Latenight Combat
I am sick of constant pirate raids occurring despite having destroyed their base again and again. How do I permanently genocide every pirate man, woman, and child like the lesser race that they are?
Saturation bomb all of their worlds and take on every subsequent Pirate Base bounty. Alternatively, play the long game like I do to avoid pissing off the Independants by raiding all of their bases, disrupting every industry, then accepting every trade bounty for that world and never hand them in, ensuring that no supplies are brought back in. Install Comm Sniffers to keep better track of this. In enough time, you'll get notified of its destabilization. Stop by every now and again to refresh the industry reset times by raiding them again.
I love the Onslaught!
>tfw raiding and razing hegemony colonies
>find their starforge
>raid that shit
>Onslaught XIV blueprint, Enforcer XIV blueprint, Falcon XIV blueprint
I'm gonna find that legion eventually and finish the job.
I'm not even sure the Legion XlV blueprints even exist
If that's the case, I might be fucked out of luck. I'm hoping not, because if I finish razing these Hegemony worlds I doubt I'm gonna see a deserter bounty with at least one of the things again.
>yfw the enemy fleet maneuvers to prevent you from disengaging
is nexerelin good?
do I have to restart my save file?
good bot
How do you outfit your Onslaught? Standard is just flak cannons?
>Finally finish replacing all default mod and core portraits with custom portraits so the game is less ugly
>Now I just have to assign the rest of my 640 custom portraits to all core and mod factions
Is there a noob guide for getting good?
I tried running some simulations on my starter Wolf frigate (against 3-5 deployment cost enemies) and I can only win 1v1 like a third of the time.
By the time I start to eat through their shields and push them to high flux, I'm capped out myself, even if I go in kamikaze with no shields. Both the fluxes are maxed out on my ship.
I tried sabot missiles, but it has such a low ammo capacity that if I don't kill them in 1 or 2 attacks I'm fucked again.
Someone go make a bullet hell super capital ship
Just press U. Combat is not usually 1v1.
Real men take on entire fleets in a single Doom.
>Find the modding guide in the discord that shows how to add animated .png portraits & backgrounds
>Futanari Fuckfest Mod is a go
Wolf is not very good, number 1. 2, play some of the missions. If you can beat Sinking the Bismar and the one where you're in the Paragon, you have officially gotten gud.
>have a shitload of money
>can't find any good ships to buy
Can you add animated images in dialog options, as colony industry icons or other places like mid-combat? I can imagine boarding scenes for disabled ships.
>it's a pirate armada "ambushing" your bounty hunting fleet
I wish the combat was more like battlestar galactica deadlock.
>No shields
>Directional armor
>Crew offensive/defensive stances
Starsector's combat is just too easy.
Wtf is that Ice Poseidon?
Since people are saying that this game is space mountain blade, what's this game's equivalent to dickplomacy mod?
>no shields
Say hello to my little friend
No shields means that in BSG:D you have to shield smaller vessels with battlestar flak, send strikecraft to intercept missiles, use limited decoys or maneuver to dodge unguided rockets.
In starsector you just turn on your shields because the AI is too stupid to use missiles.
>hedge money send AI inspection
>bride is now 200k
>fuck this shit, I'm not paying.
>my colony resisted the inspection
>reputation hit -50
Oh, so I'm the bad guy now, huh? Managed to sneak upon one of their station and dumped a bunch of Gamma. Now I'm green with them.
How much rep do I need to use my influence to avert inspections? And does it increase in cost like bribe?
Maybe I should try unplugging cores once. I don't even have an Alpha yet.
>turn off transponder
>hit inspection while they're on the way
>rep with faction takes a 1-3 point hit
read the guide user, or mod the configs if you don't like how vanilla handles it.
They're also of different scale and scope.
Pirates haven't been hard so far, but I'm just exploring while aligned to them. Found a pirate base way out in the middle of nowhere as a result of a delivery contract and have been using it as a hub to find blueprints and sell it on the pirate station's non-blackmarket because it has lower tariffs than the actual blackmarket.
4channel's best minds are developing it
It will feature all your favourite characters from that sexy ninja girls game
I did that once to Lobster Inc. raiding party (they wanted to disrupt my mining operation). So it's viable, huh.
It's just sometimes news hit while you're far away, exploring.
Is this tsundere planet?
>75% hazard rating
>b-baka, dont colonize me
What is this game about? Is this like FTL?
2d Freelancer
I have no idea what that is. Can you like explain or compare it to some games?
I never played it but I've heard it compared to "Mount & blade in space"
space mountain blade
Space mount and blade. Theres currently no endgame except whatever goal you set for yourself and you can easily add new factions with mods.
guess im gonna try this out since i love m&b
Was their a big update?
Whsats new
There was a popular video presentation on it recently.
It brought in a great deal of new players.
No major updates recently.
last night I dreamed that the game Freelancer had a remake with all new graphics,audio,gameplay improvements and features
then I woke up to the sound of a wasp stuck in my AC.
reality is so disappointing.
I recommend one mod to start with called Speed Up. It makes combat go faster without changing the base game.
Here is the mod list link for the major mods.
Once you have played the base game and know whats up i highly recommend looking at the faction mods and getting the ones you like.
forgot the link
Btw i also recommend Another Portrait Pack but you can use whichever one looks good to you or add your own.
That looks like a homeworld ship, what mod is that?
Disassemble Reassemble.
Is there any way to see the details of your monthly income/expenses?
Press d, open the income tab
Not accurate, doesn't properly track changes
Legion XIV blueprints don't exist. Alex said it's a bug and will be fixed eventually. I think they also can't spawn in NPC fleets because they don't have any variants specified, but that might have been already fixed.
Post guide
>the pirate station's non-blackmarket because it has lower tariffs than the actual blackmarket
wait what
Enjoy your decked out pirates.
He is a pirate.
Depending on the mods you use this isn't an issue. If you need an XIV Legion bp to drop, the line in
XIV Battlegroup Blueprint Package,XIV_package,"package_bp, no_drop",,1000000,1000,1,graphics/icons/cargo/blueprint_basic.png,ui_chip_pickup,ui_bp_package_drop,com.fs.starfarer.api.campaign.impl.items.MultiBlueprintItemPlugin,XIV_bp,A set of blueprints that enable heavy industry to produce the near-legendary hulls employed by the Hegemony-founding XIV Battlegroup. The continued existence - and location - of these blueprints is subject of many rumors.,270
remove no_drop and add the XIV Legion shipid to the blueprint.
You will also need to add the tag to its file in
Oddly specific that only the Legion lacks a XIV blueprint. Are they particularly good? I've seen some mixed messages on the standard variant but nothing on the XIV variant.
>find 75% planet near core worlds
>find paragon blueprint and tachyon lance blueprint soon after
Sure it's fun deleting things with one burst of lasers but I feel like nothing can stop me anymore and I've already lost interest in this playthrough because of it
They're even slower (not like it matters with a lumbering behemoth like the Legion), but they replace the two large ballistic mounts with large missile mounts, which is superior imo
iirc the XIV variant gives it a big armor boost. It might do more, but fuck if I remember. Basically it's just better at being a Legion than the regular Legion. It still has the same problems, being slow as fucking hell, weak to anal, and glacial maneuverability.
I wish you could start a second save in a genned sector. I only started this save for testing but this sector looks nice and I want to keep it, but I just picked random sht for my start and portrait which irks me.
You can. Copy the seed from your current save and type it in when starting a new game. You'll need to have the exact same mod list though.
There's seeds, huh? Never noticed.
Right. I knew the benefits of the XIV hull mod but couldn't remember what the changes to the Legion were mount-wise. Here's hoping there's still one or two floating around for me to reclaim.
rape and enslave planet option added yet?
Favorite non-Doom cruiser?
For me? It's the Starlight Cabal Aurora.
You must love purple.
Falcon (P) of course.
My negroid brother
>carriers are already overpowered
>SWP adds even better carriers
Why though?
>tfw you destroy the path and pirate bases that were harassing your little colony
feels good man
They'll be back a day later.
what is it guys?
looks scary
You have to fight a miniboss to unlock it. After that, if you settle this system, you can start defrosting people and get a huge population growth bonus.
Aurora, Dominator close second
Eagle, because I can actually buy it without selling my ass for a comission. Fuck reputation grinding in this game.
How do you zoom out the camera like that?
Tell them, ruin has come to their world
Top. Minds.
Imagine being frozen at the height of human advancement, and then being woken up by some backwater warlord to toil in his mines and drug labs.
To me, the Harrier from Disassemble Reassemble is the epitome of what a cruiser should be: a blockade.
It doesn't have amazing frontal firepower like some cruisers, instead it opts for wide covering ballistic turret mounts (two medium, one large), which provide a very respectable amount of constant ballistic artillery to make approaching your fleet questionable at best. On top of that, it's well protected by energy based point-defense mounts in every direction to deter missiles and small fighter screens, and a single medium missile slot in the bow for added flexibility.
This package is then encased in standard midline grade armor and hull strength, as well as a large shield with above average efficiency and plenty of capacity to spare. Oh and it looks really cool too.
Let the capitals and destroyers do the punching, this cruiser is the mother watching over the pack.
Fuck the trijews and fuck AI murder machines, Ludd was right
Is there any mod that adds ships that can repair other ships in combat?
what happened user
tell us
I know there's a ship in Blackrock that has regenerating armor.
>mfw had to spent most of my morning organising bullshit
>now have to leave for work
>when I get home I'll probably be too tired to play and just shitpost for an hour before sleeping
Fuck this, I just wanna neet it up and play Starsector reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Yeah sounds about right. Just be careful it doesn't go yandere on your other colonies.
Don't say we didn't warn you, citizen
Is Seth the most powerful man in the gaming industry right now?
game unironically sucks dick.
>doesn't like his dick getting sucked
even gays like that, I don't know what kind of a freak you are
I wish I could zoo the camera in more
wtf how do i get it to do that for me
Nevermore for ezmodo
Gulf when I want to look cool
he and his toyota army
so i'm only now trying the Doom-class, and... holy shit. this thing is busted strong. like holy shit, i'm invincible, and this fucking thing can hit anything at any time with the teleporting mines. i've become a fucking god.
What mod?
The neutrino ships regen armor mid combat
and you get to produce harvested organs
with consent of course
Welcome to the big boy hightech ships, enjoy your stay
I've manufactured Paragon-class, raped a few expeditions with it. and i want to ask, is this the endgame content? This thing is basically unstoppable
pretty much
its either this or beating full grown remanant nexus battlestation
time to visit red planet then
Paragon is fucking busted, you two shot Conquest class and it's fucking gone. A Hegemony Legion class was less of a gamechanger when i found it drifting in space
low tech is less game changer
Doom, Paragon, Astral on the other hand
Does anyone here actually use vs armor bonus weapons?
My usual setup is anti shields and ion weapons to disable the ships when the shields go down. And then its just a turkey shoot. Also Salamander missiles to kill engines are amazing and small missile spam to cause enemy PD to poor out flux is my jam.
Anti armour missiles are great, mostly because they have fuckhuge damage. A giant pain regarding anti armour weapons is that you cant really easily tell if your targets still has armour left, like with shields. I find that suppression weapons that also deal EMP damage are great when shields are down because while they dont rip apart the armour the emp will disable most guns and probably the enginge, leaving the target fucked unless it gets help.
having anti armor and finisher missiles is pretty nifty, and it also means higher chances of killing a ship before their shields come back online. Plus, cruisers and battleships tend to have thicc hulls that just makes ballistic shit bounce off.
How do I DOOM? Swoos through the enemies and drop mines right on their heads and shower what left of them with rockets?
yes, but you are correct in assuming kinetic weapons are more important
I bought a Doom and I think I'm handicapped because I fucking hate the phase.
It takes a little while to get used to
Personally I prefer more honest ships
How do you your Eagle
I like Hypervelocity Drivers
If you lock onto a target you can see a hologram of their ship. The less color is in a part of the hologram, the more damage it has taken.
For example, in this screenshot you can tell that the Onslaught has been taking armor damage on the front-right side (our left) of the ship, as the color on the lock-on hologram is more muted there.
This has been a Tri-Tachyon sponsored educative broadcast. Have a wonderful day.
the only phase ship I like to use is an Afflictor Frigate for either chasing down fleeing supply ships of for shitting around in the middle of a huge battle by phaseing in, showing 4 reapers up a capitals asshole and, and phaseing out before their deathexplosion AoE would kill you.
is there a demo
just use the code from ~17 minutes into the video in
Huh I had no idea about that, thanks. I still like EMP damage because it's nice when the enemy doesnt shoot back.
If they have directional shields then mine their ass and while they raise their shields to block the mines anti-matter blast their front or if they have unguarded asses like the Onslaught just teleport behind them and anti-matter blast their asshole
It's been blocked for a while now
well then i dunno.
I usually put two heavy needlers and a heavy mauler in the front
light phase lances in the middle and two phase lances on the back rows sides and a medium PD system in the middle back.
Rear PD is optional and make sure you slap ITU on it
Thanks doc
>20 sustained burn
>Accept mission to scout abandoned relay near outer edge of map
>Sell my largest ship so I don't have to spend as much on supplies and fuel
>Finally get out there
>There's just a pirate fleet just hanging out around the relay for no fucking reason
>Get my shit kicked in because of their fleet size
>If I leave, I would have wasted my money on the fuel and supplies to get there
I just can't win
God, they don't call them phaseniggers for nothing.
You know you can store ships at markets right?
Oh man, I just tried that against smaller ships (Doom is a big boy, not too good for this), it's fucking awesome. One reaper for everyone!
Well, I know now.
When to ITU vs DTU?
storing ships is expensive as shit, but storing them at abandonded space stations is free (and somehow safe). You can also dump your extra guns there.
I love ion beams.
ITU if you can find one, DTU is always worse.
guys is it bad that I had dreams about where I should colonize next?
if you play tutorial that starting hegemony place offers free storage. I don't know how long though
What if a mod faction with no shields and just tonnes of armour, sometimes broken amounts of armour but on moving/locking hatches/plates that mean exposing yourself to fire?
>no shields
>insane amounts of armour
>may need to open armour plates to fire (takes time and makes you vulnerable)
>very slow
>very long range
>no energy weapons
>ballistic and missiles only
>very low flux requirements on weapons
>very low flux capacity/dissipation on ships meaning they have a hard time using third party weaponry
The planet in galatia, Ancrya(?) used to have no tariff due to a bug in 0.9
Seems like it would require some good coding to make the AI be able to use those ships and their new feature without going full retard.
Green knight security has no shield battleship
SCY battle fortress can close armor on itself but it has shields