>dex fags
Dex fags
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What do you have against having more content in Pokemon games?
i need to be a dexfag so i can have a strong str gf
I love these, do you know the artist's name? I want to go look at the rest of them, I love the knight that gets "captured" by drows.
If I saw this webm before actually playing a SS game I wouldn't be more baffled than I am now. How the fuck does the damage system work? Is it related to the combo percentages?
Orcesses are for human cock
haha yeah "lose"
where is this from? is there more?
fucking gnomish degenerates pushing interracial relationships. I'm tired of seeing an ugly ass orc male kissing an elven female on my potion ads, its literally always OMEF
Rage + counter makes for a hell of a damage increase on an already strong move. All he had to do was hold back. It's not like they would have died from throws. They went in on a slow as fuck move and got hit by it while also pushing buttons.
Here you go my jive brother danbooru.donmai.us
You might want to use more tags to find specific stuff. He has like 300 posts. It will be a pain to filter manually.
Now I see, thanks user.
Awesome, thank a bunch.
this is why I love samurai shodown. It's so satisfying to take off massive chunks of your opponents life bar with one hefty swing.
That Dad is a true man if committee, I got nothing but respect
Man of culture*
Why the actual fuck did I type committee
What games allow me to romance and cuddle hot barbarian women?
It's time for bed user, we'll still be here tomorrow.
He should have known better. It's basically universally understood that STR females hard counter DEX males.
>everyone in town fleeing
>word of Orc raid
>guy in watch tower says its all females
I'm staying
Basara takes the most damage out of any of the cast, so with Harumaru's excellent rage a well-timed counter can just straight up fucking delete him.
don't think I didn't see that disgusting image you posted the first time
How do I get a girl to abduct me and drag me to the breeding tent?
>not putting all your points into stealth
I thought you meant commitment and I kinda feel sad that wasn't what you wanted
And smash babies cry about DLC character's strong attack, lol.
Anyways thanks for the insight
That too
This shit right here is why STR + WIS is the best build. Strong enough to cleave a man in two, wise enough to wait for an opening. Literally nothing else compares.
STR is useless against the superior Delven DEX and INT
I'm gonna be so disappointed when I google this and there's no more, aren't I?
Gamer strfags are ruining Yea Forums with these astoundingly low quality threads
why would you complain about gamers on Yea Forums, a board about video games? that's a really strange thing to do. do you also go to /fit/ and complain about people who lift weights?
That is not true. Japs also differentiate their doujin stereotypes and what you see in anime or manga.
Record of lodoss war for example.
Games for this feel?
Fuck that, games for this feel?
Strength versus dexterity with maximized speech skills on both sides.
Dragons crown
Y-Yeah, how could my dex build lose indeed, ha ha.
But Dwarf is the worst character in Dragons Crown.
God dammit this is all I want in life. I'd give up anything and everything for it.
I didn't make the image you donut.
How is that English degree treating you? Get any requests from the president to check his tweets for spelling mistakes?
We humans are pretty much the dex build and we rule the planet, str fags are too slow to catch up lol
yeah he covfefe
mass effect
Does anyone have the goblin hero comic?
>being this retarded
Humans are a CON build.
Humans are a jack of all trades my dude.
The user is right, the fact humans could run for huge distances meant we could trail animals until they became exhausted then kill them for their meat.
This kind of thing?
No, humans are a CON/WIS build. We sacrificed STR and DEX for better endurance, better resistance to shock and the ability to teach our young things.
Humans are endurance hunters in nature. We kill prey via attacking and running them down because we have greater endurance.
We have the best dex in the world bar none.
You know, hands and shit.
Humans are a int / con build
>We have the best dex in the world bar none.
No, user. Our dexterity is lacking compared to many of our primate cousins. To say nothing of birds.
Hands are also not exclusive to us, nor tool use. We just happen to be the best at it, and it's all because we sacrificed all the best monkey traits for long lifespans and bigger brains.
1/10 made me reply.
Thing human bean gud at
Drinking while running
Slavery/organized work
Dexterity refers to skill and capability in performance tasks, especially with hands
Something we are insanely good at, there isn't another species on earth capable of manipulating with the same level of precision as a human.
To say we are not dex build because we don't swing around as much is wrong.
oh no I lost haha
Slavery is a naughty term.
Please use the office friendly mandatory cooperation time
Sadly this is true from a tier list and endgame perspective. Everyone else brings so much good shit to the table that dwarf gets left behind.
>DEX is the superfluous stat in fantasy since most dexfags interpret it as agi anyways and any non-npc race has to have enough DEX to manufacture tools, armor, clothing, and weapons
Ok, so Humans are a INT(or WIS)/CON with DEX as a secondary stat?
That's your own definition of dex, sure, but we both know that's not what most people think of when they think of dex. And even there you aren't as right as you think you are, seeing as crows can manipulate tools just as well as we can plus the whole flight thing.
Humans aren't great at acrobatics, aren't very good at going fast, aren't particularly good swimmers or climbers and we can't fly on our own. But humans are fucking great at running for long distances and overall exerting themselves for longer periods of time than any other animal, plus we are very resistant to shock. This last one is a big thing, since a single injury can kill lesser creatures from shock alone.
We're CON/WIS, just how it goes.
I'd say the order goes CON>WIS>>STR>DEX
>Implying this guy didn't maxed his knowledge and got captured on purpose because he knew he will plow DElf puss for rest of his life.
>Getting sucked and filled up with cum
Fuck I hate women writers.
Kissing is nice mang
Do you mean you just hate women? It's not like kissing being the thing that pushes a woman over the edge is particularly rare and that the artist is making it up
He is digging that orc sluts pussy but kissing is what makes her blush? Cmon nigger this is typical woman who fucks a billion guys but think it doesn't count unless kissing is involved.
Humans is a jack of all trades race, that means the entire race doesn't go towards any stat not because every human has balanced stats. It's more like every human has unique stats combination. while every elf has high dex and every orc has allways high str.
Jack of all trades in human race means that in every large enought human society you can find all classes and fighting styles.
Orcs are simple.
She probably thinks you get pregnant from kissing or something
Was always more into the t2 sarah connor look tbqhwy
Fucking source me up right now my dude.
I demand a source.
Actually the real human stats are max INT and high END
a bit offtopic, but shameful Yea Forums tier question: if i liked terminator 1 and 2, should i watch 3? i've heard it's bad
How the fuck do you niggers not know how to search for this? Are you two retarded or worse, phoneposters?
eh, its okay
its definitely weaker than 1+2, but its not as bad as some other later entries
If STR is better than DEX, why do you willingly breed DEX offspring?
STRfags are actually retarded
Yandex gives no concrete results.
It feels more of a parody of 2 than anything
No results on tinyeye or yandex.
because the most powerful stat of all, that always wins, is LOVE
Not really. If that was true then every human will have maxed INT. But even in real life this is false.
And END, well we don't know how much END is needed to hunt by making prey too tired to run more, maybe actually elves and orcs can do same.
The best and more fitting awnser is that human race is Jack of all trades because every human has unique stats what means in human society you can find very good, if not best material for every class and fighting style.
3 is a load of wank.
Some of it good, like the fucking baller terminator fights.
Some of it not so good, pretty much everything with the vet lady.
Use google then
google gives nothing either you fuckwit, this shits hidden
Jack this
*shoots you*
you're wrong you fucking moron, put safesearch off
hitler spitting straight truths
Sorry user. I love that video but the Dorf falls off hard compare to the other characters at higher level.
It showed up in google for me
everyone point and laugh
The classes a PC can be of race are always best interpreted as the classes that said race best synergizes with. It's just always assumed that Humans are jack of all trades because humans are the base from which others are judged since we have no other sapient species with which to use as a baseline.
>tfw no qt orc girl to assert dominance over me
>STR/INT build
>female alchemist
>shy, bookish
>imbibes mutagen
>eldritch ooga
Kissing is more romantic you autist, especially during sex.
part two is easy enough to find on the archive
tfw her vk died and I haven't been able to find a new one
Does anyone have that mega link for baalbuddy dump?
lame, I know you're doing the blacked meme but regular elves are infinitely inferior to dark elves
The Gnome is immunize against all dangers: some may call him scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Gnome and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."
What a horrible edit.
that makes no sense
the guy is clearly a drow
why are the white surface elves saying he "wandered into the underdark"
wait is that the dungeon meshi manga? and the elf girl gets super ripped with a potion?
please tell me the chapter
Post the rest Faggot
>The Underdark with light skinned elves
Nigger IQ
should they be super pale and pallid like gollum?
light skinned elves don't live in the underdark
there's a part where everyone gets a race change because of magic mushrooms
You turned a shitty edit into something even worse. I'm impressed.
okay I laughed
>high STR to carry a multitude of chemicals, potions, poisons, and ingredients
>high tier equipment affects inventory space or increases the max amount for stackable items(pockets on my pockets in the sleeves that double as pockets)
>DPS(AoE), buffs, debuffs, heals in a pinch, and can greatly reduce downtime between encounters/fights
>low or mediocre STA and armor due to prioritizing cargo pants over armor class
Sounds like it could be interesting.
black people dont have black skin, they have brown skin
that guy is a drow
>all these faggots that want to fuck fantasy niggers
>tfa no orc gf
I'm not talking lore-wise, just that if there's little to no sun you wouldn't need melanin to protect yourself form the sun
I also want to fuck real ones
what archive fireden died
Black'd fags truly are the downiest of the downies
Better than real ones
Hello my brother
It doesn't even make sense to apply human ethnicity to a non-human race. Do you assume a cat or dog is more violent because it has black fur or that that a tea kettle will be good at math and have difficulty making an L sound because it's colored yellow? Black elves are just black elves, they're unrelated to niggers
yeah they should be completely pale, not human skin colored
Gee, thanks a lot Hitler!
it's back, it's just not archiving new posts. you can still take the md5 and find all the old posts of that image but I'll make it simple
Tell that to all those fags who insist that Tifa Lockhart is asian or white when really she's a non-human anime race with red irises from the planet Gaia and can punch through concrete, jump 15 m in the air and suplex kaiju without special powers.
>breeding with a DEX fag and not leaving your STR bloodline pure
>Do you assume a cat or dog is more violent because it has black fur
fur color is not the same as skin color
a cat or dog with black fur doesnt have black skin
What a terrible fate, Forced to forever be a Drow breeding bull, Having his life and virility extended past natural means though dark magic to serve his unaging captors, Tainting his pure bloodline with a army half-elf mongrel spawn, Fueling the inevitable invasion of surface where they will rape and enslave all mankind.
is this how garona was conceived
>he doesn't max all of his stats to become the most broken build in the game
Garona was a half-draenei, so just with more tentacles
>breed with DEX fag
>newborn will be 50/50 DEX and STR
>that baby grows to a adult and finds a STR or DEX mate
>the baby from that will be 100/50 dex or str
>that baby grows to a adult and finds a STR or DEX mate
>the baby from that will be 100/100 str or dex
>that baby grows to a adult and finds a STR or DEX mate
etc etc
two 50/50's would breed a 25/25 weakling
Thanks for the input captain pedantic, but even if you shaved a dog bald and it had black skin that wouldn't mean that dog is of the human ethnicity of african, and if its skin was peach colored that wouldn't mean that's a caucasian human dog. Skin color is merely an indicator of a humans genetic lineage. Having black skin in and of itself does not cause a person to desire fried chicken or steal a TV. It's just an outward warning sign that they have a genetic disposition to such things.
And as long as I'm autistically ranting, drow don't even resemble black people at all. They're almost always drawn with northern european bone structure and facial features.
While Tifa is not a human, it's fair to say that she resembles an asian, so fan art which strives to make a realistic depiction of the character should include asian characteristics and body structure, and when portrayed by an actor or cosplayer the person in question should be a cute asian girl.
works like ralsei, when he takes off the helmet he's white as snow
t. someone who never played games where characters have EVERY power inherited from bloodline
We must go to the underdark immediately to purge this threat before it grows worse!
There's no time to get equipment or train for battle, we must leave immediately
No, Tifa should look like that nonexistend Square Enix 3d cartoon race that she's been depicted as. She isn't white or asian. She looks like neither. FF and KH characters don't look like people and you shouldn't pretend they are.
It's possible for something to resemble something that it's not. For example, a picture of a cat resembles a cat.
Tifa resembles an asian woman to a high degree. Deal with it. Also, Drow do not resemble niggers.
Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
I've only been watching this thread for buff chicks and all this political faggotry is ruining it.
buff girls is one thing, but this is fucking grotesque
Yeah just ignore Tifa's eye color, eyelid formation and skull and nose structure and she's exactly like an asian woman.
>not wanting your children to be strength chads
>I've only been watching this thread for buff chicks
>posts cancer
No user, now THIS is a buff girl
It lets you breed with drow?
Tell me more.
To be honest she does look more like a hapa/half asian than a full blood asian
>furfag calling anyone cancer
Yew call dat a STR build?
imagine your amazon mom bullying you for not being buff enough haha
That's pretty hot. Shame it's evil though.
Far Cry 4 sorta
>the ever (but slowly) improving dick-ass thieves of the world
>anything but wis/dex
at first we stabbed animals in the ass with sticks and rocks
then we slowly, over time, because we are dumb as shit, ended up stabbing them in the ass with arrows
and then it took another hundred thousand years to come up with a method to burn things really fast to fire metallic sticks and now we can stab ass from over a thousand paces
FUCK INT fags, if you take a human and don't teach it anything, it will just masturbate and bang rocks together all day
FUCK END/CON fags, humans can't cross half the world two times a year every year without eating for two or three months like fish/birds/marine mammals and if terrestial animals could sweat they would probably outrun us since its the heat that gets them
Well obviously tifa LOCKHART is half wutaian and half nibelheimian at the very least
we need more games that let you turn villainesses to the path of good with the power of the dick
>even her extremely low-res low-poly world model has defined eyelid folds
Yeah right definitely asian
What’s games let me dab on thots?
what chapter you fucks i can't find it
Man this manga was garbage.
Humans are CON.
Humans can't outrun other terrestrial animals in short distances because they're not AGI, but in long distances they can chase any animal.
Most predators can't even stay up all day to conserve energy.
And fish and flying birds aren't a fair comparison. We're comparing humans to other land creatures.
I dropped the anime halfway through.
Fuck those people saying that GS was fucking Doomguy.
I don't see it
It's a movie, it's fun to watch.
If you're up to it, I kinda like Terminator Salvation, tough it's very different form the original trilogy.
Terminator Genisys is close to the worst thing I've ever seen.
Yeah, the only reason i read the manga was to watch the show later and see whats the commotion about. But it was like i was reading 10 year olds level of drivel. Havent seen garbage like this since i tried watching SOA.
Just read it all you fag
>mfw we'll never have a movie of just james cameron's future robot war directed by james cameron
maybe but first i had to know that chapter and see that girl beef
thanks a lot friendo
Don't watch 3. You'll regret it.
Humans get +2 to any stat dumbass.
only because games are made by humans