Projared is innocent beyond any reasonable doubt ; try tochange my mind.
>pro tip: you can't
Thoughts on the video? Best apology video on YouTube and most convincing name-clearing video on YouTube desu
Projared is innocent beyond any reasonable doubt ; try tochange my mind.
>pro tip: you can't
Thoughts on the video? Best apology video on YouTube and most convincing name-clearing video on YouTube desu
No matter what he said in that apology doesn't understand that images of him stroking his mushroom dick are all over the internet and can never be removed, and as such he will henceforce forever be known as the guy who put his cock all over the internet.
cry louder incel, nobody cares
not vidya games
I don't want to watch this rat weasel his way out of consequences, I still stand with Heidi
Nice try jared you fucking mongoloid
take this shrimp dick faggot out of here
[receipts intensifies]
The Amazing Atheist put a banana up his ass but still made the best podcast ever (when he was still on it).
It sounded like there's still a lot to uncover, but I didn't care for one of his last requests
>please watch my channels
He isnt a pedo but he still abused his power to get nudes of his fans which is kinda fucked up.
A person got in a accident.
Then smashed their heads into concrete floor.
Then was in the hospital.
Then got delusional.
Then tried to kill a doctor for thinking they were going to kill them.
Then lost some memory.
Then lost even more memory.
Then went home, a threatened to kill their own mother.
Then were sent back to the hospital.
Then they went on social media and accused Projared of asking for pics from them while they were underage.
Then went back to being fucking crazy with no memory of anything.
This is what Jared proved.
Do you have any idea how many content creators out there have nudes? Nobody gives a shit.
It's not cheating if you're actively trying to get out of the relationship but your wife refuses the divorce repeatedly.
please write a list down for research and archival purposes
it all worked out for chibi tho
I can't, this thread will be dead in a matter of minutes.
This guys still a sick fuckin freak who backstabbed his long time friend Ross and does nasty open relationship stuff. This guy already knew his audience was mostly children and still thought it was fine to make that disgusting body positivity bull shit where he sent dick pics out to people. Guy is a fucking disgusting idiot who still deserves all the criticism he got even if he was innocent on some things.
>Disproved the underage accusations
>Still cheated on his wife
He still sends and accepts nudes on the daily from barely legal teenagers. Is it illegal? No. Is it creepy as fuck coming from a 30+ year old, absolutely.
I'd rather see this just go to fucking court and be done with for christ sake. At least there we won't have to pussy foot around "he said, she said" bullshit and finally hear some concrete evidence.
Way to prove you didn't watch the video. Ross knows everything and actively supported Jared.
>This guys still a sick fuckin freak who backstabbed his long time friend Ross
Ross left Holly before anything happened with projared
>Went from thinking he was a basedboy to a Chad
What the fuck happened
Didn't watch the video, he proved all of that wrong with documented evidence.
His wife deserves it for forcing him to stay in a relationship he doesn't want. Dumb cunt
Fuck off, puritan scum. There's nothing wrong with body positivity.
He addresses that too, he says he was trying to divorce Heidi since Oct 2018 but Heidi refused to let him, and showed proof of them talking to a therapist about her having that issue
>Wife refuses divorce no matter what you do
What would you do then?
Seethe harder pedo.
>t. Tranny trying hard
Dilate harder tranny.
His ex wife was the one that wanted the open marriage. He was just acting upon her wishes.
You can't refuse a divorce, what the fuck?
the stuff about the underage kids makes sense he made his case very clear. The thing I have trouble believing is the shit with his wife.
>but he still abused his power to get nudes of his fans which is kinda fucked up.
They literally throw them at him, including the twitter fuckers who started this mess, he doesn't even need to exert any power for it to happen
Have sex.
>tfw no clown gf
lmao good one
>soliciting minors is body positivity
>The biggest voices went silent because there were other accusations about the teens that sent nudes being abusive to people younger than WHAT A SHITSHOW
You forgot to mention that a smash thread died for this.
>Man makes video
>says points
>shows documented evidence
>says points
>shows documented evidence
>says points
>he doesn't have documented evidence
>he then proves that out of four people, counting himself, the other two involved do have documented evidence and proves himself innocent again
>he continues
>proves himself so iron clad innocent that most people get exposed for having not watched his video when they make proven wrong accusations
There was only one thing he said that he did not prove, that Ross knew before it happened. He never proved that.
I don't think you know what soliciting means.
In my country, You can kind of do it. There's like 3 kind of divorces : mutual, someone did something bad so you can divorce them or last one, they haven't lived with you and filled their marital duties for like 1 year or something.
>everyone forget about Zoe's 'accusations' under all of this mess
He straight up looks like Homelander.
>send nudes
I don't think you know what soliciting means.
Except yes, you can. A divorce has to be finalized between two consenting adults, and if one refuses, then it doesn't happen. So now, you are in a marriage, that you cannot escape, and if you try, you can be accused of cheating.
What would you do?
Depends on the state. There are some where you unironically cannot get a divorce unless both parties agree or ones where there has to be a legit reason with proof
no he doesn't, he's an ugly fucker. maybe like a version of homelander with no chin/jaw and worse everything else
>You can either be on Jared's side or Heidi's side
As far as I'm concerned they are both stupid cucks for falling for the open relationship meme
He never asked anyone to send nudes or sent nudes without permission. It was an open invitation for anyone over 18 to send nudes. From there they could keep a conversation going, after which he would occasionally offer his own.
There's always going to be people who have just made up their minds on something and refuse any proof. Like Michael Jackson being a pedo. Same weak minded retards.
>projared vid
I sleep
Did it spur ole uncle jimbo into making another episode of how the internet turns?
I need my daily dose of that autists laugh
Yeah that
>Woman accepts open relationship
Men do this as well.
The question isn't about projared or heidi or any of these fucking sides. It's about the mob mentality, and how much you side with it. Will you look at things objectively and attempt to find truth in the world, despite the hardships, or will you throw down your mental defenses and join the millions shouting into the uncaring void so that they may sacrifice another potential innocent and feel a little bit better about their own shitty lives. Yea Forums is an embodiment of insecure, baseless rage, so I already know the hate bandwagon won't ever fucking stop here. You faggots are still mad about Undertale existing.
>other people kill so that makes this okay
Jared, stop sending nudes to minors.
To this day I don't get how this ugly fucking jew could have so many whores fighting for his mutilated dick.
Fame and money, dumbass.
>Believes accusations from mentally ill trannies
Is that a ways, bud. Is bud offensive for your kind?
yh ya creepy bastard jared
Yes, anyone who accepts an open relationship and complains thinking they were the one who would be getting laid while the other would just stay at home doing nothing is a shitty person.
Fact is, it's mostly the woman in this circumstance, as any man attempting to please a woman through an open relationship proposal probably can't please her in the normal way. Most open relationships are initiated by unsatisfied yet disloyal women, and loyal, yet unconfident men.
You mean WoW thread
>Projared is innocent beyond any reasonable doubt
all he did is provide his side of the story dumbnuts.
With proof.
It's fucking crazy to think just how quickly people completely dogpiled on him, when even then there was no hard evidence, just twitter accusations and screencaps of shit
The world is a fucked up place if someone can just tweet something fake against you and it can completely ruin your life
Calm down joker.
fucking hell he is hideous