Fuck Marry Kill

Fuck Marry Kill

Attached: ladies__by_emy_san_dddyz4e-fullview.jpg (800x960, 111K)

kill the blonde one, fuck the brown redhead one because she's fucking brown and she's a redhead, lady is the only one i remember the name so i'm marrying her

Everyone else in the room

marry lady, kill the other two, fuck jannies

Fuck Lady
Marry Trash
Kill Lucia

I'll feel bad about killing Lucia though, but she isnt worthy of being fucked or married

Pretty much yes when it comes to every dmc female including the bosses not counting DmC

Kill lady, fuck trish, Marty redhead

God Damn. Trish looks like shit

You cannot kill them so

Fuck Marry

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>_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thread that doesn't even feature the best choice and option.

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Me on the left


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And people tell me the RE Engine isn't ugly. Also who's the thing on the right? That's not even a RE Engine model. It's definitely not Lucia.

we arent worthy of nico

I'm not worthy

Kill, kill, kill

>best choice

Kyrie's already married, user...

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Marry left, fuck middle, kill right.

Marry the omega
Fuck the other one

It's a fan made model of Lucia. She doesn't look that bad. Here's one by the same artist.

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Where did Kyrie's ass go?

Fuck and Marry Vergil....I feel like he would be upset if fucked Dante

Gonna live in sin with both of them, to be honest.

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>that watermark

Nevermind I was wrong about it being the same artist. Yeah her model in OP looks like shit.


Married women lose all their attractive features as soon as the ring goes on

But seriously, a goblin ate it. DMC6 fucking when

why would you pick anything other than lady for marriage


But I'll be dead by then.. I cant wait that long.

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kill all

Fuck Marry Kill

Attached: poet__by_emy_san_ddere28-fullview.jpg (1024x1298, 173K)

Marry Lady and have kids with her, kill the other two

>Fucking the janny


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Marry Lady, Kill is abonination, fuck Lucia

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Fuck and Marry both is the only correct answer

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>Hes never marty'd a redhead

Youre missing out, user

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Fuck: Yes
Marry: No
Kill: No

Marry and Fuck Lady
Fuck Trish
Fuck whatever her name is