Hit red barrel with melee weapon

>hit red barrel with melee weapon
>it explodes

Attached: roriko.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

name one

>shoot green barrel from distance
>receive "poisoned" debuff

half life 2

I want to explode inside megumin.

What did you fucking expect

>hit car with dildo
>It blows up

>liking worst girl
hey i got another one youll probably like too

Attached: loli lovers.jpg (510x710, 119K)

Makoto actually.

Attached: 1426913968989.jpg (736x981, 141K)

Makes just about as much sense as shooting a red barrel making it explode.

>you can throw red barrels at enemies before shooting them

Attached: meg.png (1920x1080, 699K)

>boss gets stronger the more you hit them

Attached: darkness suit.jpg (1280x720, 498K)

>throw TNT box from standing height to ground
>it explodes

Attached: a bomb.jpg (398x400, 122K)

>shoot important shopkeeper/NPC
>actually dies

Attached: what1.gif (300x223, 1.41M)

Please don't post my waifu. Thanks

I fucking did this in borderlands 2
A propane tank had a " (R3) melee" prompt pop up when i got near it and afyer contemplating it for a bit I did it because I thought "why would it tell me to do this and it backfire?" and I fucking died

I've been avatarfagging as Megumin for 3 years. I won't do it this post out of respect for you though.

>oh shit an exploding barrel
>grab it so i can throw someone
>they hit me and it explodes
every fucking time


>shoot green barrel
>it implies

Attached: garbage.png (1280x720, 858K)

wow dude totally epic

>hit pumpkin
>get knocked flying into the air
>land on someone and annihilate them

Attached: pumpkin bomb.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

>allied AI is braindead

Attached: aqua scream.jpg (3288x2368, 1.3M)

name one good gamr
