Games were the villain was actually right all long and you were being deceived by the "good" guys?
Games were the villain was actually right all long and you were being deceived by the "good" guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
He was wrong to start a tumblr where people could post nudes in the first place. That's just asking for problems.
games where the villain goes silent for months to shell out a shitload of money to lawyers and shills.
I agree but he's just a man and he has the right to do what he wants with consenting adults. Also imagine if you wife is fucking other guys you probably would want to be with others too
I support Jared
Metal Gear Solid 2
Literally Dark City
Yes, is a movie, so what this is a e-celeb thread
games where the villain was always an embarrassing retard cuck?
>has a page where he post nudes
>accept nudes from all his fans
>"good guy"
Good taste user that movie is fucking awesome
ugly ostrich
Runescape unironically
you support open relationships and the spread of STD's
eat my butt retard
Take notes, sheep. This could literally happen to you at anytime, with no provocation on your part whatsoever. Espeically if you don't happen to be in the Jews favor
#MeToo culture will destroy us all
The video is basically this scene stretched out to 40 minutes. He even looks fucked up like Keanu.
Its to express them selves sexually
Projared probably realized he was bi then was like “others can express them selves sexually in this safe space with me”
His nudes weren’t leaked he would send them to literally anyone who asks lmao it doesn’t count
Thats like posting a porn stars public porn vids and saying you leaked there nudes
I'm sure he's a fucking idiot but the second it came out that the wife pushed for open relationship shit then got feet everyone should've immediately realised the entire thing was bullshit
I doubt it, because I don't run a tumblr for my army of 15 year old fans to trade nudes on
What would've been the icing on the cake was if he framed this video as a review. Starting with "Today, I'm...", the whole intro, and giving a rating to the situation at the end. The whole "looking dishevelled" thing is tacky I admit, but he had legitimate facts so I can't complain.
Neither did he
I have literally never talked to a woman before.
im bigger than him
This. When the wife also conveniently left out the fact that they were in an open relationship, and ONLY mentioned it when Jared did, was a red flag for me.
>then got feet
What the fuck are you on about?
>eat my butt retard
Drop your pants >:3c
We are done here gentlemen.
sounds like the sheeple is you, nerd
eating butt will spread disease, hypocrite
>sends nudes to a batshit insane tranny who does gay furry art and is sexually attracted to the Game Grumps
>lol what could happen?
This is 100% on him.
cold feet, esl-kun
All ace combat games because:
>Emotional "nono you got it all wrong/apologizing" video
I didn't see Jon do this, does he really need to make a video where he looks like a pathetic bum begging for forgiveness? That only makes him more suspicious.
why'd it take him so long to make that video?
Jon wasn't accused of anything illegal
Based and redpilled.
>Finding out saradomin and armadyl were just as big of cunts as zamorak and bandos
>Only good guy was guthix
>Zaros was always a bit power hungry but he kept saradomin and the elven gods in check, just made a lot of shitty choices when recruiting
RS has some good god lore
If all was a lie why did he wait almost 4 months to say anything?
We're coming home
Give me the rundown on what's happened to kickstart the change about him?
Weren't his videos infrequent before this whole debacle? I'd say he's being consistent.
Does the first Infamous count? Or maybe Second Son if you really stretch the definition of "right"
Thanks, I thought I was having a stroke
this butt has never been touched
prime boi pucci with no diseases
pink and tight and shaved
Yeah current contemporary theory indicates its important to wait at least 5-10 years before it's obviously true.
Hes right about his ex but hes still a massive fucking retard
I wasn't even referencing that, I was just talking about the many times that the main character gets fooled into doing the bad guys bidding like priest in peril.
The lawyers needed time to make sure he scrubbed his tumblr properly and threaten the peopel over twitter via legal notices
Fire Emblem Three Houses on Black Eagles route. The Church is massively made out to be the villains but they were right all along.
>villain is you
I unironically love this trope when done right
Being labeled "racist" by using misinformed statistics given by /pol/tard "friends" is different from being labeled as a sexual predator showing your junk to "underaged fans" senpai.
>final fantasy reviews again
he should have monetized the fuck out of it.
>tumblr degenerate is surprised when other tumblr degenerates lie for attention
He got what he deserved for associating with those faggots
He said in the video that he was talking to as many lawyers and people educated in law as he could to make sure it was okay to talk about this shit.
Staying silent was probably the best thing he did desu, when he tried to apologize privately to the two main accusers they just weaponized his apology and it made things worse.
Going radio silence is one of the best opening moves.
He mentions it at the very beginning saying that he didn't want to say anything until he knew that it was safe for him to do so (safe being without any legal repercussions)
He says why in his video.
Never forget 4/10.
>B-but why did he take so long?
Dipshits, he played this correctly. That video's script and content probably has been in the hands of his lawyer multiple times through multiple edits for the last month at least. One misstep and it doesn't matter how correct he is, his ass is grass in a court of law.
I couldn't care less about the scandal and drama, but he talked shit about SA2 so I'm happy he got buried.
the moment you let one person touch your butt it's gonna be the one guy with literally every disease ever to exist. as a precaution, just sew your anus shut
That literally did nothing to hurt anything that caused this situation. That was just a weird thing that he happened to be doing.
His wife supported it 100% and everything was consensual
>Wife asks for an open relationship
>Agree and fuck a qt girl whom you can love and share your feelings with
>Wife assmad that you're getting top quality pussy and all she gets are beta orbiters
>Divorce while maintaining a relationship with the qt
What's more chad than this?
Jared was accused of actual crimes user.
>he talked shit about SA2
The Sonic stuff popping up around then was fucking hilarious. Also Ioved watching his sub count drop in real time. Literately a sub a second. It was magical.
All he did was debunk everything, which is something he needed to do. He apologized once, and only for the nude blog being distasteful for people who saw it as an abuse of power.
He had some real fucking shit depression before this all happened. I remember him talking about it somewhere ages ago, but I forget if it was a video or a post he made. So he wasn't posting videos frequently before this, and he stated he wanted to make sure he did this as flawlessly as possible as he was communicating with lawyers and trying to be clean about it so he can't have it held against him legally.
>fuck a qt girl
e-celeb threads that have literally nothing to do with videogames and are just drama belong in
I thought everyone here did that. Cause everyone keeps talking SHIT
Counterpoint; Etika
Never once believed that he was creeping on minors, but he's still a dipshit who fucked a crazy bird lady, cucked an honest man, decided to divorce his wife by blocking her on Twitter, and thought nothing bad would come of it. Heidi is a liberal moron who fell for the open relationship meme and deserved what she got.
Everyone was harmed in the making of this.
All he did was debunk the arguments logically. Hardly seems emotional to me. Yeah he looks disheveled but I'd be too after taking a few months of that shit.
Golden Sun, Saturos and Menardi were right despite their ways they had no time left for more discussion. In the first game you played as the bad guys in the end
And i guess a bit of Magus, since he knew about Lavos before the others and was trying to kill it off. Magus also controlled the monster party, without him they would go out of control and make humans a minority like in one of the timelines
lol no. He wouldn't get sued or anything for the video. However it could fuck up with his ongoing divorce proceedings, and he was probably looking at sueing them at one point, but a youtube video might hurt any potential lawsuit he could commence. hence the delay.
literally my grandma, and yet somehow better looking than heidi
>Those eyes
Better than his ex wife
>this thread
He didnt send nudes and probably didn’t look at the profile
I thought I was being sexist (again) for suspecting that his wife might have been leaving out some things from the story and then this came out and then I wondered why am I even paying attention to this shit in the first place. Anyway, there's literally nothing wrong with being Jared and Jared did nothing wrong, more or less.
Procreate, but only if you're white
The whole ProJared situation is really getting out of control.
Like what the fuck is even happening and what the fuck is the truth anymore
He didn't send any.
The dude came by and begged to send him some.
I still want nudes
sneed doesn't belong there
>Didn’t apologize to John Tron for getting him kicked from Normal Boots for being a “racist” (aka not shit talking about whites)
> is in a open relationship and is basically a cuck (not too surprising considering he’s ugly as shit and any woman that said she would be loyal to him only is clearly lying)
Your wife could demand an open relationship though and then it would all be downhill from there.
Cancel culture is one hell of a drug
Should have been in Yea Forums too. Only got stickied because mods are retards who like le funny black meme man.
>all those seething blue check marks
I don't give a shit about any of this but it makes me happy to see trannies seethe
just watch the video instead of only taking in one source of information. I'd rather believe the words of a man actually providing proof instead of a whore flinging shit on twitter
It's like someone made the eye distance slider too close
>cucked an honest man
Apparently not
RS had lore?
What the fuck is cancel culture?
>(aka not shit talking about whites)
That's not what happened
Choo chooooo all aboard the defamation slander suit-train, choo choo
I can't WAIT for all the legal proceedings to blow up in her face and utterly ruin her
Internet witch hunts
that'll make me poop like this if I do though
Where did the idea that blue checkmark = liberal come from? Every single big right-wing ""commentator"" has one too.
When you hate someone because someone else told you do.
Yea Forums does it all the time
Whenever somebody does or says something that the Twitter trannies don't like they then proceed to ruin that person's life.
I don't entirely disagree but mods set a precedent by pinning that and you can't really complain about ecelebs on Yea Forums now because of it. At least, if you do not much will happen.
I'd fuck her.
i poop like that and i dont even have an anus
Magicka 2
>right wing
>on twitter
I'm listening to it right now, mate, believe me, I want the truth more than anything else. I've been trying to get as much info as I could from all parties involved (because I have no life), and I'm glad Jared's finally speaking up.
"Woke" witch hunts
It really sucks for him, but
>openly welcome nudes when any private text conversation can be doctored
>wait 4 months to defend himself, instead of immediately gathering and posting all conversation history the moment he saw the emails
>let himself get gaslighted by two underaged faggots
He's a dumbass. He probably was and is depressed and losing his mind, but still a dumbass.
He consulted lawyers and other people on the subject first, and there's probably multiple lawsuits being filed because he's redacted some of the proof he was giving to us due to "ongoing legal proceedings".
Also, he says in the video that he was in an abusive relationship he wanted out of, and his wife ended up holding his career hostage.
That's a nice costume.
Bitch this ugly ass nigga can never get top quality puss. The other bitch was ugly as fuck.
Your standards on women is low as shit if you think the other bitch is top quality you need help.
I just beat it. What?
formerly chuck's
zoomer lingo for DDOSing or raiding
Believe it or not, yes. There's shitload of them. Twitter has an obvious bias but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
You're not being sexist for finding women inherently suspicious, you're just being right.
Twitter mobs with a trendy name. Kind of like how "Toxic" replaced "Jerk" as the go to thing to call people you don't like.
"Cancel Culture" has been going for about a decade now, it's literally nothing new, and there's only hope that it will one day be curbed.
He still abused Heidi, do you fucks not have empathy or...?
Believe Jared you idiot.
I agree but mods clearly don't. They seem to randomly pick which e-celeb threads are okay based on which ones they like. And they never should have stickied that dead nigger thread
>Yea Forums
Pick one
cancel culture good when it's someone I don't like
cancel culture bad when it's someone I do
from what he said and showed in the video, it really seems like it's the other way around...
John was literally just talking about persevering the white race and ugly twink fuck used that to kick John out for being “racist”
He needs to apologize to John.
It's nothing compared to what she did to him.
I hope some random bitch you stalk accuses you of rape, has no proof for the accusations and you still go to prison for it.
Heidi is a slut
Small price to pay for ending the patriarchy
I would but then I remember how disgusting his dick is and I get second thoughts
Anybody with a dick that gross can't be trusted
If mods actually did their jobs they would have to remove all the shitty smash and waifu threads
You do not sound completely straight to me desu senpai.
you know I dont get why I immeidately believed that he did it. When it came to other stuff like MJ, kavanuagh and Vic I was skeptical and waited for more info. with projared I just assumed he was pedo, I guess he was right about the whole twitter mob mentality thing. Even if its not on twitter itself.
>which is something he needed to do
Why though? Why can't someone like him realize being an e-celebrity is shit and just live normally?
If he wasnt a "celebrity" you would be mocking and ridiculing his stupidity rather than defending it.
Other way around
>she threatens suicide and to ruin his career when he wanted to divorce her
>back in oct 2018
>they even went to therapy to get her to try to stop refusing divorce
>he has proof of all of it in the video
both sides were probably toxic to eachother. of course both people are gonna be defending themselves.
>just talking about preserving the fictional ethnic purity of a nation guyz
>nothing wrong
jesus christ you white power cucks are delusional
He waited 3 months to reply because he's suing their asses.
Or, at least, he's seriously looking into it.
Heidi is in the right, anyone that says otherwise has no proof or is basing their claims on hearsay.
All Jared video did was put into question Chai and Charlie's claims.
49 seconds in paint
I remember when it happened, pretty much everyone here was mocking him and cheering at his sub counter going down. I mean, I was too.
This is actually better than what a Yea Forums user can get
shouldve titled it "A man denied his divorce"
Redemption Arc is real and I hope Heidi burns in the 9th circle of hell
it's clear as day that heidi has always been the abuser in their relationship
>he respected the pronouns of the freaks who tried to ruin his life
lmao what a cuck
I never heard that because I ignore the trends internet is going through past decade. Every time I read new expressions it gives headdaches, seems like almost everyone seems to be going full retard saying a couple of new wording because they cant argue or talk anymore
>Being so ugly your girl wants a open relationship and the only other puss you can find looks like a transgender with down syndrome
LOL talk about missing the point
pick one
What do you mean? She literally admitted she insisted they have an open relationship
anyone have a pretimeskip demetri edit?
>everything heidi has said so far has been demonstrated to be either a complete lie, or a lie by omission removing critical context
>Fuck over ex wife and get your career back
absolute mad lad
Admitting your in a open relationship is embarrassing for men. Might as well say your a cuck.
How about games where you abuse your fame to get nudes from fans or games where you cheat on your beautiful wife with some ugly bird lady
It started to get serious sometime during Ritual of the Mahjarrat(2011scape)
Next time, user. Next time.
they'd just do the exact same thing they did 3 months ago except piss and moan about using the wrong pronouns. no one is better at witch hunting and ruining other people's lives on twitter than trannies, faggots, and furries
>If he wasnt a "celebrity" you would be mocking and ridiculing his stupidity rather than defending it.
You mean the thing that did and is happening now?
Though frankly, I'm so happy he's standing up to the Twitter mob that I can't be mad at him. That takes far more balls and intelligence than nit-picking on an anime site takes.
ForsenCD Omegalul
#BringBackWitchBurning #BringBackWitchBurning #BringBackWitchBurning
That was orgasmic.
Motherfucker stop pretending like your anonymous ass is any better.
Sure, both women are pretty fucking average. Haven't you ever heard of exaggerating to make a point?
His bitch of a wife wanted to fuck other men for free without feeling bad and probably had roast beef for a cunt, so he agreed and got to fuck a woman who was probably only plowed by a man named "rubberross". He made his bitch of a wife jealous and left.
Considering his looks and how much of a loser nerd he is, he did better than you ever will. Bet your boyfriend fucks other dudes on the side.
There are no good 3D Sonic games.
>she's heard of the high elves.
When you're in the court of public opinion, nothing you say will get you out of it and most people will have already formed their opinion and condemned you to be "canceled" so your best option is to shut the fuck up, wait for shit to blow over and for the crowd to gobble up some other controversy, and then come back when the fire's died down
People fucking love callout-and-cancel culture until they're on the receiving end and they change when they get the opportunity to cancel someone for their own benefit
>Preserving your own race is bad
Literally what!?!??!
t. Game Journalist trying to be credible.
based, fuck women
If he didn't give into that bullshit then all his evidence would get ignored for people to bitch about him being anti trans.
Heidi's the abuser
She's a cosplayer for fuck's sake, they always lie about shit to try to get attention
Compared to DrDisrespect he 100% is.
Most people thought he was just gonna hide away forever. I think his videso suck but O cant help but respect him for going against the mob, the memes, and the "neutral" youtubers to try to clear his name.
But you're cucking the girl too
God who fucking cares about this washed-out faggot
He was dwindling even before the controversy and history content was never good. Just shut the fuck up about this already.
>people still trying to 'cancel' him because he looks weird and acts creepy
>clinging to a fabricated concept of race that is neither historically nor biologically real because you're the useful idiot of a ruling elite is bad
> seems like almost everyone seems to be going full retard saying a couple of new wording because they cant argue or talk anymore
Unfortunately that's exactly what is happening. The metaphorical (?) tower of babel is making its users stupid, and Yea Forums is included in this. You can only hope to have a reasonable conversation on sites that have less than like 50-active users, that's how bad things are.
>Heidi claims he cheated on her
>Projared says they had an open relationship at the time
>Heidi says they had an open relationship but he was mentally abusing her
Really activates my jimmies there.
Hi Heidi.
Unless there's a rape kit or video evidence believe NOTHING from cancel culture. It's all attention whores lying for fame/money.
but hes always going to be known as a ugly looking sex creep. good luck clearing that
dumb phoneposter
We need an AI to control the flow of information in the internet
>Defending someone who doesn’t care you exist and will never want to have anything to with you is gay. You wanna suck his twink dick or something? He’s a hideous twink cuck. Calm down.
the new trendy way of saying witch hunts or people outraging to get something stopped.
Ever heard of gaslighting?
Even though Heidi was clear and open about the open relationship, Jared was clearly not honest. He was scum, none of this video disproves the fact that he was a creep in his nudes blog.
thisits not spics and jews fault that Wh*tes aren't breeding
>I support Jared
Of course you do. You hate women.
>How dare you look like shit after taking harassment by losers constantly for months!
>he ever liked ProJared's content
Can you actually fuck off and just go on NormalBoots or something instead of this site?
There's this weird thing called hiding and ignoring a thread.
There needs to be something discouraging people from making false claims that's for damn sure, as it stands it's "your word vs. hers" and in post-#MeToo society people are inclined to always side with the girl as long as she brings a decent sob story to the table.
That's not to say that all women cry false allegations, just that the ones that do make things shittier for everyone and we'd all be better off with an actual punishment in place for proven liars.
>Heidi refusing to watch his apology video because she's so triggered
Holy shit this woman
>people sympathizing with beakley when he did this exact same shit to jontron
that part where the accusers ask for an apology and then delete the tweet asking for an apology and then say the apology was manipulative actually had me seething.