The year will be two thousand and twenty when this product releases, a lack of backwards compatibility is not acceptable. What features do you want this console to have, Yea Forums?

Attached: DF6B3B64-0A08-40A6-98D8-AF746A20CC5B.jpg (755x496, 32K)

I want Sony to get good games, not bad western ones.

is that a drink cooler in the middle of it? it would be pretty bad ass to have a coke being cooled while you frag some noobs.

Mostly unrelated but I want this thing to have a Sony crossover but like... good this time. Maybe instead of a shitty smash clone they could do a racing game?

Most Sony or Playstation related characters own or drive a vehicle in their games anyway. Would be fun if they took the Sega All Stars approach and gave them the vehicles from their games but maybe bikes would end up broken again.

>half toilet seat shaped
surely that's not real

Attached: thehomer.jpg (640x478, 75K)

Looks like a devkit if it's even real, which usually dont look as much like the consoles that get put out

I agree it looks dumb as shit

I want all platforms to have crossplay.
I want all consoles to have official mouse+keyboard support.

>I want all consoles to have official mouse+keyboard support.
based as fuck

It's a cock warmer.

Prove it, stick your dick in it.

I can't stick my dick in a jpeg user

Not with that attitude you can't

my dad works at sony
this is what the ps5 will actually look like

Attached: ps5.jpg (824x515, 20K)

A corporate headquarters not on the American west coast.

This is a gaming console so the slice in the middle is for your pizza slice. The exhaust fans will keep it nice and warm no matter how long you're distracted by the game.

Backwards compatibility with the entire PS4, PS3 and PS2 library

Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in micro USB port.

Haha, that's what I thought

>no Sony's famous LET'SGO DIGITAL led

cup holder

Explodes on purchase, removing one more idiot who thinks this trash machine can ever compete with a PC.

crossplay would be possible if sony wasn't cockblocking.

never ever