What's DICE doing right now? Call of Duty has already readied itself for the next generation hardware with its new engine rework, you can see that clearly with Modern Warfare... it even has raytracing.
But Battlefield?
What's DICE doing right now? Call of Duty has already readied itself for the next generation hardware with its new engine rework, you can see that clearly with Modern Warfare... it even has raytracing.
But Battlefield?
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Honestly.. probably not shit. I doubt anything bf could compete with the new mw.
I think EA is gambling everything on the next dragon age. Wouldn't surprise me if there isn't a new battlefield for a few years.
>What's DICE doing right now?
Bad Company 3 most likely
Battlefield peaked at 3, 4 was a normie waste that threw too many mechanics into the dirt in favor of 'muh many people per server's.
3 feels meaty and 4 feels like a virgin. 2042 is godlike and 2 is a damn masterpiece.
fuck you buddy 4 was fun
4 was decent. It was the last good one imo.
One of my biggest gripes with Battlefield is how the ballistics look and feel like spongy star wars blasters. Especially on sniper rifles.
DICE went to shit a long, long time ago
>What's DICE doing right now?
Trying to figure out how to unsink the ship that is BFV from the bottom of the Mariana Trench
Is ME2 really that bad? I really liked the first game but that just looks god awful.
>What's DICE doing right now?
living comfortably, that’s for sure
At best it's okay if you just want some light open-world freerunning, but it's worse in every way compared to ME1 except for the music
anita fucked this game up
yeah its pretty trash. they tried to make it open world or something but it just doesnt work
funnily enough, the second game is far less "feminist" than the first, in catalyst faith is an annoying dumb brat who constantly gets saved by men and wears heavy makeup and hair products while running, in the first game she's the one who drives the plot forward and is more level headed and mature.
Why do casuals pretend 3 was good?
>it even has raytracing
wasnt bf5 one of the first games to have raytracing
>4 was a normie waste
As if 3 wasn't? lol.
normie's first battlefield game, had many issues from the netcode to the god awful balance of weapons and vehicles.
Bad company 2 got the formula of an arcady shooter right, they had great jokes about the ongoing bf vs. Cod thing thrown in too. Bf3 started the downhill with "everything so serious" and blue filter. They could never live up to bf2 because the lower tech translated into better focus on actual gameplay.
DICE is a shit company now and Bad Company 3 will be Fucking awful. I will buy it on sale to see what the fuck happened to the cold trucks from bc1.
Dice LA is once again, tasked to fix a broken product
>new engine
this unironically, it will be like bf4 they said, i hope the only downside is the womyn soldiers tho
>it even has raytracing.
battlefield has had ray tracing since the launch of 5 which came with nvidia rtx support.
the problem with battlefield is everyone loved it because of the big battles with loads of ground vehicles, air support vehicles, loads and loads of gadgets and guns and attachements etc. none of the recent battlefields like 1 and 5 have had any of that. i jumped into a game of bf4 golmud railway the other day and it was so much more fun than bf5 in literally every way. there also isn't the dumb ammo limitations like bf5.
Also the destructive environments. That was the shit back in the day of BF BC2
bf5 has probably the best destructible environments of all the games up till now but the overall experience is bad. the maps suck, the gunplay is admittedly solid but the guns all suck, the weapon variety in general sucks, the attachments are just copy and paste from one weapon to the next compared to bf4 where you'd get like 3 different types of red dot sights alone depending on preference, the way healing works is terrible it's like everyone has an instant heal, the ammo limitations are dumb as fuck because you run out of ammo after like 2 magazines and if you're defending a flag on your own you're guaranteed dead and no amount of skill will be able to save you from running out of bullets after 30 seconds of fighting off a bunch of enemies. it's just an overall terrible experience.
BF BC2 and BF3. Those were my jams. *sips*
bad company 2 rush was really good. i used to love the feel of sniping it just felt good to play.
bf3 i enjoyed a lot especially damavand peak rush where you'd drop off the mountain. i remember playing it the first time and being in awe of it.
bf4 was shitty at launch but over the years it's become by favourite one as a complete experience. everything from the gunplay to the maps (inc DLC) was really really good. after going back to bf3 after playing 4 the blue tint and the excessive suppression really makes bf3 feel shit.
EA has sports games, it doesn't need to gamble.
Bioware is the one who gambles, the next Dragon Age could be it's last game if it would fail. Thankfully for them there is no new Witcher game on the horizon.
Not a fan of her, but no. Lackluster of story, no NPCs, poor immersion, shallow open world and repetitive gameplay are things that ruined it.
>What's DICE doing right now?
battlefield royale the game
Its called change of focus.
Did they show/dismiss points you talk about in trailers? Or did they begun to race/gender bait since BF1?
BFV will always have a hateful place in my heart as I've always wanted a full updated version of 1942 if only because 1942 is just about completely dead. WWII warfare is hella fun. BF2 and 2042 form a Trinity of near perfect games. But BFV sucks.
I don't understand why there aren't more MMOFPS vehicular combat conquest mode games. That and capture the flag are the best game modes.
> What's DICE doing right now?
BF5 Pacific Theater?
>it even has raytracing.
They already did that and everyone hated it.
>Did they show/dismiss points you talk about in trailers?
Yes actually, the gameplay trailers were extremely worrying, they even falsely marketed that there would be co-op multiplayer
BF4 was good.
BF1 was average.
BFV was shit and a financial flop.
Battlefield's probably on hold for a while now. The games got better visually but much worse gameplay-wise.
It's past your bed time kiddie.
and much worse performance wise.
yes, so time to go to bed, timmy.
DICE got woke and their game sold like shit. We're not going to see another battlefield for a couple of years, most likely.
most likely this
>new engine.
It's the same shit, just updated (and that's okay). Don't fall for the marketing memes.
Who actually gives a fuck?
When the game forces you to fight against retarded punching bags in locked arenas literally every mission, you have no choice but to give a fuck
At least in the first game combat was entirely skippable
I liked battlefield hardline.
Or I guess I should say it’s the only shooter I’m good at.
I appreciate your honesty user but Hardline is the red headed step child of the Battlefield franchise. Keep that shit to yourself.
Ah yes.. get ready to hear a lot loud lady screams. You know what i mean, if you played bfVagina
What’s wrong with hardline
>What's DICE doing right now?
trying to teach somalis and syrians how to write code?
you know. throwing more pennies in that wishing well waiting for that lotto ticket to come up a winner.
because it was? just because you sucked at it doesn't mean it was bad
>y-you're bad
Fun fact, the main guy in charge of new CoD engine was also in charge of Decima Engine, the one used currently by Kojima Productions
>he never got gud
>Muh realism
Grow the fuck up and play arma if you care so fucking much
Raytracing is the future of lighting
Time to end all the hundreds of hacks to make lighting look realistic
it might be based off of the old engine, but i feel like its a bit of a ship of theseus situation where so much of the code has been replaced there's hardly anything left from a decade ago.
Look at the latest Battlefield, it's an absolute joke.
Nobody likes it, cheaters everywhere, political bullshit, it's garbage and the Swedes in charge of it unsurprisingly fucking ruined it.
Destruction peaked in BFBC2, fun peaked in BF3(sadly introduced supression into future games) and Graphics peaked in BF1
>Women existing is politics
I think you need to get off the internet, clearly you can't handle being upset
Battlefield 1 is when the series officially went to shit. They starting incorporating the Battlefront mechanics and shitty UI, which was casualized to fuck.
Such a shallow game compared to BC2/BF3/BF4. Sure, you could get your 5 minutes of "fun" from it, but after playing through every map once you had basically seen everything the game has to offer.
I think you need to go read a history book.
Do you think they'll make another one?
I read that EA felt it "underperformed", which could mean anything really
But I wouldn't be surprised if DICE is just turned into the Frostbite Engine development & support studio
Bf1 was a big success and that was only a couple years ago, I doubt they'll kill the series off after one flop.
wow this game has women in it
it's trash i can't fucking stand this anymore gaming is dead i just want to be surrounded by buff dudes pls boys only no more women they can't have a point of reference in a game just to enjoy it that tiny bit more
it might even have black women
True. Battlefront 2 appears to be doing reasonably well too.
Discussion around BFV appears to indicate that the DICE support team for it must be tiny from the lack of content.
Perhaps the rest of DICE Sweden is working on the next Battlefield entry, hoping for a better result.
It's almost like people don't appreciate when others try to rewrite history.
Yes, it wouldn't be too farfetched that even DICE knows they royally screwed the pooch on V and have basically given up on it.
So is the theory about BFV's flop due to BC3 getting delayed true?
People still bf3?
Bf3 has the highest skill ceiling out of all the games.
Newer games tend to be more balanced, but they sacrifice the theoretical skill gap in the process.
Just look a bf1. On paper the guns were mostly on a level playing field. However to do this the devs balanced the game with spread and damage drop off. This took potential skill off being able to aquire targets quickly, tracking aim, and weapon control. It was more about working within the guns effective range. While this might be considered a skill in itself it's not something that players would put value in or find enjoyable. Especially with the open map design.
Speaking of map design each iteration of bf has more and more open maps with less clear lanes. In bf3 even on large maps you can predict enemy movements because there was very clear lanes the enemies could take. Bf4 had less of this, then bf1 very little, then bfv is like random buildings thrown on the ground. This is a big reason people like maps like metro and locker because how predicable your engagements were meaning you are just not caught out randomly.
Such speculation is to live in blind hope.
They traded a somewhat awkward but solid linear structure for modern breadcrumbs open world and then only had the open world work with freerunning, nothing else. Interesting on paper, but loses what made Mirror's Edge interesting in the gameplay department, with the cherry on top being that you're going to have to keep recycling the same tedious routes for going in and out of specific safehouses every time, ruining the point of freerunning in the first place.
I suppose that's one firm advantage of the live service model with no attached Premium Pass product -- they can just ditch the game if it misses the mark, no requirement to fulfil the promises set out by the premium pass.
Are you seriously defending the garbage "Call of Duty but bigger" style maps in BF3?
Did you ever even play 1942 or BF2?
Metro, Caspian Border and Grand Bazaar are some of the worst maps in the entire franchise.
>Lets revise history to fill a quota
>Bf3 has the highest skill ceiling out of all the games
*laughs in assault*
*laughs in attack heli*
Vehicle tokens or whatever the current system of spawning vehicles is was a mistake.
I should add to this, Strike at Karkand was the beginning of the end.
One accidental trash map that attracts all the little kids and everything was fucked up forever.
Yeah the they were op because because the skill ceiling was so high.
Bf2 and 1942 are completely different games from nu bf. I don't even consider them the same franchise
Battlefield has had RTX support for a year. What the fuck are you talking about? Shit, it was one of the first games who had it.
Agreed, I don't know what they were thinking with that system.
>What's DICE doing right now?
Delaying their patches for BFVagina and wasting time and resources on a dead game like Battlefront 2.
BF4 took some elements of BF2 and was all the better for it.
The classic and many new maps still play wonderfully in BF4 so I don't think the argument that it's too different holds much weight.
It's only those trash lane maps from BF3 that shit on the experience.
Wouldn't be surprised if Battlefront 2 is more active than BFV now.
We can't know though, since DICE blocked the previous method used to track active playercounts.
Probably developing a new engine. Considering how EA games haven't been doing so hot, a BC3 (in name only) is not outside the real of possibility.
>the skill ceiling was so high
It wasn't. BF4 has high skill ceiling more than BF3 because of the balance.
BF2 has Droidekas now so that also bumped player numbers
Some elements yes but it plays completely different. Watch some bf2 and bf4 gameplay and tell me they are the same
BF4 had too many bullshit gimmicks by the end.
Things like UCAVs
Wish there were better tools for players and server operators to control the features enabled/disabled in the game.
Balance means making the shitty players do better and the better players do worse
BF3 started the CoDification of Battlefield when they introduced the Close Quarters game mode, a fast-paced brainless run & gun on small maps.
That might be true. I played a little bit this week-end since I still have a few hours left on the 10-hr demo. It's still awful time for a new player, you keep dying because the game isn't about skill, it's about the star cards gimmick.
>We can't know though, since DICE blocked the previous method used to track active playercounts.
I know, it's a shame that they did that. The trackers really showed how bad they fucked up BF1. If I'm not mistaken, most of the playerbase left when they released the first DLC.
Took a peek at the official subreddit for Battlefield V, as most game companies only seem to use that as their community engagement these days. Found this gem.
OP: Stop ignoring this DICE where are the advertised vehicles and gadgets for this chapter?
DICE Community Support response:
>I’ve hit up one of the vehicle designers to get more info. When I have that info, you will.
>The answer I received from the vehicle dev was “What are you talking about?”
>I showed him the image you shared.
>“That’s wrong. The next big push of vehicles and gadgets is with the Pacific.”
>He’s frustrated with the inaccuracy of the specific chapter roadmap and he’s escalating it to his bosses and studio leadership and I’m escalating it to the marketing team to find out why it has this info in the first place.
>The body of the article doesn’t talk about vehicles or gadgets - it talks about weapons and Elites, so the image is inaccurate.
>I’m sorry, man. Sigh.
The close quarters dlc was brainless run and gun if you were a shitter. The mode against higher tier players actually required a lot of strategy to control enemy rotations
Nigger I didn't say they play the same, I'm saying they're similar enough that the map design of BF2 remains good even in nu-BF.
The gameplay didn't ruin the franchise for me nearly as much as the maps did.
I know a lot of people love BF3 and shit on 4, but for me it was the other way around mainly because of the maps.
People complained about all the area denial weapons in 4 but that's only because they kept playing those awful fucking meat grinder maps that the gameplay was never balanced for.
Also while we're on the subject, why did BF1 run so much better than BFV despite the latter looking significantly worse?
I only played them on release so I don't know how bad performance in BF1 got towards the end of its life cycle, DICE games usually degrade with every patch; but I was shocked by BFV's performance (and the sound bugs for that matter)
kek, fuck sweden
what you described it's the opposite
They are working on BC3.
why does mirrors edge one feels so much like a valve game?
The maps were the worse part of 4
Battlefield is still damage controlling from the shitshow that was 5
CoD has had the same engine since CoD 4.
They modified the engine a bit for Black Ops but thats it. The new modern warfare still has the EXACT same engine as CoD 4
Ran pretty much the same for me iirc
My old gramps isn't in the game, so where's that realism? Why should I care whether he's represented by a woman or a man character if he himself isn't in it? The only thing that mattered is that war is awful, and they haven't even gotten that through properly, but all you can do is whine about girls in video games and pretend like that's why BFV is bad without even having played it.
It's gonna be great.
A shitty Attack Heli duo in BF4 can't kill a "skilled MAA" driver.
A shitty infantry player in BF4 can't easily eliminate skilled tank and aircraft players
A shitty Support/Recon/Engineer in BF4 can't kill a skilled Assault.
UCAV got nerfed to hell and people use it nowadays only to stream snipe Twitch streamers.
DICE fucked up when they switched the big scale Battlefield formula into a mostly infantry-only game.
>Whine about girls in Videogames.
Ah that has to be it. I'm sexist because i want historical context preserved.
They should leave the Bad Company franchise alone, they don't have the skill to tell a fun story.
Whoi gives a shit about that? Battlefield games were never realistic, it's just more flashy arcade shooter and always been. WW2 theme doesn't mean that anyone is rewriting history etc. evne tho Dice are spewing shit about authenticity, bigger issue is that the game is broken, not fun at all and those cucked Swedes are obviously unable to lead BF game development anymore. I just hope next BF will be led by DICE LA
Sensivity training for feminism and transexuallism
>I just hope next BF will be led by DICE LA
Hardline 2!
They don’t have the skill to make a fun game period.
Visceral Games
Can the players finally have their own servers in BFV?
Activision has 3-4 studios on cod
EA has only dice
They are not winning this battle
>EA has only dice
BF3, the only-2-viable-gun game. hah
What battlefront mechanics did it incorporate? And what exactly was wrong with the UI?
it's a fucking game you actual retard
It's time to discuss the best game in the series.
>I don't understand why there aren't more MMOFPS vehicular combat conquest mode games. That and capture the flag are the best game modes.
Because so far, all of them flopped.
No AAA dev is gonna attempt something that has flopped so often, all of these MMOFPS games are gonna flop unless an AAA dev is gonna attempt them.
It's kind of a chicken/egg situation and since no big studio is going to take the risk, the genre will stay dead.
>What's DICE doing right now?
What they've been doing for the past years.
Blowing themselves and their coworkers while getting assraped by EA.
Fuck you
>What's DICE doing right now?
Who cares? I dropped Niggerfield a long time ago.
based, I wish it was more like RO2 and RS1 though.
>americans in BF4 look like the russian soldiers from BF3
what did they mean by this?
also what killed BF1 was the automatic weapons. It should've been bolt-action.
I think there was a game mode called "back to basics" but it never got promoted by DICE, always Operations and the dumb esports mode that no one played.
>reddit storm 2
But broken for a year and a lack of good maps
I wish. At least the playerbase would be bigger instead of being filled with cringey Yea Forums-autists.
Not really though?
BF4 had worse maps, like the Lancang Dam and Zavod 311.
>also what killed BF1 was the automatic weapons. It should've been bolt-action
>bolt actions are only available in the sniper class
>you have to level the class just to take the scope off of it
Fucking retarded
Are we pretending machine guns did not exist
BF3 had such good character designs, you could tell if you were facing an enemy or not at range even with the hud completely disabled.
>he actually thinks Yea Forumsirgins play that reddit game
They do. I see RS2 threads here pretty regularly.
just because faggots shill games here doesnt mean people play them, what year did you start browsing here?
>you could tell if you were facing an enemy or not at range even with the hud completely disabled.
Same thing in BF4 and 1 as well.
BFV on the other hand, good fucking lord.
I don't remember exaclty but around 2006 I suppose.
I dunno but Battlefront 2 is unironically good, ditch Battlefield and play Battlefront instead, I'm serious
also, play in 3rd person perspective, it makes the game a lot easier
It kinda breaks the immersion of WW1 when you see an entire squad running around with SMGs like if they were in a CoD game.
The progression system was really retarded.
lol sure kid
Yes, sure.
You were probably still swimming around in your dad's ballsack.
This Browning was about the only man portable automatic rifle available to infantry throughout ww1. It was quite expensive and very heavy, very few were fielded. The only true smg that you would have seen in any numbers was the beretta 1918, which was also very sparse. Man portable automatic weapons were very rare back then, even if some existed.
battlefield VIetnam.
yes, it is real, and you heard it here first.
>This Browning was about the only man portable automatic rifle available to infantry throughout ww1.
americucks actually believe this? the chauchat was the first man portable autmatic rifle
>battlefield VIetnam
It's probably what the rumored "BC3" is gonna be since Vietnam was also mentioned in that leak.
>more mutt shit
yikes, they lost the war, why cant they shut up about it
I don't care where the game is set it's going to be shit anyways and all you faggots are going to eat it up like the corporate drones cucks you all are bringing videogames ever closer to their grave and stomping on its dead body for good measure.
Don't care, poorfag.
It was innovative and risk-taking, with mechanics that had never been tried before (yet were then copied by countless AAA games), memorable levels, excellent music, and a unique art style. It was highly replayable just because the game was fun to replay.
Meanwhile Catalyst is one of the most soulless boarded committee-designed games ever made, taking the most generic and overused ideas in the industry and forcing them into a game that wasn't compatible with them. Also fuck your artstyle let's add lens flares literally everywhere like they do in the movies, kids like that right?
This, why was this game so fucking good?
dumbed down the series and fucking KILLED it, going to 4 classes then making you unlock everything, even basic kit like the reviving thing and the mechanic thing that sparks
>Great art design on both the EU and PAC
>Good atmosphere
>Fun but simple gameplay which leads to a ton of replayability
>Titan mode
>Fun gadgets and setting
I wish Dice and EA would sell 2142 so that we could get more games in its setting.
2142 is part of the BF franchise so that's never going to happen sadly.
Why do people hate 1 so much? By people I of course mean the bandwagon of Yea Forums where you have to a contrarian to appear edgy.
Honestly one of the best BF game.
Because it's braindead casualshit.
>sprinting from a to b while 360-no-scoping enemies
It's basically CoD on a big map with vehicles.
EA did not thing wrong
Sounds like you're either a shit player or played with other shitters. Operations were some of the best games in a FPS.
Also rushing to objectives was the same in every BF game.
The gameplay is shit. Guns feel like trash. Maps suck balls.
But enjoy your casualturd reddit game I guess.
sure in like 3 years when nvidia release another generation of their products but now its a fucking gimmick. everything is fucking covered in vaseline and all grainy, the only game that looks remotely ok with rtx is ironically cod.
Russian maps are pretty shit, the French maps are amazing though. Fort Vaux has got to be the best map out of the series.
>he wants to have lesbian black women in his FPS game
get the fuck out of here
The CoD4 engine is the same engine as the very first CoD. All CoD's use a modified version of ID tech 3.
jesus christ, those poor guys
they dont even know what the fuck they're working on
BC3 is doomed.
They went with a live service model and expected everyone to just buy the game thinking they were on the same level as CoD. The game also feels like it was rushed to release and they are now slowly drip feeding in content to make up for it. On top of this they added a shitty battle royale nobody played for more than an hour which took a ton of time off development towards the main game.
EA corporate is out of touch, whatever remains of Dice is retarded, too big to fail my ass they're collapsing under their own hubris.
I don't. It's legit one of the best BF games to date. Never have DICE balanced weaponry and classes so well.
It's so much more fun to be able to pick any random weapon and have it be effective, than to just pick the m16A3 or AEK and never lose a gunfight.
Sounds like your bad taste and not the actual game
BF1 has meta guns too though, and on top of that guns are way more polarized towards specific functions compared to 3-4 where most ARs and carbines are similar so it's actually worse for balance in that respect. Most guns in 1 only excel in niche as fuck roles if they do even fill a proper role at all, which is way worse than one AR having .2secs faster time to kill over another similar handling AR.
I can't imagine anyone with taste actually enjoys BF1 gunplay.
BF1 had the worst map design in the series. More than half the maps were blatantly one sided. Tanks and bombers were the only good vehicles, everything else was used as quick transport to a point or a sniper spot. The lack of weapons made the game feel very very shallow, I only ended up putting about 40 hrs into the game to this day.
>BF1 had the worst map design in the series
You haven't played BFV then
Yeah BF4 was the last one that really felt like a sandbox shooter. There was so many toys and guns to pick from you could come up with some crazy strats.
I don't think you played the game, or you just weren't very good and blamed it on something else. Each vehicle/plane has different variations that suit different situations.
The attack plane in the right hands can wipe out even the best tanker in a few seconds. The bomber is perfect for taking out clusters in Operations or just circling and letting the gunners do it. The Mark tank is perfect for sniping tanks from a distance, the A7X is great in town maps, the artillery tank is OP and the mini tank is perfect in smaller maps.
The only vehicle that is useless is the Russian tank.
>lack of weapons
You have to actually play the game to get more weapons. You're also not supposed to just stick with one class an entire map. Keep getting blown up by a tank? Switch to assault and take him out.
>The gunplay and movement is awkward and poorly designed, therefore it's tactical!
Fuck off
You're right I actually haven't. How bad is it?
DICE is litearally uneable to make good level design anymore, all their games have GARBAGE maps, unbalanced weaponry and AWFUL synergy between infantry and vehicules.
FUCK them.
>The only vehicle that is useless is the Russian tank.
Wrong. It's the best infantry killer in the game. It has speed, mobility and a fantastic HMG for the driver.
They are going to absolutely fucking ruin it aren't they?
Precise movement I can understand but how the fuck is the gunplay awkward?
Based retard
which one?
the tranny sweden or chad LA?
sériously, you have your CLASS BASED game were the player better takes an engineer or a sniper all the time to be relevant in the battles, there is something wrong in your game.
They cant even make the squads useful and not having the squad player running without their mates all over the map like headless chickens
Shame it had 4 wheels that each go in different directions. Driving that thing is like trying to fuck in custard. It has no mobility and it has the same speed as the artillery truck.
As for the HMG, it heats up far too fast.
battlefield set int the titanfall world game when
>not ruining something
welcome time traveler from 2003
and you could fuck around the map doing lot's of diffrent things playing how you want, now all players are playing the exact same way
Nope. You just need to get used to it. It's a perfect infantry killing machine, plus the AT variant is excellent for sniping other tanks and planes.
i want to install it since the clone wars map. Did they unfuck the game ?
Guess I'm just shit with it, I prefer the artillery truck as it seems to do more damage.