This is the reason why I can't game on PC.
This is the reason why I can't game on PC
Other urls found in this thread:
You're right, trying to use a mouse and keyboard while sitting in that would be really uncomfortable. Why not get a real gaming chair?
and you know that you can also use controllers for pc games, right
Because I'd rather relax while playing games. It's a hobby, not a lifestyle.
Because you're retarded? Makes sense.
Comfort is what puts console gaming over PC. This is why playing a console game while sitting on a recliner is so comfy
>gaming chair
That's even worse, """"""""""""""""gaming""""""""""""""""""" chairs are meme and shit.
You want to stay comfy paying? Office chairs are the best.
Like I said: because you're retarded.
literally playing on my pc in my recliner right now.
kb&m too
fuck the system
>like I said: because you can't form a meaningful relationship with another human being
Stay salty, PC incel
Works fine for me :^)
Based boomer
To be completely honest, PC has nothing to offer compared to just getting. ps4 pro and a 4k tv.
wireless keyboard + wireless mouse on armrest
how I used to play dota and other wc3 shit back in the day
I'm gay btw
I use a recliner as my computer chair, shit's great. All you need for it are wireless mouse + keyboard, and a small table next to you for your mouse
Not him but the games I want to play can't be played with a controller.
Agreed. PC used to be the place to go for custom content that was made freely available by other users. Now new games come out with no map editors, or extensive admin plugins or even a server browser. What the hell happen?
This thread is full of angry incels, trying to convince themselves that they made the right choice in spending money on their gaming system of choice
>not having a classic old wood chair
>not having a foldable lawn-chair that they found abandoned in a riverbed
>sitting while gaming
It's like you don't even want the true experience
>being conscious while gaming
Why even bother?
>living during game time
Are you even trying?
>game time
Good argument.
Most PC is now digital only, that's a big negative.
>You can't relax in a comfy office chair with back support and your hands resting on your controls
The majority of big games that get physical releases on console require you to install day one patches, which means you either get to play the inferior version, or you can't fucking play at all because the data's not on the disc.
I tried moving my recliner to my PC. Shit doesn't work. Recliner works best in front of a TV with a controller in my hand. Sorry mustards, playing vidya on a table and an office chair isn't comfy at all.
>plug PC into TV
>connect controller to PC
>launch steam in big picture mode
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...
works on my end :^)
How do I play SC2 or Total War with a controller?
>heh, okay pctards, if you can play pc games on your tv how can i play these games made specifically for keyboards and accurate, quick controls
PCtards btfo good work user you sure showed them
Why do you keep saying heh and kid? Are you ok user?
get a load of this newfag
How do you play SC2 or Total War on console?
>put that chair near desk
>play games with controller
Objective Gaming Comfy Ranking: Bed > Couch > Car > Toilet > Standing >>>>>>>>>>>>>> desk chair
Somebody stop this absolute madman
how do you play it on console retard?
Answer the question retard. Why the fuck would I play multiplats on a PC when there thousands of PC exclusive games to play? PC exclusive games that will not ever be on console for numerous reasons, one of them being requiring a mouse and keyboard to properly play. I got a PC to play PC games, not play console games at a higher fps.
based retard
>never been in a real office chair in his life
nice knowing you have a minimum wage job
Hello? You can get a gamepad and play from chair or does this exact chair somehow prevents you from playing on pc? Like it bullies you and you can't even move it because of all the onions in your body?
then literally use kb+m you retard
why are you unable to do that? because you have scoliosis from being a weak spined homo?
With a controller that can simulate mouse movement, of course.
>can't read
I accept your concession.
>HDMI cable leading to TV
>Wireless controller
There you go
then how can they be played on consoles?
Bullshit, it may not be optimal but there's always a way.
tell me why youre such a weak backed nigger, and too poor to afford a nice chair to sit at a desk with
are your arms too short? lmao
I like how you call everyone else a retard when clearly you're the retard
>duhhh why would i play thousands of exclusive games
>duhhh why would i play console games at a higher quality
>duhhh why would i play console games at a higher quality AND have the option to play them comfortably in my living room
It's fine to prefer console but the arguements you're making are literally the prime negatives of a console. You get a shittier quality game AND you lose access to hundreds if not thousands of exclusive games, a lot of which are great. PC is literally the best of both worlds
Btw user if a game exists on both console and PC it's not a console game. A console game is red dead redemption which is exclusively on consoles.
Yea Forums should have a 'you must be this tall' requirement to post
>doing extra busywork just to play some games
no thanks, all-in-one console is the best choice
>extra busywork
What the fuck is difficult about putting a tower in your living room and plugging it in? You do that with a console?? Are you just pretending to be this stupid or are you actually serious???
Ah, I see, consoles just come pre-set up with a TV in all the houses of retardland. No busywork required there.
>why would i buy a pc where i can play multiplats AND pc exclusives
are you a poorfag that cant afford a console for your living room and a pc for your study?
user, consider the trade off. PC gets a lot of games naturally, and there's a lot of really good emulators. The library available to you is far larger than any one console will ever have.
not him
god I wish I had one of them
so you specifically made a pointless thread to argue a non sequitur while using the argument logic of the equivalent of a 5 year old with these "nuh uh" phrases? kys
The only game you can play on this chair is RPGs, and only if you don't end up falling asleep.
Weak shit. I have a recliner with wide armrests that fits under my desk. Keyboard on my lap, mouse on the armrest, monitor pulled forward a bit on the desk. I can play everything while being super fucking comfy.
get a remote?
That thing is worse than a regular controller.
Trackpads have shit accuracy
The gyro drifts
The design is just poor and it's uncomfortable to use
More like this
Unlike trackpads, trackballs are demonstrably competitive with mouse it just takes a lot of practice
A properly configured stick is better than trackpads even
i want to punch the designer of the steam controller in the face they had one chance to bridge the gap between controller and kbm and they went with a fucking trackpad. i want to punch you directly in the nose.
the assumption is that you can't have the same comfiness on a PC which is factually wrong
my pc isnt in the living room for one
ohh so you don't even have to move your PC aside from maybe to the other side of the room?
Damn all that busywork. Plugging in cables and opening an application sure is a tough task
>trackpads have shit accuracy
I didn't fucking recommend it for shooters, retard
>the gyro drifts
Fucking don't use gyro, then
the steam controller's touchpads can simulate trackballs
I don't even use a desk with my PC. I just lay in bed with my desktop at the side of the bed, the monitor on a nightstand, and my mouse and keyboard on the bed. It's comfy as fuck and it's how I've always done things. I find sitting at a desk uncomfortable in comparison.
>you have to be in the living room to be comfortable
so this is the power of poverty
>I didn't fucking recommend it for shooters, retard
it's absolute shit for shooters, worse than a stick, worse than a regular controller
steam controller is like some faggot copied the "here's your controller, bro" 4channel meme because they think memes are cool and they think it's funny but they're an actual clueless retard.
>the steam controller's touchpads can simulate trackballs
yeah as effectively as an on screen kb can simulate a real keyboard. it's shit.
>You're right, trying to use a mouse and keyboard while sitting in that would be really uncomfortable
that's why you get a slide under table you doofus
I'd love to be a comfy console person but I feel shackled trying to play most games with a controller since I know how much more precise it is on KBM. That's the opposite of comfort.
>it's absolute shit for shooters
Are you braindead? Were you born with microcephaly? Are you having a stroke? The fuck is wrong with you?
Jesus fucking Christ.
>He doesn't have an omega comfy couch with a low enough arm rest to both accomodate your elbow and let you move your hand freely.
Sorry to hear user, couch gaming is great, back when I used a chair I'd have back pains every now and then, but the couch just eradicated all that, it's great.
Based, i usually sit in a nice chair using a controller.When a game has to be played with m+k i just pull the whole desk close to the chair since my desk has wheels.
You didn't recommend it for anything memetard.
The point is steam controller is shit for everything.
Try playing Crusader Kings 2 on a TV. heck it doesn't even support controllers.
Fuck. I want to play Divine Divinity on my PC but it's so fucking uncomfortable I'm playing Alundra on my PS classic
I recommended it for playing games with a mouse cursor like Total War in the living room. Read the thread.
>now owning an ajustable desk so you can swap from sitting to standing when ever you feel like it
Nah, bro, not okay.
oh yeah?
so comfy
While I like your set up. You have to lean forward in order to play and that's a big no from me.
Reminds me of me grandpa
man i just realised how much i need to dust under my computer
Go home newfag, summers almost over
>his arms are that short
manlet spotted
Go home edge faggit
This is 4channel, take ur pathetic incel edgy crud to Yea Forums
>newfag is a retard
Like clockwork
I've settled this long ago:
Single player games are to be played on a PlayStation 4 on a 55" 4k UHD kinoplex edition Sony television while multiplayer games should be experienced on the PC
What about PC centric games like Strategy and P&C?