Is ARMS dead?

Is ARMS dead?

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The game sucked anyways

yes, not even waifus could save it

>When even Waifuism fails
Never thought I'd see the day. What does this mean for vidyah in general, bros?


>shes bad


ARMS was dead 2 weeks after release, and i hate to shittalk it because it's such a good game concept and the mechanics are solid
everything about it is amazing except there's no depth and no content
it's like someone spent $20 million on a tech demo

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Watch smash transform this game from a multimillion seller to a total phenomenon with millions of fans

Soundtrack and character design is godlike in this game. The main theme kicks ass. I ended up selling it, though. Even as someone who likes fighting games, it just didn't have enough to keep me engaged for more than a month.
If they make a sequel with more moves and unique features between characters, I'll eat it up.

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I think it had a decent run for a completely new kind of competitive fighting game while also being a new franchise. If it hadn't been Nintendo behind it though it probably wouldn't even have lasted a month.

Speaking of Nintendo they really didn't seem to want to give it much of a push. It would definitely still be alive today if they gave it the attention NRS does to its games for example. Constant DLC character packs, more official tourneys, that kind of thing. I guess once Smash came out they didn't see the need to baby another "fighting" franchise. Same reason Pokken died I guess.

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Calm down, user.

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It definitely lasted more than 2 weeks didn't it? I know Nintendo ran at least one tourney for it.

I'll definitely agree that it felt more like a tech demo than a game though. Which is a shame because Nintendo could have pushed it a little harder to have another one of its own unique explorations of a genre become a big franchise, like Splatoon for arena shooters and Smash for fighting games. I guess it could have been Nintendo's answer to the arena fighter?

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It's a shame, because the character designs in this game were honestly good enough to become "iconic" in my eyes. If we ever get a sequel, I hope they improve the game in every aspect. Make it the SF2 to ARMS' SF1.

>tfw no Spring Man in Smash
>tfw no DNA Man in Smash

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The game sold fairly well, if I recall correctly. Over 2 million copies for a game that seemed relatively budget.
Look at this shit: These characters NEED to come back.

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>SF2 to ARMS SF1
That would be amazing honestly, though I'm too much of a brainlet to come up with what they could change to expand the systems. Maybe meter for EX moves instead of just a single flurry super? For that matter, unique supers for the cast? Supers being tied to the gloves you pick?

there's so much potential and good design and cool fucking ideas in its world

let's make this an ARMS folder dump i guess since nobody will care about this franchise otherwise until nintendo makes a sequel

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I don't know, either. The game plays like nothing else and I can't even imagine what they'd change. I'm sure they could figure something out.
I just looked up some stuff, and I saw that the director said he'd be down to make a sequel and would be willing to talk more when he's ready to "surprise" people. We'll see.

>unique explorations of a genre
it was crippled virtual on.

I don't even own a copy anymore, and I don't really care to go buy one again. There just isn't enough there to keep me engaged. There's depth, like what was shown with the director of the game fighting other people, but just not enough. It needs special input moves and actual combos or something.
I love the look and music, though.

Hopefully they'll make a ARMS 2 with a bigger roster, more mechanics & more gameplay variety.
There's so much potential here, with these cool designs,I wouldn't want them to be forgotten.
It was successful for a start so I got hope.

Technically no, the online is still alive and well

In terms of people talking about it and content yeah, but that doesn't mean it's bad, it's still a very enjoyable game.

People forget it did pretty well and im sure the director is planning a sequel

Damn, this game COMPLETELY exited by brain. I probably never would have remembered it existed again if someone didn't remind me of it.

I still have a physical copy and I don't really plan on getting rid of it, even though I don't play it at all.

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Yabuki finding it "interesting" that america doesn't like clowns makes me feel he's going to make something as a joke out of it


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I kinda regret selling it, but I don't think I'd ever touch it again even if I did have a copy.
A sequel is something that I'd never care if we never get it, but would be extremely psyched for if we do.

Virtual On didn't have a grab, block, strike system or a punch collision system (curved punch vs fast punch). Honestly if we're going to play this game then you may as well say every 2d fighting game is just an [x] Street Fighter 2.

Yes but it will live on in fart porn

cute characters wasted.

I'm surprised Japan even knows what clowns are. I thought they were an American thing.

Not at all. Comparing online statistics show that Arms has lasted far longer than most games of its type. And it seems it’s player base has largely stuck with it. Unlike, say, Overwatch.

The only reason ARMS is shit on so much is because it is a Nintendo exclusive.

Seeing this thread / listening to the OST has filled me with a very strong desire to go out and buy this game for a second time, since I sold my original copy. I don't know why. I probably wouldn't even play it that much.
We'll see how much money it is when I run out and grab Astral Chain. Nintendo games never go on sale, though.

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How can we tell that ARMS is still played today?

still play once in a while
not completely dead but hard to find matches at certain times

still. had fun with it during it's peak time

MinMin best girl

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European thing back before America was even a country. There's more to the west than just America.

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You know what Spring Man reminds me of? Space Dandy.
When is this game most active? Thinking about grabbing a new copy tomorrow evening.

prove it

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Imagine being Doctor Coyle and getting Max Brass as your BF until you went nuclear and he didn't want to be part of it anymore.

Yeah but it was a decent start for Yabuki as a developer. Hope Nintendo gives him another chance with the ip.

One half can't work without the other. There's more Twintelle fans than the ones who plays her game.

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mechanica is both my waifu and my self-insert

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They should make a traditional 2d fighter with these characters. The art is oozing with soul

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that devs have to put effort in their games instead of having shitty and lazy waifu bait

>even Springtron showed up in a spiffy suit, but hanging out in the back
Love all these characters to death, honestly hope to see more of them soon

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oo la la

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>Beating the game reveals Dr.Coyles motivation, to get back at Max Brass
The torn image alone does it too much FUCK

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Arms has some nice official art

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I'll eat that ass up, if you catch my drift

Best girl!

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what an absolute fucking unit

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Quite a few things have failed even when they got a huge fanbase of waifufags

I miss Etika

It was never alive to begin with

It outsold most major PlayStation releases dude.

I want to get sat on by a giant clown.


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perfect ass

The game is looked down upon by retards who just thought of it as a Wii Sports boxing ripoff and also because they love Smash rosterfaggotry. It sold 2 million and it's on a niche genre, so there is no way this game is a failure commercially.

fightan ip's are hard to keep alive,even more so for new and exclusive ones. KI was free to play for this reason

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was it ever alive?

Lets be honest though, would it have sold so much if it hadn't been released at a time when the Switch had fucking nothing?

It sold a couple million copies.

It did more than well enough to justify a sequel, just probably not until the Switch 2 drops since they'll want it to push online subs and benefit from launch window hype.


Nintendo could easily turn several of their games into platforms where DLC flows in at regular intervals. Games like smash, arms, Mario maker... they deserve to be supported pretty much until the end of the switch lifespan. It's such a joke how they said they would support their evergreen titles like Mario kart, Odyssey, BOTW and Splatoon then those just sort of died or got nothing substantial

Keeping content coming for these games is a much better option than their current one, which is basically releasing nothing and revealing nothing. I can excuse the lack of support for their games if they were at least telling us they were working on other games.

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I remember when arms was still getting content updates I kept thinking how it could become Nintendo's answer to something like OverWatch. The cast in this game is really cool and I think could deserve to be flushed out more. Imagine if this game added more modes and customization like a lot of other competitive games. It could have actually become something more than it was. It's such a shame they didn't really support it. It really seemed like it was going to be the next Splatoon. Arms deserves so much better. Of course, I also think the same thing of games like ever Oasis and codename steam and a lot of people disagree with me on that so what do I know.

not my arms

I honestly think Twintelle's design is up there among the best lewd designs in games in years.

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>It definitely lasted more than 2 weeks didn't it?
It lasted roughly a year while it got regular updates. Beyond that, I don't know.


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dumb gamer