Tfw you can't listen to this music anymore

>tfw you can't listen to this music anymore

what a fucking piece of shit

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's stopping you?
the music from skyrim is great.

Try harder next time

I know, Todd really is ruining the Elder Scrolls legacy. VI will be a disaster.

he's a rapist


>being this much of a faggot
seperate the art from the artist, you bitchy cunt. genuinely kys.

Literally makes the comment "all art is sexual, I compose with sexuality in mind"
It's part of the fucking music you retard

I'm not opening a blog link, anything genuine out there?

stop being a bitchy cunt. so what he raped someone, he still made a banging soundtrack. you're actually a faggot, go dilate, make it to age 60, regret your surgery, and kys.

It's genuine. Basically typical asshole who exploits people who have no other options because he's an unsocial loser

since theres no lore thread up ill ask here, who or what are the deep ones exactly?

>It's genuine
That wasn't my question. I asked if anywhere besides resetera is talking about this.

how do you know?

>wouldn't even name the company she was working for

who cares you reddit faggot. guy could have raped a thousand children and I wouldn't give a shit, I listen to what I want

Front page of /r/games
Uhhhh I read the post? and it matches up with everything about he's carried his life
How is that surprising to you, fucking retard

Someone overlay rape screams over this track so I can stretch my rope to it.

>everything about he's carried his life
Can you translate that to English, please?

Are you stupid or what? You think Jeremy Soule is a rapist because some bitch post 10 miles of screenshots of completely unrelated stuff and said "oh and Soule raped me" in the middle of it all?

She clearly said they were hanging out for a while and she was sad and somehat emotionally unstable at the time for job reasons, and he asked for sex, insisted on it and she ended up doing it cause he "implied" it was this or her job. He didn't forced himself on her or anything.

You can't have sex with someone in a bad mood and denounce the person 11 years later that that was a rape. Fuck this lying bitch with a fire stick.

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What makes you think it was okay to post here? Get the fuck out faggot

>scammed people on his website Directsong
>scammed people on his kickstarter
>says piracy is equivalent to an artistic Holocaust
to put it briefly. he's an asshole

In the middle? It's like the entire first half
He was fucking someone who said they don't want a relationship, a person on a fucking work visa

We're probably getting Inon Zur for TES VI he did alright on Dragon Age origins soundtrack so it may not be too bad

Fucking, even if scummy "fuck me or you're losing your job" fucking is not rape.


nah he's fucking trash for the most part. he's abysmal with Fantasy
but oh well. before this accusation I didn't understand why he wasn't asked back

favorite Zur track btw:


And I'm guessing you've been raped and know what that's like huh

It's great how you can spot the plebeian trannies who suddenly denounce a great musician, even so far as to call him talentless or a hack because he MIGHT have raped someone. Even if he did you need to grow up and separate art from the artist. Most artists are shitty people.

>guy could have raped a thousand children and I wouldn't give a shit, I listen to what I want

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How about refuse the sex? He didn't force her. Also Soule was not her boss, he was an artist involved in the company. Jeremy Soule was never an in-house composer, he had absolutely no power over her. She had sex with him because she was the easiest way out back then. How is that fucking rape?

People are immensely oversensitive these days. You CANNOT qualify that stuff as fucking RAPE! Do you have any idea what rape, real rape, is? I can guarantee you it's not having consenting sex with some video game composer that has no power over you while you're in a shitty mood and he was a jerk to achieve it but never forced his way. Fuck this absurd narrative.

>How can you claim to know what murder is if you've never been murdered?

>You can't have sex with someone in a bad mood and denounce the person 11 years
That's pretty much Merriam-Webster's definition of #metoo.

>believing everything you read
Ten minutes of research blows that entire accusation out.
I bet you believe Zeitgiest too, huh?

David Bowie didn't write the album Low about him loving underage pussy
Soule literally comments that his music is sexual.
So no, you can't here.
OK. Lose your job and network connections.
You're clearly a teenager/college student who doesn't know how that stuff works. I currently work with the biggest asshole in my profession but he's renowned across the state and if he doesn't like you, you're blacklisted.

MJ is innocent, he never touched any of the kids, the documental and the whole thing about the kids started when he insulted jew.

Good. Skyrim music was intrusive as fuck. Background music in a game like this should feel like part of the environment, not a fucking orchestra following you around.

Fuck. We’re never going to be able to have comfy TES lore threads anymore, are we?

It's fine man. It was a joke. I'm big Michael Jackson. It was really unfair how all that went down and tainted his reputation. Regardless, even if it weren't just a bunch of golddiggers making shit up, I would still say who you are as a person (and whatever evil you may have committed) doesn't make you any less talented at your craft. If you make good shit, no one can take that from you and I'll respect your skills.

How do you know that sex didn't inspire Bowie's music? Just because he didn't say it out loud (by the way, neither has Soule - she claimed he said those things) doesn't mean he wasn't inspired by it.

You're an idiot, the kind of idiot that's ruining Western civilisation with your deep rooted desire to throw out proper procedure. Trusting a woman's blogpost about such a serious matter instead of waiting until he's proven guilty? Pathetic.

>OK. Lose your job and network connections.
And avoid a sexual (or threatening in general) encounter that you don't want, yes.
>if he doesn't like you, you're blacklisted.
Then tough shit? Least you said no and didn't demean yourself?

Even if he did it it wouldn't change the quality of the music.

>I'm big Michael Jackson.

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>I'm big Michael Jackson
If I take that glove off, will you die?

Morrowind and Oblivion's themes were better anyway

Michael Jackson, the KING OF POP, is different from a video game composer.
Soule isn't that big a name that attracts fake accusations. The only composer who could be like that is Williams/Zimmer
Why would she have any incentive to lie?
I'm not saying it's 100% true but you'd be naive to assume he's totally innocent. "Innocent until guilty" is just for the punishment.
lmao, clearly a fucking teenager

80's thread wooo

Depends. If this goes away quickly, then we’re good. If Bethesda makes a big stink about it and publicly states they won’t use his music anymore due to this, then, yeah... all TES discussion will devolve into shitposting.

>lmao, clearly a fucking teenager
clearly an outrage culture retard who likes nothing but shitposting. Please, grow up. We're all praying for you.

I make 90k. Happy with my job. Just because I pretend to kiss ass doesn't mean I don't live a great life.
You'll grow up one day.

I can’t believe people with such shitty opinions exist

Holy fuck

Ow the edge

Skyrim is a shit game faggot.

>Why would she have any incentive to lie?
Attention, connections, money and power.
>you'd be naive
>IUG is just for the punishment
Not at all, you run the risk of destroying a man's life over a blogpost.

That has nothing to do with what I said at all.

Sure you do fella.

your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

No, friend, the RISK of hiring a rapist is bad enough that just because "IUG" doesn't affect anything.
You'll grow up one day

>You'll grow up one day
Didn't counter what I said at all, made no argument..
Yep. Can verify anyone posting about this is a shitposter.
Start to sage and hide any threads, anons.

>You're clearly a teenager/college student who doesn't know how that stuff works.

No, I'm 29 and I work at an IT company, I'm not american though and I don't live in the first world if that's relevant information to you.

I do know perfectly how these things work. I know about those assholes. But you speak as if Soule had immense leverage over her, c'mon, have you ever searched for content related to Soule himself (not his music) online? There's not a single interview with him on Youtube. He was never a celebrity or any shit, you overestimate the power Soule could possibly have just to make him a villain.

She thought this could be an easy way to make things comfortable and smooth back then and now she regrets it and twists history to turn it into fucking rape. This is outrageous, and you should be against this behavior too, otherwise, I hope you never have sex in your life, or if you do it with someone in a shitty mood they might screw your career forever 10 years after calling you a rapist.

You're very serious about Yea Forums! You'll get a job one day

Not him, but, man, I get called a kid and zoomer at least 5 times a day on Yea Forums. I'm 42. Wife, kid, 2 cars, 3 dogs, house in the subarbs. I wear crocks and socks at least 4 hours a day. I'm moldy as fuck. You'd probably would be surprised at how many old people are around Yea Forums. And, obviously, not all of them act like it. But just sayin'.

If someone told me they didn't want a relationship I wouldn't keep pressing it for months like Soule

I agree with your point but no one is gonna read all that shit

>no actual evidence and a load of useless information to drown out the fact

kek, i can't wait for all the idiots to feel guilty for listening to this. They've been praising this soundtrack like it's idk what,, when really it's nothing that special, maybe they'll be looking at it without their rose tinted glasses now

>tfw I'm not a retard who can't separate art from artist and fact from fiction for that matter

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Multiple times have said that this ties the art DIRECTLY with the act

jesus fuck dude go back to resetera

How so?
I don't hear people being raped when I play TES.

Literally has a comment that his art is based around sexuality


So what dude Jesus H. Christ grow a pair, wanna ban Giger stuff too?

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Oh so the music's based on raping people now, huh?
Well it still sounds good so why should I care?

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Because now his art is literally tied to his rapist persona
I mean if you have no empathy sure

He didn't rape anyone

>he raped me!11
Yeah, i'm not buying it.
Just another feminist whore trying to shit on the videogame industry even more.

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he sounds BASED to me

Attached: Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion Screenshot 2019.08.22 - (1920x1080, 2.95M)

The music itself didn't cause him to rape someone and it didn't rape someone itself, so why exactly is it something I should avoid?
Sure, getting raped is bad and if that even happened I don't like him as a person, but I can still enjoy his shit because it didn't do the deed or have anything to do with it.

She was on work Visa from US, not like she was getting shipped back to Pakistan.

And this is all assuming her story is true, she gives zero evidence it was rape. She gives mountains of evidence and precise dates to some payment dispute but rape is just thrown in after "we hung out on weekends"

Sounds like his business and not mine. It’s not my job to give a shit or to mete our judgement so I’ll just keep on enjoying myself.

>The chad separate art from artists

>Here is 10 pages of unrelated stuff
>by the way this guy raped me

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Good riddance, he's what is wrong with american game "music"
I hope Austin Wintory is next and the faggot who did Celeste's "music" too

>Can rape literally anyone
>Choose to rape this
Ehhhh, I doubt it, lads. Unless you have a fetish for below average girls with the "I'm a lunatic" look, I just can't see any reason to pick her specifically instead of someone attractive. Any ugly girl I've ever known that was """raped""" it was just consenting sex until they decided they felt bad about it, I don't think ugly girls ever get actual raped. Every girl I know that was actual raped is a qt.

I just got done reading this. 80% of it is how she was being mistreated in the games industry, not being paid for work, and her being stressed out to the point that she was hospitalized many times.

The parts when she does talk about Soule are full of conjecture even to the point where subtlety accusing him of raping other women. She opens up to him about her worries and stresses. He opens up back to her having sex with women is his muse. She claims she just wanted to be friends. At this point, Soule may have continued his advances more and she finally had sex with him. The only detail about the rape is literally just the words "he raped me". My understanding is that she felt pressured because Soule was friends with boss of the company.

She completely glosses over the actual "rape" and occasionally brought up Soule later on when she described being critiqued of her work by her bosses. She kept complaining that Soule was somehow responsible for why she was being mistreated on several projects.

>It ended very badly. Part of me suspects that Jeremy had some hand to play in it. He was friends with the CEO.

She implies Soule raping women (underage no less) with no basis behind it.

>He shared about how women cheated on him. He talked about one woman for who he paid for life saving medical treatment, but she rejected him even “after all his help”. He then went on to talk about another woman that he was dating, who had a very young daughter, and he found out that she was being molested. The way he described this was awful and graphic… the more I listened the darker it got, and at this point it sounded more like he did things to these women instead of the other way around.

Take her word with a grain of salt. Her claims of how she was treated and not paid for her work appear legitimate but the "rape" seems quite fabricated.

thank you kind sir

Wtf. That blog was pretty fucked up and she easily could've twisted all of that shit around after the fact. He met her mother? They went to dinner all the time and talked about women but "just friends bro, totally."
Sounds like fucking bullshit to me.

She's had 10 years to dwell on it. She has proof on the workplace issues but zilch on the rape.

How can you do this? Every aspect of that person went into making the thing you enjoy, and how can you enjoy something made by someone who hates you or wants to hurt you? That's a cuck mentality.

>another person getting the Vic treatment
Social media was a mistake

Does this mean he is definitely not gonna be working on TES6?

Is Yea Forums now the place to shill rape accusations now? This place gets weirder and weirder

>seperate the art from the artist
It's funny how 10 years ago people shit on this argument so hard and now that everyone's a fucking rapist pedophile it's the de facto response.

I guess I can dust off my Lost Prophets albums now.

Stop shilling your false accusations here skank.

Aeralie Brighton is an award-winning musician who worked on Ori and the Blind Forest. She had this to say about Jeremy Soule.

Attached: 8P8Y8UW.png (1424x1935, 446K)

>just trust me bro

>being this defensive when called out on her bullshit
Sounds legit.

>I would like to clarify that I was not physically raped

Bitch wat

>for all the people demanding proof, too bad I won't give you any because fuck you girl power

>I'm from resetera if you couldn't tell

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You can be psychically raped, too.

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>Soule using his semen brain to compose music
And you fags decided to shitpost on Yea Forums instead


Why does everyone here have a hard time believing her? Something like 20% of women have been raped, it's not like it's some rare thing. And look at each other, is it that surprising that some of you are rapists or would be inclined to rape given how you talk about women? Surely you know more men who'd rape a woman than you know people who'd fabricate a serious allegation like this.

>tfw listening to this is literally listening to rape and jews being gassed

How you complete and utter fuck ups go back to your containment board called /pol/ where you belong? I'm so sick of you rape sympathizers flooding into Yea Forums with your vile dogma of "EPIC WHITE DUDE BROS CAN DO NO WRONG!" Everything so far has shown otherwise.

the only thing todd raped is the elder scrolls franchise

>Everything so far has shown otherwise
>one small sentence

"During my stay in Canada, I was in the ER twice while working for this company. Once from overwork, the other was also exhaustion related. "


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Can't play Skyrim anymore., don't want to listen to the hums of a rapist.

>I have evidence...but I ain't going to show it because lol

Please ma'am, after you.

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>Something like 20% of women have been raped
where did you get this stupid statistic?

>Says something that isn't true on social media instead of just telling the police, knowing full well that it would ruin their career and have a ton of reactionaries lynching him

I don't think it's that many in civilized country, still I have no reason not to believe her so far.
You'd have to be an absolute retard to reject something like this on the basis that "sometimes it's not true" or "muh white male can do no wrong". Let people do the digging, and I don't mean the internet /pol/ice but actual non-biased authorities.

I pray for this poor woman, Nathalie Lawhead. Rape is a horrific crime, and I pray for everyone in this thread who makes light of it. If this claim is fabricated I sincerely hope Nathalie confesses to her sin, but if she is telling the truth then I hope Jeremy Soule does the same. We should build a culture of love and understanding, not resentment and hatred. So many people here mock those who advocate believing all women, but have you no heart? You must understand the widespread pain and suffering in this world, how many women are traumatized, violated and never believed or heard. Even if their demands for absolute faith in victim testimony are unreasonable, why don't you empathize with where they're coming from? Here I only see hurt men lashing out at hurt women. I pray for you all, God Bless.

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>someone who hates you or wants to hurt you

unless you were literally raped by him thats being a pussy

Fuck that I've got morrowind OST playing right now >:)

If she was actually raped she would have sent this evidence to the police, not social media.
All she is doing is starting a witch hunt

I can't believe you actually spent time shitting that out

>Accuse someone of rape on social media with literally zero evidence to back up any claims
>Proceed to ruin not only their career, but their entire life
What a truly fucked up time to be alive in.

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United States Department of Justice study.
>Our findings indicate that about 20 million out of 112 million women (18.0%) in the U.S. have ever been raped during their lifetime. This includes an estimated 18 million women who have been forcibly raped, nearly 3 million women who have experienced drug-facilitated rape, and 3 million women who have experienced incapacitated rape. During the past year alone, over 1 million women in the U.S. have been raped: over 800,000 who have been forcibly raped, nearly 200,000 who have experienced drug-facilitated rape, and about 300,000 who have experienced incapacitated rape
>One of the more striking findings of this study was that only 16% of all rapes were reported to law enforcement. Notably, victims of drug-facilitated or incapacitated rape were somewhat less likely to report to the authorities than victims of forcible rape. Major barriers to reporting rape to law enforcement included: not wanting others to know about the rape, fear of retaliation, perception of insufficient evidence, uncertainty about how to report, and uncertainty about whether a crime was committed or whether harm was intended.

this has to be bait he pulled out while dumpster diving

Dpnt forget that the best part is being called a misogynist for even questioning it.

>I would like to clarify that I was not physically raped

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>(((Department of Justice)))
good goy.

I'm pretty sure anyone can make a fake female twitter account now and throw rape accusations at whoever you dislike. Just say your account is new because you're trying to stay anonymous due to death threats or something.

if i say you are a moron are you factually a moron ?

By your logic you are.

Yeah and I don’t believe ten percent of them, I’ve talked to BPD chicks who made it very apparent they had this affliction, one goes “yeah I was raped last week, so messed up” goes on talking about whatever else. Anything can be rape, even nothing. You have no idea how crazy women are.

Why would this woman ever even be in the same room as someone like Jeremy though if he clearly works for Bethesda and Ori is from a company that works under Microsoft

>16% of all rapes are reported
wow so it is barely even 2%

I'm not sure what you're referring too but in my country, that wasn't really an issue back then but it seems to be one now, we're pondering whether or not we should remove paintings by known racists, cancel books by known pedophiles.
The answer clearly is no, art can be enjoyed for its own merits, it's meant to provoke an emotional response that varies from one person to the other, you don't have to attach a name and a whole background to it.
If you suddenly start hating something you used to like for the simple reason that someone you don't like made it, then you're just lying to yourself, and you do indeed belong here.

About 1.6% of people are BPD, works out to 490k people in the United States. You don't get rape statistics that point to millions and millions of people having been raped by having mentally ill people fabricate stories. Either you think millions of women would lie about being raped, which is a depressing-as-fuck view of humanity, or you might want to re-evaluate your argument and instead value data and research over personal anecdotes.

>but da wymyn r scare of retaliation
Rape does happen, and gang rapes happen, but women also make up a whole lot of bullshit. Many women are psychotic, histrionic, borderline, obsessive, paychopathic and there are many reasons they make shit up. People just act like they have no reason to lie about something so grave
Date rape happens, doesn’t mean men support it, doesn’t mean there is rape culture, and the same goes for violent rape. It is a real thing women face, and there’s a lot of bullshit surrounding it too

>20 percent of women raped
>but only 16 percent of those rapes were reported, the rest go unspoken of
>then how do you know about them?
>how reliable are those considering many people believe they have been raped when they are groped given the increasingly hysterical definition of rape
>so you are saying rape is ok?
This is how all the conversations go and this data is no different.

Yes cause every borderline psychotic or histrionic women goes in to get a diagnosis, nevermind the misdiagnoses of bipolar as well. I don’t trust women, plains and simple especially in modernity, when they collectively want to oust men and dismantle the patriarchal structure of the US.
As well on a smaller level women do it cause of vendetta or shame or spite, women are fucking nuts

I think you are the one that needs to go back to your containment website
Also what has shown? Thousand of retards claiming that some actor raped her 27 years ago on Twitter?

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>Accuse a man of rape
>Ruin their career
>Accuse a man of pedophilia
>Ruin their entire lives

They were not asked if they were groped. Have you looked at the study? They were asked multiple and specific questions about the kinds of assault they might have experienced. For example, one question from the study:
>Has anyone, male or female, ever made you have oral sex by force or threatening to harm you? So there is no mistake, by oral sex, we mean that a man or boy put his penis in your mouth or someone penetrated your vagina or anus with their mouth or tongue?

You are probably neurotic yourself if you don't trust half the population of the planet.

>Someone rapes you
>Instead of going to the police about it, you remain complacent and let it keep happening
What could they literally do at that point if the police are keeping you safe?

>Accuse a man of pedophilia
>Ruin their entire lives
Now that you remind me, what about Kenshin mangaka I've heard he just had to pay a fine and that was it

People double down when caught in a lie.
If they don't report it to the police then they are either in a situation where they can't IE children, embezzling, or straight up lying.

Things like Rape and Sexual abuse are horrible, no matter the victim. However what for the life of me I can't understand is that how people don't have their priorities set up... If someone harasses or even tries to rape you; you don't let it slide, EVER. WIll it cost you your job? More than likely. Will it be a long and exhausting process? Absolutely. But atleast it'll stop.

It's the contradictory behavior I cannot understand, you wanna speak up and you even have pretty solid proof (especially that twitter chick), yet you do NOTHING, it's mind boggling. Though I haven't been raped myself or anything of the sort. I've had the (mis)fortune of living through certain traumas in my life and I didn't just let it fester and ruin me, I did something about it. It's not always easy, more often than not it's extremely hard. But ultimately you hold the choice of acting or not.

You're telling me that you give your trust to OVER half of the world population?
Dude what the fuck

Men trusting women is a relatively recent phonemenon, I’ve been around women my entire life, they are literal snakes
But yeah try to invalidate my point by saying I’m neurotic, even if I was, I’m not as neurotic as to claim I was raped for a dopamine rush from empty sympathy
Anyways, go on with your implicit trust and benefit of the doubt

According to the study cited earlier in the thread, regarding why so few women tell the police and their reasons for doing so:
> the most common reason given by women for reporting was to prevent crimes against others. Very few women reported the rape for the primary purpose of getting help, getting medical care, catching or refinding the perpetrator, or punishing the perpetrator
How do you guys reconcile this with the claim that women by and large just make shit up to ruin men? We're talking millions of people who just keep silent but would anonymously tell the truth if asked by a researcher.

>zero evidence
What do you want? A video or a photo of her being raped? A letter from the rapist acknowledging his act?
How fucking delusional.
Now don't misunderstand me, it should be taken with a grain of salt, but the evidence exists that he's a manipulative person, and that should be proof enough to at least take an interest in the case.

Ok retard

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You just contradicted yourself by saying they speak out to stop it but silently tell the truth to researchers the truth?

>Ok retard
Ok nigger.

So instead of actually putting the perpetrator behind bars they would rather go to therapy, or refinding the rapist.
Well god damn, women are just fucking retarded then. Case solved, no wonder rape is so common.

You could have plenty of evidence if you went to the police the same night instead of waiting a couple of geological eras before calling out on social media

People might think they're strong and want to move on instead of facing the countless men on boards like this who'd call them a liar. They have a career to build, they don't want to be review-bombed just to make a public allegation against someone that they don't have irrefutable proof for.

And then time passes, and they realize they're struggling more than they thought, and they see their rapist get a contract to score another Elder Scrolls game or whatever and it's not fair they get to continue succeeding in life without people knowing the truth, and they snap, to hell with the consequences, who cares if there's not enough proof to convict them, they can't get away with it. Does that make sense?

Wow that's racist
Racist's opinions do not matter at all
I guess Jeremy is after all innocent

I’m not even gonna bother explaining to this guy why absolute belief in everything a woman says is stupid. Everyman will understand when they’re not putting pussy on a pedestal

Sounds to me someone got gaslighted to construct a "rape" story as platform to air another story about sexual mistreatment. I wonder literally who would do such a thing.

Give me a D!
Give me an I!
Give me an L!

Why would you trust even 1% of the world's population? You must get mugged on a daily basis.


get raped

If only it was that simple. Not even men that get raped go to the police, the same feeling of guilt and powerlessness exists in everyone and that's why cases of sexual abuse tend to linger for an indeterminate amount of time, until you've regained enough of your composure to actually speak about it.

According to the study, 18% of all women have been raped but only 16% of rapes are ever reported to the police. Of those 16% of rapes, the reasons they tell the police are usually to speak out to stop it from happening to someone else.

The only way to explain the discrepancy between the number of women who tell researchers they've been raped and the data for how many rapes are reported is if women are, on average, psychotic liars who would lie to researchers. Or...or maybe there's just an awful lot of rape, and the reason it's not widely reported doesn't fit with your typical misogynistic worldview.

If some fag assfucked me I sure as hell would make it my life goal to put him permanently behind bars.
This shit is retarded


A study made by whom, asking who, how many, where and under what circumstances? Studies are notorious for being massively manipulated for one cause or another.

There is a reason women got the right to vote in the last century.

>Does that make sense?
Yes and no. I understand why they do it, but it doesn't make it any less retarded. You are presented with the choice between your career and your own well being. Seems like most people are so much of a slave to the all mighty dollar that they would throw their integrity and well being into the trash bin just to earn a buck.
>People might think they're strong and want to move on instead of facing the countless men on boards like this who'd call them a liar
Ehh... I mean, with social media and the way things are now is a game changer; one could say that it doesn't even matter if Jeremy did it or not, if the outcry about this is big enough, he won't be working on this industry anymore. And here we come back again at the topic of choice; why in the name of fuck do the women (even when they speak up now, years later) write some fucking blog posts and take it to fucking social media instead to the police and to court? Well okay... >"they see their rapist get a contract to score another Elder Scrolls game or whatever and it's not fair they get to continue succeeding in life without people knowing the truth, and they snap, to hell with the consequences, who cares if there's not enough proof to convict them, they can't get away with it."
It's still beyond fucking stupid.
>Wow that's racist. Racist's opinions do not matter at all. I guess Jeremy is after all innocent
A nigger and a retard. Delete yourself from the genepool please.

Well you just explained the discrepancy. Nice

That's why you go to the fucking police and not post a sob story on social media.

The Kavanaugh hearings prove the court of public opinion isnt the place to air your grievances.

Trying to ruin someone's life with more accusation is just going to desensitize the public to the subject and dilute its importance

Look at the thread-- theres no evidence Soule did anything AND the post is often more concerned with the hostile work environment of others. If Soule did this, which he might, you need evidence to support it, or a 2itness, anything better than because you say so

If 18% of women have been raped then it's a fairly common thing and it's reasonable to have baseline belief towards people who come forward. Doesn't mean you toss the accused in jail right away, it means you go, "yeah that's probably true", because it's such a common thing and that 18% statistic is astronomically higher than the minority of psychotic liars there are who want to ruin men's lives.

U.S Department of Defense study. Their stated intention at the start of the paper:
>Having accurate information about the scope, nature, and consequences of rape in the United States is critically important. This information can help policymakers make well-informed decisions, and may be used to guide the development of rape prevention and intervention services. Data on rape from national samples are especially useful because they give some indication of the magnitude of the problem in the nation as a whole.
>We interviewed 5,000 U.S. women aged 18-86. Of these, 3,001 comprised a national sample representing all U.S. women and 2,000 comprised a national sample representing women currently attending U.S. colleges and universities. The existence of both samples allowed us to examine the distinct needs of women in both community- and university-based settings to identify resources that might uniquely benefit them.

If 18% have been raped in America then the muslims have the right idea with gender segregation

damn, someone needs to bring black men to heel!

>This report has not been published by the U.S. Department of Justice.
>Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.