>People lining up to play WoW Classic, a game that has nearly all of FFXI's grind with none of it's community and meaningful social elements
People lining up to play WoW Classic...
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Fuck off with your weeb shit
ffxi is hardcore. WoW even classic is casual tripe. Most classic wow players would die in ffxi
Except WoW actually has fun gameplay with responsive controls and interactive combat design. None of that applies to FFXI.
Yeah wow is nothing compared to ffxi. Most wow players couldn't last a day
>weebs mad
Is worth playing this game in retail or is it better in a private server like Nasomi or Eden?
Been playing on Eden server for a couple months now during my free time. Is there a Yea Forums linkshell or a good linkshell with some people from Yea Forums in it?
None of that applies to WoW either
Depends. Are you fine with a heavily party based game having a small community, and having the chance that at any point all of the work you put in just disappears? Play a private server.
Otherwise, play retail.
>people ITT actually calling ffxi weeb shit
That's like saying Elder Scrolls is naruto trash. Fucking clueless 1 braincell wow faggots.
Implying retails service coudn't disappear at this day and age.
I tried playing ffxi for the first time recently. There was no community or meaningful social elements
This game is dead. In retail there is 0 community outside of tiny, cliquey circlejerk linkshells, absolutely not whole leveling, and since leveling with trusts is better nobody would anyways. The only time you’ll get player interaction outside of stupid boomers arguing in shout chat is maybe getting through ambuscade with randoms
So do you recommend any private server?
>fun gameplay
i started playing wow in 2006 nigga and you're fucking retarded. The combat has changed over the years for a reason, it was fucking garbage when it came out
Not in good conscious since I’ve never played one. Even when I played retail it was with friends the entire time, minus when I leveled SAM with trusts in a few days. Absolutely wouldn’t recommend this game alone
It won't. They said they had something big planned for the game on its 20th anniversary, which isnt any time soon.
Because the game is older than WoW, what do you even expect.
Not all classes are implemented properly in private servers. Some of them intentionally disable useful tools like Level Synch, which is kind of needed with the smaller playerbase they have. Some of them have retarded balance choices just because. All of them are run by the most autistic of fucks.
I played for the first time a few months ago in retail. And I leveled to level 50 or so, did artifacts, limit breaks, and got a chocobo. And I did all that alone, I don't mind playing alone sometimes but the server I played in was super packed, and I never played with anyone. I did the whole leveling and Bastok quest, CoP, etc with Trusts.
The game is practically broken devoid of any challenge, and I enjoyed it very much but is sad seeing for the first time all this content but at the same time being so meaningless.
I prefer Nobunaga's Ambition Online, the partician turnbased weeb MMO
Whoa 3 years older. And in all that time the gameplay is still boring macro setups.
Cope harder faggot.
3 years is quite a long time for an MMO. Shit in that amount of time FFXI was releasing it's second expansion pack.
I would unironically play 11 again if they added a new 75 cap server. Raising the cap past 75 ruined the game.
Also playing this game for the first time right now. The modernization of this games feels like it's clashing with the fundamental design of the game heavily. It feels like the game wants me to party to do everything, but trusts make that irrelevant. The airship is useless now with warp crystals. These conveniences help make the large areas feel absolutely lifeless and pointless to explore. I agree with other anons not to play this game alone unless you are a die hard FF fan and even then its a brutal game to get into.
I'm in this game for the story but the Shadowlord arch has been really underwhelming. Does it get better?
XI fag will never understand that this is not good way to get new anons into XI. That's why no one likes your kind.
I used the ships and airships for the sake of it, at least to see it for the first time. And it really sucks that you don't need them anymore. They should limit the crystal transportation within regions. As I said earlier, you can see a world really well crafted but now a lot of things are pointless.
No one wants you WoWfags to play XI, it's no loss.
I'm XIfag. Enjoy dead game and shitposting thread with 20IPs. Don't forget to cry about XIV.
Is XI worth playing for the story?
>I'm in this game for the story but the Shadowlord arch has been really underwhelming. Does it get better?
Yes. Much, much better. For some reason the plot for the main game seemed to be an afterthough whereas in the expansions it's the main focus
This, I must know since I already played 4 to 10 and 12
FFXIV is the clone of WoW. Not FFXI.
Not really, it's kind of generic if memory serves right. Plus to see the story it's in little bits and pieces between massive grinding sessions.
Don't even try it , FFXI as it is now is, unless you roll on a Private server (Which will mean a circlejerky community and possibly DRAMA) a fucked up hodgepodge of attempted "fixes" these days. And this is coming from someone who played it rather then WoW back in the day and have nostalgia for the community back then, and that is not getting into the private servers with their own "fixes" on top of drama.
FFXI these days is a novelty as best regardless of the "IT IS STILL SUPPORTED! WE GONNA GET CONTENT FOR THE ANNIVERSERY!" shrieking.
FFXI has aged very poorly due the attempts of making it age well. But those attempts were necessary. and even if you decide to approach to play it "just for the story" and thus embrace shit like Trusts and "Increased Solo-Ability" the presentation of it is ALSO a mess due triggers for later stories happening in the middle of you doing stuff for earlier parts and occasionally being forced to start later quests to do quest steps in earlier content.
I love FFXI, but the time has passed and i doubt "XI Classic" would float for a modern Audience at all since it didn't have the "WoW-Mania" even at its highest.
Yea, I definitely felt like the main game's story was a beta. I started Zilart and am immediately hooked. Are there any side quests that help enrich the story or am I good to just grind out all these missions + limit breaks?
>Meaningful social elements!
Ah yes like lfd/r design and 2.5gcd
Lol don’t kid urself kiddo, even Retail is better than tranny fagtasissy XIV.
There are multiple stories that end up interlocking. I'm quite amazed at how they were able to pull it off. You have the San d'Oria story, the Bastok story, and then the Windurst story. But all 3 come together for the main antagonist. Then you have the first expansion's story. Then the second expansion's story. Then the third which duplicated the original story by splitting it up based upon nation and interlocking with the expansion's antagonist. And it takes place in the past, so you see characters from the original nation stories. Then there's the fourth and final expansion.
yes for sure
how to spot a wownigger
To be fair, even XI doesn't have XI's community anymore.
So what's everyone's predictions for the 20th anniversary surprise? I thought it would simply be the release of the mobile version but I have no hopes this would end up being good. Not being able to log into your current characters and the inevitable casualization of the entire game for a mobile audience would render it even worse than retail.
Learn to read.
It looks like shit, and I don't like playing in a fucking smartphone, so if this is the long awaited suprirse, what a disappointment.
WoW fags love the story. Also, I've played half a dozen MMOs. None of them were WoW. The problem with story in MMOs is it goes against what an MMO should be. Massively Multiplayer games shouldn't have 30 minute cutscenes or individual story quests. Which TORtanic and Final Fantasy XIV put 90% of the games focus on.
Oh, boy, you are in for a treat if you think "Old" FFXI was ANYTHING like XIV. The speed is arguably slower and it predates WoW by about 2 years, with all the design caveats and lack of "QoL" of a Pre-WoW MMO.
>people paying to grind in a grind treadmill instead of just buying FF12 and doing it there
FFXI was just an auto attack simulator or spamming one spell.
wow story is so dogshit and everyone knows it, so anyone saying an mmo can have a decent story a wowfag starts frothing at the mouth in disbelief because if wow (the GREATEST MMO EVAR) doesn't have a good story its just NOT POSSIBLE and will plug their ears and scream while they skip cutscenes and then bitch about not knowing whats going on
In my experience WoWfags "love" the story only in the sense of it letting them shit on the other faction for being "Wrong" and thus being justified in shittalking the players of it.
Just look how hard people ate up the Camp Taurajo debate on both sides back in Cata.
All I know is that when all my friends were playing WoW, they obsessed over the story. They'd spend months creating theories about where the story was going and rush to play the expansion, driving me crazy over every little story point.
I purposefully avoided playing the game because I saw how it was destroying their lives. And still is, since half of them are rushing to get on WoW Classic and start the cycle all over again. For my part, I tried watching the gametrailers summary of the story and actually got so annoyed by it, I got agitated and angry. It's like someone took all the worst dime fantasy novels and copied them in a huge budget MMO. But then, that's also how the story of Final Fantasy XIV feels...
Yeah, there are sidequests that tie in to the main plot lines and even sidequests with amazing standalone plots. But they're in the minority.
Even the nation main quests' plots get much better after Rank 6 (which is Zilart content as well I believe. Like Zilart it already existed when it was released in NA)
FFXI was absolute shit until Zilart don't even kid yourself
Would you recommend to do nation missions before doing Zilart or doing Zilart first? Is there an "optimal" way to go about experiencing the story?
wow has pvp
don't start with that ballista shit
They're separate plotlines so you can do them in any order. Zilart's plot is much more grandiose though.
Also you can switch nations and get to Rank 10 in all nations to get the entire plot, but you'll have to repeat Rank 1-6 and some of the missions in those are the exact same in all nations, like the dragon fight, getting the magicite and the shadowlord fight
>tfw you will never play ffxi during the NA release again.
It hurts bros
Nothing wrong with avoiding a MMO if that is how you feel about it, Call me a normalfag but IRL things should always be prioritized over Online shit, and what annoyed me more with WoWs Story being the way they kept teasing plots in the game then were then resolved outside the game and then things from that resolved plotline shows up to basically rub it in how you missed out.
I still get to find out how the story in spite of not playing is going because WoWfags love posting about major developments to shit on it though, but i digress.
Do the quest an explorers footsteps. It gives backstory to nearly every base game zone and how the magical maps you use were made ffxiclopedia.fandom.com
retail is alright if you want to just blast through all of the story content for the 3 nations, Rise of the Zilart, Chains of Promathia, ToAU and WotG.
If you actually want to play and experience the game like it was intended you need to play on one of the three main 75cap private servers.
Nasomi has the biggest population and is the most vanilla/hardcore, but it's also full of the biggest most autistic faggots.
Era is full of chill 30 and 40 something year olds who just want to drink a beer, smoke a bowl and kill shit together, it also has the best code, most features but has a smaller pop.
Eden is like a weird mix of the two.
If you want to play on a private server and dont mind wasting 5+ years of your life, play on Eden.
If you want a more chill experience and potentially being able to finish all the content within 2 years then play on Era.
I cant really recommend Nasomi because it's more of like a fanfiction author's take on the game.
t.played Retail for 8 years and have also played on all 3 of the private servers.
Chains of Promathia story and cutscenes are some of the best FF moments of any FF game, and if you play on a private server (so the boss fight difficulty is like it used to be) the sense of accomplishment from finally finishing CoP is like nothing else you'll ever feel.
>the Promies
>the Aquaducts
>the Bomb fight
>the Mithra fight
>the Tenzen fight
>Promathia fight
>the final cutscene that makes literally everyone cry
Let me guess
>Sissy Queer: HAY MY SISSTERS!!!! Do we do group dilation later!!!
>Remilia Sasuke: Yush >_ERP from 3h
Whoa epic game.
Kill yourself tranny weeb
I wonder if they'll try to copy the Wow Classic shit and relese a new vanilla FFXI server. I'd play the shit out of it
It would be near impossible to do most of the content without the old population
You need to do the Three Nations missions to at least rank 6 to get access to pretty much all of endgame anyway, so you'll need to do at least one of those. They're overall not that memorable but the final boss fights for the 3 nations are pretty sick, the Windurst 9-2 mission is the hardest of the 3 if I recall.
Zilart is ancient race taking over the world using crystals blah blah blah. It's a good romp, good story, good waifus but it's short and sweet. With a good group you can smash through most of Zilart in an afternoon.
CoP will take a couple of real life weeks and a dedicated group to power through. It's got 9 hours of just cutscenes in it, but it's story is fucking great. Constant M.Knight Shamalamadingdong twists in it. Definitely marathon through CoP as quickly as you can because minor details in cutscenes play a major role in understanding what the fuck is going on.
Aht Urghan is kinda meh, mostly because it's full of "talk to this guy, now wait until Japanese Midnight" shit in it so you get time gated pretty hard.
WotG is overall pretty terrible and the worst part is they made players wait like 3 real life years while they gradually released one or two missions at a time.
Overall I say ignore Aht Urghan and WotG missions.
Play Eden. Nasomi is a buggy mess and only was popular because it existed before Eden but Eden has caught up and surpassed it. Ignore the retail reddit retards (literally the sole non-dead retail server i.e. essentially all of the English community is apart of reddit).
The only thing that made me consider playing Final Fantasy XI was I heard Masato Kato wrote it. Then I learned that he actually only wrote a small part of it. And no one can even lock down which part it was. And the gameplay/design was so horrible I wouldn't want to suffer through 100 hours to get to the one part he wrote.
Again, going to shill Eden. It's the best classic experience and it's goal is to be a pure 2007-era server. All the jobs work as intended with only some small kinks on the pet classes still but they've been actively improving them all.
don't bother playing on private servers. you'll just waste your time playing buggy shit that could disappear any moment. retail is also shit and dead, sadly. just hope for a FFXI classic re-release or something
Skillchains and MB were fucking cool.
This. Eden or Era. If you're busy in RL go with Era just so you dont have to spend quite as long exping. If you have the free time go with Eden for a slightly more vanilla experience.
The 3 private servers have all been up for years dude. My character on Era is like 5 years old and i'm still considered a newfag
>5 years
really? that sounds good and I guess I was wrong. I might check it out then
>Nexon mobage
Definitely do NOT keep any hopes. Fuck gooks
That's why XI is great. It gives you a 10 minute cutscene at the start, and then dumps you in the game. You only have to do a few story missions to get necessary content but it's nowhere close at all to how XIV forces its story down your throat. After a few early-on mechanics/maps unlocked, you can pick up any expansion storyline/content at any time you want. I actually never finished any expansion storyline except for Chains of Promathia, and barely got started on Wings of the Goddess and Treasure of Aht Urghan whilst having enjoyed most of their popular content.
Nigger that's early on game content sure. At least the game hinges at the beginning not on its combat but grouping-basis to hook you in.
Not even close, all i was saying it was different game for a different time, it still definitely had weebs and "Degenerates" but make the effort to hit the right keys when playing the song of shitting on them or you end up making them look better.
In this case you should approach the GRINDAN-4-EVER angle, purposefully unbeatable "raids" and the people who wasted days to beat them and heavy Min-Max mentality to call them no-life Trannies and Pedos that just sit in their LS and try to cyber the people they recruit to EXP parties and having been killed for the even shittier version of FFXIV and being considered so poorly by the FF "Fanbase" at large many seem to flat out ignore it even existed.
If i see a tard slamming the piano lids on his fingers like you just did then i will call it out.
Thief artifact armor quest line ties directly into Chains of Promathia.
Not to mention pretty much all content in XIV is locked behind the linear story, so you can't even help your friend do a dungeon until you are at that part of the story yourself.
Classic is a game for soulless ameritards what did you expect
>Recommending Eden
>Not knowing it was previously Kupo
>Trying to make money in a server that gave old players max crafters for free
>Kupo shit out rare items like haubergeon for free, near impossible to get without ERPing that one guy who carried over hundreds
>Dupe glitches broke entire economy, no chance for new players to get anywhere
>Entirely dead between 35-74
>discord tier drama everywhere, people get server banned for wrongthink
Private servers would be fun if it wasn't for the autism attached to them. Era is the best of the worst for shit like that. If you're able to host one yourself for friends or play on a dead meme server like the level 75 subjob one.
I fucking hate that. Who thought it was a good idea to add a forced main story to a fucking MMO? But then, XIV is barely a MMO
Shit, is all this true? I just downloaded Eden. I read Nasomi had shit like that so I tried to avoid it.
I just wanted to dps as a paladin was that so much to ask for
I haven't heard any of that, but the economy worked fine when I played last year. Got to level 50ish. I don't know if you're talking about endgame-tier shit. Either way it's the only good private server for classic experience, if that stuff is unfortunately true.
Nasomi has the same level of autism with players and their moderator team. Naomi himself a massive faggot though. Best thing Nasomi has going for it is it didn't let players carry over characters from a literal easy mode bonus server like Kupo. Both servers have actual discord transgenderes on their GM team, so you'll have to watch your chat messages and behaviour a bit to not offend the easily offended.
You can, but you need 5 other Paladins and go fight undead. Remember one dude talking about forming full Paladin parties doing that kek to level up in ToAU
>occasionally being forced to start later quests to do quest steps in earlier content.
The WoW line pics reminded me of a faint memory of people doing something similar with Bubbling Bernie on Asura.
Nasomi has those problems. It wasn't always trying to be classic-accurate, and all the glitches let people essentially get free endgame items, even relics. Even worse is Nasomi is the only moderation and he's essentially no moderation and his server is just band-aid patches all over the fucking place. It's a frankenstein of a "classic" server. Anyone who plays that server for a week will see it's not worth investing time in it just based on the all the damn bugs for basic shit like /search, delivery box not working, /heal being bugged. lmao
XI had those lines since launch for Sandoria mission 1-2 "Save the Kids" at Ghelsba. And also famously the game had lines for when those companion pearl NPCs dropped.
You know, shit where you need to talk to a NPC to do a Quest Step but it will show the dialog/cutscene to start its own quest and then you need to talk against to get what you need for the one you are on of the one you are on. I recall having something like that with the Chocobo guy in Jeuno last time played and did the Chocobo License, which admittedly is quite a while ago.
And there was also stuff like the Qufim Cutscene and the DLC Cutscenes playing when you first enter Jeuno (Likely doing Nation Missions for both).
FFXI was menus with monsters and some friends and elitist Japanese players.
Huh. Thanks for the write up
Literally should only have been for the first 10 levels. Even I as a 13 year old when I first started sifted through the menu and saw the blaringly obvious "macros" menu and quickly learned to use it for battle macros.
That is what level 1-10 and the voyage to the dunes was. The shitter filter is what our LS called it. If you can't hack it alone outside your city, learn to CAREFULLY venture to the dunes. Remember to HP. Then learn how to formulate a party and understand mob and group dynamics while comprehending adds and aggro. Then you quit like little baby man.
Once through that crucible a true FFXI player emerges.
To this day you can not deny how fucked XI's difficulty was when the first mission of an expansion was a wall. It doesn't even maintain the difficulty for awhile, even the other level cap zones were absolute jokes
yeah, Nasomi and Era are heaps old, like 8+ years.
Also where FFXI excels is you dont need to be max lvl to start doing missions, quests and endgame.
Chains of Promathia starts at lv30 and gradually scales up the level cap of it's dungeons, missions and boss fights as you progress.
Playing with people from Yea Forums is disgraceful.
t. i'm the type of spurg that other spurgs dont want to deal with
Also called the WoW Sieve
Google says he did Zilart.
This, but Chains of Promathia's difficulty was mostly overestimated and overrated.
The problem with Promies was it was newbro and bad player's first experience with
>listen to what people are saying
>dont run off by yourself
>true sight, true sound mobs
>challenging boss fights
>staying focused
>preparation beforehand
Where people complained about the """"difficulty"""" of CoP it was usually them just failing at one of the above.
I had a friend that non-stop bitched about CoP all the way up to Chapter 4 before he gave up, mostly because he was a Drg/whm that refused to lvl or play anything else. He refused to get appropriate low lvl gear and he refused to put the time in to get food items, meds, warps/outposts, show up on time n shit like that.
Like a mate of mine says, Chains of Promathia was a real pleb filter. It HAD to filter you because the endgame areas and "raids" it unlocks are literally that difficult and serious that you cant be a shitter when you get to them.
That being said, there were still a fair amount of retards who'd go do dumb shit like afk autorun in Sea.
>remove level caps
>help people with Omega
>it still hits level 85s hard
>the original fight was capped at 60
I don't understand what went through their heads deciding boss difficulty in CoP
so he wrote the story for a Castle in the Sky knock-off
Omega's not even that fucking hard. Pld Rdm Whm Brd and throw some damage dealers at it. Dead in under 5 minutes.
Maybe once every 15 runs you get bad luck and the tank dies but even then it's just "whoever has /nin and hate at the time kites it for 5 min while the Paladin rests up".
The actual hardest parts of CoP were honestly Sacrarium (because of all the linky undead agro and people being retarded) and the Bugbear fight (just bring a Scholar, makes the fight piss easy).
Even then ALL of CoP missions can be beaten by 3 multiboxxed Summoners with only Carbuncle.
If anything I wish it was harder.
I think the main kick in the nuts was how annoying it was for people to farm the rare/ex meds for shit like the Airship fight or the Mammet fight, so lazy bad players would just skip those thinking "i'll be fine xD"
Like with everything in XI, having MP merits, evasion merits, elemental/enfeebling magic merits and a weapon merited made all the difference.
No game can have the kind of community old FFXI had because that era of the internet has passed. You can't get 30+ people together to fight a monster with a 24~72 hour spawn window and the fight can last more than an hour just for the hopes that an item with less than 5% drop rate. Games have to have instant satisfaction with viable rewards for everyone, and a compass/journal that tell you every step you need to complete missions & quests. Nobody plays MMOs for a sense of adventure anymore, it's just about big numbers on the screen and fantasy dress up.
There's a lot more to Zilart than just the fact that Tulia floats nigger.
is fef ksi a good game?
If anything now with XI's deep core mechanics being min-maxxed to hell and 120% figured out it's kind of sad that clearing 95% of the content in the game boils down to two strats
>Pld Rdm Whm Brd Thf Sam and 12 Black mages. Darkness skillchain and magic burst Freeze II. Each decently geared Blm does 2.6k dmg each. This takes 20-30% chunks off of most end-game bosses.
>Hmm this mob has lots of nasty AOEs, hate resets, petrify and so forth. Just throw 18 Summoners at it until it dies.
I mean impressive considering it came out a year before Eve Online and 2 years before WoW but you'd think SE would've done something to add a bit more variety to the way to kill end-game bosses.
Well now that I think about it they kind of tried to with Absolute Virtue and Pandy Warden but retarded min-maxxers were too set in their ways by that point and kept just banging their heads against the wall.
pretty based not gonna lie
What the fuck is going on with that party's gear though.
>Mithra THF with no armor
>WAR using a 1hand sword with level 7 armor
>WHM and DRK with AF armor
>PLD wearing level 40 Sandy armor.
>Nigger wearing some Harness gear which is never good at any level besides level 50 THF JSE
>Tarutaru BLM in AF but doesn't have all the Elemental staves
>Some Tarutaru shitter in the level 1 RSE
Why would they use a RMT powerleveling group as cover art?
>heaven was first hypothesized by asians born in the 20th century
SE always showed the classes wearing sterotypical armor and AF sets in screenshots and official art. Probably just a design thing.
When you run the old installer on the CDs you see plenty of screenshots of shit that never happened, like Elvaan Rdms meleeing in exp parties in Ifrit's Cauldron.
>Elemental staves
I think this is probably SE's biggest design mistake. It's obvious when you look at all the staves, wands, scythes (for blm) and swords (for Rdm) that they intended people to use something else, but people were too addicted to how good the +10% shit on Elemental staves were.
>Why would they use a RMT powerleveling group as cover art?
I chuckled
I don't see the issue. They're obviously a linkshell of various leveled fags out doing shit together of various difficulty getting carried by the AF players.
>mithra thf with no armor
Probably level-capped but it's a mithrafag so what do you expect.
>war with 1hand sword and level 7 armor
Every war Lv7+ and throughout dunes wore this. He's obviously the one getting escorted to Jeuno or getting help with his rank2/3 missions or getting subjob quests or kazham keys.
>AF armor niggas
Carrying everyone.
>Lv 40 Paladin
Mid-tier linkshell member just joining along for fun and to socialize with his linkshell.
>Poorfar Taru BLM
>Another level-capped naked taru memer/fapper
actually when you go back and look at the game's low level armor there's honestly really jack fucking shit until RSE at lv30, and even then depending what class or race you were it ranged from "it's OP, use this until lv70" to "garbage, just stay naked".
Like seriously, you dont get any meaningful stats on any low level gear, save for Bounding Boots, Astral Rings, lv14 stat rings (if you paid heaps for the HQs) and Justice Badge/Spike Necklace.
Then again the gear from RSE onwards is mostly shit too, save for the one odd piece of armor for certain classes here or there, or incredibly rare NM drops you had to camp against bots for weeks to get.
Then AF gear is usually fucking aids, but at least it looks cool and for some classes there are some iconic, game-breaking pieces worth using forever.
if you went to dunes at 10 you were getting carried. solo until 12 and then dunes
It's funny when you remember just how little straight Accuracy+ items there were for years.
>Leaping boots and Empy pin can carry you to 60+
>level 33 Peacock Charm was one of the best pieces of TPing gear until Abyssea.
Yeah SE recognized that. That's why they added those new low-level NMs that dropped Lv1-20ish gear that was decent to use. I really enjoyed getting and using those pieces. Stuff like Clipper Shield, Pilgrim's Wand, Optical Earring, a few more. Nice additions.
fucked up thing was thanks to RMT (and SE not doing anything about them for literally years) things like Peacock Charm were basically in "impossible to get" tier for the average joe.
I seriously want to meet who decided to add the 2 or 3 low level items that were literally either good until lv75, or still competitive with lv75 gear.
Like seriously, the only thing that beats Peacock Charm is the Sea Torques, and even then the difference is minute and depends on the Torque (the extra Dex from Love Torque, the Str from Justice Torque etc).
And a fucking lv33 necklace that drops from a random mob in a zone no-one ever goes to drops a piece that competes?
Fuck man.
It's obvious how new of a genre the MMO genre was in 2002 when they coded this game cuz they obviously had no fucking idea what they were doing.
>I really enjoyed getting and using those pieces. Stuff like Clipper Shield, Pilgrim's Wand, Optical Earring, a few more.
My nigga. I loved getting those items too. Also the 1str 10hp -20mp ring or whatever it was from the lv10 NM in Tahrongi Canyon.
When I wore all those low lvl things I had so many people /check me, ask me where I got it and then I'd see them again 2 days later with all the same low lvl hidden gems.
Felt good man.
I played on Era for a few years until recently and it sucks though that at 4x exp it's basically almost a waste of time bothering with most of that stuff. When I played a Mentor character there though (1x rates but you get extra perks) it was worth the time.
It was just scary how overpowered Mithra RSE was as an all-rounder set. Taru RSE was great for melee and Galka RSE was really OP for mages.
i agree, nowadays on private servers people usually wait until lv14 or 15 to go to the Dunes.
But back in the day lv10 = dunes. You went to the Konschtat Highlands entrance with 5 randoms and got 1k exp/hour trying to kill lizards and running for zone when a goblin agrod.
i wish i could have played this more back when i was in high school, i started playing during WoTG which is when apparently a lot of people said the game started going down hill but i enjoyed the time i spent playing nonetheless
How long would it take someone to do the story if you started from scratch? Is it even possible to do solo?
I feel like I should at least experience XI while I can.
WotG was more good stuff. Only retards said that it was going down then. Abyssea is literally when the game started shitting all over everything it had accumulated as a world.
Eden seems the go these days.
oh so it was really just people complaining that every expansion is worse than their favorite one? i dont really even think i got to see a lot of what the game had to offer anyway, i think i really only got far enough in to get my airship pass
>some small kinks on the pet classes
Oh? Do tell. Anything that affects the DRG good boy wyvern?
while i can't comment on how long it will take you to do the story,the game has recuritable npc partners so you can pretty much solo a good bit of stuff by yourself
>Is it even possible to do solo?
Pal, that's the only way you can do it these days. If you're doing it on official servers it would probably take you a month or two to grind 1-99 since you'll have to do all the limit breaks as well.
>How long would it take someone to do the story if you started from scratch?
Depends on the storyline or expansion you're talking about. See below
>Is it even possible to do solo?
On retail, yes because the game is basically singleplayer mode with summonable bots.
On private servers, between solo and ~5 randoms depending on whether you're just getting cutscenes or if there's an upcoming boss fight
>I feel like I should at least experience XI while I can.
Retail's gunna be around for a few more years at least. They still have 12 or so servers with 500~1200 people online so it's a decent cashcow they're pretty unwilling to kill off.
As for how long....
>Three nations missions
Each nation you could smash out in a couple of days each if you really gunned it. It's mostly just cutscenes and running around, mission 2-3 and 5 are the same for each nation so have fun doing that 3 times. Windurst nation missions have a sexy catgirl archer waifu and Shanttoto (OH HOH HOH HOH HOOOO)
can smash it out in an afternoon with a couple of good, skilled friends to help you. Good rewards for finishing and access to sweet endgame area. Cute mini-skirt redhead waifu.
>Chains of Promathia
realistically, a couple of weeks if you gunned it. Once you finish mission 5-3 "Three Paths" you're only 2 or 3 hours away from "Sea" access (the big endgame area of the expansion, but still a good few hours from the very very end. Good rewards for finishing and 2 cute waifus (a redhead and a loli).
there's a bunch of missions and stuff that take place after Zilart and CoP that ties the two stories together. These have some really challenging fights and take an extra couple of days. Good rewards.
>Aht Urghan
pretty cool story and cutscenes but overall it doesn't tie into the initial narrative of the FFXI world, it's an expansion about a "far off middle eastern land filled with pirates" afterall. Cute loli waifu in this.
But you didn't miss anything out by skipping that expansion. It's entire purpose was to be a gauntlet of tough fights and epic cutscenes. All the expacs that added new jobs or important new areas were easily accessible even to people uninterested in the story content.
>All the jobs work as intended with only some small kinks on the pet classes
Can I 1-75 as BST? Old BST experience was great, now you just use Jugs for everything.
>those amazing leveling periods where you could use slimes and dominate while leveling.
>ywn have a cute mithra gf who teases you in public while being completely submissive in private
>Aht Urghan part two (ran out of room)
Overall it'd take you a couple of weeks, it's mostly soloable but the issue is it's heavily time-gated with "wait until Japanese midnight before you can talk to this guy" and "wait until next Japanese Sunday midnight before you can get this cutscene" bullshit, which puts most players off. Shitty rewards at the end. Very few people actually finished all of ToAU's story missions so no big deal if you ignore it, but at least do the Assault rank up missions so you can spend time with Naja Salaheem.
>Wings of the Goddess
You go back in time 20 years to the Great War where the opening cutscene takes place. Basically backstory that has very little to do with the actual game but lorefags find it interesting. Again it has lots of time-gated "wait until JP midnight" bullshit and shitty rewards at the end that make it almost not worth doing. Again, very few people actually finished WotG's missions because of the time gating, no reward and it's slow release schedule (they only released the last mission like 3 years after the expansion's actual release). It'd probably take you a couple of weeks to smash out this mostly soloable expansion, except for like 2 fights.
3 Mini Expansions
>Kupo de'tat
All of the Moogles go on strike. You run around talking to them and there's a kinda challenging fight at the end. You get a cool piece of customizable armor.
>Shanttoto one
Shanttoto's experiment goes wrong and she splits into 2 copies of herself, one good and one evil nazi version who tries to overthrow the world. You basically just run around for a day or two and there's a kinda challenging fight at the end. You get a cool piece of customizable armor.
>The other one
So much less memorable than the others no-one remember's it's name. You run around talking to people for a day or two and there's a kinda challenging fight at the end. You get a cool piece of customizable armor.
>for a single expansion
i came back and finished all the expansions in a few days?
>And there was also stuff like the Qufim Cutscene and the DLC Cutscenes playing when you first enter Jeuno (Likely doing Nation Missions for both).
God, I hate that.
The impression I always got from XI's developers is that they wanted you to make your own way. The jobs were all toolboxes as opposed to dedicated tanks/dps/etc and it was your job to figure out how to work them. So when they added new bosses I don't think they had a clear idea in mind but rather just gave the boss some crazy mechanics and thought "let's see how the players break the game to figure out how to beat him" rather than make an "intended" solution. That's how we got shit like AV.
Then due to the nature of the internet, a high end linkshell with a lot of resources to experiment with finds a working party and that becomes the "safe" option to take the boss down. But to be the challenge of XI was that you did not always have the optimal jobs available among people you knew or could gather, so you had to figure out a new strategy with what you had.
This is all conjecture but it's the only way I can make sense of jobs like Puppetmaster and bosses like AV, rather than give us intended roles and intended solutions, the XI devs just handed us toolboxes and designed crazy mobs and waited to see what we figured out.
He probably hasn't played retail since all the speed-ups. Lots of "wait for 24 real life hours" or "wait one real life week" has been reduced to wait for 5 real life minutes.
>wait for 5 real life minutes
weren't they changed to 1hr, or did they now even make them 5 minutes in the past year?
you forgot
>but with objectively better gameplay
funny how you Snoys always forget the gameplay when talking about vidya
>Abyssea's 3 expansions (basically cunts were too lazy to release one big expansion so they released 3 small ones for more jew gold)
There's no real story and it's just spooky alternate dimension stuff because Playstation 2 hard drive limitations meant they had to copy-paste existing zones and mobs.
This is the expansion/s that killed the game. Avoid.
>Seekers of Adoulin
I quit before this, but from friends I've heard it's overall a pretty good expansion. No idea how long it'd take to smash out it's story but where the game (in retail and after updates) at this point is mostly soloable the missions have a couple of boss fights where you'll need to team up with people.
Absolutely no idea. No-one talks about it at all, unlike Seekers so it's probably pretty unremarkable.
"So what do I play?"
Depends if you're on retail or if you're on an old-school style Private server.
If you're on retail you'll be lv99 and the content will be uncapped (this means fights that used to be locked at lv40, you can now go in as lv99 and one-shot everything).
On retail you can be like this guy and smash everything out in a couple of days, the only things holding you back being "wait 1 real life hour" and "wait until Japanese Midnight" time gates.
If you're on a lv75 cap private server a lot of the fights will be level capped, ESPECIALLY in Chains of Promathia. This'll slow things down a bit but also means you can start work on these missions earlier, while you're still lvling up.
Either way, I personally recommend....
>Do your nation of choice up to Rank 6
>Do Zilart
>Do Chains of Promathia (I recommend doing this as you lvl a 2nd job to lv75, like Nin or Brd or something)
>Do rank 10 if you feel like
>Do WotG
>Do Aht Urghan
and if you're on retail
>Do Seekers
>Skip the rest
The waits are still in on private servers. Stage 2 of Relic takes a week.
was this image from BG circa 2005/2006?
You must really hate Treasures to have erased it from your memory so.
>people actually bothering with a relic on a private server
Rhapsody's story is decent but nothing great. The only saving grace is the waifu's little storyline but beside that, you just kind of trod around each expansion for dat reference, and then just get like last rally from all the NPCs versus the typical encroaching darkness sort of boss. Either way, Rhapsodies is going to be completed in retail because it has all the game-breaking boosts that speed the game up x100, and it requires doing certain missions of the expansions to progress.
Seekers of Adoulin is nice because it's background ties directly into Vanadiel's origin lore.
Sorry I couldnt go into more detail, the 2000 character limit sucks.
If you had to limit your choices, just do Zilart and CoP.
They're FFXI Kino, bonus points if you do it on a lv75 cap private server so you can experience them closer to their original difficulty. CoP's infamy was in the difficulty of the many many boss fights. The first mission had a 'tard filter that basically kept any and all shitters from even starting the expansion.
yeah prob, like most of my FFXI folder.
not him but the only reason people even cared about Aht Urghan was
>Naja Salaheem
>the pirate dude with rippling abs
>the Loli pedobait Puppetmaster that got a million doujins
>the Generals in Beseiged that got more porn than all of the above
relics arent that hard. like 1 or 2 days or nuking statues in Dynamis with a Black Mage. Hardest part is actually getting 15 people together for a Frag run. The Attestations can be done with like 3 or 4 people and a good Blm or Sch or Rdm can solo the dragons for a Necroscythe.
Dunes was a filter of sorts. The game had a lot of filters though. Even at endgame people were still shit surprisingly because a lot of people didn't take time to research gear swaps.
>yeah prob, like most of my FFXI folder
i lost everything, including my chatlogs
i feel dead inside considering it was a large portion of my childhood
Thanks for taking the time to answer. Once I get a PC that wouldn't be a toaster a decade ago I guess I'll get retail and give it a shot since I don't really care much for private servers and mostly want to see the world and story and whatnot.
You can play on a toaster from a decade ago, the game is 17 years old.
whatever pc you're using now could probably run xi now with flying colors
that sucks.
i kept backups of everything, even my mountain of FFXI doujins that (at the time) i thought were awesome but looking back most of them are pretty shit.
I have all my screenshots too. Shit's like pic related for me.
FFXI actually runs better on toasters. New operating systems and new gfx cards have a harder time running it than old hardware.
My 4 year old gaming PC runs it almost as slowly as my 1.6ghz 1gig of ram, no gfx card netbook laptop does from 17 years ago.
On a semi-related note, nostalgia for a virtual space is fucking weird. I get sad right now just imagining the zones of San d'Oria and the music playing in my head, even though I recently played a few private servers shortly with a decent classic-like experience. Even if those servers are gone and retail closes down, the thought still brings a sort of sad joy.
>my mountain of FFXI doujins that (at the time) i thought were awesome
i saved every single one i could find before exhentai/neko-sentai cataloged basically every single one in existence which made it less like a treasure
>tfw that even if you ever get a gf that will cosplay Mithra for you, she won't understand WHY it means so much to you
Yeah probably not on this rig.
Looks more than ready to me. The game was designed to run on a PS2.
>Win8 Bing machine
oh no no no no no
glad to be of help.
If you have to play anything, my advice is jump on a chill private server like Era (if you want faster exp if you're busy in RL) or Eden (same vibe, just closer to the original exp rates) and have fun. Do the nation missions to get started, do some exp parties, meet people, make some friends and then do Zilart.
Once you're getting your head around the game and it's mechanics, go for Chains of Promathia.
You'll have a fucking blast and there's plenty of cute waifus in both.
It'll run it but FFXI runs like ass on Windows 8. You might be better off installing a Windows XP or Windows 7 virtual machine to play it on, no joke. I actually upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 10 just because FFXI ran at 5 frames per second on Win8 for literally no reason.
Neko sentai. Now THAT was a website. I was linkshell buddies with the owner too. Good (but crazy) guy.
Neko-sentai is still the only place I can find some old standalone FFXI porn images but they mixed it all together with the XIV crap now.
gulkeeva was next level autistic about mithra and i remember him constantly posting weird, over-the-top screenshots of his friends/linkshell mithras using modded emotes/clothes all the time. also, if you were in his linkshell and mithra, you were definitely in those screenshots
the only one who came close to his weird was mithrankittycat who basically created all the early dynamis strategies. at some point he got laid and then vanished
>if you were in his linkshell and mithra, you were definitely in those screenshots
yeah, that was the only scary/creepy thing about him really. I was a Mithra with the 2nd rarest hair type/color too so I guarantee I was in a bunch of them.
He sort of dropped off of the game after... 2008 or 2009, only logged in once in a while, mostly stuck to his website.
home to stanislav
who also just so happens to have created Discord and is Yea Forums's bane
>created Discord
>he doesn't know
>Meanwhile, Stanislav Vishnevskiy, a key developer on "Fates Forever," noticed that gamers were unhappy with the chat tools available. He got permission from Citron to start hacking on the side-project which would eventually become Discord. It quickly became apparent that Discord had much more of a future than "Fates Forever."
trust Stanislav to basically just copy-paste Slack and make the UI appeal to zoomers.
Props to him having the skills and patience to motivate/manipulate people into being the best geared linkshell in the game but the 1 or 2 times I actually was in a party or event/endgame with him he was such a condescending cunt, holy shit.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he played Eve Online nowadays.
Also, interesting name Stanislav made up for his chat program
>literally the origin of the Discord name is a tranny elf butt fucking the dev
forgot picture
World of Warcraft has better controls.
If FFXI had an interface and control scheme that was easily navigable with a mouse and WASD movement more people would play it.
oh god what the fucking kek
fuck off furfag, stay in your aids infested general
hey atleast you refuted his po-..
wait a second...
>a game that has nearly all of FFXI's grind
not even close
You ought to just install XP on that toaster anyway. It'll make all the games that it could possibly run faster.
Either way, I don't see why it wouldn't run FF11 just fine. Just don't fall for the uncap framerate meme, the engine is a piece of shit and capping the framerate at even 60 causes it to spaz out. You'll take your 30 frames per second and like it.
60 fps isn't a meme in FF11. It makes it much more playable.
>capping the framerate at even 60 causes it to spaz out
Other than brd songs tanking the fps for a sec, 60 fps is worth it. I haven't seen it effect anything else.
Causes trouble m8, most notably random slowdowns. A PC that can run Doom 4 at 200fps isn't tuff enough to run FF11 at a perfectly stable 60fps. Upping the framerate will prevent certain animations from playing too, which makes some cutscenes not play, which makes it impossible to proceed often enough.
Sadly the eye cancer that is 30fps is the only safe way to play.
I miss the Galka. The Roegadyn are too boring design wise.
>Upping the framerate will prevent certain animations from playing too, which makes some cutscenes not play
did every mission and never had this happen
>A PC that can run Doom 4 at 200fps isn't tuff enough to run FF11 at a perfectly stable 60fps
mine was stable and it couldn't run doom 4 on low settings past 70fps
on Yea Forums - videogames
now fuck off with your weeb shit
go back to twitch, zoomer
>did every mission and never had this happen
Oh? Happened to me a lot, before I gave up on not having eye cancer. And I mean a real lot. A cutscene's script would just stop halfway through waiting for an NPC to move their arm or something mundane but they wouldn't so it got stuck, switching the FPS to 30 was the only thing that would fix it.
>be 12yo
>find FFXI hentai
>still remember that one pic of the elvaan Red Mage riding on a tarutaru's chode in the ass like a living dildo and the taru has a retarded drepy face
It's burned into my mind forever
Well I too pretty much did all the missions and never had one stop. At least if you need to you can change the fps back to 30 with a quick in game command then change it back to 60 after the cs if you need to.
Current FF11 retail is totally different from how the game was because the social aspect is non-existent. They made everything soloable and easy to do.
Its still there its just been bumped up to endgame. You will even do XP parties at level 99, though you are grinding "job points", not XP. Think of it like a step above Merits
>Nearly all of the grind of XI
Proof you never played XI in its heyday if you think vanilla WoW's grind was anything like XI's grind.
>4500/hr exp? wtf, i'm not leaving this party until it disbands, even if that's another 7 hours!
Depends on what you want. If you want to explore the world and see the story and such retail is a good fit since you can move at a pretty good pace compared to the old days and can do most of it on your own with trusts.
If you want the old school grindan forevar days of yore, look into one of the private servers but always be prepared for the possibility of losing everything.
If se were to do a ffxi classic I'd be on that shit in an instant. But the popularity just isn't there anymore, retail is zombie mode as we speak.
Don't think I ever saw north of 3k/hr until the pink birds appeared.
imagine being this insane
would usually involve a brd and/or rng(s) (pre-nerf)
kys you fucking faggot
I wouldn't want vanilla ffxi though. It'd have to have the first 3 expansions and 75 level cap.
Right is literally me. I hate being American. love Japanese culture and the people more and love anime. How is that a bad thing though?
2d>japanese women>everything else
It is 100% doable and much easier because of the trust system. Even as a brand new player the game tosses a heap of trusts on you pretty early on, including some pretty damn good ones.
If starting completely from scratch I could still see it taking a few months though. Between getting acclimated to the game, grinding out jobs, walking to every area the first time before you can port, all the time you'll spend looking at wikis, limit breaks, arbitrary shit in the story like needing to wait for a full moon (can take up to three real life days if you just missed it) to regularly needing to wait until JP midnight to progress to the next quest step, your game time is dragged out a fucking shit ton, especially if you are completely new and have no idea what you're getting into. Even if you were a veteran and knew what you were doing, starting over and doing all the missions and shit again would be a big task. CoP by itself takes a couple of weeks moving at a good pace.
Try to look for when they're passing out E-chad rings and stock up a bunch of those by continuously creating a character, sending it's ring to your main, and deleting the character. About 8 of them should suffice.
I only did part of Seekers before I stopped playing but I remember it being time gated pretty well earlier on.
>wait 6 hours for a single quest token
>need to spend dozens of quest tokens to progress main missions
>tokens have a low cap meaning you can't just unsub and come back a month later to heaps of them and power through it
It cockblocks you pretty hard early on.
Seems like appropriate origins for fucking Discord.
>this jealous
Fucking kek I forgot that shit about Seekers at the start. If anyone can, definitely try to get to the town in Seekers so those key items can start generating and be ready for when you reach Seekers via Rhapsodies.
t. Fishnevsky/furry buttfucker
Wow. You are stupid.
god that comic was so cringe
My biggest gaming desire right now is to play FFXI with a group of friends like how people did back in the day. I never got to experience that and it sounds great.
Nezzie and Discord were in my LS, Lolsky.
I was and still am friends with Nezzie to this day. She loved trolling the fuck out of people and Stanislav was one of her favorite targets.
Discord was a slut American chick with a fiancee overseas. She had convinced herself that her and I were in a serious online relationship (somehow? i dunno we did like 2 exp parties and camped a few NMs together, apparently that means your dating?), I lose internet for a week or two, come back and she starts going around claiming I'd done some shit like scammed her for tit pics on Skype or some shit, i dunno.
She ended up getting found out as a dirty slut and ended up quitting not long after that screenshot.
Lesson I learnt: Internet chicks are usually psycho but it makes for good lulz.
Lesson you guys can learn from this: If your gf/fiancee/wife is a gamer that plays online games, dont leave her alone for weeks/months at a time while you're out of town or overseas. 9/10 she'll flirt with randoms online.
FFXI was full of horny gamer girl sluts and it's funny to see the tradition has been carried on in FFXIV.
until you get to a cutscene and the game crashes.
my favorite FFXI doujin was a mithra in a back alley that starts getting groped and raped by an invisible hume, complete with invisibile dick and invisible finger marks pressing into her boobs.
next day she goes back to get groped and raped by the invisible hume again and it's a trio of Tarutarus stacked on top of each other's shoulders.
havent been able to find the doujin since.
>#1 chat program in the world originated from some teenager's ERP session
Humanity never ceases to amuse me.
FFXIV is filled with horny gamer (((girls)))
ah true.
well XI at least had a pretty sizable population of actual females playing, but 90% of them were either sociopathic manipulative cunts who needed to be in charge of everything, scammers who were using people for free items and progression, or just turboslut nymphomaniacs that would show their tits and shlick on Skype to anyone in their linkshell with an accent.
talk shit to my real life $2 billion dollar valuation face
some British dude's slut American fiancee who used to shlick on Skype for randoms in her linkshell, no less.
I'm pretty sure I have RL pics of here somewhere, maybe even her boobs
but not gunna waste my time finding them or risk anything by posting them.
Some things are better left dead and buried.
>he was e-fucking Discord, the future icon for the ebil alt-right
>casually mention in a thread about the creator of discord being from a ff11 server
>someone has titty pictures of the whore who went by "discord" on his server and was in the same ls
"might" have titty pictures.
i have clothed pictures of her that's for sure
i might even have some screenshots of ERP
but I dont want to incriminate myself or get myself or pictures of her attached to "the reason the most widely used chat program is named after an FFXI slut"
best fucking game ever, especially in lower levels when you didn't know what you were doing
>world's most widely used online chat program
>hundreds of legit vidya developers and communities use it
>it's named after a e-thot that the creator probably ERPd with on FFXI
fucking wow
Well I found pics of an FFXI thot (a few actually), but the dates of file creation etc doesn't match up with the Discord story.
I might've actually lost my pics I had of her.
does ff have australian servers ?
There's something about the XI fanart. Never even played the game, but goddamn.
All of their servers were only ever based in Japan.
Era private server is hosted in Canada, if I recall correctly.
No idea where Nasomi and Eden are hosted but it's probably on their website.
>at some point he got laid and then vanished
yeah it was great.
a time where people drew nice art and porn of their favorite characters for fun and to have some good faps. Long before crazy ideas like "actually paying people on the internet to draw pictures for you" became a thing.
One of my friends used to draw XI fanart. I'm one of 3 people that knows her real identity behind her old pen-name.
pic unrelated, some FFXI meme from 2007 or earlier
i might've found some old MSN Messenger chat logs of her, lads
>a game that has nearly all of FFXI's grind with none of it's community and meaningful social elements
FFXI is a way worse grind than WoW has ever been, also fuck that games UI it's just fucking awful.
what are you waiting for? pastebin
if I can find the right person, and depends what's in there
>Long before crazy ideas like "actually paying people on the internet to draw pictures for you" became a thing.
Ah, shit, you're probably right.
>vast majority of fanart/doujins are futa
y-yeah, something
>played FFXI for the first time since 2006
>nobody even talks
>no one talks
your server is likely single digit people dozen-boxing
>meaningful social elements
I cannot stand wow, but this made me laugh.
>played XI back in 2006
>just leveling and grinding mobs was a social experience
>leveling 1-30 was a few month long journey due to only being allowed to play for maybe an hour or so a day
>incredibly satisfying and fulfilling unlocking extra jobs like DRG and SAM
>haven’t played since
>reinstall and try the free 14 day trial
>music, graphics, everything is like a comforting wave of nostalgia
>joy ends quickly
>get to level 15 in a single afternoon, maybe 3 hours, soloing, using trusts, never even changed out of my starting gear
Never played FFXI in my life why should I start now
guy who thought he had the dirt on Discord here.
nah cant find any pics or chat logs. it looks like I've lost all my files in the 6 month period right around when it happened. All my pictures and chat logs start from about 2 or 3 months after these pics but at least I can say I was online and in voice chat with Nezzie and Discord when those pics were happening.
i found other FFXI thot pics though, but that's a tale for another time and another thread.
Glad to be here in this thread for the realization though, and (kind of) glad that I might be one of the reasons Discord started ERPing with Stan, the future creator of the fucking program. The internet is a small place.
I could never get into WoW because it was too ugly IMO. I was an FFXI guy from 2004ish to 2014ish. God I adored that game. So many amazing experiences that nothing else will ever live up to. Met so many cool people. Still talk to a few to this day.
>I was online and in voice chat with Nezzie and Discord when those pics were happening
>Discord started ERPing with Stan
user, that sounds like too much of a coincidence that i literally found those pics through a certain google search while i was writing you messages here and i never visit ff11 threads
Also the fact that playing online with people was a novelty back then which has since worn off. I remember playing original runescape back in 2002 and having my mind absolutely blown that the other characters were real people
the costume design in XI and some of the other FF games is so fucking good
I feel the same about Mithra vs Miqo.
Mithra are the perfect way to make a cat girl race have the optimal ration of bestial characteristic to human ones.
Miqo are basically just people with ears and buttplug tail.
Tho I was always a lanky ass knife-ear so when feeling I was done with XI and on next mmo itch moved to FFXIV ma elf boi stayed almost the same.
fuck that just made me feel so sad
>still remember from time to time the girl from england in my Link shell who played a mithra. I was only 14 at the time but she was my first crush really. We’d go fishing all the time and just generally chit chat and shed help be with quests because she was like 30 levels higher than me
I've got a full head of hair and a visable neck, I'm fine
shit's weird
i mean on the flipside, I've seen the Discord creator's names before but never made the connection between the random slav CTO and some fucking Elvaan linkshell leader from 15 years ago
I have seen that pic before too, saw it posted on my linkshell's forums and a few other places in the days/weeks after but totally forgot about it.
Been trying to find an ingame screenshot to prove my story isn't fake and gay but I dont have any screenshots of her or anything anymore. The screenshots I have start from right about as she stopped hanging out with the LS and stopped talking to me; my PC died around that time and I didnt have backups.
Both WoW and FFXV have trash combat, range classes are complete and utter shit, you cant move while using spells/skills, global cooldown and there is so much you can do with this trash system that all of the dungeons/raids/trials(masked recycled content) that all mobs just stand in one place and have one or two wipe out skills that require you to move around.
Guild Wars 2 and BnS are supperior genres to those two. Both of these have dynamic gameplay, attacking while moving and doing ingame mechanics in dungeons and raids, constant dps and timed raid bosses so you won't spend a fucking hour attacking one boss.
Stop playing shit mmos.
who /diabolos/ here from 2004-2006
I want to fuck potato!
GW2 is dead and BnS is P2W corea shit. I'd rather just stop playing mmos altogether.
>also 12 years old
>copy and paste images from “final fantasy hentai” image search into a word document
>print and keep in wallet
zooms will never understand
Honestly I dont know why you are comparing WoW and FFXV since they are completely different genres with very little mechanical similarity.
Looks like you are complaining about WoW and I would suggest you stopping to play WoW if it makes you that unhappy.
Postive thoughts honey
>this entire thread
christ I didn’t even make it that far into the game, in fact it took me an entire year and the highest levels I had were 47 RDM and 38 DRG. It sounds corny as fuck but the fun came from the friends I made and the experiences rather than the “game” part.
>this was 14 years ago
this is probably my all time favorite Mithra picture ever. Thanks for posting it friend
the only difference between those two games is that WoW has a desginated server for degenerates called RP Servers whilst FFXIV is dedicated suck your life energy over garbage tedious story quests and prove space for degenerates.
Dahling I am confused :3.
Now you bring 3rd game to this conversation.
Still luv you,
Stop feeding the troll and quit it with the fucking babyspeak, you obnoxious retard.
the only diffrence is that WoW is for faggots
Postive thoughts anonny
Positve thoughts.
Your father would be so proud of you that you learned to type obnoxious correctly.
Luv ya,
>tfw a XI classic could never recapture the seething hatred between JP and NA players like it did at NA launch
I was legit racist for like a year because of this game.
JP ONRY. Someone post the pics of the JP Button and the NA Button
/p I call forth, the divine powers of Alanta
/wait 1
/em begins to lift the rock from the ground with his power.
/wait 1
/wait 1
/wait 1
/wait 1
/p Current power stats:
/wait 1
/em power bar [|||||| ] 30%
/wait 1
/em power bar [||||||||||||||||| ] 65%
/wait 1
/em power bar [||||||||||||||||||||||| ] 100%
/wait 1
/wait 1
/ja "Boost"
/wait 1
/em power begins to fade
/wait 1
/em power bar [|||||||||||||||||| ] 75%
/wait 1
/em power bar [|||||||||]40%
/wait 1
/em power bar []0%
/p I tried my best, tell me..
/wait 1
/p will i dream
/wait 10
/wait 1
I miss her bros
>mfw someone tells me mithra and miqote are the same