What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Capcom USA
One frame links, esports, shit netcode, and abandoning sprite art for that chunky 3d look
Capcom of Japan
Ono being in charge, luckily he's getting replaced.
>One frame links
But it was in the older games. And when it got removed combo variety and the idea of skill level went right out the window.
>Shit Netcode
Was always shit and they really didn't have "better" options back in the day. Now there's no excuses though.
Was inevitable, They need to actually go to more consistent and talented modellers though (Like the guy who did SFV Urien.)
>One frame links
subtle bait
Fan base had their balls shrunk and is now whiny bitches.
Latest entry is shit but everyone migrates to the newest game no matter what.
nothing. The only people who complain about SFV are shitters who couldn't adapt and are stuck in gold rank.
The haven't owned the franchise since the mid 2000s.
It was the "too big to fail" Capcom fighting game franchise, so they abandoned all the others (even Marvel now) to try and prop up Street Fighter.
comeback mechanic and easy execution
>played ryu and barely get into plat
>pick up boxer and faceroll my way to diamond
yeah nah the game is trash
The artwork featured in this promotional campaign is really good.
unironically this
The goal of making it big as an esport led them to making SFV easy as fuck to play thinking if anyone can do it, it will be more entertaining. Turns out, everything being easier makes it more boring
They tried to pander to people using this board. Big mistake.
He still produces all fighting games. They just made it so that Ryozo handles both MH and the FG division. Ono is just one position below him. Nothing changes.
2009 and everything that happened since then.
Udon and hiring gaijin
Not the same guy, one frame links have always been cancer, I can pull off my main one frame links consistently with plinking, but that doesn't excuse them from being outright cancer when being in every fucking bread n butter, I'm not saying to dumb the game down like GG to GGXrd or BB, but goddamn
>so they abandoned all the others (even Marvel now)
Blame the fucking mouse for that, not Capcom.
It was both of them fucking up on top of them constantly fighting with each other there was no chance in hell MVCI could come out good.
As fantastic as it was, the Alpha series is what ruined it
Alpha is sort of where Capcom got the "Hey, just slap the Street Fighter name on it and it will sell" idea. Alpha 1 was supposed to be a quick, chap side project (and it shows in its production values) but it sold way more than stuff they had actually put effort into like Darkstalkers and X-Men.
Capcom's weird ass decision making
> launch with no single player mode whatsoever
> can't connect to nobody on launch
> no arcade mode
> no story (at launch)
> ridiculous trash tier fang gets nerfed in one of the first patches because fuck you for buying SFV
> Ryu gets shittier and shittier as patches go by
> bugs get addressed months after damage has already been done (example, Sim's shitty V-Reversal)
> still have no idea what to do with Vega
> beta on pc gets cracked and people get to play a version for weeks before launch
> FM gets harder and harder to get
> they introduce ads because fuck you for buying SFV
> variable offline input lag is discovered. Lag varied several frames. 44% of the time it was your fault for missing a meaty, the rest is the game fucking you up
> "fixed" offline lag by but stability can't get to 80%. Most fightans that SF fanboys won't be bothered to play have 95% stability
> matches online get laggier as patches are dropped
> big surprise for last evo was a total flop, regardless of the leak (which was unfortunate but their own stupid fault)
> story and arcade modes arrive too little and too damn late because fu-
> game's balance relies on taking away options on some characters (regardless of their tier, except Akuma lol) and not giving low tiers any significant buffs (increasing damage is not enough)
> arcade mode announces a new second V-Triggers for everybody that end up either replacing the first one or (as in most strong V-Triggers) is complete garbage
> oh, and lackluster launching roster that after many seasons feels incomplete
I'm still surprised this game managed to disappoint, confuse, and anger veterans, pro players, and boobs all alike
>Was inevitable, They need to actually go to more consistent and talented modellers though (Like the guy who did SFV Urien.)
They outsouce it which is why so much of it is inconsistent.
Ryu isn't real and my boyfriend.
Stop spreading misinfo Capcom wanted to launch SFV in 2018 but since Sony funded it they made them put it out earlier than they wanted.
They hired a Guilty Gear player to direct the combat and he got it completely wrong because he can only think about training mode:
Air recovery is completely fucking broken and antithetical to SF. An air to air had a good chance of having the person being hit to end up with advantage depending on your jump arc after hitting them. I'm not talking about a super impractical and situation instant air jab, but the basic meduim or heavy air to air. This has been stealth buffed since S4, but it's still not on par with classic SF games.
The disparity between walking forward and walking back hurts the footsies element that has been a conscious element since HF (even if it didn't have a formal name until years later).
Hitboxes are messy and don't line up as well as other SF games. It's ArcSys levels of hitbox retardation.
Lack of pushback makes long blockstring with some even being true blockstrings with no answer besides wait your turn. This is a staple of ArcSys and not SF. 3frame Short short short is generally the longest blockstring you'll get in a conventional SF game and even that could be interrupted in most games. SFV has horrifically long blockstrings thanks to medium and certain specials being so positive and characters lacking true reversals.
That doesn't change anything I said. That Sony "fucked them up" means shit ti the consumer.
Are you really telling me that without Sony's funding sfv wouldn't have been a thing? Capcom chose that way and lost. They thought they could have a complete game at launch and they were wrong
Stop making excuses for an incompetent developer