Just finished every final fantasy game
Now what?
Just finished every final fantasy game
now sit down and think about what you've done and how you could've spent that time doing something better
Post feet
now you play a better series of jrpgs now that you played the mainstream safe picks
Such as?
XI & XIV too? All their expansions?
All the sequels? Soul of Rebirth too?
All the Spin-Offs?
>forgot the 120 spin offs, sequels and remakes
Not him but Megami Tensei would be a good start. It'd be the next tier after FF but before DQ.
Trails in the Sky
Skies of Arcadia
There is no better series.
Dragon Quest, Chrono, SMT, Suikoden have story driven games with a silent protagonist so they automatically belong in the trash. I could understand Mario or Sonic not talking, their games aren’t story driven. But having a story heavy game where the protagonist just stands there listening to other people talking is absolutely retarded and makes no sense.
depends what you are looking for, dragon quest is similar to final fantasy 4-7. the Ys games are more action based rather than strategy. for dungeon crawler types, SMT isnt bad, same with EO on the ds.
final fantasy's stories are probably better than any of that reddit crap.
What? MT is way after DQ
Tell me about these "Tiers".
Chronologically, yes.
Quality, no
Guess it's time to kill yourself OP
Must be interesting though to see the evolution of the franchise--must be like watching your dad slowly suffer from Alzheimer's
the gameplay is better in every other game series, FF did it first (not even, dragon quest did) but everyone else is better
>There is no better series.
megaten, saga, and kiseki are way better than final fantasy.
Megami Tensei is fucking weeb looking as fuck dude
play Bravely Default, the first one is basically a Final Fantasy game without the F and F.
Not giving a label, but the tiers would be
>The one off JRPG that caters to your interest
>The JRPG franchise that catches your eyes but doesn't get enough attention
>The other one off JRPGs that don't quite hit the mark
>weeb looking
not an adjective
It's a sequel to 4 Heroes of Light
>Dragon Quest, Chrono, SMT, Suikoden have story driven games with a silent protagonist so they automatically belong in the trash.
Funny how you focus on that. Because all those series you just named have better stories, exploration, combat and characters. Suikoden is literally what Final Fantasy has tried to do, but better. It also did Runes a year before FFVII did Materia.
pokemon shouldnt even count, RPG players dont play pokemon that is just children and man children
The more FFs you play, the more you realize they're all entirely mediocre
I wouldn't recommend playing more than 2. Just download them all, play each one until one clicks, then enjoy what you got and leave it all behind when you're done
not even all of them, just do the highlights
why else do you think I put it at the bottom? It's the most basic tier you can get.
Breath of Fire. Don't listen to the plebs.
..I think you did that to annoy me
wonder if these will ever get a bundle for ps4/pc/switch
>The more FFs you play, the more you realize they're all entirely mediocre
True. And that they actually repeat the same tropes and story points, despite FF fans claim they are so revolutionary and change themselves more than other series. Final Fantasy is like Zelda. Same characters, story and mechanics, just with a different coat of paint. There's only so many times I can replay Star Wars in a scifi/contemporary world.
I think you're a fucking moron who can't recognize the difference between flaws and defects and probably has incredibly bland taste in vidya that you hide by pretending to devalue popular series
But I'm not that guy so maybe he did
Boot up PlayOnline and let's play XI together
It doesn't seem like Capcom wants anything to do with it right now. Last release was a Japan only freemium money guzzler. But I feel like Nintendo would get first dibs if anything were to crop up.
>despite FF fans claim they are so revolutionary and change themselves more than other series.
Who has ever said this? There's been like 5 fundamental changes to the series' formula over thirty years. Most people just state that the games are technically unrelated on a story level
I meant because he omitted 8
Let's get real, the SNES/PSX are the gold of the series and none of them should be shit on just because it's not your personal favorite
I have a question, my friend recently purchased Final Fantasy 7 in hopes that I would play it, as I’ve never done so before. But it is for the iOS mobile phone. Should I still play?
>every final fantasy game
I find that doubtful.
If you mean every mainstream Final Fantasy game, then try out some of the spinoffs related to the ones you liked. Final Fantasy Tactics is worth checking out as well, just to see what it's like. Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call is excellent and definitely worth playing if you are now familiar with the characters and music.
If you actually played every random Final Fantasy game, or just don't care about any of them at this point, then play some other JRPGs. Or play another genre if you're sick of this one now.
>Such as?
SaGa Frontier (PS1) and SaGa Frontier 2 (PS1) are from the same company. Technically a spinoff as well, since it took the FF2 leveling system and refined it into something that actually worked. Those are probably the best point for trying out SaGa, although you can try more of the series if you like them. Alliance Alive (3DS) and Legend of Legacy (3DS) would also be worth checking out if you like the system, having a similar level up system and being made by some of the original SaGa team - with Alliance having more of a story while Legacy just being combat and explore focused.
Suikoden is a good series, especially if you want more story and collecting lots of characters. Sui1 is awkward to play, but Sui2 is good. Sui3 has some weird combat but really good everything else, once you get used to the skill system. Sui4 is poor, Sui5 is easy but great.
i omitted 8 because it is horrible. i would play 13 and 15 before i touch 8 again because at least those games look pretty
>Who has ever said this?
Every FF thread when you point out any flaw in their favorite game. They always rush to the "it's good because it did so many new things!" defense. Especially for FFIV, VII and X.
Also, in any thread devoted to another RPG series where FF fags invade. "This game is shit because Final Fantasy has so much more variety."
Yes, play it. The iOS games might not be great ports, but they did manage to just be a port of the game of a mobile device and so it's still as good as the PS1 title. FF6 is the only ass-ugly port, but even then, it's still FF6. You'll have to deal with some ugly menu buttons but you're on mobile so that shouldn't really matter much.
name one long running JRPG that doesn't do this
Bad opinion
>ff fags invading other RPG series' threads
Are you taking Barry as a stand-in for an entire fanbase
>so many new things
That argument literally only gets used for IV's story or VII's graphics, and typically against nitpicky shitposts
Most people criticize X because of it's new inclusions, be they the voice acting or the lack of a world map
i just started 10 and it feels too much like im being taken on a tour, even the random encounters feel scripted. enjoying blitzball alot, but other than that im not too into it
>"it's good because it did so many new things!" defense. Especially for FFIV, VII and X.
Uh, that isn't referring to relative to the series, but the genre. FF4 was like the first dramatic story told in a video game, it was a huge deal and it's the reason it's a nostalgic favorite
play a good game
did it come out before dragon quest V?
1 year 3 months
>dragon quest
>dramatic story telling
Not even the new ones do. The characters are basically wooden stick figures.
As much as people like to claim that Final Fantasy (as a series) is "mediocre", no other franchise does what it does better. Every other JRPG franchise is either attempting something completely different or has massive shortcomings.
SMT belongs in the former category and Dragon Quest belongs in the latter.
V is the unique entry in the series where the story is much more in depth. better than most final fantasy games
Suikoden is awful. Suikoden III had some great ideas, the flame champion twost was kino, Chris, Geddoe and Thomas eere all great and they’re weren’t silent pieces of shit like Riou or Tir McDohl. Too bad the game was ruined by the constant backtracking and poor pacing. Luc wasn’t as great as Luca, but he was definitely better than Jowy, the most poorly written villain im the history of viseogames.
Tifa is literally the only good thing to come out of FF. That’ and Nobuo Uematsu’s work.
I've finished every game except 9. It's just too fucking slow
> FF4 was like the first dramatic story told in a video game
This. This right here is proving the point. FF fags always parrot this completely ignorant point. Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star, Ultima and many other games had done a "dramatic story" before Final Fantasy IV even came out. Dragon Quest IV even had a chapter based story with 8 party members before FFIV came out.
well you're a fucking queer because it's the best one
Even final fantasy legends? What about the mobile ones or dissidia? I think op is a fraud.
Dragon Quest V and VIII have more dramatic moments than any FF game. Prove me wrong. Oh wait, you can't. Because you haven't played the DQ games.
You're welcome to your opinion. But saying stuff like
>Too bad the game was ruined by the constant backtracking and poor pacing.
When Suikoden is being compared to Final Fantasy is really bad. Final Fantasy games not only have worse pacing than Suikoden I-III, but some of the worst pacing in video games period. Later Suikoden games (IV and on) do have shit pacing. Suikoden V has a fucking 15 hour prologue. But those games were made without the original creator/director/writer. And have the same flaws as FF games.
I'll check it out one day
Is the DS version any good?
that one has the most content and added a third marriage route, but it has "ds graphics". even though it is inferior i play the snes with a translation patch
have sex
The Ps1 FFs aren't that great, yeah I said it.
I said they're the gold of the series (with the SNES games), not that any of them are any good
Seriously, what's better? The NES games? The PS2 games? Do I even need to continue?
Stunning and brave
The MMOs are the only good FF games
Yeah I said it.
Replay her games
None of the FF games are that great. The best FF games are a rhythm spin off and FFIII. Because they have the best aspects of Final Fantasy (music, gameplay, classes and world design) without the shit story and "subversion" plot twists that are so overdone, they're now expected in every FF game.
I never played them in the first place
You are able to copy and paste to confirm best game. Good job.
I assumed you had made a typo
I mean, even FF5 tops every aspect of 3. What about 3 do you think is good?
I did, I meant FFXIII
fuck 3, i got stuck in some stupid cave where i had to be in mini status permanently
t. seething yscuck
You mean VI?
DQ is waaay more basic than SMT and even FF
All the in-fighting among FF fans reminds me a lot of democrats. Can't you guys just get along?
Just purchase some cheap magic, retard. Although FFIII is such a shit game, I'm glad you dropped it.
Are you talking about Persona? How is SMT art weeb looking.
Why the FUCK haven’t Square remastered/remade V and VI like they did the previous entries. It’s inexcusable that the best way to play them currently is a modded GBA rom. Do they hate money that much.
Not him but the DS version is so ungodly slow and the NES version is too shit to bother
I'm kinda hoping they remaster it again so I can push through it, it's my last outstanding FF game outside FF13-series which I'm saving for the apocalypse
It costs money and they're not that popular. The polygonal remakes are shit anyway
It actually goes like this:
FFXI > Good FF games > FFXIV
i was playing the nes version. probably not gonna go back to it
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about dude, just stop posting and embarrassing yourself.
Then where do the bad FF games go
What I already said in my post. Pure gameplay and classes. No story.
DQ3 does that better than FF3
Except it has story thats just as absurd as the rest of the series.
I played the NES version too and I had a feeling the DS version had annoying shit like that. The art is also fucking hideous. The NES one is easy to play at least.
>more basic than FF
>a series that even up to its 10th entry, still had less complexity than Dragon Quest 2
All Final Fantasy has is flashy graphics and story. In terms of gameplay and character growthm it's stuck in the NES era.
Why not just open a spreadsheet? JRPGs don't have "gameplay". If you want to see arbitrary numbers increment then you should really consider a lobotomy
>FF fans are so brain dead, they don't think to use the magic spell they get in the previous town
>NPC even tells you to use it
This is why modern FF games hold your hand.
True. I like DQ3 more. I'm just saying FF3 is better than most FF games, not other RPG series. And Theaterhythm is even better.
Weebs will debate this
>Technically a spinoff as well, since it took the FF2 leveling system and refined it into something that actually worked.
It still took them several fucking games, jesus christ.
But it's story doesn't have hours of cutscenes and filler dialogue like the other games. The entire story is about 15 minutes. The rest is classes and exploration. Though it's not anywhere near as good as other RPG series, it's better than other FF games.
you can have the fun of screwing with weird builds
of cose BD does this the best out of any non-SRPG I've ever played
Try playing Dragon Quest II, VI or XI on hard mode and see how far you get just mashing attack.
Every single DQ entry's combat is the same turn based, fire beats ice, buff and debuff shit. At least FF mixes it up with ATB, real time, turn based. And they actually experiment with character growth with shit like job switching and materias and junctioning which is weird as fuck whereas DQ is always level up get stats up.
i still have PTSD from the kamikazee apes of wrath in DQ2
>bought BD because I wanted more FFIII
>improved the classes and combat, but also added the most superfluous dialogue I've ever seen in an RPG, even more than mainline FF games
>just gave up in chapter 4
I really wanted to like the game. But by god, it's like you fight enemies for 30 minutes, then watch two hours of cutscenes. The most inane, repetitive cutscenes since Golden Sun.
But mystery dungeon is kino :(
Also play rogue galaxy or something, find some autistic system you like or some shit
Duodecim is the shit, and ff1-6 are very enjoyable turn based games
My god, no, not a little reading that you can largely skip through at 10x speed
I'll agree about exploration, the worldbuilding of FF III is actually pretty interesting, even with its scarce dialogue
Funnily enough, the game switches the proportions of gameplay/story at some point and gives a gigantic optional boss rush that extends the gameplay to ridiculous lengths
So, more than you claimed. And that still won't get you through the games I just named. Whether you want to admit it or not, the harder DQ games require not only using skills, but using them at the right times. And more skills than just buffs. The group battle system also makes you think about which enemies to target and whether to do single, group or AOE attacks.
Dragon Quest is about efficiency and endurance, not dealing the most damage. Boomerangs, whips and group/AOE spells are better for mobs, then you switch to single target damage and buffs/saps for bosses. Which bosses actually are affected by status effects, unlike most RPGs.
>a little reading
>you can skip through it
What an idiot. You're just admitting the dialogue is superfluous.
In BD? When it repeats 5x? Yeah, you could describe most of it as filler
Here's the problem though, this applies to fucking every JRPG. It's all inane drivel, the only variable is if it's pressing your nostalgia button
If you're looking for something emotionally or intellectually fulfilling from a child's toy, you're the one to blame
Maybe V but I highly doubt that FFVI is not popular enough to warrant a definitive re-release.
>Every single DQ entry's combat is the same turn based, fire beats ice, buff and debuff shit.
Spells are based on monster type, not their element. An "ice" monster may be immune to fire because it counts as a Zombie/undead monster. Which is where Pokemon got their idea for types.
>At least FF mixes it up with ATB, real time, turn based.
>turn based
>And they actually experiment with character growth with shit like job switching and materias and junctioning which is weird as fuck whereas DQ is always level up get stats up.
Yeah. Dragon Quest never experimented with anything different. Like classes, monster collecting, skill systems and so on.
>Here's the problem though, this applies to fucking every JRPG.
No, it can't. Hence why I mentioned FFIII above. The dialogue is so short, you only hear a few sentences of what you need to hear. This can be considered too spartan by some, but it doesn't have the problem you claim "every" JRPG has.
On the flip side, a game like Suikoden II has tons of dialogue. But it's not repetitive or inane. Most of it is necessary. That's called good writing. Brevity is the soul of wit. Final Fantasy is "how long can we draw this out so we can have less bosses and areas to code?"
V and VI are both around the same level of popularity in Japan I think. The problem is, why bother?
I do want an FF1-6 collection released of all the originals, though. They'd probably just be the fucking phone ports.
Being necessary to the plot doesn't make the plot any good. I haven't played Suikoden 2 so I can't pick it apart, but I'm sure if I had I 100% would be able to
There's no such thing as good writing in a video game
Well, DiddyKong Racing...Zelda.....Mother....
Please teach me the secret to playing through XV
Final Fantasy III DS did better than they expected. But Final Fantasy IV DS, the game they expected to be more popular, sold more than half as much. To a business man in Squenix, he's going to look at this and think it's a downward trend.
There's also the problem that Final Fantasy advertises itself on flashy graphics and FMVs. So, to get a sizable amount of people hyped for a FFV remake, they'd have to make it a super high budget 3D console game on the level of FFXV. Which they're obviously not going to do, because they don't think it would sell well enough to justify that. And the low budget DS versions kind of signal this.
On top of those problems, the management under Wada was fucking stupid. He got ousted in 2014, but by then, it was already a decade and two console generations away from the DS remakes. Matrix and other staff had moved on to making 4 Heroes/Bravely Default/Octopath. Low budget RPGs that SquareEnix were more comfortable with. And now they're making a super overpriced remake of FFVII. They're not going to release a remake of V and VI when they're hyping a remake of VII.
Final Fantasy has a big problem. Everything about the series is kind of riding on how the FFVII remake does. If it does well, we might get remakes of V and VI someday. But if it does well, they also might just start making endless FFVII spin offs and FFXVI will be a clone of FFVII:R and so on.
Well that’s why. Anyone wanting to experience the FF classics have the great PSP versions and the 3D remake of III (I see some debate here but I think that game is fine).
For a legitimate copy of VI, people only have the options of the badly translated original, the GBA port with subpar sound or the phone ports with awful art. They should take more pride in their flagship series.
>Being necessary to the plot doesn't make the plot any good.
Not in every case, no. But I was talking about the ratio of how much dialogue you need to make the point, without adding extra filler. Suikoden has no filler. It has so much dialogue because there's 108+ characters. And you follow individual arcs for half those characters, where you only hear what you need to hear for that arc. Then the main story parts are also just the 5-15 text bubbles that you need. Not an hour of a character expressing their feelings or repeating what their friends said (Bravely Default/Golden Sun method).
>There's no such thing as good writing in a video game
There is. It's just not the same as writing for a book. The writing for a video game is what I laid out above. Only providing what is necessary to get the point across, then get back to gameplay. Which is something a lot of novel writers could also learn from...
I’m not even advocating for a full remake like III, just a release with cleaned up dialogue, art and sound like we got with the PSP games.
Well, FFV should at least get a visual remake. On the level of something like Dragon Quest VII 3DS. Something that shows the characters expressions and actions more than just "surprised sprite" and "crippled sprite." FFVI should get the same.
The problem is, each generation that goes by, the development standards and cost rise. They could have made the FFV remake on DS with the FFIII engine. Wouldn't have looked amazing, but it would have done the job. Now a game would have to be Switch quality or higher. And people will compare any FF remake to stuff like Dragon Quest XI. And FFXV for that matter. No, it isn't fair. But the general audience doesn't understand game development and cost.
If they can remake Seiken 3 then I don't see why Square Enix couldn't just remake V and VI or at least give them an FFIV Complete Collection type deal
They can. The issue is they're not going to do it while they're hyping the FFVII remake. They SHOULD have remade FFV 10 years ago, then FFVI 5 years ago. Leading up to the FFVII remake now. But SquareEnix doesn't think that far ahead.
This is also the same company who keeps ignoring a third Chrono game despite the demand never fading. But then insults their customers by saying I Am Setsuna and Lost Sphear are "spiritual successors of Chrono." That's like saying Bravely Default is the "spiritual successor" to Secret of Mana.
Do it again
>MT is better than DQ
how retarded are you
Megaten and SmT is the same shit bruh
Time to play some bing bing wahoo
How's your reading comprehension?
Get into shit posting arguments about which one is best
All japanese games are bad
That's V
Phantasy Star
Tales Of
I want to do this eventually as well. I'd like to start in release order starting with 1 and working my way up. Is this a good idea? Because I've seen people say you shouldn't do this but my autism is insisting I start with the first.
I'm going to start playing them for the first time soon. Thank god I managed to obtain a asian ps3 copy so I won't be stuck with the english dub
so which is your favorite OP?
You will definitely get burnt out if you do that. I say just play 5 and 6 first then go to the other games depending on what you liked better of the two.
So I see a fellow based FFIII fan huh. Very nice.
Never thought I'd see the day. Feels like this game is hated even more than II for some reason.
I want to play the original VII, which version should I get? The ps1 classic version or the ps4 version?
PS1 is best sadly. PC version has a nice texture pack but it's just not worth it.