Who's better for Smash?
The Great Debate
dva cause she's a waifu
Master Chief or Duke Nukem
Honesatly DVA because she is just better for the game mechanics. You cant really have a character run around like Tracer in smash because the game has that weird viewing angle.
For a Multiplayer Only rep ? Heavy.
Tracer because I wanna be Tracer
Dva would be ideal, as a tracer main I wouldn't mind Tracer though.
Master Chief
One kickstarted the FPS genre
One is a dying fad
I wonder
Influence means nothing, nobody cares about Doom in 2019 & it's been irrelevant ever since GoldenEye came out and gave normalfags a FPS game to play.
dva already has a smash moveset built in at least for specials. Up b is her flying around with boosters, down b is a reflector (defense matrix) that u can move slowly with, side or neutral b for the missles and maybe an ultimate meter where she can blow up her mech once the meter reaches 100 percent
>basedboy shit
>The Doom Chad, the son of a Nazi killer, which fathered and popularized the FPS genre as a whole.
>Overshit, the Down Syndrome offspring of a desperate skank, drugging the Doom Chad to even have her virginity taken.
Gee... What a difficult choice...
I want Tracer in just so I can draw her taking a long smelly maggot-infested shit on Doom, Heavy, Fortnite, James Bond, Chosen Undead and Reimu.
D.va and Master Chief would be better
Im not mad that scout lost because he probably would, im more mad they never showed him actually double jump in it.
Why the hell do people think Doomguy can get in? Yeah. I can see it right now. Pichu and Isabelle are hanging out and then Doomguy appears and shoots them point blank with a shotgun. That's totally realistic. Get real.
Tracer because she's my waifu!
>trailer is doomguy going mad
>end of the trailer he meets Isabelle
>she reaches into her pocket, retrieving Daisy alive and well
>Nintendo intentionally spreading rumors of Tracer in Smash
>They reveal the actual character and everyone is fine with it because at least it isn't Tracer
Nintendo is a smart ham
Doomguy’s moveset:
>Shoot gun
>Shoot another gun
>Shoot a different gun
>Chain Saw
>Shoot big gun
Tracer’s moveset:
>Throw explosives
>Reverse time for herself
>Teleport ahead of herself
Yeah, I’m thinking Tracer had an actual viable moveset
Nintendo did literally nothing but make an overwatch case and possibly port overwatch to the Switch.
Smashfags just assumed this meant Tracer was in, even though the DLC pack so far has 2/3 characters unrelated to the Switch.
>Nobody cares about Doom in 2019
>Won Game Critics Awards best of E3 2019
>best of E3 2019
Wew what an achievement
neither of them are gonna be it but I'd rather we get doomguy instead of tracer
imagine the POTG theme being the only noteworthy track to be brought into smash
Oh you poor fool. I won't fall for Nintendo's tricks and neither should you.
How would her reverse shit work? Could you get a stock back?
>starts off listing other FPS characters
>then devolves into just whoever gets posted in usual threads
might as well include Geno, Crash, Kasumi, Travis, Porky etc
I still have hope
Night noctilum is better
save raiden from the shitshow called playstation all stars pls, get another metal gear rep at the same time
Master Chief 100%.
He is 10x more fit for Smash than doom person.
what really surpises me is that stevebros still exist
>based all of Tracer's moves on the comics
>based all of Scout's moves on the game
thats been there philosophy day one, really sucks when you can tell they phoned it in on one
i love my wife marisa
Doomguy isnt shit and is actually good so him.
>nobody cares about Doom in 2019
People barely give a shit about OW even with OWL shilling hard because the game is boring as shit and Blizzard pissed off everyone. Doom 2016 was loved by pretty much everyone and sold millions. Eternal is One of if not the most anticipated games of the year. All people care about OW is the porn and if you want pornbait is a better choice anyways.
>random bitch from watered down tf2 copycat
>the father of FPSs
what do you think?
that was a shit and biased battle, scout was stand still in one place for most of the battle
reddit has such a hard on for overwatch even some of my friends have gotten into it.... looks pretty and runs smooth, but thats it, gameplay is reaaaaally boring imo but im not a god at fps so thats biased :/
>incredibly marketable female character
>generic marine that only panders to boomers
What do you think?
overwatch is on life support made of porn and shilled owl