We'll never have a golden age of FPS's like this ever again.
I miss it
Other urls found in this thread:
>golden age
You mean silver age.
Great thread OP
No, I mean golden age you retarded zoomer
World at War was better.
Halo 1 was better.
What golden age? Halo CE is the only good Halo game and Call of Duty has never been good. Your faggot ass passed up actual good shooters like Timesplitters to play this garbage and you want to talk about a golden age?
Fuck off
why would a zoomer date a previous age better than that one?
>m-muh retro 2d shooters!
nigger what
are you ESL?
People call WoW the golden age of MMO's despite not being part of the 1st gen of them. So what's wrong realizing that the original Halo's and CoD's were not a more refined and superior product than the crap before it?
CS 1.6/S
If you didn't cut your teeth on at least one of these you are an inferior human being
why do you think that I'm
Halo SP
Halo MP
Imagine your brain having no thought process other than to spout buzzwords.
Doom 64
Unreal Tournament 1999
Half Life
The first Medal of Honor
Wooow sure looks like 2D games
>golden age of FPS
Yeah I know Cod was on PC it's still shit.
The golden age of FPS's was the mid 90's-early 2000's.
Modern Warfare (2019) is looking to be the best CoD ever, if Halo Infinite is any good, then maybe you'll have this again.
The only people who actually believe this are retarded zoomers who worship clickbait faggots like shillmanlives and civvie.
t. console peasant
Omg does anyone else FPS games rox?
zoomer cope
>golden age of FPS's like this ever again.
Kill yourself, zoomer
Aged like milk
3D Doom
>Doom 64
Why would you prefer Doom on shitty controller instead of the PC?
Early yet unrefined realistic modern shooter
Not good enough multiplayer and crappy spongy hitscan human enemies
>The first Medal Of Honor
Nowhere near as good as Call of Duty 1, 2, 3, and WaW
>3D Doom
Explain your rationale for why a zoomer would like old games. I started college by the time Halo 3/CoD 4 came out, sweetie.
Posting best mission youtube.com
>Doom 64
>Unreal Tournament 1999
>Half Life
>The first Medal of Honor
no one actually enjoyed these horrible looking games right? I feel bad for boomers
>no one actually enjoyed these horrible looking games
Granted I won't really those games today, they were great for their time and highly enjoyable. I'm sorry if the graphics back then hurt your zoomy eyes.
>"RPG team at the World War 2 memorial... pull that trigger till they don't get up."
More like dark age desu.
>Dude lets copy and paste the same bland barebones brown shooter mechanics 7000 times over
is this how zoomers cope?
I'm a millennial. Why are boomers obsessed with zoomers?
I liked MW2 more then MW but Bad Company 2 was better than both.
I will never understand people who look back fondly.on MW2, what an absolute clusterfuck that game was.
Stand aside zoomers, the true GOAT coming through
The only enjoyable aspect is the red dawn style campaign and it was not enough to distract from how awful most of the non US levels were or how massively casualized the game was
Spec ops was cool though
We'll also never have a golden age of fighting games like in the early/mid 90s. Something else will come along.
>I'm a millennial
sure kid
How long have you been retarted for?
Very few remember such a high taste game.
your days are numbered gramps
Uhh, battlefield 4 came out quite a bit after those
I want you to know before the 2010’s Yea Forumsirgins would make posts like yours ironically to mock future fags like you.
kids these days.....no respect for there elders!
At least we are FINALLY getting Halo 3 and the rest on pc.
>cod will be saved with mw 2019
>halo will be saved with infinite
>battlefield dead because of swedecucks
this is the new silver age
The good Halo games have been on PC for over a decade
Lmao Halo 1 was decent. But its multiplayer has nothing on Halo 3. And Halo 2 was plagued by Vista, and we all know how that turned out.
the new cod actually looks promising, ive never been exicited of cod game since WaW and BO2
Not OP, but I consider any faggot who uses some anime girl to 'lecture' others is a shitposter themselves.
No not really you memeing faggot who never actually tries playing these games o. PC as a first worlder
End your life you fucking 10 year old
you heard me faggot.
This is it, the biggest bait thread of bait threads. The biggest bait. The ultimate bait. A bait so big I can't even take it. Holy shit, what a bait. God damn. Big bait
>he doesn't know
moot said that you idiot
moot was an incompetent faggot
yeah but I'd prefer moot to run this site over you
These were the FPS titles of 2007. Can you imagine?
was 1987 also a good year for video games
Unironically yes just from Google.
>Final Fantasy
>Castlevania 2
>Zelda 2
>Metal Gear
>Mega Man
>Maniac Mansion
>Double Dragon
>Street Fighter
Man i hope the MW remake keeps the Arcade Mode. I played the hell outta that. Also just found out UT3 is backwards compatible on Xbone X. That was a good game.
is the best year in video games this decade
I mean, 2017 has probably been the strongest year for the modern video games post '10.
Nostalgia's a hell of a drug, huh
>Halo 3 and CoD4 where golden age FPS
>Vanilla WoW was golden age MMO
Have we hit peak zoomers levels on Yea Forums?
This is obviously a shitposting thread
I suppose all the WoW golden age threads are as well.
Well, no, but that's considerably less egregious than this.
I think 2018 was a pretty great year with games like RDR2, Monster Hunter World, Spider Man, God of War, Dusk, and Hellblade.
What was so great about 2017?
Yeah had Mario, Zelda, Destiny 2, Nioh, off the top of my head, it was just a strong year. Though, looking back through things, 2000 to 2010 was probably the strongest period in gaming.
I don't know how much of the nostalgia for Halo 3 and COD4 is because of zoomers considering years ago these games were hated here, but I do think it was a pretty good era. The mid/late 00s as a whole were pretty good for online gaming.
Dunno about 2017, but I agree that the end of the 00's was a great period for gaming. Along with the late '90s.
Even the start of '00 was amazing for gaming. Just in '00, you had Majoras Mask, Diablo 2, Deus Ex, Counter Strike, C&C2, Banjo-Tooie, Hitman, Jet Set Radio, etc. 2000-2010 was the Golden Age of Gaming.
2004 is underrated as all hell
-Halo 2
-Half-Life 2
-NFS Underground
-Metroid Prime 2
-Resident Evil 4
-Burnout 3
-World of Warcraft
-Unreal Tournament 2004
lol this day was always going to come. Yea Forums 5-10 years ago would have blown a gasket in rage at this. It probably would have even been deleted back then. Now COD4 and Halo 3 honestly has tons of anons nostalgic for "the old day" of the FPS genre.
I agree. Graphics still wowed us, the birth of mainstream online gaming came about. Big companies were not sure yet on how to corrupt the online market. And some big devs were able to take risks, like EA with Mirror's Edge and Dead Space.
We already get unironic Fortnite, PUBG and Apex Legends posts but no threads so far.
I'm glad I got to experience it as a pre-teen to adult. Was really amazing.
It will be really bad when we get nostalgia for completely irredeemable shit like minecraft and fortnite.
Give it 10 years and you'll have shitheads reminiscing about the days of old Yea Forums and how lootbox games weren't as bad as *insert 2029 jewry schemes* and how fortnite was a good game.
That's already happening. Minecraft is now a decade old.
Now that's just fucking sad. Nostalgia over COD is already embarrassing enough but this is a new low.
Guys like you will be pushed out eventually. Do you really see yourself staying on here in another decade once everyone here unironically likes phone games and their games being stripped of 50% of the content just to be sold as microtransactions.
I mean, I'm 33 now, and I've been here since '07.. And this is the only "forum" I use because you can actually have your own opinion here, so yeah, if it's up and running in another decade, I'll probably still be here.
Where else do we go?
are people going to nostalgia over online passes
2/10 made me reply
Nowhere, we must evolve past stupid childish chan culture.
Just like me. I have become so old
Halo players can trash COD players but not vice versa.
We're already being pushed out. Most of Yea Forums has adopted the rest of the internet's culture of "SHUT THE FUCK UP BOOMER AAAA I LOVE BEING 17!". There have always been newfags and newfag waves on Yea Forums but the past few years have to be the biggest shift in the demographics of this website ever, bigger than even Chanology.
>burnout paradise
>devil may cry 4
>no more heroes
>lost odyssey
>condemned 2
>super smash brawl
>culdecept saga
>crisis core
>zoids assault
>bully scholarship edition
>the world ends with you
>mario kart wii
>brothers in arms hells highway
>left 4 dead
>valkyria chronicles
>ninja gaiden 2
>battlefield bad company 1
>little big planet
>yakuza 2
>the darkness
>mirrors edge
>gears of war 2
>sonic unleashed
>call of duty world at war
>persona 4
1998-2002 and 2004-2008 were peak comfy. The end of n64/ps1 and the 90s era, the slow progress made with the gamecube and xbox, then the 360s mysterious vibe and light green/silver circles ushering in online play with new multiplayer games popping up all the time
It's the bronze age at best. Silver age was shit like Timesplitters.
So in other words just embrace normalfaggotry and go on reddit?
why the fuck is this thread still up holy shit
>Golden age
Those garbage games helped cause the downfall of this industry.