Post your favorite quotes from the MGS series. This is mine. "War, war is different."

Post your favorite quotes from the MGS series. This is mine. "War, war is different."

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Snakaroooo, Snakaroooo, Snakaroooooooooo!

Ketchup weight in, ha?


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Shitposting was the only thing I was good at. But at least I always shitposted for what I believed in.

I love this whole exchange between Gurlokovich and Ocelot. "I'm taking it back to the Patriots!" "The La Li Lu Le Lo!?!?!"

"You're fairly competent."

- Pistol Lynx


"I have no strong feelings about genetics or big boss". -Liquid Snake

>I was born in a small village. I was still a child when we were raided by soldiers. Foreign soldiers. Torn from my elders, I was made to speak their language. With each new post, my masters changed, along with the words they made me speak. Words are... peculiar. With each change, I changed too. My thoughts, personality, how I saw right and wrong... War changed me - and not only my visage. Words can kill. I was invaded by words, burrowing and breeding inside me. A philosopher once said, 'It is no nation we inhabit, but a language.' 'Make no mistake, our native tongue is our true fatherland.' My fatherland - my truth was stolen from me. And so was my past. All that's left is the future. And mine is revenge.

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>We've managed to stay afloat.
>Good job, Gayden.

>Huh...? What?! I-I didnt steal your leftover chicken nuggets, Snake! You think..... I did it? Me?! I have more respect for people's leftovers than anyone, you know that! R-Right, Snake? I havent had any nuggets! I-If anything its YOUR fault for leaving your leftover nuggets unattended, out in the open for anyone to eat! So what if I'm covered in grease, that could be anything! I'M the victim here Snake, dont you know that? I'm the only one that didn't even get to go to McDonalds!

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"The information we convey to younger generations, Jim" - Storm

It's amazing how Huey came off as a cute loveable Otacon stand-in in Peace Walker and then MGSV turns him into the literal most pathetic scumbag that's ever walked the earth.

"Col. Volgin, Col. Volgin, Col. Volgin" - Kuwabara from Yuyu Hackashow

That's what was supposed to be what went down for most of the cast. We knew we were playing as the villains, and we were supposed to see their decent into villainy. Instead we got more unanswered questions, because it's not possible to even give anything finality so long as investors are involved, and there's a chance to milk it.

"I'm f**king invincible now that my two sons are here"

-Son Downer

>Put grimace in the deep fat frier to die and used his own son as a toy for the happy meal.
Truly a person worse than Hamburglar.

I liked that, and made his ultimate fate much more deserving (drowning himself after finding out his second wife was sleeping with Hal).

>At this time I feel it is vital I communicate that my degree in theoretical physics seems superfluous to my ability to perform basic calisthenics and improvised use of industrial tools for weaponry in order to overcome the multi-faceted crisis brought about by what I believed once to be the hubris of man but had been unveiled as the hand of the powers that be. Given no recourse or guide I can only press on, solving the problem in front of me as it leads through fire and flame into the realms not ken to man, I am not in the wrong place, nor am I the right man, I am simply the one who can only progress, and in so advancing carve a new destiny for us all.
-Gordon Freeman, senior 3rd class switch pusher/hazardous materials prodder.

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>You ain't too shabby
-Handgun Tabby

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the one about 9/11

what was it

>Hey fuck you Raziel like what could I fucking do cop it or fuck the world.
>So just mcfucking kill yourself my main man
>Yeah but what if like we go with plan c
>Kane from C&C and Gabriel from the SMT series.

I think that was the intent. They didn't want him to just be Otacon II so they gave him a new direction.

>being this new

This is like one of my Japanese animes.


>A weapon to surpass Solid Snake?!
I'm paraphrasing but that's mine

"I forced you to expect my arrival for a while, huh?"
Hard Serpent

Rufen sie mich, wenn sie Fragen zur Flora und Fauna haben.

Me tardé un chingo, va?
-Víbora Tiesa


- Solid Sneak, upon infiltrating Shady Jesus Islet

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"War, war never changes."
- Liquid Snake, Metal Gear Solid IV

>You are above even the Boss... I hereby award you the title of Humongous Boss. You are a true nationalist.

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"This is the greatest handgun ever made, Colt Single Action Army. Six bullets, more than enough to kill anything that moves. Now i'll show you why they call me...Revolver"

>Allah wills it
Simplistic, yet powerful.

what the hell we didn't even fight yet!

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"Liquid, I am already an Oni."

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"Miniature devices, male offspring" Candidate. Legweak

"You take delight in delivery of death via your own hand! That's the solution!"
~ Alloy Cog Rigid Unit, Fluid Serpent

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Once you enlist, you'll realize that civillian life is completely boring. You lust experiences and adrenaline to the point where they are your only reason for living.

Politics, money, and sex are only a means to the end of controlling the world for the purposes of achieving war, which is where I get my experiences and adrenaline from; otherwise, they're nothing.

You truly belong here, in the battlefield, with me. Nothing else will give you experiences and adrenaline anymore.

Children will love my flawlessly well thought out way of living, and so will you. I take them in as victims of wars, including, most importantly, the ones I start, then I train them to become future soldiers. The cycle repeats.

By the way, I just love being valued, with me being able to help others, who always see me as a useful tool! This is another reason why I remain here, in the battlefield.

- The Leader Who Is More In Charge Than The One That Came Before

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Particularly for the delivery, if nothing else. It's a great scene all together.
Huey did nothing wrong

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bigger boss?

Arrrugghhhhhh!!!!! Water!!!!!!!!!

"your cool"
"believe your cool and you will be cool"
but only a few can be cool...

>can't prove anything
>is drugged, tortured, and interrogated from the moment he arrives
>accusations became so ridiculous Kaz literally believes Huey talked some ten year olds through repairing a Metal Gear when Venom, Kaz and Ocelot had all witness Psycho Mantis at the scene
Anybody got that picture of the cat drinken dumb fuk juice?

Even bigger than Bigger Boss?

It's amazing that retards think Big Boss needed any more characterization after MG2, and worse still that his Autism-fueled offscreen rampage because his mommy died is somehow superior to his original backstory.

Surprisingly Colossal Enough To Surpass More Colossal Than Colossal Commander?

>"Played college ball, ya know"
"At some cushy Ivy League school"
>"Try University of Texas"


Pretty tasty

Eeeee eee? Eee eeee!!
My name means Otaki convention

Fuck he's a loser lmao

>Raiden, I saw Flying Lotus at an alaskan husky-driving competition in Anchorage yesterday. I told him how age hasn't slowed him down one bit, but I didn't want to keep him waiting. He said "Oh, like you're down now, Colonel?"
>To be completely honest with you, I was taken aback. All I could say was "huh?" But he kept repeating the last word of anything I said as a question and going "huh? huh? huh?"and smoking his stomach cigarettes.
Oh, like you’re doing now?” I closed my codec and went to pay for my hush puppy slush puppy when I saw him trying to hide in a cardboard box by the exit with like fifteen rations in his inventory without alerting the guards. The next generation special forces were nice about it and professional and was like "I hear its amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flap-jaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on hara-kiri rock" at first he kept pretending to be dead and spread ketchup everywhere, but eventually turned back around and brought them to warehouse A.
>When they took one of the rations and started scanning it multiple times, he flashbanged them and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any nanomachine lalilulelo,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each ration and put them in a box and started to radio for backup, he kept interrupting her by throwing chaff grenades really rapidly.

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"Do you think I could love a murderous whore?"

"But snake is different!"

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>god I can’t wait to fuck the everloving shit out of Raikov’s tight little boyhole
>I also am looking forward to this

>I was born in a small village
timeless kino

which fucking version did you play...

>You have a masculine penis? Well this is unacceptable, identify yourself.

>huey did nothing wrong
everyone did something wrong, no one is without fault. but the traitor is kaz.


>kowabunga kowabunga....

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"Is Eat shit a 'meme'?"

"Raiden, you can choose to do the things you want, even if sometimes you think you cant choose to do the things you want"

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Shut the fuck up Solid retard, MGS2 set the series up for failure, MGS3 was a god sent

MGS2 was great.
MGS3 set the series up for failure by planting the seeds for MGS4.

Other way around, tard
MGS2 had set up the patriots, something that was never supposed to be answered, and Big Boss's story line had to be muddied and fucked sideways to answer that question for MGS4

Can flowers bloom on the field?

>Such a desire for retribution

"i am the thunderstorm, the water droping shifted"

>I am throat shot
-Noscope Dog, MGS1

"Oh Boy!"

-Random NPC that found a playboy magazine

"sorry for being late" - sonic snail

>So that's why they call him Vamp
>No, the reason they call him Vamp is because he's bisexual

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Isn't it weird that for 4 games (MG2, MGS, MGS2 and MGS3) the game structure was exactly the same?

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>We knew we were playing as the villains, and we were supposed to see their decent into villainy.
Still don't think we ever got this.

I think the most interesting part is that he was an ambiguous scumbag. People took it too literal when other characters accused him of shit but we never got proof of most of his actions.
We know for a fact what he did thanks to MGS2 but in this game the line is weirdly blurred

"A customer calls for soda. And we'll deliver. No tip required. No extra cost."
- McMiller

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"That takes care of the cremation"

Such a horniness for payback? WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

>He'll be chopped up faster than a foreskin in an American delivery room
What did Snake mean by this?

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kazuhira "fulton a coon and I'll shoot the balloon" miller

Any of the lines that BASED Fukushima wrote

So the entirely of msg 1-3



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"Give war a chance."

"What's a venezuelan garbage truck doing here, hombre?"

>Noscope Dog

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"Scream and lose weight,"
-Little Boy

"You have a great ass"

Find something to believe in. Find it for yourself and when you do pass it on to the future
-Solid Snake

- snakes theme

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Reptile, did you admire my spectacles?

“I kept you waiting, didn’t I?” - Solid Snake

>"The trojan horse is in, move!"
not my favorite quote but i think this line is proof that huey honestly thought it was a real IAEA inspection. thoughts?

oops pic didnt work

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"Have at you, Snake!"
For some reason, that line always stuck with me.


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erase this buzzword out of this planet


yes that's what they call a game "series"

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Huey is my favorite character in MGSV. To me he was the only one that felt like he was written with an iota of nuance, but they even fuck that up when they turn him cartoonishly evil with locking Strangelove in the pod.

I still like him. I hated him in Peace Walker because he was only there to be Otacon 2, in this game he's his own character. I like how deplorable he could be, I like how he points out the hypocrisy of DD.

I also thought that Christopher Randolph did a great job with his performance, he distinguished it from Otacon quite a bit, I was originally against the fact that they cast him in that role, because again it's just Otacon, but he did good.

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How come we haven't left yet? could it be related to our trauma? each morning, I can feel various appendages… even my toes. Have you seen my body or my old pals?… it is irriatating… like they never left. You can understand where I'm coming from yes?

"you make good skill"
-uzi cat

>Kuwabara Kuwabara

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"Our heaven is blood soaked, brought up by thousands of corpses. Our harps, assault rifles. Our angels, killers of woman and children. Our God, death. We have no country, no ideology, no reason to fight. We will kill, maim, rape, and defile for our heaven. We do it... because we love it. She choose to abandon us, to leave behind her gun, and join the rest of those... parasites. Whore."

>Growing old hasn't caused any retardation in your movements
-Cololnel Camplel


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