What's your favorite Halo weapon?
What's your favorite Halo weapon?
Hitscan BR
Armor lock
Shotgun. Every time. Every game.
Reach grenade launcher
I was always a fan of the Energy Sword, there's probably not many shooters out there that can say they have competently designed melee weapons in them
*dabs on br niggers*
Gravity Hammer. It was always so much fun to send others flying, including vehicles.
Brute shot and rocket launcher were satisfying, so were sword, sniper, spartan laser, and grav hammer. Plasma pistol's animations were beautiful. Lobbing a sticking grenade--like the plamsa grenade or that uh spike one, it's been a while--and tagging someone with it was the best feeling.
But all that said my favorite is maybe the needler. It's just cool even if it didn't hurt the most. Such a satisfying sound, animation and rumble.
This but the silenced SMG Is a close number 2.
How you guys feeling about Halo Infinite? God I hope it delivers. I really didn't like the gameplay in 4 or 5.
>but 5 had the best Multiplayer since-
assault rifle
Am I the only one that actually enjoys using it
patrician taste
scarab gun
I used to enjoy using both the BR and Assault Rifle back when I played Halo 3
I think one of my friends swore by it.
You posted it op, the reach dmr (no bloom) is my second favorite.
Needler, specifically dual wield
I was fucking good with this thing whenever I could actually get my hands on one. I always remember it being tucked in really inconvenient areas.
Needle Rifle from Reach is the only acceptable answer.
Here's your shotgun, bro
My favorite weapon is the fact that 343 keeps fucking delaying it fuckkkkk
Fucking this. It's like they took a scale model of the Infinity and made it into a gun for shits and giggles.
This. I can't think of a game where things weren't automatically better once I found the shotgun.
>where you have to read a billion books just to understand the plot of the fucking games
What the fuck is wrong with you people
Better a delayed game than one that's royally fucked up at launch. I'm happy to wait, so long as it isn't straight up cancelled. And if it launches very late and still ends up being a shit port, then I'll eat my fucking words.
that's only for nu-halo. All of Bungie's games are perfectly self-contained and you don't need to do your homework in order to enjoy those.
>the shelf actually curving and buckling under the weight of the books
>where you have to read a billion books just to understand the plot of the fucking games
That's what happens when you decide to play the 343 Halo games like a fucking retard.
>Playing Halo:CE on original XBox
>Hack system to alter game mechanics
>Assualt rifle w/unlimited ammo
>Pistol that fires Master Chiefs
>Needler fires rockets
>Can't save settlings on shut down, didn't care
God, I miss those days
There's a reason they brought it back for 3
Honestly it's only two - The Fall of Reach (which any Halo fan should have read by now) and Halo Cryptum (For Halo 4 about the Didact, forerunners, domain, etc)
Literally every single other book in that image besides those two are completely optional.
The Fall of Reach is legitimate quality sci-fi. Worth reading.
I feel like the people who whine about
>reading BOOKS!?
don’t even read in the first place.
>Bungie makes the games the absolute canon, the books were there in the background but never related to the game's stories in any way.
>343 - lets make a hundred different books, each with their own different author and make fans be required to read them in order to understand Halo 4, 5 and Infinite's story, and anyone who doesn't read them will be confused as fuck as to what is even happening!
I'm so glad I stopped reading the books after Ghosts of Onyx. Now I just skim a synopsis of all the books on Halopediaor something.
Also that image is depressing as all fuck. It's 343 Industries LITERALLY milking the Halo franchise for all it's worth by producing all these crappy books that sheep scoop.
If this "information" is so important then it should be IN THE FUCKING GAME. Don't force your audience to read a fuckton of books just to get the gist of the plot of a fucking video game
Was she even in Halo 5? Was she so unliked they didnt even bother to include her?
>37 posts
>no grenade launcher
Literally the only good thing about that shitty game.
>Muh Fall of Reach
didn't read lol
I read all the time, I'm not going to waste my time on some gay video game book. I bet you also read Star Wars novels.
>quality sci-fi
lol, yeah, I'm sure it's up there with Dune and Gateway
You know what the worst part is? That image is still missing like 5 other books, with 2 more books releasing in September
343 is never stopping with this shit
Me. I like the SMG/ODST smg too and use them whenever possible. Getting them to work on legendary is too satisfying.
wrong image god dammit
Honestly 5 is such a god damn clusterfuck I have no idea what 343 Industries tried to even achieve with the game
It COMPLETELY drops everything Halo 4 built up and then expects you to follow along with these teams that have had absolutely zero introduction (unless you read the books of course).
So for the first half you're thinking "How the fuck did we get here from Halo 4" to "Who the FUCK are even these people" by the 2nd half
>Halo 4 built up
Halo 4 was fan fiction at best
From the sound. How did i know from the sound
>dismissing a book you haven’t read
You’re not too bright are you?
Fall of Reach is unanimously considered the only Halo book that’s absolutely worth reading. If you won’t take my word, take the entire fanbase’s. Or don’t. You condescending chode.
fixed your pic. the only books that matter at all
You only have to read one book, Contact Harvest as it is written by the lead writer and cinematic director of the Halo Trilogy.
If you are gung-ho, Fall of Reach is ok to flesh out the Spartan Program and provide more exposition for CE.
>Ghosts of Onyx
My african brother
Because it's ingrained into your mind, as it is to mine.
I could listen to that gun fire all fucking day.
We're not getting MCC on PC this year are we....
Just Reach? Probably. All of MCC? Most likely not.
The Chad choice
nah, but it seems like we'll at least get reach
personally i'd rather have it spread out a bit anyway, it just gives me time to play other shit coming out like doom eternal and iceborne
Halo 1 magnum
Halo 2 BR
Halo 3 Brute shot
Reach needle rifle
never played 4 and 5
Reach Sniper/Shotty
CE Shotty
Halo 4 onwards isn’t canon and didn’t happen it’s 343 moneygrabbing fanfic
Is there palmer-lasky porn?
I'm gonna search for it oh man
as in the halo 2 br right?
>mfw halo online
It's not fair bros, the forge was so good
After 1 or 2 bugfixes everything would have been perfect
>there are people on Yea Forums who call halo baby's first fps but also want it on pc
all we got was 4 days
1 weekend really
And it's still the most fun I've had playing vidya in at least 10 years
Fuel Rod gun, the needler as a close second
I love the AR in Reach and 5 where it's actually accurate and bursting with it gives accuracxy, having to change the length of your burst in response to the range of your target feels great, and the shots are meaty as hell.
Sadly in Reach and after the Beta for 5, it's not actually efficient to burst with it: you are better off either spraying or using a different gun, which is a shame; at least for PVP, bursting at mid range with it in 5 in campaign can work well.
CE, 2, ODST, Reach, etc introduce their characters without much explanation as well. 5's story is shit but I don';t think that's what makes it shitty
>I never got to play this
>mfw playing as an Elite in invasion with this and a needle rifle
>evading with dual wristblade executions
God, it was so good. Loved being the alien invader
>trying to understand quakies
You do not bear the burden of knowledge
Be grateful
I sure hope Infinite isn't cancer like everything else 343 does
Spartan Laser
Why would I take the word of the fucktarded Halo fanbase regarding anything, especially books?
Did Dewrito shut down?
It's a mini frigate with a mini chief fighting mini covenant boarders
I was playing pretty regularly a few months ago
Speaking of, which gun has the most SATISFYING SOUND in the whole series? Specify which game.
That's what I thought. I haven't checked in probably a year but people post as if Dewrito shut down.
>I never got to play this
Nigga you can go play it right now.
it got dmca'd 4 days after it's big release of 0.6
>Youtube videos got removed
>Streamers got warned, some striked
>All downloads were taken down
All microsoft said was "oopsie woopsie that's not technically abandonware sucks for you"
I unironically love the books, the only issue was the whole fall of reach/Halo Reach debacle but the books so far are a pretty good read. Really flushes out the Halo Universe.
Should we tell him?
>Nigga you can go play it right now.
with who? the 7 russians that still have the game?
Spartan Laser
Great buildup, great payoff
you forgot the worst part
>devs no longer allowed to update game
There are 88 people online right now. I just launched it. Nigga make a fucking thread for pick-up games like you're supposed to do for every dead game. Literally just make a thread saying "join this server IP" and bored Yea Forumsirgins with nothing better to do will join. I've done that a hundred times for a dozen different games.
I played recently and there were at least a hundred people playing, plenty of full servers, and lots of people on voice chat. Just round up some bros user.
Fuck, which game? I dunno if it sounded different from its debut in 3 in any other game but let’s just say 3 because my most standout memory is lasering banshees in Valhalla and getting crushed by the falling debris
>playing custom Halo 2 game
>dude mods in a flying warthog
>flip the fuck out
good times
There's always 2 full servers the whole day, with Europeans and Americans. You can play it everyday
The UNSC Sniper. It's completely broken and really fun to use.
3/Reach sniper rifle
this, people starting hacking pretty much instantly
I was waiting for anti cheat and multiplayer forge bugs to be fixed but that'll never happen now
>that feel when none of your friends want to shotgun beers anymore because they all have wives and kids
>that feel when none of your friends want to shotgun beers anymore because they all have wives and kids
>That feel when none of your friends even talk to you anymore
dismounted chaingun
if I've only ever played CE and 2's campaigns is it worth reading Fall of Reach?
This and the needle rifle are my go to
Will someone ever love me?
The only correct answer. Shotgun in CE was one of the most satisfying and effective shotguns in any shooter.
>60 round ar will never come back
maybe if you liked the star wars prequels I guess. it's boring and mostly about master chief as a little kid, with a couple land and space battles towards the abrupt end. plotting is amateurish, pacing is poor, and prose is nothing special. honestly I wouldn't know why people fellate it so hard if I wasn't familiar with the target audience
I loved the Spiker and Mauler. I just wish they were actually useful. They should really bring back the stun effect CE plasma weapons had. The plasma rifle after CE has been useless ever since they got rid of that.
The BR will probably remain king to me as most satisfying headshot machine but ODST brought its rival.
The Chad Hammer
She was in 5 as Halseys babysitter
Sniper perhaps
As someone who hasn't been paying attention since a little while after 5's launch, is Halo Infinite actually Halo 6? Given that they did say it was gonna be a trilogy, and we've had 4 and 5.
>Halo and Philosophy
In Halo 5 in warzone and customs you can have an extended mag AR which hjas like 56 rounds, close enough
Pretty much yes
Dual wielding these babies, of course! Fuel Rod Cannon was a close second, though.
It’s not a trilogy anymore, it’s a saga
And yes Infinite is 6
Really fun catching a lot of high level Covies as they jump out of the drop ship
Was it really that hard for them to simply add 4 extra bullets?
I don't read any of Bungie era or 343i era shitty books, I only play the FPS games and nothing else.
I don't believe it was hitscan,
They said it like multiple times, yes.
Instant Rape Cannon
It's funny to me because the 60 rounder did more damage and killed faster and could kill more before reloading than most halo 2-3 weapons, along with the OG needler. The problem is that people used them wrong and then bitched up a storm.
plasma pistol
I also know that feel with 90% of my old friends. The group has shrank pretty fucking small and two of the closest friends dropped out six months ago because I didn't see them while I was in town one time. Sure I should have made more of an effort but fuck you man I come back like five times a year I'll see you the next time.
Watch the anime. If you like that the book is 1000x better.
>grifball will never be good again
I don't know enough about gun design to know what makes the bottom so egregious but I feel it in my bones anyways
It's solid. It's not phenomenal. Personally, my favorite Halo book was the one with all the short stories (Evolution, I think)
Yes see
Halo 4 was the Metroid Fusion of Halo
>retroduces the main character of the series
>served no purpose in the long run
>was made to test a new team and fanbase
>only wanted to humanize the main character of the series
All I played was Halo CE-4 and plan to play Halo 5 and Infinite next, I never really gave a shit about the books and never really had trouble understanding the games. Why should I even start reading the books in the first place when they serve no purpose in the long run?
For me it's the Plasma Rifle.
>Halo and Philosophy
what the fuck
I think the fall of reach has a decent adaptation on Netflix... it’s like the cliff notes version of the story
Halo has very rich lore, and some of the novels expand upon it. If none of the lore interested you, enjoy shooting aliens and robots. Who cares.
Googling it, I don't even think it's an official book, it's just some guys attempt at using Halo to explain philosophy to the Halo audience.
>plan to play Halo 5
Just do yourself a favor and skip it and read a plot summary somewhere. It's a pretty damning example of why 343 REALLY needs to get their shit together and why we as fans, or former fans, have our doubts about the future of a series we once loved. Or, if you REALLY want to see why people hate it so much, give it a shot, but don't say I didn't warn you. Fingers crossed for Infinite, because Halo Wars 2 was good, but not nearly enough to dig them out of the hole they've put themselves in.
Needler by far. It is unique, alien and even useful. It represents why we enjoy games. Fun and something you couldn't really see in real life.
The only cannon books are the ones within Bungies universe. First Strike doesn't fit, therefore it's not cannon. Only TFoR, The Flood, Contact Harvest, and debatably the first evolutions are cannon. The rest is fanfiction.
I'm just playing it for the gameplay, I rather not skip a mainline game, I only skip spin-off games since they serve no purpose.
>playing 4 and 5
>skipping ODST and Reach
Reach DMR, best rifle of the franchise
>Playing Reach
you can still play it anytime user, just look up ms23 download
i played a few hours just now, there is a small but stable playerbase
>ODST and Reach
>both shit
>worth playing
>loved by resetera and reddit
I'm glad I skipped ODST, played Rech twice, couldn't do anymore and now skip it on playthoughs, serves no purpose anyway.
name one person
>dumping the entire needler mag into an elite shitter and seeing him explode 3 times while flying through the air
the covenant weapons in halo 1 have never been topped in the sequels.
>really dont like halo 4
>one of my favourite halo weapons comes from it
railgun. i know its basically a baby spartan laser but i liked it, helps that its one of the few 343i designs that doesn't look completely stupid.
Halo 3 and Reach's were pretty good. 2's were decent but a bit under powered since you could now dual wield them. I don't play 343 shit so I don't know how they were in those games.
I loved the DMR
How can you be glad you skipped a good game?
ODST and Reach are my favourite halo games.
Halo 1 pistol forever
343 is "modernizing" weapons for zoomers
strangely enough i hated the dmr in reach but enjoyed it in 4 and 5
Focus rifle
Because ODST wasn't good.
It is good.
It wasn't
>doing that one assassination when you're both in the air and you just stab their spine before flipping them over your head
I really love that they gave the elites their own animations
you dont need to be a gun guru to know having random bits and shit sticking out all over the gun is a bad idea, especially if someone needs to hold it
>that hump thing in the middle blocks its fucking sights
what the fuck even.
The shotgun, grav hammer and rocket launcher are all my favourites.
its not really a gun but i always liked the shattering-like sound of the energy sword igniting from the bungie games.
>It wasn't
how would you know? you didnt play it?
grenade launcher and needler have a special place in my heart.
I want a needled Gatling gun in infinite
LMG in H4 is the most fun weapon. It's like the AR on steroids.
You mean the SAW? It was probably the best thing to come out of 343's Halo
I played Warzone in Halo 5 only when I could get the legendary variant of the weapon + buffs so that I could rampage across the map and PRRRRRRRRRRRT niggas to hell
pro pipe from reach
Yeah, that one. Even better than Halo 1 AR.
underrated, cooler than the beam rifle
halo 5 basically has this as the one of the hunter arms you can use in MP
Halo 4 Boltshot, then halo reach nade launcher, then halo 1 pistol
Reach handgun
The books aren't canon. As referenced with Reach, games go by their own storyline.
the beam rifle has always been kinda lame to me. it looked cool but it was just a sniper rifle that overheated.
Is there any cooler sci-fi gun than the needler?
It allowed for 2 extremely fast shots or 3 shots that were still much faster than the UNSC sniper rifle's 4. It had its niche, but it probably wasn't enough. It felt like an excuse to put Covenant snipers in the campaign
Ebony & Ivory
The bottom one is too overdesigned
Woah, really? I would've never noticed, thanks user!
Mi negro. Nothing more satisfying than filling someone with homing needles before watching him explode.
omg I totally see it now! thanks!