Someone says x game sucks

>someone says x game sucks
>Ask them why
>They link a review from an e-celeb
>"This video sums up my thoughts perfectly"
Every god damn time, anyone else notice this?

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>someone says x game sucks
>Ask them why
>they dance around your question and just equate liking x game to playing with poopoo
>enough prying later and they come out as being a platinum autist who only plays Yea Forums approved games
>they see nothing wrong with this

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>criticize game
>Instead of people providing counter arguments they just type some variation of t. zoomer, boomer, shit taste, or whatever other one line faggot response

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So, what game did your friend make fun of to make you this angry?

>its a good game just not a good X game

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That reminds me of when someone says a popular band i.e imagine dragons or coldplay is shit and when you ask them what they listen to, they list stuff like Pink Floyd and The White Stripes.

>Criticize game
>Person asks why
>Make a lengthy list explaining your issues about the game
>"You just don't get it" / "It's not for you"

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Well, did you watch it?

No because I am not a teenager, and in fact have no friends at all.

I'm already tracer

>someone says x game sucks
>"no equal starts"
>"no power contention"
>""exploitable" combos"

Shooters aren't fucking soccer Jamal. They're designed for mindless droning while you relax after playing angeal sport. The archaic days of arena shooters aren't coming back and Halo 4 was an absolute treasure.

>They should spend their time writing out a five post long dissertation on why the game sucks so you can just type 'lol didnt read' instead of posting a video that mirrors all of the points they would have made anyway.

>say literally anything about game
>"git gud"

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>Frogposter can't understand the concept of two different people holding the same opinion.

>be bad at game
>people tell you to become better before discussing it
Strange, isn't it?

>Someone says x game sucks
>Ask them why
>They show me the meta critic score

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this isn't a problem provided they like the music
considering Coldplay is shit

>Someone says x game sucks
>Ask them way
>"I never played it but..."

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People like to digest youtube videos and then regurgitate them, it helps when the youtuber caters to their le so funny sense of humor xD
hey guys check out my latest video make sure to smash that subscribe button!

>someone says game is bad
>ask why
>they just say a meme buzzword with no substance like soulless/movie game/zoomer game/weebshit

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>Halo 4 was an absolute treasure.

>this ain’t it chief
every time someone spouts a meme like that I already know they’re retarded mouthbreathers. It’s just cringy man.

>be a retard
>make this post
Strange, isn't it? Oh wait, it's not.

>is bad
>is mad about it and lashes out
Not so strange, I have to admit

Not that other user, but he's right though. Usually when people tell you to improve it's because you suck.

go look at the thread about minoria currently up, there's some dude telling literally everyone to "git gud" even to criticism about graphics

Hiveminded Yea Forums drones are the worst.

That's why I said usually. Obviously faggots exist.

which series gets this shit the worst and why is it sonic
or is it zelda

>Every god damn time, anyone else notice this?
People are less and less capable of having individual opinions and thoughts
disregard these people as they are not real

>it's a people start claiming a game is bad for a bullshit reason that literally didn't exist before some moron youtuber who doesn't get videogames started bitching about it episode

OoT is the single game that gets it the worst.

thats all you deserve frogposter

is Arin the worst at this sort of shit


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>you have to tell me why this game is shit
>...but it can't be any of its most frequently cited and undeniable glaring flaws because I said so

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>List a bunch of awful design choices in the game that ruin every aspect of it from gameplay issues to characterization
>"That's how it's supposed to be!/It's still great despite all that!"

>never watch ecelebshit
>someone asks why you don't like a game
>tell them the same reasons you've had for not liking the game for years
>"You're just saying what (youtuber I've never heard of) says!"
You can all eat shit and die.

>Make lengthy post as the best you can about a game and your criticisms or praise for it in otherwise active thread
>No replies
>404 2 minutes later

and people wonder why low-effort posts exist

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threads always fucking die whenever I post in them it drives me nuts

I couldn't shitpost to save my life I just can't

>someone says x game sucks
>ask them why
>"the fanbase is shit"

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>someone says game sucks
>ask them why
>They say it's because that's what they were playing when their parents told them that they were getting divorced

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>Imagine Dragons

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go back to club penguin you fucking zoomer.

stop making youtube videos then retard


There's nothing wrong with this and I always find it funny how upset autists get over the concept.

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