Fighters Pass 2 comes out

>Fighters Pass 2 comes out
>One more year of rosterfaggotry continues on Yea Forums

Your reaction?

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All my characters will get in, so I'll be happy.

banjo was the last character i wanted in. i don't care who gets in, but in the sake of optimism, i hope all your guys' favorite characters get in!

game's fun and i've got friends to play with so that's fine

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at least I hope the threads are kept to one at a time.

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I doubt Sakurai could physically churn out any more fighters, I feel like this wave is the only one.

This year's rosterfaggotry has been hell
I don't think I could handle another year of this shit

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>rosterfaggotry AND a sticky every time a character is announced
In case you needed another reminder how Yea Forums has turned into Nintendogaf.

Personally I'd be happy with just building on ultimate for as long as you can in meaningfull ways. I don't really feel the need for a new game when you have such a good basis.

On the note of rosterfaggotry: while it can be annoying, it's also pretty funny and majes the world a less noring place.

Rosterfaggotry is only so annoying because Nintendo allows it to fester untempered for months upon months. They need to tend to their fucking sheep and they won't keep shitting in our yard.

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We're getting a year of "okay, well who SHOULD have been dlc?" anyway
Rosterfags should be put to death.

If it is only Nintendo characters this time around, I'd actually be happy with it.

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Please no more of this advanced autism

I'd be down.
Wouldn't expect a Smash 6 for at least another 10 years though.

Oh shit here we go again

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God I fucking hope not. Rosterfaggotry, while always obnoxious, at least used to be fun. This time around it was just painful, and the fighters pass has only extended it for another year. Yet another year of this shit would be absolute hell, especially considering Steveposters would likely start back up again.

That said, I wouldn't mind them continuing to build upon the game with more content if they want it to keep going strong for a while. It just doesn't need anymore characters.

good fuck the faggots whineing about rosterfags in fact i would go as far to say rosterfags are based

Heh, lol

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This adding a bunch of third party paid characters won’t make the game better

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Go jerk off crash fagicoot or something

my reaction would be to stop coming, its already horrible

meh banjo already broke the last seal, in fact i dont really care about the last 2 anymore.
Geno would be based though.

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Put smash in your titles so i don't have to smell you stinky fucks.

>the leakbait characters actually being true
>people believing any leak
>double reveal at e3
>them actually listen to rosterfags which made them 10x more insufferable
No more autistic shitflining sad thing this is going to like February or something and it’s only 2 characters

I just want this dumb Steve meme to die so we can go back to enjoying Minecraft on Yea Forums without interruptions. I have some ideas for a drowned obstacle course I want to try with some strangers.

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Another year of it is all the more likely to exhaust the well of remaining fuel for further prattling about who needs to be put on the roster.

You're already starting to see some people say they don't especially care about who gets in, either from a lack of really memorable/relevant candidates (see: Nintendo running out of first-party titles to rep) or from the most spam-requested ones finally making their way in (three of the biggest Never Evers are in now, and most of those left are starting to succumb to age and irrelevancy).

Another five characters added are five more taken out of a dwindling pool that inspire their fanbases to clog up the web in search of their pick making it in.

In the end, the long game wins as always.

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theres barely a dozen good 1st party characters that aren't already assist trophies so they might as well crank them out in another pass

>Season 2 comes out
>2020-2021 dedicated to smash posting again
>Season 3 comes out
>we FINALLY get a /smash/

Doesn't help we're completely in the dark now when it comes to 4/5, it's how shit like the Tracer shit starts, we're so desperate for any sliver of info that some retards will believe goddamn anything.

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>listening to rosterfags

hoping my boy Heavy makes it in

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you should branch out to other companies games sometime nintendie

>we FINALLY get a /smash/

God, shut up about this fucking game

There are other better games to talk about

And stop with the false rumor shit it’s fucking pathetic