What do you want for the future of Mother?

What do you want for the future of Mother?
Today is the 25th anniversary of Mother 2/Earthbound

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Anything. It’s been years and all we’ve gotten is a Mother 1 official release for the Wii U

Nothing. I'm fine with how the franchise ended. Three good games.

The franchise ended.
Unless Itoi changes his mind and wants to do something (doubtful), Nintendo should leave it the fuck alone.

dunno if this makes me "one of THOSE people" but yeah I accept the fact that the series has really for real definitely concluded, so can they please just finally localize Mother 3 already

it's the last thing to do

A switch release, preferably physical.

I just want mother 4 or whatever the fuck they're gonna call it to fucking come out already


I'm happy with it not having any more content. I think having such a huge body of work (games, books, songs) inspired from it, made by people who all felt genuinely touched by the games is an excellent legacy.
I wouldn't mind an official translation of Mother 3, or a full collection on switch, even if it wouldn't be as good as the fan translation.

Itoi has said multiple times he only ever wanted Mother to be a trilogy series, and he is more then satisfied with how the games turned out. It's done.

As others have said, there's literally NOTHING left for this series. It's done. Move on.

A simple visual remake of the 3 in one package would be all that is needed. Makes them all claymation styled, give the localisations a tune up, and the series can rest forever as a classic timeless trilogy.

I know, I'm talking about the fan game

Fuck, you're right.
This is weird, I had the Mother release date marked, but I completely forgot about this.
In any case, a US Mother 3 release would be neat, but the series is fine dead.

Trailer by the end of the year, according to the lead dev.

Winter 2014

I'm happy playing other games that invoke a complex range of feelings with that sense of wistful nostalgia and an angst towards a deceptively upsetting world. There are lots on itch.io, you have to look past Nintendo. Currently enjoying Anodyne 2.

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Nintendo should bring it back. Just because some faggot that barely had anything to do with the games while everyone around him did all the work during his manic depressive episodes doesn't mean shit.

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would you jerk off on the earth bound figures if you got the chance


Yes, give me any figure that's not a amiibo and I'll hotglue it on camera.

>What do you want for the future of Mother?
Ideally, nothing. It's perfect in my mind the way it is. From renting it at blockbuster all those years ago to purchasing it, and so on, and so forth. The only thing I could really hope for is it to be left alone, even by game developers. I don't want Mother 4. I don't like it when hack game devs are "inspired" by it's "quirkiness". It's one thing to like, and enjoy something, but it's so fake when other people use the Mother series as some kind of creative crutch.

It makes me sick. I genuinely care for the Mother series, and i'm glad others enjoy it, and if people dislike it, i'm okay with that too. I hate that some genre has now stemmed from this series. If you enjoy Undertale, Lisa, Deltarune or any other game that largely takes inspiration from this series. It's just not genuine. The amount of love that was poured into Mother 2/Earthbound blows those games out of the water, and it's a disgrace to even associate those games with the series. Ideally those games should stand on their own creatively. I've played them, their not bad games inherently..

You just can't fake the kind of emotion that was poured into Earthbound. Between using his child's handwriting for the Saturn font, the trauma of walking in on a movie theater playing a rape scene to inspire the fight with Giygas, and many other aspects of the game. It's all genuine.

The game itself does have a lot of references to pop culture, in the music, and some different parts of the game. Their's also plenty of legitimate critiques of the game that I generally agree with. I know where i'm posting, and fully expect the shit i get for making a post like this, but to me Earthbound really makes a case as far as a video game just being about an escape, or enjoying yourself. Whether you grew up with it, or didn't I think it's something everyone should try. Even if you don't like it, that's okay too.

It hasn't had a future since Itoi got the depressions. Not that it's stopped everyone trying to make their own Earthbound but now full of SJW shit.

Is this the one time the english title was actually more kino?

My greediest monkey's paw wish is for a highly stylized remake of all 3 games, released in one package/collection.

Remakes that look like the clay models.

That is all, a sequel feels unnecessary unless they do a Dragon Quest route and so a new timeline/world unconnected to the Giygas/Porky story.

nendoroids of ness and lucas


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For Mother 3 to be released to the rest of the world (that's it).

will it be fun

You don’t want it localized, you just think you do. You want the fan translation to be official. A Treehouse-done Mother 3 would be meme-filled and destroyed.