What exactly did he do "wrong"?

What exactly did he do "wrong"?

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he lost

nothing, he was a hero

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He was just an actor in a Revolver Ocelot production.

It's funny too, considering Big boss wanted his PMC to take on the patriots but snake took out outer heaven, and he's perceived as the hero.

>actor was in the right
>actor was part of ocelot production
>ocelot was right

Makes you think, doesn't it.

The whole child soldiers thing, although arguable the patriots forced him to do that.

he decided to oppose the player character

Did they? I don't think it was ever really explained how he got into it, taking Jack was certainly his choice.

>child solders

The child soldiers thing in his youth was messed up, though he was still a goon of the Patriots at the time. He arguably didn't need to amass the body count that he did in MGS 2, but ultimately he was trying to use the limited time he had left along with one of the only big opportunities possible to save America and even the world. There's a reason both Snake and Raiden take on his color palette and left eye patch.

>save America
The only thing he was saving was a spot for himself in history books, he wasn't doing it for the people, he was doing it so the memory of him was passed on.

Can someone give me a tldr on MGS2 story? I played the game as a 12 year old and had no idea wtf any if the convos with Solidus or what the ending was about.


he was played from the beginning

he was a nigger

It was both. He could save America and actually be recognized by another human being as his actual self, not the false, scripted existence the Patriots made for him.

I mean, personally raising a murderous psychopath without ever thinking that may come back to bite you in the ass was not very smart

memes are bad, but not really. The End.

No way to tl;dr that one. Just play it again user.

unironically "just be yourself"

>I claimed you for my own, and raised you as a soldier in the army of the Devil. I am your foster father, and your worst enemy.


>Because I needed to know whether we were really someone else's creation. We're repeating history, Jack.

What did he mean by this?

How old is Raiden in MGS2 anyway? 30-something?

His birth year is presumed to be 1983, so it should be mid-twenties.

Fucked if anyone knows, Kojima is a hack writer. The game was a mess.

Kojima is a hack and the seriesr are overated weeb garbage.

no he did that on his own to see if he was really "someone else's creation"

In the end he was just a tool for the Patriots, he did nothing wrong

except for the whole child soldier thing

(((The Patriots)))

Dude memes lmao and the illuminati control the flow of information and keeps the populace dumbed down. Retards clap and say this is profound and the go back and read Vox and watch cable news.

Did Armstrong do anything wrong?

He murdered Jack's parents and used him as a child soldier.

>Dude it wasn't that deep
>Completely misses the point

He let Johnson redecorate.

>>Completely misses the point
No, he pretty much got it. MGS2 had all the philosophical depth of an angsty 15 year old whining about how everyone but him is a sheep and if government just did what HE wanted it to do then the world would be a utopia.

MGS2 literally tells you that you were conned into a experiencing a copy and paste of MGS1, that's the plot

>No, he pretty much got it.
The entire point the AIs were making is that the ones dumbing people down are themselves.

>child soldiers

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Are you retarded? Did you just watch a 5 minute youtube video on it?

Then what the fuck was the point, retard? A retread of MGS1 about how you shouldn't let others dictate your life? Or how you should have kids to pass your memes on? It really wasn't that deep or original but of course 18 year old Kojimadrones who watch 3 hour youtube "essays" think it is.
I pretty much alluded to that though.

>Dude memes lmao and the illuminati control the flow of information and keeps the populace dumbed down.
That's what you said, which is completely different. I'm not saying MGS2 was a masterpiece, just saying that usually the people that shit on it tend to be retards.

I got a question for yall faggots, if mgs2 had the same translator as mgs1 how would it be different? I know a common complaint is that the dialogue feels ham fisted at times, will that fix it or will it take away from the story?

A. What I said is not any less true
>Retards clap and say this is profound and the go back and read Vox and watch cable news.
Is basically the real life application of what you claim to be the true meaning of the ending.

Maybe when you are old enough to go to college you will find something more profound to latch on to and consider "deep". Cause if you think MGS2 is anything more than pseudo-intellectualism for teenagers, you are the retarded one.

>Is basically the real life application of what you claim to be the true meaning of the ending.
No, no it's not.
>Illuminatis dumb down the population
>The population dumbs down itself
are mutually exclusive.
>Maybe when you are old enough to go to college you will find something more profound to latch on to and consider "deep".
I haven't said the game is deep though.

I think you tried to make a point. Try again when you graduate.

>The entire point the AIs were making is that the ones dumbing people down are themselves.
Yeah? And? That's not new. Go back a thousand years and you'll still find people who fancy themselves intellectuals whining about how the masses are dumbing themselves down. And on the opposite side you get the "real" people talking about how they went to the university of life and know more about the real world than those intellectuals in their ivory towers and blah blah blah. This is nothing new. I never said the angsty 15 year old think everyone is forced to be stupid at gunpoint or something. Whining about "self inflicted" stupidity is retarded. Everyone is ignorant about 99.9% of the world. That's never going to change and it's not a failing of the masses, it's an inherently limitation of humans. But Kojima doesn't get that because he believes stupid shit like people aren't prisoners to their genes. Well, sorry Kojima, but they are.

>People who like MGS2 are pseudo-intellectual teenagers
>Proceeds to go on a long diatribe about how he's smarter than other people on an anonymous imageboard
I made a point, you just can't reply to it. I'll graduate as soon as you fix those self-esteem issues.

I haven't said it's new either. How many times do I have to repeat myself?
>I'm not saying MGS2 was a masterpiece, just saying that usually the people that shit on it tend to be retards.

He didn't fist Mistral

>How many times do I have to repeat myself?
If you're not
then I have no idea who the fuck you are or what you said.

My point is that if you want to shit on a game for being shallow at the very least you should get its message right, but half of Yea Forums is illiterate and incapable of understanding english. Kojima is a hack by the way, is that clear enough for you or do I have to spell it out too?

I'm not shitting on a game for being shallow. Almost all games are. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm shitting on someone who got offended when someone succinctly summed up the game's pretentiousness. That guy's post was right.

He was a shitty President, a shittier clone of a once-great man who went right down the shiter, a shitty octopus cosplayer, a shitty fighter, and he eats Donald Trump's shit-smeared toilet paper.

Reminder that MGS2 was all a VR simulation

but then MGS4 happened and if i remember correctly rose confirmed that she was the one calling him during the mission

Words and deeds, user.

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She's read his psych reports. She said what he needed to hear

If only Kojima wasnt retarded and revived Liquid in MGS2 instead of the whole arm thing we would have got Old Snake vs Old Liquid in MGS4, Ocelot should have stayed just a backstabber big boss cock sucker and died in MGS4 or MGS2

From Big Shell onward the game takes place in April 2009. So, 25-26 range