Villan has a redemption arc

>Villan has a redemption arc.

fucking based. It's time to forgive and forget lads. An infinite universe is out there waiting for us.

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How much Onions Milk are you getting for shilling this shit?

I just want Yea Forums to swallow it's pride and finally enjoy a legitimatley awesome game.

How are the vr controls? Have devs finally realized that the part people mostly care about in vr is being able to just look around with your head vs having to use those stupid fucking kinect style cameras and room tracking?

Finally finishing a game 2 years after releasing it isn't a redemption arc.

Fuck you, they dont deserve a redemption arc.



it should've always been early access

Fuck off shill. The gameplay loop is shallow as a puddle.

>I just want Yea Forums to swallow it's pride and finally enjoy a legitimatley awesome game.

So never ever, because the game is utterly shit no matter what those retards do.

Not even if they give the game free gonna play it.

why would i forgive them for making massive overexaggerations then bothering to follow through on them years afterwards
the game wouldn't have even gotten the flack it did if they didn't make stupid promises
i'll get it when its dirt cheap but pretending they're cleared for wholesale deception that they didn't even need to make is retarded

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So is the Hello Games logo just santa claus or something?


Looks like it went from a 4/10 to a 7/10. You know what? I'm glad the game's reception went up and that they got a happy ending out of it. Still, they should've finished the damn game when it was released.

Why is this game still 60 dollerydoos?
What market could they possibly be pandering to?

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user youve gotta understand from their point of view. Deadlines. Investors. Small team. Big ideas.

just get a cheap CD Key for $20 from Kinguin
theyre all the same game, Beyond is just a massive update

Yeah I know. It's just that usually that kind of problem happens because a big-name publisher (like EA) forces a dev team to rush their product, but in this case Hello both developed and published it, so I can't help but see the whole thing as their fault. But those investors can be a bitch to deal with.

if i was a investor that shitty excuse might actually work but as a consumer i just want the fucking product i was promised on release and not two fucking years after the fact

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>Yea Forums
>having any pride
>enjoying anything
this place seeks pleasure exclusively from recycled memes and other bullshit.

user, not him, but i would much rather support a developer that didnt deceive me into buying an unfinished game, and if no mans sky is the only game in the world, sure id play it, but its not. Id rather spend my time and money on developers that didnt pull that shit off.

>finally enjoy a legitimatley awesome game
But the core game is still garbage, all they did was add in some new features to distract you from the awful core gameplay.
t. idiot who bought it on launch

how does the multiplayer work now?

>finally gave the game a chance
>it tries to cover a lot of things but cant do it very well so shit is always shallow
>excessive use of random generation tool
>tons of generic glitches and bugs which should be easy to patch out
I was fine with ignoring everything because I was having some fun farming money but then I got to the freighter

God fucking damn, the freighter was just tons of bad decisions layered on top of other bad decisions
>been reload spamming a freighter defense event so I can get a good one
>kept getting 33-34 slots freighters
>after the 10th attempt, got sick of it and decided to google the chances of getting a 48 slot freighter
>mfw shit is impossible to get because 48 slot was somehow causing a bug so they brought down the limit to 34
>"okay fine, i can deal with it"
>realize I can "clear out" the rooms by replacing the solid wall objects with the empty room tileset
>after an exorbitant amount of time and resources were spent, I finally cleared it out
>except due to draw distance being shit, the solid objects were popping in if said block was far enough from me
>mfw I literally got lost in the room because I couldnt see where the exit was due to solid objects appearing around me due to draw distance
I dropped the game after that. I cant understand why they designed the interior of the freighter as some sort of minecraft shit instead of making it empty in the first place.

guarantee the collective of the "Yea Forums" does that daily. they have to argue. it is the soul purpose of this boards existence.

they fixed the draw distance issue a few days ago

>Want to enjoy it
>No one to play it with
why even bother

>You know what? I'm happy they committed highway robbery and got away with it

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>I just want Yea Forums to swallow its* pride and finally enjoy a legitimately* awesome game.
Nigger what the fuck are you even talking about? These fucking soibois lied about everything and hid from the consumer base for years.

That's right, incel


>this cursed picture

Can I own multiple freighters yet? I want a big ass star fleet that puts fear into every system I travel to.

So is this the new strategy for making games? Just make some average game but release a really bad version so when you eventually get to what you originally wanted, it looks great?

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I spent 40 hours on No Man's Sky and I couldn't even reach getting a Freighter. I was tasked to bring even more shit to my base to continue the Artemis plot. I was grinding and mining, grinding and mining, grinding and mining, with shit capacity, shit jetpack upgrades, shit ship technology, and the upgrades are dogshit -> shit -> only if it drops -> use this. I hate that this piece of shit makes me grind garbage that I do not need before I get to grind shit that's actually useful. Fuck getting fuel for the launcher, I had to wait for yet another piece of shit C ship I could afford that also had the upgraded launchers.
This game has serious progression issues, you can do and get more, efficiently, the more shit you have. Getting the snowball to roll is pain.

I know you're trying to shitpost but at least realize that alpha releases have been a thing on steam for years now

You're not railroaded to do those though. I actually just farmed 1billion credits by buying shit in one system and selling it to the next one. You can buy 1 exosuit upgrade in each station of a system you visit. By the time I started the artemis mission, My character was already well established. Then I quit the game because lol doing fetch missions when you're fully geared out

>alpha releases

So everyone paid full price for a beta of a game, got it.

Where's the worm, Sean?

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Not everyone is stupid enough to believe a guy who just kept saying "yes" when people kept asking him if X will be available on game release.

I'm sorry that you were one of those gullible idiots

>Implying I bought that crap

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lol is that pic unironically real

btw, im asexual

I got the traductor B before getting artemis A. What the fuck is this shit even supposed to do? I keep seeing garbage words with my learned words on it. What's the point? Solving the meme puzzles is pain. It's also painful when the nav charts redirect you to already explored parts. Even more turning in 30 nav data because you even do it one by one. I actually tried to explore the planets on the systems I visited and found one that had buried bones that gave me like 5 millions. I was also getting blueprints for materials I couldn't get with my shit hyperdrive.
Again, progression is a mess. I don't want to spend 30 hours crashing the economy on each station with looms to make 1 million every 10 minutes (accounting for going to planets for more shit antimatter materials).

>finally enjoy a legitimatley awesome game.
So not No man sky, then?

>Seriously replying to an obvious bait post.
You guys can't be this retarded.

does that mean you dont masturbate at all or like sexual things?

It means he can make babies with himself.


Starlink did it better.