Remnant: From the Ashes

When was this advertised? When was this talked about?

I've completely missed it and bought it yesterday as Dark Souls but as a shooter sounded interesting.

It's so good, wtf. Where did it come from?
I start to wonder what other gems I have missed despite thinking that I have at least a pretty good view on whatever games are released.

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Quit yer shillin', boy.

Yeah you guys are being faggots now time to fuck off

i really don't get why this game is getting such good ratings, it's generic mediocre crap

Because it's great, user. I'm sorry you can't enjoy things.

>sorry you can't enjoy things.
nice reasons, it's certainly not great. it's highly derivative and plays like shit, also too easy.

Most people enjoy actual good things user.

like what?

like anything that isn't uninspired janky chink shit, now fuck off and get some taste kid.

give me some examples

>no ai companions

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>too easy
Is this bait? I've had some trouble on normal and hard is giving me a lot of issues in certain areas. I can't imagine playing on fucking nightmare.

Why does every Souls clone nowadays have "ash" in name?

Dude co-op lmao

You tell me, Ashen One.

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Same. I only heard about it first on Yea Forums, no idea where they advertised. 30 hours in and loving it still.

its fun playing the game with my friends but its really boring when im only by myself. unlike DS where i already conditioned myself to play the game on my own for my own satisfaction

I like playing it solo but I can understand that. It does feel like bosses were made with coop in mind, considering all the adds.

scaling is wack, endgame is nonexistant, coop is badly in need of some QoL improvements and actual fucking chat. Other than that the game was alright, took me 10 hours to beat.

yeah that and the game's difficulty gets higher if you play on co-op. basically more fun when playing with my friends. kinda tempted to reroll my progress since i still havent encountered that instance with a pocket watch loot.

shut the fuck up shill Jesus. one day no one knows about it, the next day "mysteriously" every single YouTuber and their grandma is talking about it at the same time. they got the money to pay off YouTubers I wouldn't doubt they have the money to pay 15 cents per post to shills.
if you're thing about buying this game because it's been heavily marketed as dark souls with guns, DONT. I fell for that bait and believe me it's not. it has basically no real story, no creative level design, no interesting new things. it's literally grind fest randomy generated level bushit. you grind to get better weapons to grind faster to hope and even better weapon drops which you can use to grind faster. shit game, shit premise, shitty lying decieving marketing.

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yeah its pretty far fetched that they marketed it as dark souls with guns. still bought it tho bec me and my friends think it looks good and wants to have fun with it but we definitely threw out the idea that this game is "DS with guns". especially when the environments doesnt have that atmospehere like in DS

Nah it's pretty good. It's a bit generic and could use more content, but otherwise it's great. Could you be a dear and cry shill over at the WoW and Control threads too? Thanks.

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Imagine being this delusional lmao
It's a mediocre game, good enough for pirate.

>bandit armor + hive cannon
It really reminds me of a gun from another game, maybe the conduit or timesplitters, but its my favourite.

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the gameplay experience is absolutely solid
the shooting / melee combo feels great and the AI and enemy variety makes the combat very fun

i heard it was 6 hours long

Where? No review would say something like that.
It's short, compared to something like Dark Souls, but it's closer to 20h

Alright I'll try it, but I still don't believe you.

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can you fuck any womens this game

it's okay at best, stop shilling
most solid 6/10 title i've ever played if you want a compliment though, dev

Hey Gunfire, can you answer one question for me? Why go the lazy fuck route and make a game with procedural generation? If you had hand crafted the levels maybe I would have bit on your shill marketing campaign that is obviously modeled after Apex. As it stands it looks like a low effort B game that would waste my time and money

AI and enemy variety? do things drastically change on 2nd playthrough or something bc every melee just beelines for you and every ranged just like shoots at you.
I don't even know if they have different AI, one just has to get closer to attack

>Why go the lazy fuck route and make a game with procedural generation?
man fucking Diablo, all three games, do this, this game's practically a Diablo third-person-shooter rather than a Souls knockoff (just without the metric tons of duplicate statted loot)

Had the same impression even without playing it, i'm still on the edge about buying this even if i have friends to play it with, what price do you recommend waiting for?

yeah but Diablo has a functioning map

honestly like half price. closest comparison i can give is Hellgate London lite, tainted with HARDCORE DARK SOULS mechanics that don't really do it any justice, nor serve any purpose. the only penalty for dying is having to respawn at the checkpoint soooo....why have this crazy YOU GOT HIT ONCE YOU'RE ALMOST DYING YOU HAVE TO ESTUS shitty design?

It's already at a good price. It's not a 60 dollar game, but 40.

It's your average third person shooter.... nothing special

For me to pay 60 bucks it has to be a fucking god-tier game, even 40 should be top tier and it doesn't look neither of those to me, learn how to budget stuff user
Yeah 20 is what i pretty much was set on, plus i consider buying future stuff if it's good, these games you never know since the devs can always balance stuff with their ass and ruin everything like vermintide 2

it's absolutely not worth 40, i'll just list off the points and if those bother you than i'd definitely wait.
1. Map is abysmal. idgaf if it's procedure whatever make a map that works. you can't see a map floor if you're not on it, and there's no feasible way to see what you have or haven't explored without teleporting to checkpoint to checkpoint and going through to the map sections that don't allow teleporting
2. don't listen to the memes, melee is pitiful and always more risk for less reward, gun dps and melee dps look like it's from different genres. plus you can't even melee most bosses
3. last boss is just austere, relies on a mechanic that is never used throughout the entire game
4. everythings just...odd. tooltips don't tell shit, map doesn't tell shit, combat feels p basic which i guess is a good thing looking at the rest of the gameplay
6/10, buy for less than $20, oh yeah THERE'S NO WAY TO COMMUNICATE IN GAME TO OTHER PLAYERS

Is that a nigger? I'll think I'll pass.


Dude thats just dark souls lmao

nigga dont, dark souls has emotes and messages, remnant has crouching and that's literally it

Humanoid enemies do have a pretty good AI. Bandits can flank and hid behind walls moving behind covers, same with other sentient enemies.

there are a lot of minibosses that make things interesting, like that asshole who throws the hammer in the swamp, those brain controlling maggots, etc

im playing pirated copy for like a week and its alt right so far

Your average third person shooter would be some cover based bullshit. This is not it.

I liked it, needs more content though, and I dont see it coming for free, and I dont mean the new game mode coming, I mean actual content like weapons and armours.

The reason I think it just stealth released was because they had no faith it in, it has potential to be good but I dont see the content that will make it good coming for free.

This game, much like Dragon's Dogma is one of the absolute best, mediocre games I've ever played.

It's graphics, sound, gameplay, story and multiplayer are all done at a 7/10 rate, but added together they make for a really solid 9/10 game.

Multiplayer is shit. I matched with some dude with a million-round-a-minute assault rifle and he killed in literally seconds a boss I had been struggling with for an hour. I went straight back to single player.

I reset my progress on the second area and found going through it all again rewarding

Game supports 3440x1440 and runs great on rx 580. Who the fuck needs those 400€ cards.
Played a couple hours, it was fun enough.

What do I gain by joining someone's game through matchmaking? Do I get to keep ingredients?

I fucking hate devs that shill by feigning ignorance and all the discord replies that follow after

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Yes. Youll more quickly see and get more content just jumping into peoples games as well.

Just because a new game has no controversy around it and you need to grasp for something, like people couldnt possible want to talk about the game that just came out and not talk about some kind of controversy, go dilate.