Sell us on this new game of yours user
Sell us on this new game of yours user
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I wanna make a character action game (a la Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, etc), but with mechanics built around a party system where you can swap between characters on the fly.
I also want it to have interconnected world design and decent exploration controls so that the combat encounters feel like a more natural part of the world rather than something you clumsily platform to and from with controls not meant for that
Okay, we make a clone of [your favorite game]
But add even cuter girls than they already have
What if my fav game is Senran Kagura
Planetside 2 but with and lots of bikini armor
Then that just makes his job easier since its pretty fucking easy to top Senran Kagura's character designs
A self-aware RPG that revolves around the party looking for a mute to solve a crisis that the mute started to prove that humans don't need them anymore. Different towns are based off of different websites with one based on Yea Forums that has a bunch of people who hate the town but can never leave
It's a BADASS Battle Royale that I intend to release half-finished with untextured, empty buildings and no anti-cheat protection.
minecraft with sex and guns and space
For starters, it will have better resolution than the four of you combined
It's a fighting game with old Capcom aesthetics featuring unique fighting styles.
>alchemist character
>can turn his body to metal in midair, stopping his jump arc and slamming down on opponents
>can use gauge to turn to metal, making him impossible to combo for a brief period
>character that utilizes bombs
>two different bombs, denoted with flashing red and green lights
>can drop the bombs on the ground, or attach them to the person manually
>will whip out a switch that glows with the corresponding color, which allows the player to react and block the correct bomb
>can create weird setups with several bombs
I just want some more unique fighting game characters, honestly.
Columbine Simulator
You don't just play as Erik or Dylan though. Asymmetric multiplayer - a team of two shooters vs a team of 10 students in a laser scanned replica of the school.
The students can use objects in the area to fashion weapons and defenses.
The best part is that the school is filled with npcs and the student players aren't marked any differently than the npc students.
The shooters have to finish the students before the police respond to the shooting.
Imagine SK with lolis.
ok, what's next?
Planetside 2 but good
Two words:
Loli Royale.
Dream of Red Chambers Dating Sim VN
Tale of Genji VN
>could write 100+ pages on worldbuilding/lore/gameplay alone
>know I don't have the connections or charisma to start a game dev team and couldn't possibly make a game of this scope myself
LoliS. plural. Though the implication was that all the girls were lolis.
Pitch me your game in one to two sentences, and I can tell you if it's quality.
Uhhh there are lolis and you can watch them while they pee or take baths together.
Uhhh you got two arms and gun and you kill people but there’s cars AND a jet
just an expanded version of FTL
I'm really into managing shield and weapon energy.
Then hire someone who could run your team.
Jurassic Park game that plays something like resident evil 2 or maybe alien isolation
ok, what's next?
So like you get to one level but then you progress so BOOM there’s like uhh two levels but before you know it there’s EVEN MORE LEVELS
If there's an SK game where all the girls are lolis, then you already have your perfect game.
Just sell the concept
there's loli version cards for several of them, but not all.
Dark souls but with robots futuristic.
its like far cry 3 with swords and magic
Sam Lake is that you?
If FFXV had actual level design instead of a shitty open world then maybe
If FFXV actually had deep character action game combat instead of whatever the fuck horribly imbalanced Frankenstein it actually does then maybe
Then there's still room for improvement.
these are the same game?
I don't work at an office for ants
Space pirate game that takes place in the early 2100s, similar setting to The Expanse. Plays a little bit like FTL but then becomes an action game when you board other ships. Because space ships are fairly fragile things, military-grade firearms aren't used. Swords and sub-sonic pistols baby.
I suppose
A game where you can do literally whatever you want with a dynamic world that responds to your choices.
It's like MGSV
But you are Noah
The ark is mother base
You have to gather all the animals in the game and also assemble an army of god's chosen people that will help you on your task
Nonbelievers will try to stop you but you can convert them
I call it Super Noah's Ark 4D
no far cry 3 with swords and magic is a shitty medieval fantasy open world rpg
It’s like a stealth assassin game but instead of a game we just sell everything as DLC and call it a ‘reboot’ franchise
A 3 way multiplayer battle game with asymetric factions.
One is mecha musume lolis, one is loli monster girls and the third is magical girls. Setting is a post apocalyptic world after an event has turned 99% of the population into little girls.
You had me at loli monster
Here’s $15million for your side project
fucking ship it user
It will be like danganronpa but with mundane office setting and the crimes committed are at most about stolen staplers and such
it's a loli sex gatcha
street fighter clone but its epic exclusive.
Fantasy Tactical RPG with battle sex. The main heroine is an elf, the main hero is human that looks like Sol Badguy.
I would unironically play this if it had actual combat with nonbelievers / armies and junk along with the pet-collecting minigame.
2D fighting game battle royale, but with lolis.
Me on the left with the cup of coffee.
2D rythm game where you're a knight doing holy missions for the church to a Powerwolf OST (Sabaton is for fags)
kinda like One Finger Death Punch but you scroll through a level and fight enemies as they approach your encounter radius (rather than wait for them to approach you) and the hits/blocks/ etc (whatever button you have to press) are on a guitar hero-type indicator above enemies and once you hit enough ques it kills them. Every level has a boss you must reach before the song ends and is set to the climax of the song, all you have to do then is keep up enough until the song finishes and the boss is killed.
extra/secret/etc: the lyrics are built into the level and appear from flamboyantly to dull white text depending on combo counter
This , but all the characters are lolis.
>you just tumble down a never-ending escalator that is going upwards
>and there’s points
fucking try hard tone down your pitch, you’re making us look bad
But there's nothing proprietary about that! Why should I give you any money for that? What's stopping me from hiring a couple pajeets off of the street and making the exact same game for cheaper? Why do you deserve my money?
Me winking at you
it'd be a RTS/FPS hybrid with C&C-esque RTS gameplay and titanfall-esque movement and a couple branches of upgrades for the FPS players for them to become more powerful as their commander's base becomes better
also it'd have massive game-ending titan units which would be practically invincible and only able to be destroyed by another titan or by the fps players destroying it's weak points
it's been on my mind forever and I would get on it asap if I wasnt a college poorfag
Because my game will have SOUL.
Hire me, hire pajeets, I don't care. I just want more loli games.
U wilr rike iet
>What's stopping me from hiring a couple pajeets off of the street and making the exact same game for cheaper?
I'm the only man that can convince the Jefferson County school district to license their name to a shooting simulator.
With all due respect, you Roman nosed kike. The ROI on a dope game needs MY fucking vision buddy. No two ways about it.
bonus: the first level is to We Take the Church By Storm and the church you take becomes your HQ for missions/upgrades/npcs and you have to defend it after a certain amount of missions
Pajeets lack the true lolicon spirit.
>sell all your textbooks
>and shit you stole from your room mate
>use proceeds to fun game
>cry when you don’t make profit
I double dog dare u
Low fantasy citybuilder game with kenshi style combat. The idea is your building up a citystate in a frontier land. You have to balance between various competing citystates, Larger distant factions, and ultimately either unite the lands under your banner or join one of the other factions to do so. Unification comes in a varity of ways, militaristic conquest, Religious conversion, Economic unions, Diplomatic Confederation, or a mix of all of the above. Like you get 2 citys into your confederacy, conquer 1, then use your economic base to strong arm the remaining into joining.
With themes of hard racial tension between the various species. Each have a good bonus but the more are in one place the harder it gets to keep order.
willing and able to do all but the last one, I will fill this game with fucking work once I steak enough shekels from the embassy I just fucking pray chivalry literally doesnt die/become overdone by the time I do
Spectacle-action-meets-3rd-person-shooter game (with RPG aspects) set on partially terraformed 22nd century Mars, in which civil war has broken out between colonists, one side believing it is their duty as Martian citizens to turn Mars into a beautiful garden world fit for human life, and another believing the terraforming project is a gargantuan waste of resources that should be spent matching Earth's military might and modifying their bodies to survive on Mars instead. You are a young cyborg from a tiny but wealthy colony who take pride in being the most advanced and deadly people in the entire system, able to stand in the incredibly harsh atmosphere of Venus, and you are making your pilgrimmage to Mars to prove yourself worthy of being a Venusian.
is it quality?
Ah, here's the thing you shit in a suit.
I don't need your money, I don't care about AAA, I already have a tight-knit microteam that's more than enough for this title.
I just came in to shit into your whiskey, fuck your daughter and smoke your cigars.
You fool! I'm wearing a wire right now, and I just got a recording of you using a racial slur for Indians.
If I release this, cancel culture will ensure you never work on TV again. Fortunately, I'll be willing to keep quiet about this for a small fee of a couple million dollars.
your secret is safe with me
god speed user
don’t come asking for Kickstarter money or I WILL notify the embassy
after star citizen, kikestarters become a living joke
I'll use patreon
tall girlfriend simulator. you get to enjoy the benefits of having a tall girlfriend. VR required.
An RPG with the main characters being boomers/doomers/zoomers, etc. where they have to go throughout the world searching for an ancient item which will secure trump winning in 2020 with soros being the main boss.
If it had a nice art style, I would play it. I like action games.
It's pretty much codename steam but with better graphics, different maps, improved loading and enemy turn times, a new story, an artstyle that isn't ugly, and it's on the switch.
I call it codename steam 2.
what fucking benefits you chode?
motorboats at standing height.
her wrapping her long legs around you.
her kissing the top of your head.
Underrated post
Blacksmith simulator with some sprinkles of survival game. Not casting weapons, but actually give the shape you want to your weapons. Toss in a basic survival game where you have to hunt for leather, chop wood for hilts, mine for rarer materials. People come to your shop and ask for a certain weapon type and let you go crazy on it. Once finished you'll get a small story (thinking of the descriptions in Dwarf Fortress) saying how well the 6foot dick shaped sword performed on a fight
depending on how well made the weapon was.
A game called House Hunters, but you're actually hunting giant roving living houses Monster Hunter style. You can tame one wild house at a time to live in and keep as your mobile base, and kill other wild houses to scavenge for furniture/materials/etc to decorate and improve your own house.
I like how the spatio-political context and the initial premise sounds very solid. I trust more in your abilities of how you are giving shape to a world and characters than antything else. Keep doing it, you have material as someone who creates.
do you think i could sell cunny in america?
i mean by having it in my game
Ask FE
Sounds like the title of a book Hunter Thompson could write.
>Selling Cunny in America.
i mean bare naked ones
>megaman legends 2
with it SHOWING
It'd be like a mix of Vanquish, Devil May Cry, and Gravity Rush. You play as a cute but fit looking brown cyborg girl with eight (8), yes, 8 (eight) guns. She has a pod mounted on both forearms and both calfs, each with two railguns, one facing forward and one backward. You control movement and resources more than you control aiming, which is mostly done with lock on. You can hit the lock button on 1 enemy, and focus all your fire on that, or you can hold the lock button, drag it between 2 enemies, and shoot both, and THEN manually aim your reticle on a 3rd enemy to shoot all 3. You can also have a focus mode which slows down time for you, allowing you to target up to 8 things (grunts, enemy weakpoints, missiles) and blow then all up at once.
All these railguns fire standard, boost, special, and charged special rounds. Standard rounds are regular bullets and replenished from dead enemies or destroyed metal scenery, boost rounds are used for dodging and double (triple/quadruple) jumping have recharge over time, special rounds are only replenished from specific enemies and have different effects (you choose the ammo), charged special is when you hold the button down. For example, your special can be smoke rounds or airburst missiles or micro drones, while your charged special could combine all 8 guns into one super long railgun that hits like a naval cannon.
You may even be able to modify moveset on the fly, like activating "sniper" to increase zoom and power while decreasing fire rate, or activating "gun kata" to add gunfire to your melee attacks.
About as much as I'm willing to write while phoneposting.
With neural link around the corner we must have the first game in that market be ours, using our A.I. we found the perfect game for the genre. Sword Art Online shall be our stepping stone to a global game empire.
A Moba like league but its an FPS
Yakuza, but American
Risotto Cero.
Call of duty did that with Black Ops 2 they were called strike force missions and you were given a handful of soldiers and you had to tell them where to go xcom style. if everyone died and you didn't destroy the obj it fucks up the story and basically gives you the bad endings at the end. it didn't last cause it was too hard for casuals
SMT but instead of fusing demons you build robots and also you are a robot
Persona 5 on a good engine
yeah there's an entire game series called men of war
what i'm suggesting is a traditional FPS with a base and regular units to build and use which also has special hero unit style fps players
>tfw too tired to type
i meant an entire series like that and traditional RTS lmao
the game im currently making can be played on all platforms including mobile devices( lowend poorfags not supported) it has at least 90hrs of gameplay excluding the co-op missions. tons of customizations locked behind a paywall(no loot box of course) can be both cosmetic and has a stat boost to help in pve. while pvp will have raw mechanical gameplay and exclusive prizes that youll need to use an in game currency that you won in a pvp tournament as well as a real life money
Legally, yes. If you're asking how successful it would be, then I don't know how popular porn games are in america, let alone loli games.
I call it a Social-Action/Dead Stringing Game. It's a post apocalyptic world and pockets of settlements are stranded, alone. There's no internet because all the infrastructure was destroyed.
Your goal is to create connections between these stranded settlements ("To String them together"). But it's a social goal and that means that everyone's actions affect the world. When you die, you leave a crater behind. Other players see the crater appear in their games. If they jump into the crater they can string together the two world, and the two players can meet.
I think it's a cool idea but I don't know to whom I should be pitching it.
Cool, thanks...............
An adventure guild management game where you have to hire, scout, and manage heros to preform various quests and deeds. They'd all a wide variety of potential traits, abilities, personalities, etc, to really give it that "no two heros are exactly the same" feel.
Set them out on quests and hope they make it back alive, develop relationships with their peers, and pray they don't end up spending all their money on alcohol. Or manage their finances yourself, but they won't be a fan of that.
Basically, Dankest Dungeon but drop the dungeoning and go HEAVY on the management.
i think theres a vr blacksmithing game where you actually do hammer ingots into shape after heating them
I wouldn't try this; they'll just steal your idea.
Seconding this but add in the ability to send them to tournaments to farm prestige and notoriety, with traits affecting just how much of one or the other you get depending on their success in the tourney, also add in an errant-knight class that is a requirement to participate in jousting matches which are also the only way to farm tournaments for good money.
So it's another Deus Ex but with a different name, and I guess closer to the original one compared to the prequels? Sure, I'll take it, you can even keep the cuter (how cuter, even? they'd need to be WAY fucking cuter to actually be cute) girls because they wouldn't make much difference in this one.
You can't handle it.
You know, for kids.
A sequel to Gladius to be quite honest.
A online monster raising game based around breeding, training, doing tournaments and other stuff with your monsters (not sexual stuff ya sick freak)
You start off with a basic ranch and with exp and money you can upgrade it.
Monsters will look like monster and not big titty girls with animal parts
The monster ages and dies. depending on it age it'll be better at things while worse at others.
Every in game year you save it's DNA, so stats, personality, skills, ect. So you can use it at anytime.
Tournaments are based around the monster age aka babies, prime, old. While others are base around types and so on.
You'll be able to do other things like play with the monster, go on adventures, do practice battle with friends.
So in the end, the game i want to make is like monster rancher 2, but with a more modern feel to it and online.
>An immersive experience where you work an entry level job doing the exact same repetitive tasks that job would require in real life
>One hour of play time = one hour of work time
>The goal is to save up enough money to buy a weapon/supplies to kill every coworker you have, including boss
>Point based system, example all coworkers killed is 100/100 points
>Customers are a bonus 5 or so
>Fashion points are added for creativeness
>Online leaderboards track high scores
>Game is first person
>Choose from a variety of jobs, some laid back with low pay, some demanding with medium pay etc
>$8-$12/hr would be the range
>Can you work for an hour and kill the entire workforce with a knife, will you work 70 hours to buy an ar plus ammo?
My game idea is to make 1/10th of a porn game, then set up a patreon page and slowly trickle out tiny updates over several years spaced months apart before abruptbly abandoning the project and fleeing with the money.
so, newer Ys games?
a third person shooter with some melee combat set in a forest of giant trees. player have to explore the forest and fight aliens. the game structure will be like botw where after tutorial you can go straight to the final boss and beat him. theres also survival system but nothing heavy, something like snake eater
me on the shelf with the red hat
blades of the shogun...