Cyberpunk 2077 Get Woke go Broke?


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You're retarded, cyberpunk is about degeneracy

Going for the Dauntless audience, I see.

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option was there at first, why remove it now after they talked to some trans people?

will npc s dont mention iam male or female now..isnt that kind of lazy from a developers perspective?

>Thinking they are going to portray trans-humanism in a bad light

why though? you are born xx or xy. if you have anything else then your're a genetic defect lol

You will be addressed as xir and like it.

>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.


>looked it up

All they did was switched the word "gender" with "body type". You still choose whether you want to be a man or a woman.

So more options is bad? What if you want to role play as a defective person?

makes sense everyone is a test tube baby or a clone by then

but how will i relate? how will i cope with playing a game if im not projecting into it?

So I have to make a female character or my character is forced to be gay or bi (half-gay)?

you tell me man lmao they still haven't fucking shown straight male v all they fucking showed was female v and faggot v

No. It's just for the demo it was limited.

>All they did was switched the word "gender" with "body type".
They also unlocked all the parts so there are no gender-exclusive hairstyles, facial features, clothes, etc. You can even put the female voice actor on the male body. Honestly, I think it's a good thing to have as many options as possible in character creation. Arbitrary gender locks are stupid.

>dystopian future where everything is degenerated shit
>shoving all this LGBTQXYZ shit into it

I have to wonder if the devs are laughing when they read articles talking about how progressive they're being.

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>just for the demo
>fucking year later
>still no fucking straight male v
but it was sooooo fucking important to show female v and faggot v lmao

So how does this work? You can't be a male or a female? That's retarded. How do you make a character than? I guess you just have to make your character look masculine or feminine, but that means the characters have no genitalia? So like you can't give your character boobs or something? I'm so confused on how you don't put a gender option into a game with a character creation system.

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But can you put a dick on the female body?

So basically they did what saints row did a decade ago.

>I'm so confused on how you don't put a gender option into a game with a character creation system.
You pick a male or female body and then you can freely add any features to either body, including choosing the male or female voice for either one. Wow, that was fucking hard.

I've always wonder why LGBT people praise cyberpunk works when they don't really paint their lifestyle as a good thing. Well, trans mostly

it doesn't fucking work lmao it's more fucking woke bullshit from poland's most cucked game dev

Probably some retarded slider, this also make's production cheaper because they can just use a gender neutral pronoun instead of two tracks for he and she

It doesn't.

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It's not that it was important, it was laziness. Nothing is changed between male and female V in the demo.

No it's not, I don't know where that meme came from

Yeah but all these reactionaries never played Saints Row and so weren't getting outraged about it

Does that mean I can create chicks with dicks?

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They didn't specify that, so I'd have to assume you can't until they say otherwise.

>gay shit so fucking important
>won't even change model for straight male
lmao straight male won't have any fucking content it's all gonna be women shit and faggot shit hahahaha that's where the fucking dev priority is lmao male v won't fuck any women it's all gay shit hahahaha

They are essentially robots, some of them don't even have organic brains anymore.

Stop getting your news from screencaps of clickbait headlines and twitter posts you fucking retards.

Its too bad the game itself is probably going to be garbage or id be more excited.

I played Saints Row. All of them besides 3. In Saints Row they never mention your character's gender so your character can be male or female, it is up to you. Cyberpunk is different, they are specifically saying your character does not have, and CANNOT have, a gender. They are pushing it as some kind of selling point. It's really stupid.

it's basically the exact same system they used in Saints Row 2 and 3

Yup, and it's something other games have done as well. It's not really anything new, and the whole "you can't choose a gender" thing is just stupid clickbait nonsense. Your "body type" will essentially function as your gender.

Because most trannies are fucking dumb.

>sooooo fucking important to show
This is the result of sjw influence and fake outrage. Next time you are review bombing some game because "my character can't be a faggot" kys instead of writing the review.

where you getting news moron? fucking cdpr sucking journo cock it's all fucking exclusive to fucking journos hahaha they don't tell their fans shit they behind closed doors everything for fucking journos and streamers lol

I'll have more faith in the recent questionable changes if the owner didn't fire all of the old staff and hired cali basedboys to make this.

Then why not just call it gender? "Body type" is not the same as gender since it can mean a lot more than gender. It could mean you're fat.

>they are specifically saying your character does not have, and CANNOT have, a gender.
Why do you faggots resort to lying?

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Saints row isnt a story driven RPG and the entire game is stupid and a joke. Fuck off you dumb nigger

don't need tell me that man hahaha tell that cdpr and the fucking shill apologists here man lmao

because all of the decay of humanity and society as a whole stuff goes right over their heads when all they can see is "YAAAAAAS MORE REPRESENTATION SUCK IT CIS SCUM"
also they never actually play the games or read any of the books they just talk about whatevers popular on twitter to see if it's something cry or scream YAAAAS about

Jesus you're reaching hard

>no gender options because in the future everyone is futanari
how would you react?


>Saints row isnt a story driven RPG and the entire game is stupid
You just have shit taste and can't read.

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fucking dumbass you don't fucking pick gender now lmao v is some that nonbinary shit lmao body type hahaha gtfo with that shit lol

That's very vague. I wouldn't really care if I found out my doctor was gay but if I found out he called himself xirself and identified as a polynumeral genderspirit I sure as fuck would.

>Saints Row 2
>not story driven
probably the most pleb thing I've read all day god damn

Thank you, Jan Paweł II.

So you were just shitposting and Im still replying.

So let me get this right.
A big part of the cyberpunk theme is that it's a degenerate future where everyone is already genderfluid and you can mod your body to be whatever the fuck you want, and everyone is down to fuck anyone and anything, gender doesn't matter.
So why does CDPR feel the need to pander to trannies, who believe that gender doesn't matter, by getting rid of the word gender in a game set in a future where gender doesn't matter anyway and everyone is willing to fuck anybody?

I like how they don't actually say anything about WHY people feel uncomfortable dealing with LGBTQ people. I'd bet a lot of people are like me, I don't have anything against them, really, but I've gotten much less comfortable around them because I'm so unsure about how I'm supposed to act and feel like I'm walking on eggshells all the time.

>saints row 2 is on the same level as cyberbunk or the witcher series

Dont be this fucking retarded and obtuse thanks. It is not story driven in even remotely the same way.

>Yea Forums - fuck videogames, I just want something to cry about

>I have to be a fag if I want to play as the male MC

It's just a marketing ploy for the retarded trannies who get triggered at the existence of genders. I always found it ironic that someone who literally LARPs as the opposite gender in their real life won't just play as a character in their fantasy gender, they have to be a """TRANS""" character because they're just that fucking mentally broken.

how long you suck cdpr cock man lmao they choosing bend over for this woke bullshit hahaha it's straight from their fucking cuck mouths man lol

Fake news, all they said was that most customisation options would be available to both genders.

Still not buying this not an rpg garbage.

>Yea Forums - We were told for years they weren't coming for our games but now it's pretty much daily we get examples that they were

i fucking warned Yea Forums for months bout this shit man lmao all the fucking shills denied that shit now they're coping bout this tranny shit hahaha where does it fucking end lol

>Yea Forums-newfags that came here after 2006 ruining everything with politics
Fixed that for you.

I for one would like to see for once a developer tell the lbgt and sjw community that they changed it when they actually didn't. It's not like they are going to play it anyways lol

>feel like I'm walking on eggshells all the time.
I pretty close friends with this lesbian chick, and a while ago she told me she doesn't feel like hanging around LGBT spaces/gay bars anymore for this exact reason. And I was like "shit man, if you are pulling out what fucking chance do I have"

Those faggots don't play games that aren't 16 bit platformers or Fire Emblem

Why must every "good" game need mods to fix it.

Why fucking not? Like 3 and especially 4 went off the rails with everything, but 2 is a pretty solid revenge/rise to power story, with some pretty memorable scenes. Notable the Texas Funeral.

Now separate LGB from TQ and see how people really feel. I have no problems with gay, lesbian, or bisexual people whatsoever, but transgenders and "queer" people make me fucking uncomfortable because they're so often unstable and easily offended by the littlest things so I feel like I can't speak freely on ANYTHING without being afraid of them going off on some shit. Grouping all of these people under the banner of "LGBTQ" really does a fucking disservice to the perfectly sane and reasonable homosexuals out there.

I dunno man those homos are pretty irritating too.

Probably an effect similar to white flight.
People like to champion causes until it affects them directly.
It's probably less about fags and more about the others.

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>Yea Forums - leftypol faggots pretending to be oldfags to justify derailing and misdirecting every thread pointing out social justice cuckery ruining games

I guarantee you're one of those retards who reads the outdated sections of ED to copy/paste newfag memes from 2009 in order to pass yourself off as a real oldfag as though that's an accomplishment.

>vidya has been inundated with political agendas since 1994
>but it's just the people who don't like the current SJW shit that are the problem

It's at least confirmed that you could have a male body with female facial features, female clothes, and a female voice, I'm just not sure if you could give it tits or not.


I have to explain why I don't want to date a chick with a fucking dick?

Is this clown world?

nu cdpr target audience hahaha

you don't even know what the fuck you are talking about, you are literally screaming at random posts at this point

His point is that they're being too vague and lumping too much shit into a single thing. It's entirely possible that those people are only uncomfortable around trans and "non-binary" types, but it gets lumped in with gays and makes it seem like people are unaccepting of everyone rather than just uncomfortable around the literally mentally unstable trans folks.

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Just hope they don’t force you into a gay as fuck relationship if you pick a dude like in the preview build.

well fags are to blame. they wanted to welcome trans bullshit in with their "LGBT" nonsense.

you made your bed, now sleep in it.

Probably because you're retarded

those morons give em free reign for their retardation lmao
lmao if you don't want that shit stop bending over for it holy fuck lol

There are plenty of gays that don't want anything to do with trans people, though.

>Arbitrary Gender looks are stupid

Says the faggot tranny
Go back to sucking dicks instead of playing video games.

Fags and Trannies, both get the rope.

then throw them off the ship

LGB, no T

Yes, and you are the clown

The same retards that believe that believe this shit.

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Have you really never been creating a character and wanted to use a particular hairstyle, eye type, piece of clothing, or whatever but you can't because it's arbitrarily gender-locked? It's not even about fags and trannies, it's just about options. Why would you want LESS freedom in character creation?

Problem is that it's not actual gays who have a say in that propaganda bullshit, it's (((LGBT Advocates))) acting on their "behalf."

>I want to make Geralt with a vagina and a male body!

Just fucking jump off a bridge

there are no genders, its all about gender identity now!

This one is true though.

t. Sixth level COOM master

hahahaha fucking reminder this game full of gay shit lmao male v can't fuck any women it's all fucking gay shit hahahaha holy fuck lmao

Are you sure about that? Because I remember that there were tons of gays whining about how they can't be gay in X game and how being able to be gay in Mass Effect or Fire Emblem is such a big fucking deal to them. Not trannies, but gays. It's the same as women bitching you can't play as a woman in every single game.
All those minority groups are the same, just whining.

if you are forced to be a faggot i'm torrenting the game.

Youre full of shit. Actual gays support this. They threw pedos and pederasts under the bus no problem with the gay rights movement now you have to cry about how you can't do it for trannies.

I cant wait to play as a cute femboy!

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Orgasm causes ejaculation, but you can orgasm without ejaculating. Have you never masturbated like a dozen times in a day as a preteen and during the last few just orgasmed and had your dick twitch but nothing came out?

cdpr said it man lmao started with the fucking gay shit i warned Yea Forums bout fucking shills denied it now they're fucking unironically defending tranny shit hahaha what's next man lmao

It's not, you cannot ejaculate without orgasm you fucking deluded retard. Just because it's not an earth shattering leg shaker doesn't mean you didn't orgasm.

>make mod that lets you play as moonman

>execute all the trannies in the city

I already made a thread about this.

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This is just lazy.
>LGBT people believed they will implement a genderfluid system
>They just remove the bigender section and leave everything the same

>Saint's Row

So a shit game? Nobody fucking cares about your invalid opinion

i cant wait to beat faggots and trannies

Who is this artist. I can't tell what that signature is supposed to be.

Hell no, anyway we're talking about fully matured bodies here. Just because you're a freak who literally drained himself of semen because of a mental illness doesn't mean shit.


>that foot anatomy

Every time i question why i keep playing japanese games only every time i am reminded of this shit.


At you, you pathetic waste of a mental illness. Faggot rights where goddamn mistake.

based esl

>appealing to a small demographic instead of actual audience
if they didn't give a fuck about LGBT community or fucking feminists game would be much more successful, it's very difficult to believe that they are unaware of this...unless... that's what they want. in which case that makes them highly incompetent

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Double cringe.

Female V is canon.

inb4 there's no gender option but there's a M/F sex option

Yeah but this game is going to be worse.

Blow it out your ass then, because that's all you can ever say cum guzzling faggot tranny

This game is going to bomb so hard.
No third person was the hint.
Now they are going to cash grab from trannies and dykes/sjws.
Hopefully they go broke and never make another game again ahahahaha.

hahaha that's fucking trash you right tho man lmao cdpr is that fucking cucked now lol those fucking pussies lmao straight male v won't have any fucking content male v won't fuck any women it's all female v and faggot v gay shit hahaha

>choose what type of character
>have to be a faggot
>not even a based Greek pilled pederast

Wow much choice!

Pirate or no play from me.

You alright man?

nah man hahaha witcher and geralt fucking based man fuckin bitches all day lmao male v a fucking gay ass pussy can't even fuck women it's all fucking gay shit fucking cucked cdpr man hahaha

> to the sane and reasonable homosexuals out there.
> sane and reasonable
> homosexuals

There are poor individuals with fucked up genitalia or who have other development issues from birth. Those are an absolute minority and nobody minds those.

But most of the trannies we're confronted with are just degenerates and/or mentally ill people who become "trans" after puberty. And those are the real problem makers BECAUSE they're mentally ill. And those are the chucklefucks trying to force their insanity on the general population, while everybody is forced to play along under duress (if they don't want to face the consequences). No wonder people are getting sick of this shit.

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>pick a MALE or FEMALE body
Stay mad jannies

The thing was about LGBTQ in general, not trans people in general. It could just as easily be a "normal" gay or lesbian person in question.

>people are demanding the ability to make a female with a dick in character creators

just kill yourselves, you will never be female anyways

>cucked cdpr bending over for them
fucking trash hahaha

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Making a character with the intention of female, male, or otherwise presenting is choosing a gender. Not having the word on a scroll down menu for selection doesn't change that. I think the issue here is pronouns. If you can't choose your pronouns and you have a character you want to be male being called her in cutscenes that breaks immersion.

>j"whats an organs lol"lullaby

A full chassis cyborg can be whatever

>can't even decide on an eye color

>implying you even got a choice in the matter

drink mineral water

this is extremely debilitating autism aswell as an obvious intellectual disability caused by a severe neurological/genetic disorder, holy shit
can't wait to see you try to worm your way out of this

>not drinking filtered tap

Not like CPR is immune to SJW shit. They made Ciri gay when the only lesbian relationship she had in the books was when a bandit dyke raped her repeatedly.

hahaha why don't you worm your way outta your cuck cage dumbass hahaha

Enjoy aids

postgender society is inevitable if society is to evolve

ftfy, faggot.

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grow up and have _____

Does this mean that you can can actually be a Pegasus Knight with Death Blow in this game? That might be worth it.

>postfemale society is inevitable if society is to evolve
Fixed that for you. Who needs fish smelling cunts when you can have you animerobowaifu of your dreams and have as much genetically perfect children as you want with artificial wombs? Women will just die out or turn themself into men, because "I have vagina" card will no longer have any effect.

It's part of his charm. If you cant take a cock the length of your arm, you've failed as a hentai protagonist.

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>You pick a male or female body
it doesn't say that though

>sane and reasonable homosexuals
lmao good one, bug chaser

ive been trying to defend this game but now its a drop for me

you didn't notice before man lmao

he said locks retard

politics got injected into gaming. there's no use pretending the issue isn't relevant

that retard has an iq of 2 don’t even bother reasoning with him

Yeah and retards on Yea Forums are losing their minds. As allways

You forgot that Yea Forums is comprised of literal underage

>rp game is rp
thank you for the news OP

I really enjoy scifi, cyberpunk, Deus Ex and pen&paper rpgs, but I just cannot muster any interest in this game.
I guess it's mostly that I've tried to get in to every Witcher game, but end up dropping them around 20 hours in.
Hopefully, I'll be pleasantly surprised. It's a CD Projekt game, but not Witcher, so they probably will do things differently.
I just want another Deus Ex, damnit!

where's the shoving?

>The return of the autist
Just kidding he probably never left and made the other undreds of autistic posts about the game

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hahaha you shilled for that fucking gay shit for months now you're shilling for this fucking tranny shit lmao what's next cuck hahaha damn son lol

read the books
play from the first game but don't treat it as canon and you'll be able to partially enjoy it

Atleast i'm not writing like a nigger

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nah man you gettin cucked like a asian hahaha

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I won't be buying this.

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Are we actually winning the culture war?

No. Society is just collectively going insane and no one is safe.


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>Cyberpunk 2077 Get Woke go Broke?
more like:
>CDPR figured out how to appease the whiny soi-crowd while only having male and female option
>Only way you can play as a tranny is with headcanon alone
Is there a more subversively based dev?

>this fucking cope

actually based

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literally all the games on the left have politics in them

Cringe and rent free.

You keep posting that, but when are you going to remove the "in this demo" part? You wont have to samefag as much if you do that I reckon.
Hope this helps your future shitposting buddy

i ain't a fucking liar like you bitches hahaha deflecting this shit lmao fucking show me straight male v man hahaha you fucking can't dumbass cdpr fucking cucks male v won't fuck any women it's all fucking female v shit and faggot v shit

have one on me m80

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Are you literally retarded or having a stroke?

read this moron lol


You either lying or hadn't actually played Witcher 3. There's a dialogue option that specifys that she likes men and that lesbian relationship from the books was a mistake.

>cdpr show fucking female v fucked by man
>cdpr show fucking faggot v fucked by man
>cdpr won't fucking show straight male v fucking women
hahahaha cope retard

>gamer politics

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There dialogue, if I recall, says that she either likes both or prefers women.

Larping is literally the most cringe thing imaginable.
>bro im a neet retard who cries about video games but heh.. the revolution is coming..

there are two major misconceptions I see floated around concerning Ciri's sexual preference:
Ciri is a lesbian, everything she has done with men can be discarded for some reason.
Ciri is straight, because Mistle is the only girl she liked and it was purely physical.
In truth, Ciri is definitively bisexual.

So both then, got it.


>option was there at first, why remove it now after they talked to some trans people?
Precisely because autistic spergs that make up most of Yea Forums get triggered by there being non-binary gender options in a text-box during character creation.
This is because mongoloids on both sides being super sensitive babies.

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how does that change being XX or XY?

But you can make a solid argument out of the second one, especially regarding how Mistle treated Ciri. Whereas Ciri showed interest in multiple men.

Doesn't sound bad, you can make a manly dude with a high pitch female voice. People are gonna have fun with that

Where is this from?

>th... they didn't do it to pander to trannies
>th... they did it to own Yea Forums
you fucking retarded cdpr cocksucking shill you'll fucking defend any stupid shit they do lmao

based retard

I think by politics he meant "lefty tranny propoganda"

i played overwatch and it had no politics or propaganda of any kind, deus ex on the other hand was all about that shit.