UNIST Thread
Pass is vee
The Carmine pressure was great in that one. Think I was only to get 1 confirm that whole game.
Think you're trying to poke out of delayed strings a bit too much, clawz
im still busy playing bad company 2 to make a pc lobby, will do it after
>Bad company 2
Now there's a game I haven't played in a long ass time.
Now that was a trade.
Waifu, if you're here then I come with open hands and ragged clothes asking for some advice.
In Akatsuki 4 - 15 is there a trick to connect the "After landing j.2c", I can do everything before it and after it but I can't connect the "j.2c" after the j.8c
>can't connect j2C after j8C
Not him but I've had that combo done to me enough times to have a slight idea on this. Are you not getting the wall bounce or something?
k finished,
kw: pclobby
I've checked and I'm getting the j.8c to connect fine. Hyde bounces off that wall as intended. I'm just wondering if maybe I'm just a bit slow or if there is specific way you're supposed to input the j.2c
It's one of those where you have to do the wallbounce kick, land, and then jump again for a j2C isn't it?
Yep. That's the one, my dude.
And you're having trouble for the j2C?
Are you dropping it before you can j2C?
Darn, another death by explosion to lose it. Probably would've lost it anyway since I was attempting to motion IW haha.
Command grab refuse to come out 100% that entire match
Just look at that hurtbox
I am having trouble with the j2c specifically. I can do everything else but apparently when I jump up and do the J2c input, it just doesn't want to connect.
Guess I'm useless on this end since it always feels like it's an easy link when I get hit by it.
It might be an easy link but I'm a bit slow on the uptake and might just be missing the point. I wouldn't put it past me that it's something as silly as just needing to buffer the jump input as I'm falling but I don't know how UNIST landing works.
chaos 6c is way bigger than it looks
That was a pretty solid first round, Spoon.
Should I have 5C that dash of yours Clawz?
Could've sworn I could block that. Maybe I messed up the input? Hah, bummer.
Landing recovery
Also, landing this 66C as a combo ender with its ambiguous height is a bitch
which iw do I block chaos or byakuya
Ah that makes sense. Also I agree about 66C ender having done a few of his mission mode stuff that ends with it.
Byak's IW is the grounded grab
Chaos' IW just hits anywhere from the screen from the ground
Couldn't DP my way outta that one sadly, haha.
This was like 4 games ago but sai, there was no reason to CS after you got a hit confirm with Enkidu
Hmm I was probably playing in a panic at the time and just desperate to get things going with such a rough start playing him.
I'll try to avoid it (though I just did that 22C off a hit confirm thing that was probably a waste of meter too haha) in the future.
I really need to try and mix things up instead of constant strings.
Guess it's the Hyde in me
is this hippie
Do those pinwheels home in or what? Hahaha.
ggs pc lobby, ill leave the lobby up for the rest of you to keep going. hopefully it wont die
The puddle blades do
Good to note. That totally caught me off guard.
keep doing a great job
GGs Spoon. Thanks for hosting. Your Wag is getting stronger.
I should probably stop playing Carmine and get back to practicing how to blow up OS's with Hyde
But it's a quiet night and I pulled up my last garage gear footage to study up hydra's habits for later
Actually I think I'll skip today. Not really feeling the UNI drive. See ya next time PC Lobby.
And with that I will bid GGs PS lads. Fun times even if I could only score a few tonight. If you're still playing later I'll be back. Otherwise have a good night!
See you later.
Sorry, I wasn't dealing with that. I have no idea what happened there.
Same here.
I don't think I've seen a hilda vs chaos match before
I hope you didn't expect to see one then.
I just did, it was like seeing a unicorn in the backyard
A unicorn with like a broken right leg or something.
I don't know why, but I didn't think chaos had a unique intro line for her.
I can't tell if I'm delaying this 5C or not
Clawz, Hyde's toe poke low has the largest delay window out of any of my moves.
It's also pretty unsafe on my end but that's the catch I guess
I played UNIST for the first time at an arcade last year and absolutely loved it. Obviously don’t have anything constructive in the way of gameplay to discuss, but this thread is incredibly comfy and I hope to join you all when the new game lands on Switch.
Thanks for the games pclobby. I gotta get up really early tomorrow so I'll hop off for now. Hopefully things settle soon and I can return to playing in both lobbies regularly.
We're a lot more quiet than usual but I guess people are starting to get busy again
GGs, Oni.
Even if it does arrive it won't be played in these threads.
You don't know that.
I could sadpost more to pick up Huo's slack.
Sorry, just got here
I don't remember 4-15 exactly but it's like blah blah > 6c > 66b > cl.5b > j.8b > j.8c > rejump j.2c > 2c > 6c > 214b
You wanna delay the j.8b j.8c a little bit so you hit the j.8c on the way down. A trick I use is to just hold 8 the entire time so I jump immediately after landing, then time the j.2c
We don't need it
You tell me how many Blazblue and GG lobbies happen on switch on Yea Forums
Nobody in their right mind will buy it
I almost broke down and bought +R again for switch, but realizing it would just be a glorified mobile training mode stopped me.
Smart man
I just want anji back, man.
Despite not having a fast low, you should still try and do some fakeout j2[C]s and whiff it into a grab, clawz. Might not be the most effective things compared to others who can do the same but it's something to try and bamboozle someone
Icekin also does a bunch of 5A8AAAA stuff to catch people off guard too, just general things with the universal mechanics you can learn to use more
But like I mentioned previously, you've just been eating a bunch of my delayed cancels, funnily enough, you called out a bunch of my 2A staggers for the last month with your mash outs so I guess somethings just off or I'm just expecting another way for you to mash out.
GGs, I need to be up early anyway so the small lobby worked out. My delayed 5C before IC charge and attempts to up-back assault half worked out
GGs PC lobby, time to do homework since I believe I have a bit of a mika problem
Just shield
It seems like PC lobbies are like 80% mika when I peek in.
I've seen some guys like hishigata using jA for the empty assaults since it whiffs at max assault height on most of the cast, most of tonight I was too nervous to give you the breathing room though I did try to do a whiffed j8C into throw but the landing time was long enough for the shield to recover and you teched it.
>mika dropkick
and get shield broken from a command grab? I'll pass
It's not a very safe option and seems to only work in netplay environment. Shielding it gives you ample time to punish her when she lands on the ground.
I am glad to see you are using j8C more against anyone trying to jump out.
Just throw more 66Cs in my face when I'm cornered because I am guaranteed to eat a few of those. I'm not sure what the consensus is on nana's backdash but you can try backdashing out of close-range RPS when you run up close to give me the same treatment that I tend to do to bait out OS's, they'll confuse me the same way either or
I keep getting hit because I keep thinking they're not going to go for it.
tfw I wanted Senrans in UNICLR but we got them in BBTag
feels bad man
Feels great
Imagine if clr made Mika's first hit of 66b a low
Do you know what that fatal fury x senran thing is about? I keep seeing an image float around.
>tfw I wanted Akatsuki in BBTag
>Get him and Blitztank
I have a reason to buy the game now
>A trick I use is to just hold 8 the entire time so I jump immediately after landing, then time the j.2c
This is 900IQ. I think part of my issue is that I'm trying to jump ASAP but timing it rather than just holding up.
This is cool, but I can't get anything else to work.
In what sense
GGs everyone. I suck so much tonight (then again that's every night). It really pisses me off when I sit there not pressing a button, just blocking, resting my two fingers on A+D, so I can tech throws. But I end up not teching a throw although I pressed the buttons.
don't beat yourself up over it
netplay sucks
I'm just complaining about my shitty pressure again. That's like the only overhead I've been able to get anybody with across all the characters I've tried.
I know that frustration 100%. GGs.
>Enkidu's IWEX
God, that looks so cool.
It's literally the coolest one in the game.
It's a pipe dream but I do hope they update some of the more boring ones
>Off by a couple frames
God fucking damn it
I hate that I lost to that.
Carmine's makes no sense, Hilda's is literally a black screen and Eltnum's is her standing still on a mech
Isn't Elt's based on Melty Blood's final boss or something?
It is but she just talks and I don't understand nipponese
It is, I don't really care about her's but is right, Carmine's IWEXS and Hilda's could benefit from some fine tuning.
m8, everybody in this bloody game speaks nipponese and broken engrish
But when there's nothing happening it's just boring, at least if I knew what she was saying it would make it marginally better
She doesn't say anything all that interesting other than
>fill this vessel something something
And Carmine is literally just talking shit
I know Carmine is being edgy because it's dubbed in BBTag
>x ending with the hilda super
ah shit, here we go again.
I keep going for the 2B in people's face when I know that's wrong. Muscle memory is a bitch.
I like the laugh.
Just got back from my gym beat down and ready to get beat up here too!
gg pc bros
Hilda's looks like a bit of the NGE opening.
I forgot I was on Akatsuki
I'll play ya next time hopefully, haha. Have a good night!
UNIST bros,
How does it feel knowing that you'll never get Melty HD because of Nasu and the Tsukihime remake that he's definitely still working on and certainly hasn't abandoned for FGO bucks?
Considering I think Tsukihime is leagues better that Fate it hurts so damn much
Sorry about that lag Angel. Bro was downloading anime.
I'm gonna be honest I started paying attention to all this with UNiB, but I'm a bit more disappointed than I was about a year ago because I discovered ryougi is fucking baller. Red Arc does things to me as well.
Not him, but that explains a whole lot.
You're into chicks who'd kill you during sex?
>10 Frames
Being into TM shit is suffering desu. And while I enjoy Fate I hate what they did with it and how it changed them
Newfag to fighting games, waiting on the new game to release before I hop into this. Will the new game only have one new guy Londrekia or will there be others?
Somewhat, yes.
Could be more, play a wait and see approach for it. Also I'd start now to get familiar if I were you. Up to you in the end though.
UNI has had history of releasing characters in pairs so at the very least expect one more.
We're likely getting a second character
That's pretty neat how EX fireballs can be connected to dash attack. Is that corner only I presume?
Kinky fuck
Also who's that creepy chick
I tried BBTag, honestly I gave it a fair shake but it's a no for me for the same reason I couldn't get into MvC; everyone in the game I'd play feels way too watered down/sanitized in favor of a uniform experience. Also I don't like tag mechanics. At least SK will get more exposure, even if it is just Yumi. Glad for Marvelous in that regard.
If there was some killer chick here, I'd be getting shit for that because I'd be horny over her 24/7 and still probably not main her.
Also toga from MHA, kinda low tier in the sexy, "she'll fucking murder you" way, but she still has her moments to me.
>Caring about SK getting exposure
>Not ABK which is a poverty game
Shit I couldn't tell it was Toga that goddamn close to her face, good taste
It's also ok to be horny for a character you don't main
When does the next game/version come out again
I want to pick a main and start practicing so I can ride the post-release popularity wave for a while
>that leap
Why did I imagine a lion landing on its prey?
Nah, akatsuki’s dash c launches you to the other side and wall bounces. If you input EX fireball when the dash c lands it’ll reach when you bounce off the wall. I did it in the corner because I wanted to add in a super when there wasn’t much scaling. The hitstun on the EX fireball also allows me to continue the combo since I was really close
I don't think I'm THAT horny over anyone in unist actually.
Is that the secret?
Early 2020 is all we got so far.
You've got 4-5 months at least
I care about all poverty games getting exposure user. I just think it's shit that SK gets fucked over by Sony.
That was some interesting Linne play deska. Surprised you didn't gorilla out with her like I do.
Gotta love it.
Ah I see, so it's a spacing thing for the added combo?
>actually dropped that combo
GGs, PC Lobby. Thanks for the games.
Not even Wagner's stepping on your dick move?
I'm partial to Linne because of BodyAttk's art of her
Oh yeah that is shit but that's what happens when the west gets to choose what's ok because they're puritans
Yeah, pretty much.
Also that dropped VO combo in the corner almost cost me that round. Good god
I had that planned out and I drop the CVO combo I always fucking do.
Funny enough, I'm not too into the dom thing specifically.
Somethings here and there get me, but as far as whole characters, none of them get me going like that too much.
I honestly didn't dabble much with the rest of the cast so I defaulted to using her as a shoto and playing her like Street Fighter. I can only really gorilla with Mika, for better or worse. GGs, Pyro, you have a solid pocket Mika.
Maybe CL-R will finally give you that one character
What Angel did is more of what I expected the previous one to play out. Some crazy stuff!
GGs lad.
Makes sense to me to play her as a shoto be default if you're unfamiliar too. Took me like 3-4 months to even get the most basic BnB down for Linne since this was my first fighting game I took seriously.
Also thanks, I owe alot of my tricks with Mika to Gon though. Hopefully in the near future I put more time into learning some more stuff since there's clearly more to her kit that I'm missing out on.
GGs pcbros. I’d stay longer but my printer is telling me to update it
Unless there was someone I missed in chronicle, I don't think any potential candidates are gonna do it. That's fine though since I'm looking for someone to stick to playing rather than be horny for.
Also I fucking hate having to play that slow game because I don't know if I'm being effective or not.
GGs! Hope it gets well soon.
I just suck at fighting games in general
I wish I could do combos but my autistic ass can't learn them
I got the bit I know from bashing m head against any game I could get my hands on. All the fightcade shit, asw games, tekken almost all the new stuff, etc. Probably did more harm than good in the long run, but as frustrating as constant losing is, I can't stop playing these games for some reason.
It's not losing that annoys me, I can accept that I lose, it's just how much of a dumbass I look trying to do cool shit and failing
I also can't stay away from fighters because of the crazy characters, moves, soundtracks and such, they're always a trip
GGs pclobby
Was fun
Pullin' shots, aimin' dots, yeah, I don't miss
Branded by fire, born in the abyss
Red hot temper, I just can't resist
All this vengeance inside me
GGs! See ya next time!
ggs angel
Did you have to deal with a lot of gordeaus recently? I know I'm not good, but you just dismantled me that whole fight.
Yes actually dont expect to do that well too often tho
My thing is just wanting some semblance of control, and when I lose I'm almost always just helpless because of lack of skill, so it frustrates me.
It was kinda cool though.
GGs pyro
GGsGon. Fun fight to end on. That was a really nice CS to EX DP!
GGs to everybody else in PC Lobby too! Definitely got what I was looking for with all those beat downs! Fun times.