaking as good as possible
>0 combat capability
>Master difficulty
>2x damage multiplier mod
>SL and defeat to serve as punishment should I fuck up and get caught
This makes thief 2 feel like garbage
Skyrim with porn+stealth mods makes for the best stealth game I've played in a damn long while
Haha no, unless you find someone worth it go ahead. But for me nah. If she needs like 30 bucks for gas or some shit I will. It's always tricking no matter if its 30 bucks or a happy meal.
But can you blackjack people and use rope arrows to clamber across rooftops?
I remember there being a mod in Oblivion that added in some things like that. Wonder if Skyrim ever got a similar mod?
the uninstall mod is pretty popular
there many mods that just flesh out the vannila experience like spouse enchatment etc or romance mods
lol this shit looks stupid.
There are multiple rope arrow mods as well as mods that add the ability to knock people out should you sneak up on them
Sneak Tools comes to mind.
Any mods to add more Deadra or high level, end game type enemies, besides just dragons/draugr/bandits with bigger numbers?
immersive creatures + a level scaling mod that suits your tastes
They have. Look up All In One hdt pussy on google and press the link to loverslab
ok im going to try it
Honey select it's just for posing in Studio it's even worse than skyrim and requires much more time
I want to roleplay an argonian slut. Thoughts?
Its pretty fun. My wife was angry at me yesterday and showed me the bruises on her ass and said it was painful to sit down. I must have gotten more crazy then usual but she always scream and giggle when I spank, suck, bite and squeeze her butt.
pretty vanilla.
Amorous Adventures and Sexlab Solutions. The first adds fully voiced quests to bang some vanilla NPCs (serana included) the second gives you the option to get laid during various vanilla quests
>load up SL, CBBE (dont (you) me, I'm on SE), and physics
>get to sexy times
>vagina either doesnt open at all or opens a tiny bit, dicks just clipping through into the body
my boner cant handle this lack of immersion
how do i into proper genital collisons? ive seen vids that looked perfect, even with giant dongs
that outfit there is ripped straight from witcher 3 though
I need some recommendations for pregnancy mods and everything that goes with it guys.
if you're using a breast-less body mod then based
if you're using a big titty lizard mod then fuck off
real Gamers™ know that DFC lizards are the hottest
I’m not the only one who plays as a black buff guy or black shota going around fucking every girl I can am I
as are all good armor mods
what's important is that it's the only mod (that I know of) that has olgierd's robe + recolors
which one is better? vortex or mod organizer?
cringe and mortal pilled
Real CHIM niggas play as a Orcess Barbarian who gets tricked by a cunning vampire and turned into his brain-dead fuck pet before being degraded into being 'sweet' company for his legion of thralls
Vortex is a not-shitty Nexus Mod Manager. It works fine, although for some reason people keep memeing that it can't handle the load order of mods or plugins which is absolutely false.
Enderal literally has a steam workshop with mods. For a mod. Pretty nuts
mod organizer is the best?
Vortex is actually really fucking good, started finally modding Skyrim since it had its 1.0 release.
All of that sounds awesome but those mods end up trying to do way too much and it ends up feeling clunky and poorly done. And Arousal is bloated as fuck, since it runs constantly updating scripts on all NPCs
been a great thread
Vortex or MO2 is your preference, they both use virtual file systems, so they're fine, but some people (me) get really annoyed with the autistic way that Vortex uses "rules" to organize mods and the clusterfuck that can arise if you accidentally fuck up the load order and get a spaghetti mess of cycles that it doesnt tell you how to fix
MO2 is as easy as "this is mod #1, this is mod #2, etc"
any mod website to download beside nexusmod? The download speed on nexusmod is slow af.
Arousal does not run constantly. It comes set default with a script that only changes the arousal of NPC's which are naked. Also cloaking scripts are fine and won't bloat if they are made correctly, namely that they remove themselves when they are completed on an NPC which arousal does.
None of the mods I've suggested have useless features. I use everything in adventures and most of eager NPCs.
People use the term bloat without really understanding it.
I tried BeeingFemale first which has full menstrual cycles and tries to be realistic. Frankly this one goes way beyond what I think is practical, and isn't good at all if you want any kind of short-term gratification.
I can't remember the differences between Hentai Pregnancy and SoulGem Oven. They were less interesting but also much less of a hassle than BeeingFemale.
what's not vanilla in your opinion?
MO2 can get a bit finicky though when it comes to managing files generated by tools like FNIS and bodyslide.
Also is there any way to generate a full-fledged secondary installation of Skyrim on one PC? Especially one that's generated from a virtual mod configuration? I was trying to experiment with creating my own mod but running the creation engine through mod organizer was just a nightmare and I don't want to fuck up my main skyrim install.
What body is better for argonians? I'm thinking about installing CBBE but who knows. Pretty sure they can look the same
Lizard tits are hot.
going good I made an unarmed nord manlet Its been amazing suplexing tullius and joining the companions
I use vortex for installing mods and Wyre Bash to manage load order.
that was pretty funny and good fap too